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What do you suppose Jim means by this?


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3 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Our qb isn't starting the season.   He is trying to do damage control

They wouldn't need to do damage control if they had just built this team right from the get go because they didn't Luck ended up hurt not one time but twice then whatever more damage he suffered to the shoulder by playing on it last year and now here we are. I believe I know what's happening here same mistakes that were made in the Manning era taking luck for granted and thinking he will always be out there to bail us out not the case.

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13 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

I'm now convinced Andrew will be out for a long time.

If that's the case there would be no reason to take him off PUP and everyone around the Colts is saying they will do that.


He's going to miss less than six games I am guessing.  The question is does he miss one or two or three to five games. 

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1 minute ago, jameszeigler834 said:

They wouldn't need to do damage control if they had just built this team right from the get go because they didn't Luck ended up hurt not one time but twice then whatever more damage he suffered to the shoulder by playing on it last year and now here we are. I believe I know what's happening here same mistakes that were made in the Manning era taking luck for granted and thinking he will always be out there to bail us out not the case.

Which is why the guy who built the team from the start of Luck's career was shown the door.  So they are starting over pretty much.  Irsay is reminding people normally when you start over sometimes it takes time to rebuild and years like 2012 when entering the rebuild stage are the exception.  He's just trying to keep expectations low which he should be going into this year. 

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8 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

If that's the case there would be no reason to take him off PUP and everyone around the Colts is saying they will do that.


He's going to miss less than six games I am guessing.  The question is does he miss one or two or three to five games. 

Is there a benefit to having a player on the active roster over having him on the PUP list? 

I don't know all the rules, but IF he is removed from the PUP list that would indicate he will miss no more than 5 games.

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Just now, ColtJ82 said:

I actually feel less optimistic after Mr. Irsay's attempt at transparency. 

He made it worse IMO.  


He makes it sound like it will take a miracle from god for Andrew to be back this season.  


It sounds like they have no idea when he'll be back.

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11 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

If that's the case there would be no reason to take him off PUP and everyone around the Colts is saying they will do that.


He's going to miss less than six games I am guessing.  The question is does he miss one or two or three to five games. 


Manning was taken off PUP in 2011 if I recall. Sometimes their rationale has just not made sense. I'd say week 4 or 5 at the earliest but my gyt feeling just says its longer after hearing Jim talk.

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1 minute ago, Boiler_Colt said:


Manning was taken off PUP in 2011 if I recall. Sometimes their rationale has just not made sense. I'd say week 4 or 5 at the earliest but my gyt feeling just says its longer after hearing Jim talk.

He honestly made it sound like he might never play again...

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5 minutes ago, ricker182 said:


It sounds like they have no idea when he'll be back.

well that is what they have been saying all along


they dont want to revel more than they have to by league rules, but i believe they really dont know themselves 


of course that isnt exactly a good sign  

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49 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

I'm now convinced Andrew will be out for a long time.


 I have been thinking this for a while now. Every time Irsay talks about Luck it's always in the long term. Now he is talking about football gods being a deciding factor. Thats a far cry from Luck being able to start the season, which is what Jim indicated would happen when the surgery was announced in January.  

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41 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Which is why the guy who built the team from the start of Luck's career was shown the door.  So they are starting over pretty much.  Irsay is reminding people normally when you start over sometimes it takes time to rebuild and years like 2012 when entering the rebuild stage are the exception.  He's just trying to keep expectations low which he should be going into this year. 

This year is going to suck.

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19 minutes ago, ricker182 said:

Now Irsay says there have been no setbacks in his recovery.  


At least that makes me feel better.  


I just want a healthy QB...


I wouldn't trust much of what Irsay says in regards to injuries.  He also said Luck would be ready to start the season when the surgery was announced.  So either there was a setback, the surgery was far more complex then what they led us to believe, or Luck is simply not progressing very well. Of course Irsay could have just said that to help him sell the season tickets that were still available last winter. This season is pretty much a waste anyway imo, i think thats the way it is being approached by the organization. They probably wouldn't care if Luck sat out the entire year honestly if he isn't 100 percent healthy.

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35 minutes ago, ricker182 said:

Is there a benefit to having a player on the active roster over having him on the PUP list? 

I don't know all the rules, but IF he is removed from the PUP list that would indicate he will miss no more than 5 games.

PUP means you can't play for the first six games at least but you don't count against the 53 man roster.  So if the Colts felt Luck was going to miss six weeks or more they wouldn't waist a roster spot when they wouldn't have to just to make Luck active.

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42 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Fire! Fire! 

The sky is falling!

Doom and gloom!

End of the season!

My diaper needs changing!

I want my pacifier!

It's all Chuck's fault!

Oh, woe is me.



You act like those of us who are realists are crying about what will obviously be a bad season. The drama is all of your own imagination and oddly needs to be recreated here ten times a day or more. Take a breather and back away from the keyboard for a day or two. We'll survive.

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37 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

PUP means you can't play for the first six games at least but you don't count against the 53 man roster.  So if the Colts felt Luck was going to miss six weeks or more they wouldn't waist a roster spot when they wouldn't have to just to make Luck active.

I get that, but are players on the PUP list barred from certain team activities? 

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1 hour ago, ricker182 said:

Is there a benefit to having a player on the active roster over having him on the PUP list? 

I don't know all the rules, but IF he is removed from the PUP list that would indicate he will miss no more than 5 games.


The advantage to having him active on the roster?  He can practice with the team, and start immediately when he feels good enough. Disadvantage? He uses one of the 53 players spots, even if he doesn't play right away.


Reserve/PUP, he cannot practice with the team, cannot play in a game, or be activated for 6 weeks.  Advantage: does not count against the 53 man roster.

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I'm going to go ahead and say that my gut on this has been that there's a bit of obfuscation going on- not anything more than gamesmanship, but that's not the resolution.

I like Jim, but that wasn't a graceful interview (imo) and he said more than Ballard would have ever said- or anyone else familiar with the situation. I could have given a more corporate response, without knowing anything more than what we're all kicking around here.


(Random question, if anyone want's to take a stab, despite my mood- does Irsay actually know what Luck and the Dr.s know or does the HIPPA stuff prevent that too?)


The PUP was never a guarantee of anything and now the pig skin deity has been invoked by the owner..

So what *we* know is that Luck is everything to the team. IF the Football Gods say hey, week 4 Seattle. That's what they say? I doubt it.

Grr. I really don't want to wade into the negativity too far, but dam..

That whole "it's a long season" thing.. That's the hope..

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25 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


The advantage to having him active on the roster?  He can practice with the team, and start immediately when he feels good enough. Disadvantage? He uses one of the 53 players spots, even if he doesn't play right away.


Reserve/PUP, he cannot practice with the team, cannot play in a game, or be activated for 6 weeks.  Advantage: does not count against the 53 man roster.



I have a bad feeling he will be out longer than most of us are thinking now.

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5 hours ago, azcolt said:

You act like those of us who are realists are crying about what will obviously be a bad season. The drama is all of your own imagination and oddly needs to be recreated here ten times a day or more. Take a breather and back away from the keyboard for a day or two. We'll survive.

It was a sarcastic comment. And no, the doom and gloom crowd is alive and well.

This is the NFL not some fans unrealistic expectations when things don't go the way they think they should go. It's easy to sit behind a keyboard and criticize with the way things are done when in reality those that do the most criticizing have no clue on how things work in the NFL.


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13 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I'm going to guess Luck comes back week 4 vs Seattle, and only because they'll rush him to try and stay in contention after starting 1-2 or 0-3 and being backed into a corner facing seattle in seattle.


They won't rush him at all.


Irsay,  Ballard and Pagano having been saying it over and over and over and over again.   To do that in the circumstance you laid out would be a disaster.


Compounding matters,  Luck will not be rushed.   He's a big boy and will tell that he's not ready if he's really not. And when that happens,  the discussion is over.    The season will get flushed down the toilet before Luck is rushed back.


You continue to see things almost no one else here does.   Post after post,  thread after thread.   Sorry.


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Here's a general rule of thumb I use with regard to the NFL and injuries.


Your favorite team is just not going to tell you very much about their key player who is nursing some type of injury.       That approach is common of ALL 32 TEAMS.        This is NOT a problem with the Colts.


And even when they speak the truth,  it's often in half-truths.     So, they'll tell you some of the story,  but not all of the story.      Not unless they either have to,  or if it doesn't hurt them if they do.


Teams hold information,  and especially injury information as a closely guarded secret.


So, even when Irsay says they haven't ruled out Andrew Luck 100% for the first week yet,  I take that to mean there's maybe a 1% chance.      That's it.      If it happens,  great.     But when it doesn't,  I don't think my team/owner is somehow lying to me.     They're doing what they think is in the team's best interest....




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In my opinion just reading between the lines after going over different Irsay statements and what not. I think Luck is ready health wise or else he'd have gotten IR or PUP. However they've maintained all along that they were not going to miss any steps. The next step in this process is for this guy to practice. Barring an intervention from the football "Gods" that process will take xyz weeks because this guy hasn't had any camp or meaningful practices in quite some time. Not only that, but his body needs to be in reasonable shape. Doubt the football Gods have much say here. This will be all on Andrew to advise preparation wise when hes ready. The team has advised they will leave this solely in his hands. But we do have previous commentary from Pagano stating it probably wont take Luck too long to get up to speed. Irsay said patience is the operative word. I personally think Luck will be back in the saddle early enough for us to make some noise. Just have to endure some displeasure here and there unfortunately.

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7 hours ago, azcolt said:

You act like those of us who are realists are crying about what will obviously be a bad season. The drama is all of your own imagination and oddly needs to be recreated here ten times a day or more. Take a breather and back away from the keyboard for a day or two. We'll survive.

If you were being a realist youd take more time to dissect the information that has been given from the team regarding the situation. And the latest steps they've taken. If Luck were to be gone 6 games or more they would save the roster spot and PUP or IR altogether. However you dont see them doing that. Instead they are pulling him off PUP and letting him practice with the team. They've maintained all along that the rehab is going very well so there's nothing I see health wise that is going to make Luck say "Oh I really need about 6 months of practice to be ready". Of course i could be wrong, but Pagano has made definite statements that it most likely won't take Luck too long to get acclimated. Once they pull him off the PUP he will be in the process of getting acclimated again. Remember this is a guy that likes to be prepared. He absolutely thinks practice is critical so there's no reason to expect him to just jump out there. If you're pulling reality from these statements and recent actions they've taken then I dont see how its realistic to say the season is over. We will however have to endure a game or two of Tolzien and Morris. Which of course will cause stomach ulcers most likely........

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20 minutes ago, Xander said:


"We have no idea if our star QB will be ready to begin the season and have not taken any measures to prepare for the event that he is not."


Lol jeeze. 

Irsay explained things perfectly. Luck will be back when the Football Gods decide, and no sooner. Everyone just try to relax......

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1 minute ago, teganslaw said:

Irsay explained things perfectly. Luck will be back when the Football Gods decide, and no sooner. Everyone just try to relax......

Seems like you missed the point of my post. The season is almost here,  and Colts have not taken any measures to prepare for the event that Luck will miss time. 

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