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Thoughts Of A True Colts Fan


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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.

Edited by Maureen
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Is he going to be healthy by March 8? Then I'm all for taking another shot with him. But if he's not healthy in 7 short weeks do you want to make an injured guy your top payed player on the CHANCE he might recover? I still don't know why people are making the jump already that he will be 100% again. We should have seen or heard of more progress by now I think. I hope he's back and playing like the old Peyton but I'm not optimistic at this point.

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LOL bold is the new caps.

I hear you and I feel like the organization owes him...but owes him what? 28 million in March even if hes not ready to play?

Unless we get some serious OL, better linebackers, a secondary and a running game we probably wont go to the SB next year even with PM. That said, I think PM can play alone all by himself and still get us a berth in the Playoffs so I'll humor you with this one and move onto the next issue...

The guy hasn't been cleared to play by doctors...do you think his wife and twins want him to start? How about when he's 45, sexting cheerleaders and throwing 6 picks a game...should he start then?

Eventually the organization has to move on. PM will certainly think hes ready to go when doctors, owners and even fans think otherwise.

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You should change the title to "Thoughts of a True Peyton Manning Fan"

Yeah, I'm thinking us true Colts fans want to see whatever is best happen for our team. If he's not healthy, retaining him would not be in our best interests for future success. But most "fans" don't see it that way because they didn't become a Colts "fan" until Manning arrived.

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LOL bold is the new caps.

I hear you and I feel like the organization owes him...but owes him what? 28 million in March even if hes not ready to play?

Unless we get some serious OL, better linebackers, a secondary and a running game we probably wont go to the SB next year even with PM. That said, I think PM can play alone all by himself and still get us a berth in the Playoffs so I'll humor you with this one and move onto the next issue...

The guy hasn't been cleared to play by doctors...do you think his wife and twins want him to start? How about when he's 45, sexting cheerleaders and throwing 6 picks a game...should he start then?

Eventually the organization has to move on. PM will certainly think hes ready to go when doctors, owners and even fans think otherwise.

Yikes, I don't like some of the comparisons I read there.

I believe Peyton would be the first guy to know when he isn't capable, and I doubt he fights it.

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I don't see it this way. I am a Colts fan for life. I was a Colts fan way before Manning and will be after the Manning. I am a fan of the whole team. I want to see this team succeed after Manning and I think that is what Irsay and

Grigson is doing. They are looking into the future beyond Manning rather it be now or 3 years from now.Let it be told Manning is not going to last forever although some Manning fans thinks that will happened.. If he comes back he might have 2 or 3 years left I would love it and cheer him on. But if he does not and retires well that is life. But with without Manning I will stay true to the team.

I am not going to not being a fan just because Manning is not here. I think some people does not like change, and does not like what Irsay is doing. I don't see a problem what Irsay is doing its time to look into the future. Life is full of changes, we might not like them. But its life, I am not going to stop being a Colts fan if Manning retires or if he goes and plays somewhere else.

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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.

WOW, these are the things I see posted daily about Peyton. I have not seen alot of negative about Peyton on here. There are some people on here that will voice concern about a 35 year old FOOTBALL player who has had THREE neck surgeries in 19 months, which is concerning! But even those people don't say it out of disrespect, just stating the facts. And yes this city owes Peyton a debt of graitude, however Peyton owes this city and fan base the same gratitude. This fan base has always stuck by him even in some tough playoff loses when maybe he didn't perform his best. When the national media would destroy him about another first round defeat, he always came home to cheers. Heck even JOE Montana got traded an Landry ,Shula and knoll got fired, all the best at what they did. So I get your passion, if you intended to take somewhat of a shot at this fan base, then you are truly walking around with blinders on. GO COLTS, AND AGAIN ,THANKS Peyton! however this goes down.
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I would put my fanhood of the Colts against anyone on here and because I can rationally see the merits of releasing Manning, that does not make me any less of a fan. The premise of this thread is terribly flawed.

I have sent in a request to have this thread retitled, diaries of a mad man.
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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.

nobody i repeat nobody wants to see peyton leave the colts, but you have to understand that the future of the colts is where we have to look. peyton will be 36 trying to come back from neck surgury to repair nerves and even if its fully repaired and peyton can play again, we're just one bad shot away from being in the same boat we were in this year. as the old sigh goes "you get rid of your franchise one year early not one year late"

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And Peyton has made a ton of money and become the one of the most beloved people in Indiana as a result.

Its not like he's out there sacrificing his life for everyone. He's been paid to play a game that he loves and do it in a great city that has great fans.

Im sure Peyton himself understands the NFL is a business and being overly loyal to anyone is a quick way to end up in the unemployment line.

No one wants to see the Colts do Manning wrong but if there are serious questions about his ability to play you cant committ that kind of time and money to him and expect it be the best option for the team...which will be carrying on long after Peyton is retired.

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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.

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I'd be willing to bet money that the active Colts fan base jumped a minimum of 30% in the Manning era. Why? because of Peyton Manning! no one else. If he came back at 75% he be better that 75% of the leagues QB's by decision making alone. I personally don't understan why any "college" superstar wouldn't fall in love with the chance to work under Manning for a couple years.

We dropped Harbaugh for manning years ago. Harbaugh a QB that actually took us to a conference tile game. We dropped him for Manning. We gambled and it paid off. a huge gamble! It paid off but do you really expect that gamble to pay off again just like that? Manning should be retained if for nothing else than his knowledge and how he's turned this city into a football town.

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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.

While we're at it, let's pay Bob sanders, Roy hall, Gonzo , etc too next year. They'll be sitting on the bench too.

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I would put my fanhood of the Colts against anyone on here and because I can rationally see the merits of releasing Manning, that does not make me any less of a fan. The premise of this thread is terribly flawed.


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LOL bold is the new caps.

I hear you and I feel like the organization owes him...but owes him what? 28 million in March even if hes not ready to play?

Unless we get some serious OL, better linebackers, a secondary and a running game we probably wont go to the SB next year even with PM. That said, I think PM can play alone all by himself and still get us a berth in the Playoffs so I'll humor you with this one and move onto the next issue...

The guy hasn't been cleared to play by doctors...do you think his wife and twins want him to start? How about when he's 45, sexting cheerleaders and throwing 6 picks a game...should he start then?

Eventually the organization has to move on. PM will certainly think hes ready to go when doctors, owners and even fans think otherwise.

Hey, I heard Manning has an open marriage, and I'm open to that.. :)

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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.

As great as Manning was, your living in the past man! THIS TEAM IS REBUILDING and it doesnt make sense to pay tons of money to a 36 year old QB who has had issues with his neck. Its time to move foward with Andrew Luck, and with all the money saved from not having to pay Peyton, we can surround this team with talent through FA. Carl Nicks comes to mind.

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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.

I understand the sentiment..

..but a lot of us will be Colts fans after Manning retires.

This year gave me a vivid look at what that's like without planning..

I'm in no hurry to get to the post-Manning era....but 2011 was a 'heads-up' that its coming.

I want Manning here next year..and I think he will be but we're going to wake up one day and Rob Lowe is going to be right...

..and the true Colts fans will still be here

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The Rise of the Colts being popular is two fold. Clearly the team was great so that builts interest but the two only NBA and most popular college teams were bad too. Indianapolis is a front runner city. They will follow whatever team is good and if they arent, they will fall to the side.

If the Pacers continue to the process of becomming legit Eastern Conference contenders and the Colts continue to be mediocre, that tide is going to turn FAST.

As a true COLTS fan I want whatever is best to help my team win, if that is with Luck as the QB then so be it. Not saying that is the case, but I am behind the TEAM with whatever they do.

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I don't get where Peyton Manning is holding back the franchise or their rebuilding. Peyton Manning will make about as much as Tom Brady. Andrew Luck will get about as much as was spend on Kerry Collins/Dan Orvosky/Curtis Painter. The Patriots seem to be doing okay. Why has it become this gulf that the ONLY way the Colts can rebuild is to get rid of Peyton Manning because he takes up 90% of the cap or something?? lol

Honestly, I think this is moving more towards John Elways last few years in Denver. Jim Irsay sees that Peyton has had little help. He is going to change the team so they are more balanced, so that Peyton doesn't carry the entire team. A more balanced team could lead to a Super Bowl or two. And Andrew Luck will then take over.

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As great as Manning was, your living in the past man! THIS TEAM IS REBUILDING and it doesnt make sense to pay tons of money to a 36 year old QB who has had issues with his neck. Its time to move foward with Andrew Luck, and with all the money saved from not having to pay Peyton, we can surround this team with talent through FA. Carl Nicks comes to mind.

He was our past, but he may very well be our present also.

Mr. Irsay and Peyton will hash that out and let us know.

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To be honest, I agree with everything you have said, but you sound like more of a Peyton fan than an Indianapolis Colts fan. No one player is bigger than the organization, even if it's Peyton. If we have to make a hard decision, then so be it. Just as long as it's respectful and doesn't hurt the team. I'm not an advocate for cutting PM, but if it's the smartest and best decision for the franchise, then I will watch him wherever he goes but will still be a Colts fan first.

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I'm a Colts fan 1st, a Peyton fan 2nd. I have no difficulty envisioning a scenario where releasing Peyton is the best thing for the team. I hope it doesn't come to that, but will not be shocked if it does.

Agreed that Peyton has defined this team, and may be the GOAT. BUT - remember, he's also been paid an incredible amount of money to do so.

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I think this thread illustrates the angst this fan base will be going through over the next 7 weeks and then for some time after that because I can envision a case where Manning is not healthy on March 8th, but gets healthy by training camp. Regardless, all of our favorite players age and the team has to move on. I am probably one of the longest lived fans on this board as I first started following the Colts in 1958 and have never stopped. I have seen great years and long stretches of miserable years, but I have remained a fan and will in the future.

I will say that how the Manning transition is handled will have an impact on how I feel about management. There were years when Robert Irsay ran the team that it was difficult because I had no faith in his commitment to the passion of fans. I felt his ownership was an ego trip an fans were only fans if they bought season tickets. Kind of like Jags fans may feel right now with the new owner. Jim Irsay, however seems very concerned about fans, but he also has to think about the new fans that may be lost if the transition from Manning to a new QB fails.

I didn't go nuts during this past year because we went 2-14. If that kind of record continues for several more years, I might go nuts because I don't have that many years left. I want us to win now. A healthy Manning gives us a much better chance to do that than an untested talent just coming out of college. With that said however, I don't think that Manning and Luck can co-exist for 3-4 years. Luck has to play and be the #1 guy as soon as possible. If that means Manning must be released, so be it.

I hated watching Sonny Jurgenson as a Redskin after he started as an Eagle, I hated seeing Montana in a Chiefs uniform. The worst was Unitas in a Chargers uniform, but I survived it and remained a Colts fan.

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I will start this out with saying that I am the biggest Manning fan there is. I remember the years prior to Manning and it wasn't pleasant outside of 1995 with Harbaugh and a couple other years with Dickerson. But the time to rebuild is now, and Manning deserves to go to a team that isn't in a rebuilding mode. If Unitas and Montana could play for other teams in the twilight of their career, so can Peyton. The Colts need to draft Luck and rebuild this team the right way. I will forever be grateful to Peyton for giving me many years of exciting Colt football, but everyone needs to move on. The Colts as they are now are not a SB team even with Peyton. They may be a marginal playoff team, but not a SB team. The Colts need to concentrate on building a good defense and a balanced offensive team. I really believe if Manning was in the Colt's plans next year and in the future, there wouldn't have been as many changes to the coaching staff and front office. Reggie Wayne and Dallas Clark are probably on the way out on offense and Brackett and Mathis on the defense also. Although I think if they keep anybody, they may keep Mathis. I know it is all speculation, but that is my thought.

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I agree 100% with what the OP said. Colts fans have the shortest memory spans ever recorded.

Thank god I am not like that. I wanna see Manning retire here even if he has to play until he is 50 and play horribly if need be.

Show some respect and appreciation.

People have their heads in Andrew Luck's blah...and he is not even guaranteed to be good. Most QB's are busts.

Like I said, If Manning doesnt start next year I guarantee a losing season. Lock it up!!! I said it here!!! I guarantee a losing season.

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First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.


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