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List of head coaches for next year


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1 minute ago, BOTT said:

Is there really any proof he would want that kind of responsibility?  I hear it a lot and have no idea where to comes from.  


No proof, but it's kind of the pattern when a big time college coach goes to the NFL. He has full control at Alabama, and can kind of name his price for any college program. If he's going to come back to the NFL, he'd want to do it on his own terms, and determine the kind of roster he has to work with. Why wouldn't he want control in the NFL? Pete Carroll has it, Chip Kelly has it... Nick Saban wouldn't want it also?

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1 minute ago, Superman said:


No proof, but it's kind of the pattern when a big time college coach goes to the NFL. He has full control at Alabama, and can kind of name his price for any college program. If he's going to come back to the NFL, he'd want to do it on his own terms, and determine the kind of roster he has to work with. Why wouldn't he want control in the NFL? Pete Carroll has it, Chip Kelly has it... Nick Saban wouldn't want it also?

I have no idea.  And while Carroll has final say, doesn't he have a hand picked GM who I'm sure does a lot of the lifting?  With Saban's connections in the NFL I could see him wanting that kind of relationship....and I would be fine with that.

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2 minutes ago, BOTT said:

I have no idea.  And while Carroll has final say, doesn't he have a hand picked GM who I'm sure does a lot of the lifting?  With Saban's connections in the NFL I could see him wanting that kind of relationship....and I would be fine with that.


Pete Carroll handpicked his GM. Unlike most teams where it's the other way around.


It didn't work out so well for Jeff Fisher. Has to be the right guy. I'm not convinced Saban is the right guy for that kind of control. I don't think SEC football works in the NFL, and Saban is the embodiment of SEC football. 


Like you say, it's an assumption that Saban wants that kind of control.

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You guys are crazy, we don't need any more Philadelphia type losers and we definitely don't want any old shoes from Cleveland, if we do that we are in the 1991 to 1996 era, do you really want that. We can't pass around and then collect duds like Grigson likes to do. Its simple, Keep Pagano (Ravens heritage) find good support coaches, yes and especially get rid of "Chud" gee I'd rather have Pep, I'd rather have no one.  The Offense is terrible, no clue where they are on the field and no clue of game situation.  That's coaching and we are another version of "Cleveland".  If we keep that guy, I'm going to become an Eagles and Ravens fan.  On Harbaugh, dream on, they will never let him go. First issue is the GM, bring back Manning to do that, he is done playing will never be a coach and would be a good GM.

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I agree that we need someone with some HC experience or someone what has been a coordinator for several years with a good track record. It was probably a bad idea to put a first time HC with a first time GM. I wouldn't mind a college HC coming as long as he had some kind of positive NFL experience in his pocket.  Really don't want the media hyped latest hottest coordinator type guy,  too many of them can't function as HC's.


Just a couple of wild hair thoughts with no particular basis for any of them, just thoughts - David Shaw from Stanford, Pete Carmichael OC New Orleans, Sean McDermott DC for Panthers (just the kind of guy I really don't want, but we will probably have to consider), Doug Marrone (former Bills HC-an odd bird, but a winning HC), and one real out there sort of name- Mike Shannahan.


Interesting article on the record of the different type of HC's hired- college, coordinator, etc.


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13 minutes ago, DBoogOld ColtsFan said:

You guys are crazy, we don't need any more Philadelphia type losers and we definitely don't want any old shoes from Cleveland, if we do that we are in the 1991 to 1996 era, do you really want that. We can't pass around and then collect duds like Grigson likes to do. Its simple, Keep Pagano (Ravens heritage) find good support coaches, yes and especially get rid of "Chud" gee I'd rather have Pep, I'd rather have no one.  The Offense is terrible, no clue where they are on the field and no clue of game situation.  That's coaching and we are another version of "Cleveland".  If we keep that guy, I'm going to become an Eagles and Ravens fan.  On Harbaugh, dream on, they will never let him go. First issue is the GM, bring back Manning to do that, he is done playing will never be a coach and would be a good GM.

So your solution is to keep ol' dim wit?  Chuck would be better off being the assistant manager of a truck stop.

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34 minutes ago, BOTT said:

Is there really any proof he would want that kind of responsibility?  I hear it a lot and have no idea where to comes from.  

Thats just the rumor, unfounded maybe. But theres not even a rumor that Saban wants to coach in the NFL, let alone caoching the Colts and here we are discussing it.  I just figured rumors at this point were fair game.

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35 minutes ago, Indyfan4life said:

Saban doesn't put up with crap, and when his players make a mistake he let's them know about it. We need that kind of fire on this team. Not coddling and shoulder pats, giving the "buck up, you'll do better next time" stuff. This isn't elementary school football. 

Sounds like alk we are missing is an angry sideline critic as oposed to a coach.

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3 minutes ago, MartinPeterson said:

No decent HC will come here while Grigson is in place. Grigson needs to be fired first and a new GM appointed who can choose the HC.


I'm with you, especially after all the media this year about his relationship/interference, etc with the HC. What we would get is someone who is willing to put up with that- and that's exactly what we don't need. If we want a strong HC to lead the team, Grigs has to go.

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I do think the one drawing card we have to get an experienced HC is that we have a young, talented QB for him to work with. That might make a difference in one of these guys deciding to take a shot with the Colts. But really need someone who will be committed to developing his talent, and protecting his health.

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32 minutes ago, Superman said:


No thanks.

Well, I think we need a new GM more than we need a new head coach. If we get rid of Grigson and bring in someone who can hit on some draft picks and protect our franchise QB, then I think we'll be fine. Gruden would work well with Andrew, he's got real NFL coaching experience having won a Super Bowl, and he's got a fiery mentality that could be exactly what this team needs. He probably won't go back into coaching, but if he did, I'd rather have him than Adam Gase, Nick Saban, or Sean Payton.

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It's disheartening for me because I can't get excited about any of the names mentioned in this thread.

I rather have someone new like Harbaugh was when Ravens hired him from ST coordinator position but it's pretty much a lottery because you never know how the skills of lower level coaches translate to head coaching position.

Anyway, I would like a coach with good people skills but who can outsmart other coaches and who is not bound to labels like defensive, or offensive coach, that doesn't believe in cliches like run the ball, stop the run or some other crap.

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1 hour ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Sounds like alk we are missing is an angry sideline critic as oposed to a coach.


I don't think you understand what I mean. I'd love to have someone with as much passion and fire as Saban, Cowher, Carroll or even Hoodie. You don't see them patting shoulders and giving cliche speeches when something doesn't go right. I'm pretty sure they are all damn good coaches and their teams are great. Cowher obviously isn't coaching, but you should get what I mean. We need something like that. 

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Just now, BOTT said:

Pat Shurmur?  Why?

Doesn't necessarily have to be as a HC, Could be just if we move on from Chud as O Cordinator, He has HC experience, Comes from a WCO scheme, Zone blocking scheme. Not my first choice of that group but I think options will be limited. Also I don't think Pagano is the big problem

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John Harbaugh is a no brainer if he Ravens were crazy enough to let him go. He would easily be the top choice. Problem is the Ravens aren't that dumb.


Unless something crazy happens and John Harbaugh is available, I'd like Cowher. Proven track record and a no nonsense coach. Not sure what his interest level is. McDaniels is kind of intriguing, but his previous HC experience makes me nervous.

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2 hours ago, Indyfan4life said:


I don't think you understand what I mean. I'd love to have someone with as much passion and fire as Saban, Cowher, Carroll or even Hoodie. You don't see them patting shoulders and giving cliche speeches when something doesn't go right. I'm pretty sure they are all damn good coaches and their teams are great. Cowher obviously isn't coaching, but you should get what I mean. We need something like that. 

No I understood you clearly. What I don't understand is why people think that because a guy is fiery and yells at people as opposed to whatever they may not like about a Pagano type, that somehow means he is a better coach. Belichick is no more "passionate" than Pagano, but he is clearly the better coach. How animated he is has nothing to do with coaching.

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I've said this before, but forget the HC/GM all-in-one. It almost never works. Belichick is an extraordinary exception.


GM possibilities -- I'm not very knowledgeable about front office personnel for other teams. Two names that come to mind are Jimmy Raye (would be internal promotion) and Jim Popp (Montreal Alouettes, was considered last time).


HC -- Hue Jackson, Adam Gase (doesn't excite me), Greg Roman, Chud, Darrell Bevell. I don't understand folks' interest in Sean Payton, Josh McDaniels or Nick Saban. I don't believe Cowher or Gruden wish to leave their cushy network gigs. Polian was always a fan of Dom Capers, who may be a bit old and/or not interested in becoming a HC again.

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