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Andre Johnson is not good


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He has missed a couple gimmies that I have seen during the course of the season, but honestly, I have seen multiple times when he is wide open and the pass is thrown behind him or over his head.

Yeah, he may have checked out, but he may also just be frustrated at the lack of accurate balls thrown his way?  I dunno...just my view.

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47 minutes ago, peytonmanning18 said:

He has been awful, not only is he not getting open and catching passes but he looked absolutely terrified last night when he was supposed to be blocking.  He looked scared of James Harrison and just let him run on by.  He's not gonna be here next year.

He was open several times last night.   Matt just couldn't get him the ball

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5 hours ago, ColtsLegacy said:

It feels like he has checked out.

I will never call into to question Andre Johnson's experience or professionalism as WR, but I do agree CL that his presence feels less dominant than I thought it would be for us this season. Is he overrated? Too old? or just not motivated enough? Who knows, but I thought his veteran leadership would pay off this year & I'd be lying if I didn't say I was disappointed.  

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What an odd thread.

Not only did AJ have a couple of nice catches last night,  but Matt's first pass to AJ was a stinker.   AJ was wide open and if Matt had simply gotten the ball to him it was a walk-in touchdown.      But Matt didn't have his feet set and rushed the throw and it was off target.

So, on a night AJ has one of his better games for the Colts,  someone decides it's a good time to trash him.

What a strange fan base.......


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14 minutes ago, MPStack said:

The good thing is he only cost 2.5mil in Dead money next season and the Colts will have 5mil freed up. I put T. Cole, R. Mathis and E. Walden on that list to and save some serious cap space.

We need to get younger when it comes to signing F. Agents moving forward, Football is a young mans game. I do like the Gore signing though as we needed that because we had no running game prior to this season. At least he gives 100% effort. I keep waiting for that 1 100 Yard game. I hope it comes this week.

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6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

What an odd thread.

Not only did AJ have a couple of nice catches last night,  but Matt's first pass to AJ was a stinker.   AJ was wide open and if Matt had simply gotten the ball to him it was a walk-in touchdown.      But Matt didn't have his feet set and rushed the throw and it was off target.

So, on a night AJ has one of his better games for the Colts,  someone decides it's a good time to trash him.

What a strange fan base.......



People are frustrated so they start picking random people to bash for no good reason.  It's been the culture of this forum for the entire season.  I honestly have a feeling that game would have been quite a bit different had Andrew played.  Andrew put up 35 points on those boys and was able to consistently put together drives last year when we played them and this was without any type of presence of a running game.  Gore was breaking off some nice runs against Pitt so combine that with Luck and the play action game and I think we wouldn't have major problems moving the ball.  I just don't respect Pittsburghs defense all that much.  

I'm not that scared to face Pitt again to be honest if we have all our boys on the O including a healthy Luck, Costanzo, Gore, and even Dorsett.  Biggest key against Pitt is you have to be able to sustain drives and put up points.  That team to me is built similar to how the Colts are built, which is explosive skill position players on the O and an average to mediocre defense.  Pittsburghs offense protects their defense, and if our offense operated this year the way we expected we would be saying the same thing about the Colts.  I just don't believe that what Luck did against Denver was a fluke, so I'm expecting the offense to heat up a good deal when he returns.

I think the offensive side of the football is really why we got blown out against Pitt.  The way this team is currently constructed you have to play good complimentary football.  Our defense is not strong enough to be left out on the field for multiple drives against a powerful offense, while our offense is not contributing anything.  I trust in our boys enough to know they will get you a good couple of stops for sure , but you can't leave them out there for long time periods with no contribution from the O. That was my largest concern when we played them.  I didn't see any evidence from Hasslebeck in any of our games to make me feel confident we could trade scores with Pitt.  I feel much better about our chances with Andrew in the saddle.

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2 minutes ago, krunk said:


People are frustrated so they start picking random people to bash for no good reason.  It's been the culture of this forum for the entire season.  I honestly have a feeling that game would have been quite a bit different had Andrew played.  Andrew put up 35 points on those boys and was able to consistently put together drives last year when we played them and this was without any type of presence of a running game.  Gore was breaking off some nice runs against Pitt so combine that with Luck and the play action game and I think we wouldn't have major problems moving the ball.  I just don't respect Pittsburghs defense all that much.  

I'm not that scared to face Pitt again to be honest if we have all our boys on the O including a healthy Luck, Costanzo, Gore, and even Dorsett.  Biggest key against Pitt is you have to be able to sustain drives and put up points.  That team to me is built similar to how the Colts are built, which is explosive skill position players on the O and an average to mediocre defense.  Pittsburghs offense protects their defense, and if our offense operated this year the way we expected we would be saying the same thing about the Colts.  I just don't believe that what Luck did against Denver was a fluke, so I'm expecting the offense to heat up a good deal when he returns. I think the offensive side of the football is really why we got blown out against Pitt.  The way this team is currently constructed you have to play good complimentary football.  Our defense is not strong enough to be left out on the field for multiple drives against a powerful offense, while our offense is not contributing anything.  I trust in our boys enough to know they will get you a good couple of stops for sure , but you can't leave them out there for long time periods with no contribution from the O. That was my largest concern when we played them.  I didn't see any evidence from Hasslebeck in any of our games to make me feel confident we could trade scores with Pitt.  I feel much better about our chances with Andrew in the saddle.

We can match them point for point with Andrew I agree. If they play us again it will be here and we will have Andrew so I say bring it on!

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We can match them point for point with Andrew I agree. If they play us again it will be here and we will have Andrew so I say bring it on!


That's what I say!  If we had Andrew and Gore was running like he was if Pitts offense wasn't producing anything we would have blown them out as well.  I think if we saw them a second time and we're able to run the football to chew clock along with being able to throw we'd have a great chance to win. Pittsburgh didn't show me enough evidence that they could stop either one, and I don't have much confidence that they could stop us certainly if we have all our boys back on the O.


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There's nothing wrong with AJ.  How about you throw him the ball when he's open and he is open on multiple occasions.  Oh and when you do throw it, please don't throw it in the dirt or some of the other types of bad throws when we've gone his way.   

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I guess I will say it until I'm blue in the face!  We can have as many Pro Bowl caliber WR as Grigson wants or thinks necessary, but it doesn't help us one bit if the OL can't block.  Dorsett isn't even out there and we can't get these guys big numbers.  So what does that tell you?  Instead of getting Andrew a full arsenal of weapons, why don't you focus on security for our franchise player?  Fact of the matter is the problem was never Hakeem Nicks, Andre Johnson, or even DHB (as we saw last night and this whole season), we have too much depth at WR, without taking care of business on the line.  Pretty simple, and I've said it for the last 3 years, so I'm sure it won't hurt to say it again :)  Perhaps 2016 will be the year Grigson brings in people who CAN stay healthy AND do their job!  Or perhaps we just get rid of Grigson, and find somebody who can comprehend the importance of the OL, and not just an arms race of weaponry for Luck

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32 minutes ago, krunk said:

There's nothing wrong with AJ.  How about you throw him the ball when he's open and he is open on multiple occasions.  Oh and when you do throw it, please don't throw it in the dirt or some of the other types of bad throws when we've gone his way.   

If I'm not mistaken, same as what Nicks went through.  Nicks received few passes, with the majority being bad passes.  When they were on target, he had a few nice catches, and only put together a couple good games.  For being a 4th WR (AJ's snaps have decreased not that he's 4th but...), that's about as good as you're gonna get, if this is how you use these players! 

Let's hope the GM has learned after the 3rd go 'round.  Perhaps we can let a talented WR go, and use that money on a C T or G :)

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9 minutes ago, ColtStronger said:

If I'm not mistaken, same as what Nicks went through.  Nicks received few passes, with the majority being bad passes.  When they were on target, he had a few nice catches, and only put together a couple good games.  For being a 4th WR (AJ's snaps have decreased not that he's 4th but...), that's about as good as you're gonna get, if this is how you use these players! 

Let's hope the GM has learned after the 3rd go 'round.  Perhaps we can let a talented WR go, and use that money on a C T or G :)


If we see Pitt again, to me it looked like we had some good mismatches out there with Andre Johnson that we failed to exploit enough.  The guy was open, but the execution from the qb was bad.

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ColtStronger, you got it right.  Grigson has wasted cap money on a bunch of re-treads, e.g Herremans, Francois,Johnson, Cole, he has made bad, bad draft choices, e.g. T-Rich, B Werner, Dorsett instead of an O or D linemen.  He has to go if we have any chance of exploiting the talent that we do have because he just is out of touch with the real needs of the team.

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We just need to keep on battling, get the South wrapped up and I see some meat on the bone in the playoffs.  I think New England is probably going to mess around and lose Home Field Advantage.  I haven't looked at all the travel scenarios, but I got no problems at all if we had to travel to Denver.  I'll take that all day long.  I can deal with having K.C. as a first round opponent.  Pitt is about the only team in these playoffs that would be a really hard win.  Everybody else I believe we can certainly pull out a W. 

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8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

What an odd thread.

Not only did AJ have a couple of nice catches last night,  but Matt's first pass to AJ was a stinker.   AJ was wide open and if Matt had simply gotten the ball to him it was a walk-in touchdown.      But Matt didn't have his feet set and rushed the throw and it was off target.

So, on a night AJ has one of his better games for the Colts,  someone decides it's a good time to trash him.

What a strange fan base.......



The fact that a 2 reception 44 yard game is "one of his better games" kind of says it all (yes, he should have had a TD on the first drive).

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Bey, Nicks, Johnson all FA signings where they just go bust as Colts. Johnson had bigger numbers with Houston. Not one fan here cannot say they did not think during the Spring he would have put up HUGE as Trump would say, even better numbers with Luck at the helm.

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15 hours ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

He has missed a couple gimmies that I have seen during the course of the season, but honestly, I have seen multiple times when he is wide open and the pass is thrown behind him or over his head.

Yeah, he may have checked out, but he may also just be frustrated at the lack of accurate balls thrown his way?  I dunno...just my view.

This is true, the guy is use to being the man & it seems to me we don't have not a great idea on how to utilize him properly. JMO

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12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

What an odd thread.

Not only did AJ have a couple of nice catches last night,  but Matt's first pass to AJ was a stinker.   AJ was wide open and if Matt had simply gotten the ball to him it was a walk-in touchdown.      But Matt didn't have his feet set and rushed the throw and it was off target.

So, on a night AJ has one of his better games for the Colts,  someone decides it's a good time to trash him.

What a strange fan base.......



In one perfect summation, you just nailed the OP.  Strange thread indeed.

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3 minutes ago, jskinnz said:


In one perfect summation, you just nailed the OP.  Strange thread indeed.


I watched him let James Harrison walk right around him untouched and blow up a play in the backfield ages times because AJ was afraid to get in his way.  AJ has been awful and to say anything to the contrary is flat out wrong.

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12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

What an odd thread.

Not only did AJ have a couple of nice catches last night,  but Matt's first pass to AJ was a stinker.   AJ was wide open and if Matt had simply gotten the ball to him it was a walk-in touchdown.      But Matt didn't have his feet set and rushed the throw and it was off target.

So, on a night AJ has one of his better games for the Colts,  someone decides it's a good time to trash him.

What a strange fan base.......


have you seen some of the other threads started by same OP?  I'll just say...this one shouldn't have come as much of a surprise, considering. lol

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