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Report: Colts Concerned with Pagano's Decision-Making Even After Win


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Im gonna take it even further..

Say we win out, win the superbowl....now what? Offer Chuck a much much larger contract or let him walk and bring in someone else




And to further your point,  I'd guess that if Chuck takes us to the SB,  he comes back no matter what.


And if I were Irsay,  I'd sign Pagano to a new deal in the two weeks before the SB.     Give a shot in the arm to the team that likes their HC.


But.....    no need to put the cart before the horse....  we're a long, LONG way before any of that happens.


For right now,  I'm just happy for a bye week!                 :peek:

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If this stuff is all true, it is pretty unfortunate.  They  aren't sure about Pagano's decision making, but raved about Jim Caldwell???  A bit too much knit picking I think.  Pagano is a leader of men.  He gets guys to give everything they have and work together.  With Chud as OC, they can do some really good things.  Grigs has to quit striking out on first round picks and veteran free agents.    If they get rid of Pagano and bring in Gase or someone like that, they are foolish.  Look at other coaches who have been fired.  They lose the locker room.  Not for Pagano.

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Im gonna take it even further..

Say we win out, win the superbowl....now what? Offer Chuck a much much larger contract or let him walk and bring in someone else

From my take, if this team reels off 6or 7 wins, a couple playoff wins and lose in the championship game or SB, I feel that Chuck gets a reprieve because I'm sure for awhile he has had to have told Irsay that Pep has hindered his team for some time now but his hands have been tied from Grigson telling him Pep was his guy and too bad. So in my opinion, Chuck will get save points if he wins 6of 7 and goes deep into the playoffs this season. Again, only Irsay and Company know who made the calls to keep who or play who. All the chatter is just that until someone puts their name on it. I've said for sometime, Pep was the biggest problem of this team. I am not a large fan of Pep but if he has been handcuffed for 2 1/2 years with pep not being his guy or listening to him, Pags gets some slack from me.

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Just saw it was Jason Cole who reported this. Yawn. He has no inside source whatsoever. 

The way he talks, it's like he's making things up.  He doesn't seem very confident in what he says.  He is definitely not someone to put in front of a camera.  Not sure if he has some sort of speech impediment or what, but he isn't good speaking in front of a camera

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Maybe there's another story behind the punt return.

Maybe Pat was supposed to kick it out of bounds, and he just missed. And maybe Pagano chose to take the hit and not throw his punter under the bus.

Just conjecture, but precise, directional punting is not foolproof.

For some reason, I feel like this could really be true.  Not sure why, but I get the gut feeling that's what happened.  Pagano is taking the blame for another person's mistake because he doesn't want to throw any of his guys under the bus.  Just my opinion

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Is it just me or does having Grigson here hurt Indy's chances of getting a great HC candidate next offseason? Someone like Nick Saban or Sean Peyton is gonna want say in who he brings in and drafts. Grigson is too controlling in regards to that.


Nick Saban would be a disaster.


Had 2 years with the Dolphins.  First year wasn't terrible (9-7) but no playoffs.  Second year was a trainwreck and the Dolphins' offense was one of the worst in the league. 


He's not leaving Alabama anytime soon either.  He is very much enjoying controlling every aspect of the program and having 25-30 "first round picks" every year.

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I have no problems with Chuck with a good OC and some even more improved personnel on the D. In some ways you can kind of see where they may have some concerns when you look at things like 28 straight passes in the Buffalo game, the fake punt in New England, the fake punt on our own 20 to 30 yard line at Dallas, just the lack of sharpness on big stages. He is making some strides though.

That's what I keep thinking about too Krunk. A lot of defensive minded coaches have no real strong suit when it comes to offense & let's see how well this Pags/Chud partnership works over the next few weeks. Gore ran great, Bradshaw leap into the endzone, Whalen had nice hands, & Luck looked decisive, comfortable, & confident with quicker releases & getting shorter chunks downfield. 


I was so bleeping mad at Skip Bayless this morning. "Luck can't beat anybody convincingly except Peyton Manning." Forget you Skip. First, according to you on Friday, Denver's defense & secondary was going to confuse & sack him nonstop, INDY has no ground game, & Luck ignores his TEs. Monday rolls around with no picks, a 1st QTR touchdown, & ending the broncos unbeaten record...But Talib cost Denver the game? Is your anger over RG3's shortcomings so petty & bitter that you just can't give Chewbacca credit for anything he does well? Sadly, that appears to be the case Skip. I used to find your stick regarding Luck amusing but now I'm insulted because you darn with faint praise nonstop & it's getting tiresome.


We let Pep go, Chud clicks on play calling, & Hamilton is still a talented OC? What meds are you on Skip? Lower your dosage dude & just for once in your life say something insightful & non-ignorant about Luck please. Too much to ask I know, but December is the season of miracles is it not? LOL! 

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I think this interview showed very poor judgement by Irsay.


No need to talk to Jason Cole or anyone else to express unhappiness with Pagano's judgement in the minutes right after the biggest win of the season.   There was just no need to do it.    


You need to stay focused on the positive.    There will be plenty of time to analyze and second guess the head coach.     But right after a big win is not one of them.


By the way,  it's fine for Pagano to own the moment and the decision.    Doing post-game interviews is part of his job description.     And he took the bullet as he should.


But for Irsay?      He should not have made any negative comments then.      There was just no need to go there......

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The way he talks, it's like he's making things up.  He doesn't seem very confident in what he says.  He is definitely not someone to put in front of a camera.  Not sure if he has some sort of speech impediment or what, but he isn't good speaking in front of a camera

The video accompanying this article did not appear or play on my computer so I can't speak to what Mr. Cole did or did not say. Can anybody just create a website & have any Jane, Jim, Frank, or Bob make up nonsense with zero verification now? Journalistic reporting slid off a cliff with Ted Turner, CNN, & 24/7 news IMO. Other than NBC News Brian Williams, doesn't any reporter get disciplined for lying anymore? Outrageous. And you can't even say lie anymore. It's a word smith game now with phrases like "He misspoke, he exaggerated, he has a vivid imagination, or his job is quite stressful."


Find another line of work Jason. Credibility is not your greatest asset. Just saying. Try used car salesmen or US Senator where lying is rewarded & very lucrative. Just a thought.   


I feel horrible when real reporters like Dan Rather who got dismissed from CBS for doing his job & many years worth of fine reporting in the field from S.E. Asia to covering Presidential elections means nothing...The wrong reporter always keeps their job while the one who paid their dues & knows what real journalism is gets the boot. Just appalling if you ask me...But I digress.


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Maybe there's another story behind the punt return.

Maybe Pat was supposed to kick it out of bounds, and he just missed. And maybe Pagano chose to take the hit and not throw his punter under the bus.

Just conjecture, but precise, directional punting is not foolproof.

Maybe it could be that the Bronco's just made a good play? Why does it always have to be what a Colt player didn't do rather than a good play by the other team? A punt returned for a TD is not uncommon.

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Maybe it could be that the Bronco's just made a good play? Why does it always have to be what a Colt player didn't do rather than a good play by the other team? A punt returned for a TD is not uncommon.

There's literally no reason not to kick that punt out of bounds. That's like throwing a pass with 30 seconds left in the game and your up by 4.

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There's literally no reason not to kick that punt out of bounds. That's like throwing a pass with 30 seconds left in the game and your up by 4.



The only reason would be that it's more likely for the punt to be brought back for a TD than it would be Manning throwing a 75 yard TD pass on the last play of the half. If a coach is more concerned with the later happening vs a umbrella type prevent D , then you punt the ball in bounds. If not that would be the reason for punting the ball out of bounds. There was 12 seconds left before the snap , so no doubt time for only one play if OB punt.

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The only reason would be that it's more likely for the punt to be brought back for a TD than it would be Manning throwing a 75 yard TD pass on the last play of the half. If a coach is more concerned with the later happening vs a umbrella type prevent D , then you punt the ball in bounds. If not that would be the reason for punting the ball out of bounds. There was 12 seconds left before the snap , so no doubt time for only one play if OB punt.

The Broncos would have 100% kneeled on the ball.

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Well..... if you listen to the reporter the people he talked to are named Chuck Pagano and Jim Irsay.

Other people he talked to went un-naamed.

I hope this is nonsense. I really hope as a owner Irsay doesn't have his hand in this crap. Wouldn't make me want to coach for someone like that.

I have read the article but sounds like the guy is just grasping at straws. Throwing crap against the wall and seeing what sticks.

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And as far as that PR TD goes, that's Dwayne Allen's fault. Rewatch the play and you'll see Allen unblocked in the lane the returner took and let him run right pass. I'm not a fan of offensive player's being on special teams but the depth chart forces it being as how you only have 53 players

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That's what I keep thinking about too Krunk. A lot of defensive minded coaches have no real strong suit when it comes to offense & let's see how well this Pags/Chud partnership works over the next few weeks. Gore ran great, Bradshaw leap into the endzone, Whalen had nice hands, & Luck looked decisive, comfortable, & confident with quicker releases & getting shorter chunks downfield.

I was so bleeping mad at Skip Bayless this morning. "Luck can't beat anybody convincingly except Peyton Manning." Forget you Skip. First, according to you on Friday, Denver's defense & secondary was going to confuse & sack him nonstop, INDY has no ground game, & Luck ignores his TEs. Monday rolls around with no picks, a 1st QTR touchdown, & ending the broncos unbeaten record...But Talib cost Denver the game? Is your anger over RG3's shortcomings so petty & bitter that you just can't give Chewbacca credit for anything he does well? Sadly, that appears to be the case Skip. I used to find your stick regarding Luck amusing but now I'm insulted because you darn with faint praise nonstop & it's getting tiresome.

We let Pep go, Chud clicks on play calling, & Hamilton is still a talented OC? What meds are you on Skip? Lower your dosage dude & just for once in your life say something insightful & non-ignorant about Luck please. Too much to ask I know, but December is the season of miracles is it not? LOL!

We are talking about the judgement of a guy who is an NFL Tebow fan. Nuff said!

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Maybe there's another story behind the punt return.

Maybe Pat was supposed to kick it out of bounds, and he just missed. And maybe Pagano chose to take the hit and not throw his punter under the bus.

Just conjecture, but precise, directional punting is not foolproof.

And the way that Pat attacked the blocker and knocked him on his can, I'd say Pat may have been angry at himself.
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Also the Colts actually punted after they got the ball with 1:10 left and 2 timeouts.

If this was a more aggressively coached team, we would have went for the classic Belichick double-up, where we score in both sides of the half.

I don't think that was a bad strategy, considering its Denver and the way the first half was going. Its more important to not give Denver a chance to score in the first half rather than to try to score another TD. Of course, the botched punt return negated that strategy.

However, I didn't like the 55 yard FG decision. Pagano was fortunate that it worked out. It was a sign of desperation, IMO. The score was tied and there was over six minutes left.

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First, a couple posters here ask why the punter did not double check with coach on the kick and second how can Pagano miss the idea of kicking it out? It is puzzling to say the least. Just think if the Colts lost that game, what would be the gossip then? The Pagano question cannot be smoothed out until the philosophy of letting the GM make certain calls inside this organization is resolved. Bad blood can't linger too long, it will poison the soup in some fashion sooner or later. Also, with what just happened at the U. of Missouri I can't help but wonder what the players might do if Pagano is let go. I guess the W-L record at the season's end will have a major role.

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First, a couple posters here ask why the punter did not double check with coach on the kick and second how can Pagano miss the idea of kicking it out? It is puzzling to say the least. Just think if the Colts lost that game, what would be the gossip then? The Pagano question cannot be smoothed out until the philosophy of letting the GM make certain calls inside this organization is resolved. Bad blood can't linger too long, it will poison the soup in some fashion sooner or later. Also, with what just happened at the U. of Missouri I can't help but wonder what the players might do if Pagano is let go. I guess the W-L record at the season's end will have a major role.

Perhaps poor decision making by the HC compels the GM to make decisions he doesn't feel like he should have to...and with the owner's blessing.

On the other topic, this tactic of "mob-bullying" needs to stop. The issue may be just, but the tactics used need to be exterminated. The players have a contract to adhere too. If they decide to use their position and visibility to make points about things they don't agree with, and in the process cause the other party of the contract to lose money, the players should be sued for damages. Yes, all who participate, no matter how many.

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