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Patriots investigation (merge)


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This definitely contrasts with all the rhetoric coming from Boston news outlets.



Is it me ? The guy I dislike the most from that team is and has always been Robert Kraft. I'm I the only one that thinks he's an arrogant butt .... for demanding an apology if the NFL can't "prove" they defaulted balls ? Forget saying if the investigation shows they are 100% innocent and for sure nothing was attempted or done. This guy (the way I read it) wants an apology if they can't prove anything. Maybe it's just me ?

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Is it me ? The guy I dislike the most from that team is and has always been Robert Kraft. I'm I the only one that thinks he's an arrogant butt .... for demanding an apology if the NFL can't "prove" they defaulted balls ? Forget saying if the investigation shows they are 100% innocent and for sure nothing was attempted or done. This guy (the way I read it) wants an apology if they can't prove anything. Maybe it's just me ?

I don't like him or the coach
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Is it me ? The guy I dislike the most from that team is and has always been Robert Kraft. I'm I the only one that thinks he's an arrogant butt .... for demanding an apology if the NFL can't "prove" they defaulted balls ? Forget saying if the investigation shows they are 100% innocent and for sure nothing was attempted or done. This guy (the way I read it) wants an apology if they can't prove anything. Maybe it's just me ?


Actually,  I've always liked Kraft until this incident.   I think he's handled it and himself very poorly.


I'm looking forward to the NFL nailing New England and I hope someone adds "there will not be an apology coming from the NFL, but if Robert Kraft wants to apologize to the NFL,  we would welcome that."

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My question is why was this dude even trying to hand an official a k-ball in the first place? No one but the officials touches the K-balls. Also, was this the same dude who went into the restroom with the footballs before the game? IMO there was something going on with these footballs no matter what the Patriot organization is saying.

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This raises more questions than answers as usual. So now we are off of the offensive balls that Brady and the O uses and are on to the kicking balls. Is it even a violation to hand a ball to a ref that is not approved? I have no idea or if it is common for teams to do. Also what would be the motive to hand over a ball without the refs marking as it would get thrown out? Also, it seems to make no sense to try to insert a deflated kicking ball as the kickers like the balls over inflated so it will travel further.

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This raises more questions than answers as usual. So now we are off of the offensive balls that Brady and the O uses and are on to the kicking balls. Is it even a violation to hand a ball to a ref that is not approved? I have no idea or if it is common for teams to do. Also what would be the motive to hand over a ball without the refs marking as it would get thrown out? Also, it seems to make no sense to try to insert a deflated kicking ball as the kickers like the balls over inflated so it will travel further.

IMO they are setting this dude up as the fall guy in case there is more to the story.

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In various threads, I've read where Kraft has a favored relationship with the Commissioner too.


Isn't that a lot like cheating in itself?  Wonder where the Pats would be if they ever had a level playing field.  4 superbowl victories and a field tilted towards them for over a decade. 




Gotta do something harsh to tilt the field back to level.

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No one knows if this guy is the same one that took the balls to the bathroom. That guy was described as elderly. This guy with the kicking ball is 48.

Could be?  I really don't have a clue. It is curious as to why this investigation is taking so long. I think we are all tired of the waiting and let's see what's going to happen mode.

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IMO they are setting this dude up as the fall guy in case there is more to the story.


IMO they are setting this dude up as the fall guy in case there is more to the story.

That's exactly what I think.  But, no way this guy just decided to act on his own.  Ridiculous.

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So now we are off of the offensive balls that Brady and the O uses and are on to the kicking balls.

Same game. Question of ball tampering. The reason the league official went to the locker room to test the balls. This is not unrelated. No one is off of anything.

Is it even a violation to hand a ball to a ref that is not approved? I have no idea or if it is common for teams to do.

In the video clip of the report it is pointed out that the K balls are under the refs' supervision from the hotel to the field, and it is so unusual for him to hand the ref a K ball (especially an unapproved one) that it warranted contacting the league's president of game operations.

Also, it seems to make no sense to try to insert a deflated kicking ball as the kickers like the balls over inflated so it will travel further.

Nowhere in the report does it say that the K ball was under-inflated.
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Same game. Question of ball tampering. The reason the league official went to the locker room to test the balls. This is not unrelated. No one is off if anything.

In the video clip of the report it is pointed out that the K balls are under the refs' supervision from the hotel to the field, and it is so unusual for him to hand the ref a K ball (especially an unapproved one) that it warranted contacting the league's president of game operations.

Nowhere in the report does it say that the K ball was under-inflated.

Yeah. Seems very disconnected. I think the question here is how odd is it for this man to have handed the ball to the ref? Is it illegal for him to do so? If yes, then why did the ref take the ball from him in the first place? And he handed him an unmarked ball so to me it would seem like an honest mistake as kicking balls are often kicked into the stands. If it was anything nefarious, I would think he would have tried to forge Anderson's initials on the ball if the intent was to get an illegal ball into play. It does not say the ball was tampered with but that the ref did bring it in to halftime where the psi was checked of the 12 QB balls. I don't know what to make of anything of this as usual the "report" raises more questions than answers. I am not sure what if any violation is here at all.

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Is it me ? The guy I dislike the most from that team is and has always been Robert Kraft. I'm I the only one that thinks he's an arrogant butt .... for demanding an apology if the NFL can't "prove" they defaulted balls ? Forget saying if the investigation shows they are 100% innocent and for sure nothing was attempted or done. This guy (the way I read it) wants an apology if they can't prove anything. Maybe it's just me ?

I don't like him because he runs the best managed organization in pro sports. We may have had a few more SBs if it weren't for them.

I couldn't care less about his attitude with this incident. It's much ado ...

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Yeah. Who knows. I do hope they wrap it up soon. Seems silly that is has dragged on so long.

I actually hope it gets dragged on right up until a few days before the draft....

A) It's a good distraction for their organisation.

B) The longer it drags out, the more likely that NE did in fact do something knowingly and it's being thoroughly investigated.

& C) If it takes that long, NE will be planning their draft around having all their picks, and if they have a few picks taken away it'll completely ruin their draft plans.

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Is it me ? The guy I dislike the most from that team is and has always been Robert Kraft. I'm I the only one that thinks he's an arrogant butt .... for demanding an apology if the NFL can't "prove" they defaulted balls ? Forget saying if the investigation shows they are 100% innocent and for sure nothing was attempted or done. This guy (the way I read it) wants an apology if they can't prove anything. Maybe it's just me ?

The apology he wants is for the way the league communicated the investigation - the leaks and such which painted the Pats as guilty with the initial leaked reports. Kraft has no issue with the investigation itself, he said he welcomes it. He is more peeved about the comms around it from the league.

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What this does do is to put a face to investigation.  We now have proof of tampering (and trying to put an illegal K ball in the game is tampering) 


Kraft acts like he above the league with his angry rhetoric and I got news for him, If one of his employees did this he has to answer for it


I don't think Goodell is going to apologize to Kraft now :)

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The apology he wants is for the way the league communicated the investigation - the leaks and such which painted the Pats as guilty with the initial leaked reports. Kraft has no issue with the investigation itself, he said he welcomes it. He is more peeved about the comms around it from the league.

I don't think he welcomes it at all.  He says he does.  But, I don't believe that for a second.  Regardless, every organization on the planet has leaks and speculation.  That would be like saying I want an apology from the president of my company because my sales reps are gossiping and talking about things that have happened or might have happened.  WHATEVER!  It's part of life.  

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What this does do is to put a face to investigation.  We now have proof of tampering (and trying to put an illegal K ball in the game is tampering) 


Kraft acts like he above the league with his angry rhetoric and I got news for him, If one of his employees did this he has to answer for it


I don't think Goodell is going to apologize to Kraft now :)

EXACTLY!  Even if he didn't know about it....if it's proven it was someone in his organization it's still his fault.  Best line in Disney's Bug's Life...."First rule of management....EVERYTHING is your fault!"

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Didn't see this posted anywhere.  Thought I'd post.  So here's the TL;DR version:


All the Pats footballs were inspected and then marked with the game day stamp.  This included the "K" balls.  Jim McNally was the locker room attendant (it's not clear if it is the same guy who took the footballs into the bathroom).  Hired by The Kraft Group, he's worked for the Patriots for the past 10 years.  McNally handed an unmarked football (K ball) to a game day official Greg Yette.  Yette became suspicious when McNally handed him the ball because locker room attendants don't normally do that and also noticed the ball was unmarked. It's not yet known when he tried to introduce the football (i.e. 1st/2nd quarter or whether before a special teams or offensive play).  Yette then notified the NFL VP of gameday Operations, Mke Kensil.


My two cents: If this is true, it definitely appears to be misconduct, irrespective of the PSI level of all the other footballs.  I'm not sure what comes out of this, maybe nothing, but it definitely doesn't look good on the Patriots.

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I don't think he welcomes it at all.  He says he does.  But, I don't believe that for a second.  Regardless, every organization on the planet has leaks and speculation.  That would be like saying I want an apology from the president of my company because my sales reps are gossiping and talking about things that have happened or might have happened.  WHATEVER!  It's part of life.  

It is your choice to believe him or not but his asking for an apology was for the way the investigation was communicated not the investigation itself. And the NFL could have made an effort to set perimeters of its investigation from the get go but did not do so and instead chose to leak it reports painting the Pats as guilty and since those leaks have now been refuted by other reports. Not making any strong statements has led to a public lynching of the Pats. Thankfully they were able to overcome and win the Super Bowl.

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Where is the misconduct? The ball was given and it was unmarked. The ref checked it and never was put it into play. Kicking balls are kicked into the stands all the time so perhaps the attendant was just replacing a lost ball and gave an unmarked one? I would like to know how many balls are on the sideline. Are only the marked balls allowed on the sideline or can teams have more balls in case some need to be replaced because of going into the stands or use?

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Uggh just when all that deflategate talk was dying down. So sick of this debacle now.

Same here.  I've been lambasted a few times for my thoughts on it.   So for the past few weeks I  have just been laying low, and waiting for the Official report to come out, at which time I will do one of two things....


Apologize for mis-judging...   OR


state that this is what I suspected all along.

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It is your choice to believe him or not but his asking for an apology was for the way the investigation was communicated not the investigation itself. And the NFL could have made an effort to set perimeters of its investigation from the get go but did not do so and instead chose to leak it reports painting the Pats as guilty and since those leaks have now been refuted by other reports. Not making any strong statements has led to a public lynching of the Pats. Thankfully they were able to overcome and win the Super Bowl.

I don't care if he's lying or not.  I'm sick of all this crap.  But, to think that people don't speculate or talk amid situations like this is fantasy.  I think the NFL could have communicated about how they were going to follow up on the investigation.  That's a no-brainer.  They completely dropped the ball.  But, I don't think anybody owed the team in question an apology.  I think they owe all NFL fans an apology on their inaction.  But, it won't happen.

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I don't care if he's lying or not.  I'm sick of all this crap.  But, to think that people don't speculate or talk amid situations like this is fantasy.  I think the NFL could have communicated about how they were going to follow up on the investigation.  That's a no-brainer.  They completely dropped the ball.  But, I don't think anybody owed the team in question an apology.  I think they owe all NFL fans an apology on their inaction.  But, it won't happen.

I agree. Once again the league's failure to understand the media and its role as a conduit to the public and fans has hurt its credibility.

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I agree. Once again the league's failure to understand the media and its role as a conduit to the public and fans has hurt its credibility.

Everyone's sick of it.  And, regardless of what comes out, if anything, it will be yesterday's fodder.  Of course, that's probably what the NFL wants. If the team is found guilty and they are able to track it; the NFL and the Pats look bad.  If nothing is found everyone will wonder exactly what was going on and feel as if the NFL swept it under the rug.  No win.  At this late hour, it's a joke the way it was NOT handled!

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