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I happen to agree with your thought process there. The Texans are an above average QB away from being a very good team, IMO.

Thanks. It's just that we can't seem to catch a break in the QB department. I'm sure if we somehow got Mariota he'd break his leg in week one. And I hope Clowney's story doesn't turn out like Super Mario's...we still have some work to do but having an at least competent QB would help lol.
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Thanks. It's just that we can't seem to catch a break in the QB department. I'm sure if we somehow got Mariota he'd break his leg in week one. And I hope Clowney's story doesn't turn out like Super Mario's...we still have some work to do but having an at least competent QB would help lol.


Hopefully that is not true, not that your team will be in position to draft him.  I certainly hope for the best regarding the Clowney injury, but when I heard micro fracture surgery....well that does not sound very good.

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Idk. But if you look at the way we lose and by how small a margin, how could anyone say that we are terrible? Just my thought process on it

Well obviously you guys aren't terrible. Just an average team with no QB play.

The Colts are average maxing out at good, but our O line and D are suspect.

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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:




Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.


Video of hit on Savage:




Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.

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Hopefully that is not true, not that your team will be in position to draft him. I certainly hope for the best regarding the Clowney injury, but when I heard micro fracture surgery....well that does not sound very good.

Yeah it blows. Even if J.D. comes back in due time he syllable has to get into playing shape and his burst and quickness are another matter altogether...I guess we will see. He was hyped up and got hurt, so he still has plenty of time to prove the pundits right.
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Well obviously you guys aren't terrible. Just an average team with no QB play.

The Colts are average maxing out at good, but our O line and D are suspect.

That's fair. That would help explain why we play each other so tough and blow out the other teams in the division. Then we see our teams struggle with the top teams and it all comes together lol.
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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:


Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.

Video of hit on Savage:


Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to make you feel better, go ahead
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Yeah it blows. Even if J.D. comes back in due time he syllable has to get into playing shape and his burst and quickness are another matter altogether...I guess we will see. He was hyped up and got hurt, so he still has plenty of time to prove the pundits right.


The burst and quickness is what I was thinking might be his problem coming back from this surgery.  Not that I know a lot about it, more from what I have heard some doctors I know comment on it.

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The burst and quickness is what I was thinking might be his problem coming back from this surgery. Not that I know a lot about it, more from what I have heard some doctors I know comment on it.

Yeah I have heard about it too but don't know much about the subject. I'm hoping our guy can be one of the exceptions of course.
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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:


Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.

Video of hit on Savage:


Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.

This post and your tears will help you sleep well tonight.

Sorry you're so sad little guy :(

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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:




Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.


Video of hit on Savage:




Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.


Ok, take 25 hypothetical yards. Texans still lose and the offense is still putrid. Besides, it doesn't matter what Watt may or may not have been flagged for previously. 



(5) A rushing defender is prohibited from forcibly hitting in the knee area or below a passer who has one
or both feet on the ground, even if the initial contact is above the knee. It is not a foul if the defender is
blocked (or fouled) into the passer and has no opportunity to avoid him;
Note 1: A defender cannot initiate a roll or lunge and forcibly hit the passer in the knee area or below, even if he
 is being contacted by another player.
 Note 2: It is not a foul if the defender swipes, wraps, or grabs a passer in the knee area or below in an attempt
 to tackle him.


After viewing this multiple times, Savage was hit by Jones above the knee around the mid-thigh.


Although the trip probably should have been a foul, to suggest there was enough force to produce a fracture seems a bit of a stretch.


All things considered, every team gets non-calls every game. To claim that this lost you the game is laughable. It was a poor offense that lost the game.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, December 15, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by 21isSuperman, December 15, 2014 - inappropriate

Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:




Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.


Video of hit on Savage:




Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.

The butthurt is strong with this one.

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*Looks at division* Didn't we know this back in week 1?


SB or bust. Here's hoping for a favorable matchup in the wildcard round. Don't want to play BAL or PIT. (Or NE/DEN, but we're safe for a round) Wouldn't mind CIN but they somehow won the division even with Dalton so not getting them, either.


Depending on who we get, guessing divisional round at best but hoping for more.

It ultimately doesn't matter who they get in the first round, since the REAL competition will come after that. Winning against a team like Pittsburgh in the first round would restore some confidence that this team can actually beat a decent team.

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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:




Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.


Video of hit on Savage:




Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.


Dear God...  What an absolute joke of a post.  Clearly you are not living up to the "realist" component in your sig line.

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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:




Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.


Video of hit on Savage:




Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.

Honestly, after looking at it, the Fitz incident does look like Newsome stuck out his leg on purpose in an attempt to trip him.  However, the hit on Savage looks like some bad luck.  There is no intent to injure in that picture and Jones doesn't even hit him that low; he grabs him around the thighs.  If Jones really wanted to hurt Savage, you would see a shoulder or helmet to the knee area.  The Colts players may go for the legs, but that doesn't mean there is intent to injure.  Hit the base of a structure and the rest will fall, that's simple physics.  The chance that a guy falls is much higher when you hit him low than when you hit him high.  That's why you'll see a lot of people say they need to hit Luck or Roethlisberger or Gronk low.  There is no intent to injure in that play.


Jared Crick hit Luck around the neck, so does that mean we can say he chose the neck on purpose and wanted to injure Luck?

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Not to bad for a team that was supposed to be rebuilding for a couple of years!  Not only do the Colts earn their third straight playoff trip and back-to-back division titles, Andrew Luck becomes the first QB in the Super Bowl era to have to start his NFL career as a rookie with three straight 10 or more wins seasons.  What's really scary for the rest of the division and the NFL, this kid is just getting started!

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It ultimately doesn't matter who they get in the first round, since the REAL competition will come after that. Winning against a team like Pittsburgh in the first round would restore some confidence that this team can actually beat a decent team.

Any team you face in the post season is REAL competition. Don't fool yourself into thinking that teams like Baltimore, Pittsburgh or even Buffalo or San Diego could not come into Indy and beat the Colts in the first round if they continue to play as shaky as they have over the past two weeks. This team is on par with the other good AFC teams. We are not elite class like New England or Denver.

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Any team you face in the post season is REAL competition. Don't fool yourself into thinking that teams like Baltimore, Pittsburgh or even Buffalo or San Diego could not come into Indy and beat the Colts in the first round if they continue to play as shaky as they have over the past two weeks. This team is on par with the other good AFC teams. We are not elite class like New England or Denver.

Fully agree.  In fact I would be shocked if the Colts beat any of those teams playing the way they have since the bye with the second half of the Redskins game not withstanding. 

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Any team you face in the post season is REAL competition. Don't fool yourself into thinking that teams like Baltimore, Pittsburgh or even Buffalo or San Diego could not come into Indy and beat the Colts in the first round if they continue to play as shaky as they have over the past two weeks. This team is on par with the other good AFC teams. We are not elite class like New England or Denver.


I'm not satisfied with that, but it's not the worse position to be in. The team is still under construction. That we aren't "elite" yet isn't necessarily a failure. You don't become elite by closing your eyes and wishing really hard. It takes time, without exception. And especially when you're restocking a roster that was almost completely devoid of playmakers three years ago. I think 2015 needs to be a big year.


I think we'll probably finish at #3 and the Broncos would finish at #2, so if we can make it out of the first round, we'd be headed there. I still think we could go into Denver and beat the Broncos, especially with Manning being less than 100% and Julius Thomas limping around. I doubt that we could beat New England, but the games need to be played. If the season ended this week, we'd host Baltimore, who we beat already and who isn't playing well right now (almost lost to Jacksonville today). Not a gimme, but a winnable game. Then we'd go to Denver.

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I'm not satisfied with that, but it's not the worse position to be in. The team is still under construction. That we aren't "elite" yet isn't necessarily a failure. You don't become elite by closing your eyes and wishing really hard. It takes time, without exception. And especially when you're restocking a roster that was almost completely devoid of playmakers three years ago. I think 2015 needs to be a big year.

I think we'll probably finish at #3 and the Broncos would finish at #2, so if we can make it out of the first round, we'd be headed there. I still think we could go into Denver and beat the Broncos, especially with Manning being less than 100% and Julius Thomas limping around. I doubt that we could beat New England, but the games need to be played. If the season ended this week, we'd host Baltimore, who we beat already and who isn't playing well right now (almost lost to Jacksonville today). Not a gimme, but a winnable game. Then we'd go to Denver.

I don't disagree with anything you said there. Just pointing out to the poster I quoted that Colts fans are in no position to start dismissing any playoff opponent as not "real" competition because the team is not head and shoulders over any other team in the fray. I actually like our chances in Denver if the Colts play the way we believe them capable of playing. Unfortunately they haven't put too many of those games together this year. Still I like their chances in Denver much better than their prospects in Foxboro. Team is still a work in progress and it is evident that much more improvement is needed before we can go where we all want to go.
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Any team you face in the post season is REAL competition. Don't fool yourself into thinking that teams like Baltimore, Pittsburgh or even Buffalo or San Diego could not come into Indy and beat the Colts in the first round if they continue to play as shaky as they have over the past two weeks. This team is on par with the other good AFC teams. We are not elite class like New England or Denver.


Maybe I should have used the word "elite."

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I am proud of the Colts for winning the division in back to back years but they have ALOT of work to do.  They have not looked good the past two weeks and if they don't get their act together, I smell trouble for the playoffs.  I know Dallas is 3-4 at home but if the Colts play like they did the past two weeks it will be a blowout.  I think the Texans are a decent quarterback away from contending for the division.  Will they get one? I don't know.  They passed on a few last year.  Even if they get one, it will still be an uphill battle but it will be closer! 

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*Looks at division* Didn't we know this back in week 1?


SB or bust. Here's hoping for a favorable matchup in the wildcard round. Don't want to play BAL or PIT. (Or NE/DEN, but we're safe for a round) Wouldn't mind CIN but they somehow won the division even with Dalton so not getting them, either.


Depending on who we get, guessing divisional round at best but hoping for more.

Yeah maybe a first round win that's all.

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What have the Colts evolved into? Going to the legs against both of our QBs, breaking the leg of Fitzpatrick and possibly taking out Savage for the foreseeable future too? Whatever. Enjoy your paper crown.

Paper crown?  Well how many AFC south crowns have the Texans won? That's right, one. And that was because Manning wasn't playing that year. And you know something else? Out of the only 2 games the Colts won that year it was against who? That's right, the Texans. Not only did the Colts win that game they took home field advantage away from you. It must be a real downer facing the Colts every year. Just think, Manning every game since you became a team. Now you have to face Luck every game for a few more years. No wonder your in a bad mood all the time. You draft a player who was suppose to stop Luck? How did that work out? Maybe a QB would have been a better pick? Instead of drafting players to stop Luck how about players who can compete with Luck.

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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:




Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.


Video of hit on Savage:




Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.

You want some cheese with that?

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