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I think i may have found the problem with the team..


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The defense does a great job in the first half but the offense doesnt produce, making the defense tired. So in the second half, the offense produces but the defense is tired...


remember the score at halftime against the patriots weeks ago? 14-10. The defense even had 2 interceptions...today wasnt the best example since Hoyer is no Tom Brady but yea...


i dont know how the team is going to solve this but it needs to be done...


we may make it in the first round of the playoffs if we make it, but when it comes down to the Patriots, they do not make mistakes...

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Not to be a negative Nancy, but I think the defense is getting far too much credit.  Hoyer was horrible and missed at least 2 TD throws.  If we were facing a competent QB today, our defense would have been wiped out.  I am glad we got the win but wow we looked bad today all around.


But we also gave away two offensive touchdowns? So we'll call it even?

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The offense is definitely to blame for starting games so horribly. Luck seriously needs to secure the ball when a sack is coming.

I think something is wrong with Luck's arm. He's had a brace on since the stealers game. It's the Oline's fault.
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We were lucky to win this game. If Manziel played this wouldn't have been close, Hoyer kept us in it. Luck was off most of the game but Hilton came through when we needed him. 

How do we really know what Manziel can do at the NFL level? But I definitely agree with the first sentence. Some players really struggled (Wayne and Nick come to mind) and this was an unconvincing win.

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Outta respect for his illustrious career I tried to keep Reggie off that list but yeah..... He was terrible today

The robo-arm look apparently only works for JJ Watt :(


trich did really help us on one drive though. He saved the game for once..

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Anyone would have played better then what Hoyer did today. Even if he played average we lose by 10 or more, Manziel would have at least ran for some yards. This Colts team is never prepared, that's a coaching problem.


How do we really know what Manziel can do at the NFL level? But I definitely agree with the first sentence. Some players really struggled (Wayne and Nick come to mind) and this was an unconvincing win.

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Our defense played its tail off. They weren't perfect but they kept us in the game. The defense was not the problem today. You can't be serious.

A combination of our pass defense and Brian Hoyer kept us in it. Our run defense was bad as usual.


Our special teams played pretty poorly for 3 quarters, tioo. However  unlike years past I'm expecting that to be the exception instead of a given. They've played very well this year. In the fourth quarter they tackled well on the last kickoff.

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Second round at best. First round if we get PIT or BAL. Ditto on second round. The AFC is weak enough we have a good shot against anyone else.

Third round we'd be nigh guaranteed to meet DEN or NE, in which case good night.

"Which case goodnight"


Idk why that's so funny

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I was unable to watch the game except the last 3 minutes. I have heard different reasons on what the team brought to the table. would some one please let me know exactly what happened, We did win which was great but from my understanding from some of the comments are 


1 Defense was no good 


 2 O line was no good 


 3 Could not run the ball


 So exactly what did we do good to win, Just your thoughts

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Not to be a negative Nancy, but I think the defense is getting far too much credit. Hoyer was horrible and missed at least 2 TD throws. If we were facing a competent QB today, our defense would have been wiped out. I am glad we got the win but wow we looked bad today all around.

Hoyer was trash but our D still had to execute. It made stops when it had too

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The defense does a great job in the first half but the offense doesnt produce, making the defense tired. So in the second half, the offense produces but the defense is tired...


remember the score at halftime against the patriots weeks ago? 14-10. The defense even had 2 interceptions...today wasnt the best example since Hoyer is no Tom Brady but yea...


i dont know how the team is going to solve this but it needs to be done...


we may make it in the first round of the playoffs if we make it, but when it comes down to the Patriots, they do not make mistakes...


Sorry Bap......  but for most of the season,  the Colts have been the NFL's team #1 team in scoring in the 1st quarter.


Not sure if we still are, or not,  but we've still got to be very highly ranked.

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The defense does a great job in the first half but the offense doesnt produce, making the defense tired. So in the second half, the offense produces but the defense is tired...


remember the score at halftime against the patriots weeks ago? 14-10. The defense even had 2 interceptions...today wasnt the best example since Hoyer is no Tom Brady but yea...


i dont know how the team is going to solve this but it needs to be done...


we may make it in the first round of the playoffs if we make it, but when it comes down to the Patriots, they do not make mistakes...

That's also why McCoy tore up our defense last week.  The Colts had quick strikes on offense and got off the field, then the defense didn't have time to get their breath before going back out.  Our offense did a great job with TOP in the first half of the season, but doing a horrible job now.  It's tiring out the defense and then they get beat up.  The only reason they did decent today was because Hoyer isn't that good.

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