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we will not lose another game this season


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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

I love the enthusiasm!  I've also got a bridge to sell, you wouldn't by chance be interested??  :D

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Losses to the browns and cowboys

The Browns are not that good. We can handle Hoyer like we did Dalton. We lost to an elite team.. that doesn't mean we will lose to all good teams. I guarantee the Browns don}t make the playoffs. We can beat the Cowboys too but I am worried about Demarco.
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We will beat the Brown's, their offense is mediocre. Although they with have Gorden so it might get better. There is almost no doubt in my mind the Cowboys game will be a complete defensive meltdown, because they actually have a good o-line. Unless the coaches learn to stop getting out-coached. 11-5. 

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The Browns are not that good. We can handle Hoyer like we did Dalton. We lost to an elite team.. that doesn't mean we will lose to all good teams. I guarantee the Browns don}t make the playoffs. We can beat the Cowboys too but I am worried about Demarco.

Im worried more for Dez Bryant.. vontae couldn't cover brandon Lafel (sp)
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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

I don't think I will take it to the bank because it could very easily  Bounce:D

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

Some or the players will be going to the super bowl. They will get tickets from their friends on the sb teams. The rest of the Colts will be at home watching the game like we will do wishing they were there. If you think we are going to beat NE in NE in the winter you better have a checkup soon. 

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The Browns are not that good. We can handle Hoyer like we did Dalton. We lost to an elite team.. that doesn't mean we will lose to all good teams. I guarantee the Browns don}t make the playoffs. We can beat the Cowboys too but I am worried about Demarco.

The browns have a pretty good run game. If they get a good run game against us they very well could beat us.

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

The defense just let up 200 yards and 4 tds to a practice squad running back.. what do you think will happen when the best rb in the game demarrco Murray plays us.. devastation

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The browns have a pretty good run game. If they get a good run game against us they very well could beat us.

I know we gave up a lot of rushing yards this week but it's not like we're the worst in the league at it. Hoyer will still have to throw at out secondary to be effective.
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@coltsrule91, while my True Blue Colts heart loves your sentiment, and hope that is true.


IF this team plays like they did last night, going 3-3 in the remaining games is a real possibility!

With our developing interior Oline, we are going to continue to struggle until they "get there" (expected)

I don't think that the return of A. Jones is going to make that much of a difference, It was sad to see getting dominated again last night in the run game!

We have lost our best RB, will the others step up? Hard to tell, (Oline woes again) Allen being out is going to hurt too.

I wonder what this loss will do to the team psyche, Had to be a big blow to many players egos!


IF things don't change... I can see butt whippings at the hands of Cleveland, Houston and Dallas.

Given this teams penchant for losing to teams we should beat, things could get ugly!


We could go 3-3 or 2-4 and miss the playoffs entirely!

As a Colts fan I would hate to see this, but I see it as very likely happening.

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I'm gonna sell.

Cleveland is a good team, with short term lapses to the browns of old. Dallas is tough. Houston is hanging in there. Tennessee and Jacksonville always find a way to play us tough.

Washington is the only real "gimme" I see left after last night. And with the way we make no name players look like the greatest to ever play their position, I'm sure we will make RG3 look so good the universe simply collapses on itself as a result.

I wouldn't be surprised to see us finish a rough luck 3-3.

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

TBH, you are the exact definition of a homer. We just got our * handed to us and the next day ur booking us as future superbowl champs. That deserves a big ol LOL but the enthusiasm is great!

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We need to worry about just getting to the playoffs before we start talking superbowl. We could easily lose another 3 games this year, EASILY. The texans are just right behind us and we just had a complete epic meltdown on SNF. Id be worried about the state of mind our team is in before booking your superbowl tickets.

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

I can run 100 yards to our defense and i am not a running back by profession.

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.


Good for you.  What we think isn't going to affect anything anyway, so go for it!

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.



Obviously I hope you're right.     We ALL hope you're right.


But I think you're going to be disappointed.    Very disappointed.


There is now all sorts of video showing other teams how to attack the Colts.    Compounding matters,  Bradshaw is going to be out for likely the rest of the regular season and probably the playoffs too.


Who knows how effective Dwayne Allen will be going forward?


I think we lose at least one more game.    With a possibility we lose two more.


We'll still win the conference,   and we may win a playoff game....   but why anyone would think after last night that we're making a deep run in the playoffs -- especially going to the Super Bowl -- is completely beyond me.....


There's just no reason to think it beyond being a fan.......

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I'm gonna sell.

Cleveland is a good team, with short term lapses to the browns of old. Dallas is tough. Houston is hanging in there. Tennessee and Jacksonville always find a way to play us tough.

Washington is the only real "gimme" I see left after last night. And with the way we make no name players look like the greatest to ever play their position, I'm sure we will make RG3 look so good the universe simply collapses on itself as a result.

I wouldn't be surprised to see us finish a rough luck 3-3.


Really? That wouldn't surprise you? lol. Look I don't think we are winning any SB or anything but this team is not finishing below 10 wins. 

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I said 12-4 at the start of the season and Im sticking by it. I said we're going to the super bowl and Im sticking by it. call me delusional. call me a stupid homer I dont care. we will not lose another game and you can take that to the bank.

You sir have won the MOST OPTIMISTIC AWARD on this forum. Hoping we can!  :thmup:

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I will tell you what confuses me = last year we knocked off SF, Denver, Seattle, and Kansas City.  What has happened to this ball club.  This year we can't stay with Denver, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and now, New England.  Seems we are going in the wrong direction.  I'm sorry to offend, but all along, I have wondered about our coaching staff and a GM that keeps signing players that their teams don't want.  I just don't see how the Colts can honestly be considered a valid playoff team, much less a Super Bowl contender.  I feel sorry for Reggie and Andrew.

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