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1070 The Fan Says Rogers being traded [Edit: false rumor]

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I seriously think the Colts would want higher than a 5th!! He has more talent than that and can do more for the Colts than a 5th round pick!

Maybe a 4th and something else.

Also if one of our WR goes down we need both Rogers and Whalen. So I'm hoping we will keep him.

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I seriously think the Colts would want higher than a 5th!! He has more talent than that and can do more for the Colts than a 5th round pick!

Maybe a 4th and something else.

Also if one of our WR goes down we need both Rogers and Whalen. So I'm hoping we will keep him.


Logan Mankins,  who has been to the Pro Bowl for 5 straight years,  just got traded for a 4 and a very good tight end,  Tim Wright.


And now you think Da'Rick Rogers,  who officially has done very very little,  should get the Colts the same deal?    Seriously?


I think you might want to re-think that......................

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Seems awfully soon to be releasing him after he only played 5 games for the team last year, I think there might be something much more to this IF this is true, He isnt not a huge loss though and Im  for collecting draft picks in most circumstances

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A 5th for Rogers? Grigson punched his ticket for the GM hall of fame if that happened

I disagree.  I think Rogers has more potential than that.  I think he has the potential to be a team's #1 receiver, but it's going to take a lot of work to reach that.  I wouldn't give him up for a 5th rounder

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Logan Mankins,  who has been to the Pro Bowl for 5 straight years,  just got traded for a 4 and a very good tight end,  Tim Wright.


And now you think Da'Rick Rogers,  who officially has done very very little,  should get the Colts the same deal?    Seriously?


I think you might want to re-think that......................

Its all about supply and demand lol.

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I am not for this trade. We don't know what Reggie is going to want in compensation or even if he wants to play next year, and Nicks is only on a one-year deal.


If we lose Rogers now then we could potentially be down to TY, Moncrief, and Whalen in 2015.


Not smart business.

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I disagree. I think Rogers has more potential than that. I think he has the potential to be a team's #1 receiver, but it's going to take a lot of work to reach that. I wouldn't give him up for a 5th rounder

Untapped potential means nothing, I like Rogers but nobody in their right mind is giving a 5th round pick for a guy with 14 catches in his career
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Untapped potential means nothing, I like Rogers but nobody in their right mind is giving a 5th round pick for a guy with 14 catches in his career


He is worth more to us than he is any other team. 


We have invested into him, and may desperately need him next year if Reggie and Nicks are not here. 

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I disagree.  I think Rogers has more potential than that.  I think he has the potential to be a team's #1 receiver, but it's going to take a lot of work to reach that.  I wouldn't give him up for a 5th rounder

Ive got to agree . IMO id be hard pressed to trade him for a second or 3rd , cant see the logic in it. Reggie wont be here  much longer , so are we thinking of the future ?

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Ive got to agree . IMO id be hard pressed to trade him for a second or 3rd , cant see the logic in it. Reggie wont be here  much longer , so are we thinking of the future ?


Am I reading you right?


You would NOT trade Rogers for a 2nd or even a 3rd?    


I would do that deal so fast before Cleveland could re-consider!    At some point a deal makes sense.


And a 3 would get my attention -- seriously.


But....  let's get real here...     that trade is not happening in our lifetime.


If a deal would be done,  it's more likely to be for a 6....   and that would have no interest for me.


Oh....  and one last thought....  a good GM always has one eye on the present...   and the other on the future...      and that's why I'd do a deal for 3....   

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Ive got to agree . IMO id be hard pressed to trade him for a second or 3rd , cant see the logic in it. Reggie wont be here  much longer , so are we thinking of the future ?

I would trade him for a 2nd for sure.  I would listen to a 3rd as well.  But yeah, think of the future.  A lot of the WRs we have are young, so we could have a really strong WR corps to develop some mean chemistry with Luck for the next few years


Untapped potential means nothing, I like Rogers but nobody in their right mind is giving a 5th round pick for a guy with 14 catches in his career

True, but he's been good so far.  He hasn't done anything to give the idea that he isn't progressing.  There have been no reports of him being late for practice or meetings, he has stayed out of trouble off the field, he's made some big plays on the field.  It's hard to say from my perspective because I'm not in practices and meetings, but it appears as though he's working hard to develop.  Guys who are 6'3" with good hands, great IQ, and a lot of explosive ability aren't easy to find. 

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Why would any colts fan want this to happen? Bunch of gambling addicts! J/k on being gambling addicts but comon, it's a lowly 5th round vs a potential future starter with some good but raw ability. Let's not look stupid in another a Browns trade please.

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True, but he's been good so far. He hasn't done anything to give the idea that he isn't progressing. There have been no reports of him being late for practice or meetings, he has stayed out of trouble off the field, he's made some big plays on the field. It's hard to say from my perspective because I'm not in practices and meetings, but it appears as though he's working hard to develop. Guys who are 6'3" with good hands, great IQ, and a lot of explosive ability aren't easy to find.

I agree with everything, I like Rogers and root for him all the time he is in. He is valuable to us but he has done nothing to warrant a team spending a 5th on him.

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Logan Mankins,  who has been to the Pro Bowl for 5 straight years,  just got traded for a 4 and a very good tight end,  Tim Wright.


And now you think Da'Rick Rogers,  who officially has done very very little,  should get the Colts the same deal?    Seriously?


I think you might want to re-think that......................


 After watching Old Mankins in the Playoffs last season it came as No Surprise he would be dumped.

 You take the Pro Bowl too seriously, you might want to rethink that.

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 After watching Old Mankins in the Playoffs last season it came as No Surprise he would be dumped.

 You take the Pro Bowl too seriously, you might want to rethink that.


Personally,   the Pro Bowl means nothing to me.     Seriously.


But it has some value to NFL types... 


Either way,  the guy still has game.    I have no doubt that Mankins is on the downside of his career,  but even a declining Logan Mankins is a much better player than Da'Rick Rogers and all his potential.


Comparing the two, which is what Bravo did by saying Rogers should get the Colts the same deal that Mankins got the Pats, is not hard.   It's illogical.    Come on now...

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Logan Mankins, who has been to the Pro Bowl for 5 straight years, just got traded for a 4 and a very good tight end, Tim Wright.

And now you think Da'Rick Rogers, who officially has done very very little, should get the Colts the same deal? Seriously?

I think you might want to re-think that......................

Why must I rethink it!? ProBowls are somewhat of just a popularity contest and Tim Wright is a good TE. So in return they got a good player AND a 4th round pick. Plus the Pats really needed a TE so they had to give a little. Plus why the heck would we give up Rogers for a 5th round pick when he can possibly do way more than that.

The recent Colts 5th round picks sure haven't shown anything whether it's due to injury or just not enough talent. I'm sure going to bet that their next 5th rounders will continue to be the same unless a diamond in the rough comes along.

If Cleveland needs Rogers I'm sure they would give more than just a 5th! Why would you take what they give! Colts gotta get the most out of it!

Also what happens when one of our WR goes down? Rogers automatically becomes more valuable! Absolutely ZERO of the receivers behind Whalen and Rogers have shown anything at all!! Nothing...

Also I would think you could tell by now that the Colts have injury issues so I'm sure we will need 6WR.

Bravo.....just sayin

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I seriously think the Colts would want higher than a 5th!! He has more talent than that and can do more for the Colts than a 5th round pick!

Maybe a 4th and something else.

Also if one of our WR goes down we need both Rogers and Whalen. So I'm hoping we will keep him.


For an UDFA guy who was UDFA due to off field issues, I will be glad if we get anything other than a 7th round pick.


The 5th rounder is only possible because the Browns will be a desperate team. I don't think we need Da'Rick Rogers if Moncrief comes along well, which I am sure he will.


There are not enough targets to go around amongst our 2 TEs/5/6 WRs when healthy, so trading Rogers will not break our back, offensively, IMO. Besides, we have played pre-season without Wayne and T.Y. involved too much, so don't read into the performance of the wideouts too much.

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Why must I rethink it!? ProBowls are somewhat of just a popularity contest and Tim Wright is a good TE. So in return they got a good player AND a 4th round pick. Plus the Pats really needed a TE so they had to give a little. Plus why the heck would we give up Rogers for a 5th round pick when he can possibly do way more than that.

The recent Colts 5th round picks sure haven't shown anything whether it's due to injury or just not enough talent. I'm sure going to bet that their next 5th rounders will continue to be the same unless a diamond in the rough comes along.

If Cleveland needs Rogers I'm sure they would give more than just a 5th! Why would you take what they give! Colts gotta get the most out of it!

Also what happens when one of our WR goes down? Rogers automatically becomes more valuable! Absolutely ZERO of the receivers behind Whalen and Rogers have shown anything at all!! Nothing...

Also I would think you could tell by now that the Colts have injury issues so I'm sure we will need 6WR.

Bravo.....just sayin


This entire argument you just laid out completely ignores your original point that I responded to.


Somehow,  you think Da'Rick Rogers has the same trade value as Logan Mankins.


They don't.


It's not even close.


It's night and day.


You're free to see it differently.


I have no problem with 6 WR's.    I might be the poster who has campaigned for that here the longest and loudest.    Most everyone else here is married to carrying 5 WR's.     I'm perfectly fine with 6.


And I'm happy to keep DaRick.    All I'm saying is he doesn't have the same value as Mankins.    That's it.

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