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All I want is Mack and Nicks and I consider it a GREAT free agency


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The Colts have way too many holes to do each one justice and have success.  They should cut their losses and accept that it isn't going to happen and we as fans need to be okay with another rebuilding year.  There's no way they are putting together a complete team this year but it isn't too late to make great strides in the right direction. They still have a good team just not a tier one team that can compete for a championship.

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I hope we don't sign Nicks. The draft is loaded with really good receivers. Moncrief will end up being better than Nicks IMO. We need to get a C, and FS in free agency. Maybe a guard for depth and to push Thornton. I just don't see us getting Mack. I think we will get EDS or BDLP.

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The Colts have way too many holes to do each one justice and have success.  They should cut their losses and accept that it isn't going to happen and we as fans need to be okay with another rebuilding year.  There's no way they are putting together a complete team this year but it isn't too late to make great strides in the right direction. They still have a good team just not a tier one team that can compete for a championship.



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The Colts have way too many holes to do each one justice and have success.  They should cut their losses and accept that it isn't going to happen and we as fans need to be okay with another rebuilding year.  There's no way they are putting together a complete team this year but it isn't too late to make great strides in the right direction. They still have a good team just not a tier one team that can compete for a championship.


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Nicks isn't too bad.  He considering a one year deal to prove himself.  Who knows he might surprise us.  I say we do need a WR.  We dunno how reggie is gonna be and we can't be too sure with whalen or darick.  If anything ill take edelman over nicks.

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The Colts have way too many holes to do each one justice and have success. They should cut their losses and accept that it isn't going to happen and we as fans need to be okay with another rebuilding year. There's no way they are putting together a complete team this year but it isn't too late to make great strides in the right direction. They still have a good team just not a tier one team that can compete for a championship.

WOW!!!!! haha

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Everyone is saying we don't need another reciever!!! Yess we do!!!

What if one gets injured this year?

Sorry to say but injuries have been hurting the Colts the past couple years!!!

The draft is mega deep with WR's

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The Colts have way too many holes to do each one justice and have success.  They should cut their losses and accept that it isn't going to happen and we as fans need to be okay with another rebuilding year.  There's no way they are putting together a complete team this year but it isn't too late to make great strides in the right direction. They still have a good team just not a tier one team that can compete for a championship.

We just got to the second round of the playoffs with third string wide receivers and and virtually no running game. If we had stayed healthy the whole year we might have been in the Super Bowl. We are only going to get better. Have some faith in Grigson and have some faith in your team.

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Ryan Clark

Ted Ginn Jr.


Need somebody to plug into that center hole and no need to break the bank on Mack. Get an experienced veteran like Clark for a year or two (probably one) and draft safety to work in and then become full time starter when Clark leaves. Then Teddy Ginn for to burn some more rubber! Imagine those receivers speed of TY and Ginn with the size and athleticism of Rogers and then well, Reggie is Reggie! Not to mention Dwayne Allen coming back with and improved Fleener! I'm a little wet already!  :luv:

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The Colts have way too many holes to do each one justice and have success.  They should cut their losses and accept that it isn't going to happen and we as fans need to be okay with another rebuilding year.  There's no way they are putting together a complete team this year but it isn't too late to make great strides in the right direction. They still have a good team just not a tier one team that can compete for a championship.

Yeah Ok!!! Roll over why don't u!!!

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Alright nvm didn't know the draft was deep in WR's. 


I change my mind: Mack, Chris Clemons (the safety), and Sproles and I'll be ecstatic. Not sure how that would happen though. 


Either that or EDS, Clemons and Sproles. That could actually occur 




I like him, but we dont need a 4th runningback for that kind of money, AND we'd have to trade for him....heckkkkk no.

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We definitely need another receiver. Nicks is a really good choice.

In what way is it Definite?  We did perfectly well last year without Reggie once they adjusted.  So in what way are in such a bad shape that it is definite that we need a WR?

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He was only even on the main roster for a few games. Give him time to develop. Offseaon with Reggie TY and Luck. Hel grow and get better.

Well then this team better hope he does improve because they need him to show up week after week and that goes for whalen and Brazill too they cant have a good game one week then not show up the next they all three need to improve but I wouldn't mind the colts bringing in another vet to be there  that can be the no. 1 WR in case Reggie gets hurt again you all saw what that did to this team.

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The Colts have way too many holes to do each one justice and have success.  They should cut their losses and accept that it isn't going to happen and we as fans need to be okay with another rebuilding year.  There's no way they are putting together a complete team this year but it isn't too late to make great strides in the right direction. They still have a good team just not a tier one team that can compete for a championship.


ye have little faith. When you have a QB, like Andrew Luck, anything can happen any given week. We won last season's first playoff game against a tough team by bouncing back by an insane deficit, which is more than I can say for most times Peyton Manning led the team only to get utterly crushed in our first playoff game. 

When Tom Brady went down with a season-ending leg injury, they still went 11-5 with a Matt Cassel led team. You didn't see them treat it as a rebuilding season.


Tier 2 teams can still win a Superbowl. Nobody gave the Giants much of a chance against New England and we saw how that turned out.

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Nicks will be a panther... Im all in on Mack

I think Nicks will be a Panther as well. We need a steadying presence in the middle of the O line, badly. I mean badly. Mack would be worth the money he would cost to bring in to Indy. Also, the Mack/Luck relationship would benefit us greatly.

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