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Apparently the Colts are interested in Jonathan Martin.


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The more and more news comes out Incognito is coming out the good guy and Martin the guy who flaked out and bailed on his team.



I think we're a long way off from Incognito being a "good guy," but he's certainly not anywhere near as bad as he was made out to be when all this stuff came out.

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I think we're a long way off from Incognito being a "good guy," but he's certainly not anywhere near as bad as he was made out to be when all this stuff came out.

In this situation I agree, But he has a history off field issues to dating back to Nebraska

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I think we're a long way off from Incognito being a "good guy," but he's certainly not anywhere near as bad as he was made out to be when all this stuff came out.


I'd say he's not quite as bad as he was made out to be...    but I don't think the characterization is far off.    He's had a bad history everywhere he's been.    Everywhere.


That's not to say he's not a good player.    He is.    If he weren't such a jerk, I'd love for him to be a Colt.    I'd like to think if he was the culture of our locker-room would make it more difficult for him to be the jerk he is.   But I don't know.   A lifetime of behavior is hard to change.    He was literally brought up to the be this type of person by his father.   He doesn't change -- ever.


Talented?    Yes.


Worth the trouble?    Not for me.


Not as bad as made out to be?    OK.   But not by alot.    He much closer to the devil than he is an angel...


Just thinking out loud here....

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The more and more news comes out Incognito is coming out the good guy and Martin the guy who flaked out and bailed on his team.



I couldn't stand Incognito before this incident for various reasons.  The only guy I probably liked less was Cortland Finnegan.  Just because he might have gotten a bit railroaded doesn't magically make him someone I admire.


As to the topic of the thread, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to some tire-kicking with a thought toward a vet minimum contract if one or both is a free agent, but I wouldn't trade a ham sandwich for either of these guys.

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I couldn't stand Incognito before this incident for various reasons.  The only guy I probably liked less was Cortland Finnegan.  Just because he might have gotten a bit railroaded doesn't magically make him someone I admire.


As to the topic of the thread, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to some tire-kicking with a thought toward a vet minimum contract if one or both is a free agent, but I wouldn't trade a ham sandwich for either of these guys.


Yeah, as a vet option, I'm not totally opposed to Incognito, but I'm not hopping up and down about the possibility. 

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Four pages of posts on this thread, and I still haven't seen one piece of evidence to support the thread title.

Are you surprised?  The only thing that surprises me is that the thread hasn't been taken over and become about Da'Rick being the second coming......  guess it is called the offseason!

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Are you surprised?  The only thing that surprises me is that the thread hasn't been taken over and become about Da'Rick being the second coming......  guess it is called the offseason!


Don't you dare!


Da'Rick Rogers he is going to have 72 TD in the first quarter of the 1st game next season!

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We are all giving opinions even though we dont know the full story


Report still hasn't been released by the Wells law firm.




Not interested in either guy, to be honest.  But leaked stuff isn't the whole story. when the report comes out, we'll paint a better picture of both guys.

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The more and more news comes out Incognito is coming out the good guy and Martin the guy who flaked out and bailed on his team.


Think again.  http://news.yahoo.com/inquiry-says-incognito-2-others-harassed-martin-155306996--spt.html


And it was not only Martin they harassed. They threaten to kill a Japanese American trainer in retaliation for Pearl Harbor. The coaches had to know this was going on and made no move to stop it. They should all be fired if they have not been already. Martin may get another NFL job but I'll bet that Incognito is finished.

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Dont care if Martin gets another NFL job, just dont want him on the Colts roster.

He never had the backbone to stand up to anyone, just ran out crying amd blowing snot bubbles. Doesnt go to his head coach or anyone in the front office, just runs home and lawyers up and starts releasing things to the media.

No skills, no backbone, no loyalty to the organization who brought him into the league, he has nothing to offer but distraction and problems.

The article said Martin was extremely sensitive to insults, thats really gonna work well in the NFL.

The guy needs to stay out of football, get some mental help, and just put it all behind him.

As far as Incognito ..... The NFL has had players do a lot worse then teasing and name calling and they still played.

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Dont care if Martin gets another NFL job, just dont want him on the Colts roster.

He never had the backbone to stand up to anyone, just ran out crying amd blowing snot bubbles. Doesnt go to his head coach or anyone in the front office, just runs home and lawyers up and starts releasing things to the media.

No skills, no backbone, no loyalty to the organization who brought him into the league, he has nothing to offer but distraction and problems.

The article said Martin was extremely sensitive to insults, thats really gonna work well in the NFL.

The guy needs to stay out of football, get some mental help, and just put it all behind him.

As far as Incognito ..... The NFL has had players do a lot worse then teasing and name calling and they still played.

Having read some of the report, I think calling it "teasing" is extremely reductive. Incognito deserves whatever punishment is headed his way. That said, I don't think Martin is going to be a Colt anyway.

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Dont care if Martin gets another NFL job, just dont want him on the Colts roster.

He never had the backbone to stand up to anyone, just ran out crying amd blowing snot bubbles. Doesnt go to his head coach or anyone in the front office, just runs home and lawyers up and starts releasing things to the media.

No skills, no backbone, no loyalty to the organization who brought him into the league, he has nothing to offer but distraction and problems.

The article said Martin was extremely sensitive to insults, thats really gonna work well in the NFL.

The guy needs to stay out of football, get some mental help, and just put it all behind him.

As far as Incognito ..... The NFL has had players do a lot worse then teasing and name calling and they still played.

Maybe he should join quin pitcock on some Xbox online gaming.

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Are you surprised?  The only thing that surprises me is that the thread hasn't been taken over and become about Da'Rick being the second coming......  guess it is called the offseason!

or hijacked by pats fans, claiming it wasn't spygates fault that Martin is a "A little Girlie Man..."-(in best Hans & Frans voice)

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Having read some of the report, I think calling it "teasing" is extremely reductive. Incognito deserves whatever punishment is headed his way. That said, I don't think Martin is going to be a Colt anyway.

I do think the Colts or 49ers would be the most logical landing spots for him. No one should have to endure what he was subjected to. I am rooting for him to make a big comeback with somebody. Incognito should never be allowed on another NFL team.

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Dont care if Martin gets another NFL job, just dont want him on the Colts roster.

He never had the backbone to stand up to anyone, just ran out crying amd blowing snot bubbles. Doesnt go to his head coach or anyone in the front office, just runs home and lawyers up and starts releasing things to the media.

No skills, no backbone, no loyalty to the organization who brought him into the league, he has nothing to offer but distraction and problems.

The article said Martin was extremely sensitive to insults, thats really gonna work well in the NFL.

The guy needs to stay out of football, get some mental help, and just put it all behind him.

As far as Incognito ..... The NFL has had players do a lot worse then teasing and name calling and they still played.


I'd prefer the Colts stay away from both players, but if it came down to it, Incognito is a much better player than Martin & is a pro-bowl player that plays a position where the Colts could use some up-grading at...


Incognito will play in the NFL again, and unless he is an absolute * he will get his act together as far as the smack talk & generally being a nincompoop is concerned...

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I want the guy to get with a bunch of "adults" and "professionals" who JUST MIGHT build up a guy with 1st round ability into the player he can be.


And considering the Colts OL situation.    I want him, if he comes VERY CHEAP.    Because I think the Colt locker room will encourage him instead of tear him down.


Jim Harbaugh got it out of him, why can't some one else? 

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Martin has nothing to offer us. He plays a position, poorly, that we don't have a huge need to fill. Picking him up would basically be a publicity stunt. We can find someone with the same lack of skill without all the baggage if we are shopping for backups.

We need a guard but won't take incognito because of his role in it all, so we should move on. I know Dungy is all up in the mix counseling Martin and advising the Dolphins and all that but who cares. Dungy can play the conscious of the NFL all he wants and preach and whatever else he wants to do, but we dont owe him any help in his mission. Let him call Caldwell if he wants to get Martin a job, we need to focus on winning and not being a hallway house for troubled souls.

Our offensive line guys might not say they dont want Martin, but they dont want Martin. Just because the Colts conduct themselves in public better then a lot of teams doesnt mean that they dont think the same things as other teams and I am sure they think very little of Martin.

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