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Jeff Triplett to ref Charges @ Bengals


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Wow!  File this under the "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" category!!!  I wasn't aware of that call/play, but that was a trip up that bounced him and it couldn't be clearer that he was short. 


Can I go on the record in advance that we don't want to be helped or hurt by the officiating?  Just the right calls and an even hand on PI and holds? ,

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Wow!  File this under the "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" category!!!  I wasn't aware of that call/play, but that was a trip up that bounced him and it couldn't be clearer that he was short. 


Can I go on the record in advance that we don't want to be helped or hurt by the officiating?  Just the right calls and an even hand on PI and holds? ,


In fairness, the Chargers probably shouldn't be in the playoffs, given the officiating mess-ups, so this is the NFL's way of fixing their mistake. And the Steelers still get shafted, as their division rival benefits.



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In fairness, the Chargers probably shouldn't be in the playoffs, given the officiating mess-ups, so this is the NFL's way of fixing their mistake. And the Steelers still get shafted, as their division rival benefits.



I heard an interview with the Chargers color guy last night and he argued the refs evened out because in week one they lost to the Texans thanks in large part to a bad call on a field goal attempt where they said the Chargers made contact with the Texans center but on reviews it was clear they never touched him so he argued the mistakes even themselves out even if it took all year to even out. 


With that said it still doesn't make the mistakes okay. 

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I heard an interview with the Chargers color guy last night and he argued the refs evened out because in week one they lost to the Texans thanks in large part to a bad call on a field goal attempt where they said the Chargers made contact with the Texans center but on reviews it was clear they never touched him so he argued the mistakes even themselves out even if it took all year to even out. 


With that said it still doesn't make the mistakes okay. 

It's true.  Nobody is saying it's okay, just that the mistakes tend to even out over time.  The NFL announced the next day that it was a bad call, so we definitely know what it feels like.  Had it been called correctly, 4 points are off the board and it's quite possible we win the game against Houston, and are 9-6 prior to game time and Sunday's game would have been irrelevant. 


That said, there will NEVER be perfection in sport's officiating.  We're dealing with humans and our limitations.  I used to ref high school basketball.  It is amazing how much clearer the view is up in the stands rather than when there are 3 or 4 people between you and the ball and we're not talking 6' 5" 350 lbs. guys!  Add to that the game moves so fast and has so many complicated rules. 


Besides what would we have to gripe about in the off-season?  ;-)


Here's the story: http://nfl.si.com/2013/09/10/vp-of-officiating-key-penalty-in-chargers-texans-game-shouldnt-have-been-called/

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A league darling in the Steelers got screwed. So now it's San Diego's turn to pay?


I guess if we win Saturday we may be going to Peyton. Now prepare for the media frenzy unlike ANYTHING before.......

I would LOVE for you guys to take over the sideshow role but since we have to beat Peyton before you could, I'm hoping it never happens :-)

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I would LOVE for you guys to take over the sideshow role but since we have to beat Peyton before you could, I'm hoping it never happens :-)


I think that we are the best shot to beat Peyton in the AFC to be brutally honest and not sounding overly cocky.. History favors the Colts over the Broncos and we are the team who can best get in his head since well.....we are his old team.


When we have played Denver we often find a way to win it seems. We have often been to Denver what SD is to us. But, it is not written in stone.....


NE I have the most faith in vs. Denver ONLY if it is in NE. If the game is Denver I am more hesitant due to Brady's history there so I take it more as a toss up ATM.


SD I am unsure of. I don't think mentally you guys could screw with him like we could even though you would have a chance too.



I know die hard Peyton fans will cringe at this post but that's how I feel......a lot of Peyton's game IS and always has been mental with him. Playing the Colts COMPLETELY takes him out of his comfort zone whether he admits it or not and he never would. Now, I am not saying we would beat him for sure but at the same time I am saying we have a real shot....




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Jules - haven't you heard "San Diego is Kryptonite to Peyton!"  LOL!  Everything you said about Indy applies with us as well.  We were up 24 points the first 1/2 in SD 2 years ago and folded like a cheap tent - but we could and should have won that game.  We lost our first game to Peyton in SD this year by only 8 points and had a good shot at that one as well.  Our guys won in Denver this second game in very solid fashion.  We have a great record in Denver.  Don't count us out.


Now - because you know I'm an honest fan.  I'm not at all sure how far we will go in the playoffs.  I know what we are capable of, but we have a lot of really young and inexperienced players.  You never know how they're going to handle the pressure.  Our vets are strong and have a great presence in the locker room and we're really healthy for the first time in recent playoff history.  Ryan's ankle has been somewhat of an issue, but he'll tough it out.  Eddie Royal's had some issues and hasn't been practicing, but other than that I don't recall any injuries Sunday. 

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Jules - haven't you heard "San Diego is Kryptonite to Peyton!"  LOL!  Everything you said about Indy applies with us as well.  We were up 24 points the first 1/2 in SD 2 years ago and folded like a cheap tent - but we could and should have won that game.  We lost our first game to Peyton in SD this year by only 8 points and had a good shot at that one as well.  Our guys won in Denver this second game in very solid fashion.  We have a great record in Denver.  Don't count us out.


Now - because you know I'm an honest fan.  I'm not at all sure how far we will go in the playoffs.  I know what we are capable of, but we have a lot of really young and inexperienced players.  You never know how they're going to handle the pressure.  Our vets are strong and have a great presence in the locker room and we're really healthy for the first time in recent playoff history.  Ryan's ankle has been somewhat of an issue, but he'll tough it out.  Eddie Royal's had some issues and hasn't been practicing, but other than that I don't recall any injuries Sunday. 



True.....I think I am just biased since I watch the Colts so closely and well I don't watch SD as closely so you obviously know more. Again I am not counting you out and both our teams have to get through this weekend first but it's fun to look ahead to the big TWO. Honestly going to NE would be odd as well for us since it's so tough to win there but they are depleted on offense so who knows either.


I think I am more down on SD at times since you all lost to Peyton 3 straight times since he has been with Denver before breaking through in the 4th meeting? On the flip side it is not impossible even for the Colts to beat SD. We were in the game this year for most of it but looked terrible of course and we beat you all I think in 2008 in a close one.


Just that overall we have had massive struggles with SD it seems......so I usually like to avoid you all. :)


If both or either of our teams win this weekend we may be able to go on a run. Both our teams have a lot of youth so they can be flippy.....and also very dangerous at the same time.

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Hey he's just terrible across the board.  There is a probably a prop bet on which team he will screw the Chargers or the Bengals

I'm already sick of hearing about last week's ref screw up, so I don't want to "benefit" again and hear about it some more and I CERTAINLY don't want to get screwed to "even out" last week. 

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I think that we are the best shot to beat Peyton in the AFC to be brutally honest and not sounding overly cocky.. History favors the Colts over the Broncos and we are the team who can best get in his head since well.....we are his old team.


When we have played Denver we often find a way to win it seems. We have often been to Denver what SD is to us. But, it is not written in stone.....


NE I have the most faith in vs. Denver ONLY if it is in NE. If the game is Denver I am more hesitant due to Brady's history there so I take it more as a toss up ATM.


SD I am unsure of. I don't think mentally you guys could screw with him like we could even though you would have a chance too.



I know die hard Peyton fans will cringe at this post but that's how I feel......a lot of Peyton's game IS and always has been mental with him. Playing the Colts COMPLETELY takes him out of his comfort zone whether he admits it or not and he never would. Now, I am not saying we would beat him for sure but at the same time I am saying we have a real shot....




I think we take out the Broncos if it comes to that... Manusky has a good amount of experience coaching linebackers in the 3-4 system which has historically created the most problem for Peyton. We were completely dictating the game and taking him out of his comfort zone a couple months back. We certainly are designed to do it. NE is the biggest concern for me, Gronk or no Gronk. I think people will be surprised at how much trouble they will give us...Actually, I predict every playoff game for us will be rough, even this Sunday. My gut tells me we come away with a win, but I think there will be a fair bit of adversity. None of these teams is to be taken lightly...

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About wanting to play Peyton this particular year in the divisional round, my gut feeling says "be careful what you wish for", that is all. I'd personally prefer a slower starting offense on the road like the Pats and the Colts have more capable man CBs than the Pats have capable offensive playmakers at wideout, when healthy. Just saying.


Teams that play NE in Foxboro well are not in awe of Brady and Belichick, and are willing to smash them in the mouth and go toe-to-toe for 60 minutes. Ravens and Jets first come to mind.


Let the chips fall where they may, going to be an interesting postseason. Happy New Year, everyone!!! :)

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