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Peyton could lose his passing yardage record.


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Peyton's feet are at the 49...


The receiver catches the ball at about the 48 1/2....


Will be interesting to see what the NFL does about this...   they make day after adjustments like this all the time...  every week in fact....   but I can't remember one coming on a potential record...



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To me this record is not that important. When mediocre qbs like Matt Stafford are hovering around this number every year it is impressive...but won't have longevity. This record will likely be broken in the next 3 years and I'm sure Peyton understands that. Even if Peyton gets the career leader in yardage it will likely get broken too. The TD record however will take a great deal of skill and work to break. That said I'm sure if you go through the whole season and look you could probably add and subtract from just about every play if you want to get really precise. I'm sure the league isnt going to make an adjustment...because that would open up a big can of worms.

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Looks like it might be a lateral. Peyton broke the record by 1 yard. This was worth 7 yards.



I doubt they take away a record like that.





Peyton's feet are at the 49...


The receiver catches the ball at about the 48 1/2....


Will be interesting to see what the NFL does about this...   they make day after adjustments like this all the time...  every week in fact....   but I can't remember one coming on a potential record...





To me this record is not that important. When mediocre qbs like Matt Stafford are hovering around this number every year it is impressive...but won't have longevity. This record will likely be broken in the next 3 years and I'm sure Peyton understands that. Even if Peyton gets the career leader in yardage it will likely get broken too. The TD record however will take a great deal of skill and work to break. That said I'm sure if you go through the whole season and look you could probably add and subtract from just about every play if you want to get really precise. I'm sure the league isnt going to make an adjustment...because that would open up a big can of worms.




Not sure why fox didn't just let him play one series in the 2nd half


I saw a video and honestly so close and such a small video to hard to tell where he caught the ball compared to Peyton, appears like  ball thrown back a bit  yet also appeared like catch was much further  forward when made near peytons  aparent position on the field, could of just ben the angle of the really small video


Need a laser across the field, To close to overturn ???


sory cant get URL for it


Frankly I thought they would let him in for 1 series, he wanted to , Fox said it was a coaches call, I mean I like round #'s


55 TD's go nicely with 5500 yards he easily could of had


NFL should let this stand esp as had an entire half left if needed to get it


Its also a good NFL story to have both records set


Of Course I am biased

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They took away Gronk's record breaking TD catch because it was a lateral.


That was against us in 2011, right? A little different situation, since it wasn't the last game of the season and Gronkowski had plenty of chances remaining to make it up. But I highly doubt the NFL will let sentimentality determine their course of action here.

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If they were to  make a change, by when do they do it 


I see  noted game --    they make day after adjustments like this all the time.


So does that mean today and if so by when ????   , curious, never knew this  ! ! ! , never heard of these  next day reversals,


Thanks if anyone knows timeline please quote me and answer I would appreciate it



The NFL makes changes like this all the time. Just because it's a record doesn't mean they won't.





Peyton's feet are at the 49...


The receiver catches the ball at about the 48 1/2....


Will be interesting to see what the NFL does about this...   they make day after adjustments like this all the time...  every week in fact....   but I can't remember one coming on a potential record...



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If they were to  make a change, by when do they do it 


I see  noted game --    they make day after adjustments like this all the time.


So does that mean today and if so by when ????   , curious, never knew this  ! ! ! , never heard of these  next day reversals,


Thanks if anyone knows timeline please quote me and answer I would appreciate it


I'm not sure of the timeline, but I think within a day or two...


Happened to the Colts after the KC game...


When Alex Smith got hit and Jerrell Freeman intercepted his duck of a pass.


After further review, a day or two later,  the hit on Smith was ruled a fumble and not a pass, and Freeman's interception was instead ruled a fumble recovery. 


There's a story about it on this website that I saw just last week....   Sorry... too brain dead to find it now...


Hope this helps.....

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I'm not sure of the timeline, but I think within a day or two...


Happened to the Colts after the KC game...


When Alex Smith got hit and Jerrell Freeman intercepted his duck of a pass.


After further review, a day or two later,  the hit on Smith was ruled a fumble and not a pass, and Freeman's interception was instead ruled a fumble recovery. 


There's a story about it on this website that I saw just last week....   Sorry... too brain dead to find it now...


Hope this helps.....



appreciate it, i Imagine it will be on the board somewhere if a reversal occirs or hopefully i will hear of it, just very busy with more important issues


Moms Dr want to set up a meeting with me Re her deteriorating status at age 95, obviously more important than football , & I have multiple Drs saave for New Years this wek to have to work around, so if u here try and let me know with a quote again or PM me so i get an e-mail notification , otherwise I imagine sooner or later i will hear if things change

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I guess you couldn't blame them if they modified the stats, assuming that it is correctly dubbed a lateral.  It would be a travesty, however, because Peyton sat the entire second half.  There's no doubt that, would he have played the second half, he would have torched the record.


Nevertheless, the records will fall sooner or later after they increase the season to 18 games.

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Obviously a lateral but this pisses me off...I said it yesterday, why not let him play another possession, even just another down in the second half? This stuff happens, and breaking the record by one yard is not enough breathing room when he could have easily added another 50 in a couple minutes.


They probably didn't care about that record. 

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I bet some of their players do, but I don't think Peyton does. It was just a coincidence he broke it on their last play of the first half. I don't think he was playing the second half regardless.


That's the impression I got as well. They wanted to try to put the game away as soon as they could, and then pull Manning and whoever else they could in the second half. 

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They probably didn't care about that record. 



I guess I just don't see why they wouldn't. If going out there and running another play is the difference between being the record holder versus being the 2nd place guy, why not run the extra play? Sure there's always an injury risk, but I'd take my chances if it were me. 

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It still probably stands as the Most yards in 15-1/2 games   ;)


In all seriousness,   it is what it is, and if they take it away, and he comes up short,  so be it.

I'm not sure if it matters that much to him,  yet if it does, then it's a shame that it comes out after the fact, because I have no doubt one or two series in the 2nd half would have certainly put it away.....

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I guess I just don't see why they wouldn't. If going out there and running another play is the difference between being the record holder versus being the 2nd place guy, why not run the extra play? Sure there's always an injury risk, but I'd take my chances if it were me. 


As of the start of the third quarter, they thought they had the record. Yeah, by one yard, but still, they had it. So assume that they DID care about it, it was theirs.


Someone else said that 5,500 would have been a nice, round number to shoot for. But after halftime, Manning would have had to warm up again, go back out there and try to get another 40 yards or so, just to hit a number that doesn't really matter. I don't think it was necessarily worth it.

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Seriously? The Mannings are the 1st Family Of Football. Peyton isn't losing the passing record. No way. That is so lame it's laughable. Roger Goodell is not that foolish. Avoid the public relations nightmare. Give it to 18 & be done with it. 


I put zero stock in this crazy theory whatsoever. Peyton Manning is the figure head of the Natl. Football League right now. Don't open this pandora's box. Otherwise, there will be consequences...


If the zebras didn't raise a fuss about it at the game right then & there, then the NFL has no right now to second guess a call that was never pointed out LIVE during the game. JMO. 


And before anybody gives me a line about honesty & fairness, let me say this: Is it fair to penalize Peyton after the game is over? Hades no. Had it been called during the game, Peyton would have had ample time to score more points & break Drew Brees's passing record for a single season. Facts are facts. You can't penalize 18 after the fact, it's unethical with no time to remedy the situation. 


Did Green Bay get awarded that game against Seattle hours after the game had concluded last season? Nope. 

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Seriously? The Mannings are the 1st Family Of Football. Peyton isn't losing the passing record. No way. That is so lame it's laughable. Roger Goodell is not that foolish. Avoid the public relations nightmare. Give it to 18 & be done with it. 


I put zero stock in this crazy theory whatsoever. Peyton Manning is the figure head of the Natl. Football League right now. Don't open this pandora's box. Otherwise, there will be consequences...


If the zebras didn't raise a fuss about it at the game right then & there, then the NFL has no right now to second guess a call that was never pointed out LIVE during the game. JMO. 


Did you miss the part where stat adjustments are made all the time?

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Seriously? The Mannings are the 1st Family Of Football. Peyton isn't losing the passing record. No way. That is so lame it's laughable. Roger Goodell is not that foolish. Avoid the public relations nightmare. Give it to 18 & be done with it. 


I put zero stock in this crazy theory whatsoever. Peyton Manning is the figure head of the Natl. Football League right now. Don't open this pandora's box. Otherwise, there will be consequences...


If the zebras didn't raise a fuss about it at the game right then & there, then the NFL has no right now to second guess a call that was never pointed out LIVE during the game. JMO. 


And before anybody gives me a line about honesty & fairness, let me say this: Is it fair to penalize Peyton after the game is over? Hades no. 


Did Green Bay get awarded that game against Seattle hours after the game had concluded last season? Nope. 


The refs don't keep track of stats. We had an INT in the KC game that was later to changed to a Mathis sack. Stat adjustments occur frequently. 

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