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DHB gets Eyes Tested


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He can absolutely not track the ball through the air whih is why he drops almost anything thrown over his shoulder.

I wouldn't be suprised to find out there is something wrong with his sight.



I was going to post something similar. I think it goes beyond balls over his shoulder. He just can't make plays on the ball at all. Almost appears he has bad hand - eye coordination .. which would be a bit unusual for a great athlete. I with you that it wouldn't be shocking to find he has bad vision.

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Seriously, this is why balls thrown to him might always hit his chest. Imagine, he gets his eyes fixed and he becomes the next coming of Randy Moss.

It wouldnt be unheard of. If hes a bit nearsighted, the ball could look fuzzy in the air coming to him giving him problems in where to position his hands. If that is his issue, he could turn in to a huge playmaker down the stretch.
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It'd be pretty sad if this guy has gone his entire career not realizing he needs glasses, for Gods sake. I doubt he's that unaware.

A lot of people dont realize they have eye problems. You dont know what normal vision is, so if its off you cant tell and just adjust to it on your own. Would make tracking a small object through the air hellishly hard though.
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Either nothing major is wrong and nothing changes or they find out theres a rather significant problem that enables him to track and catch the ball better and become a complete beast that can take over and dominate the receiver position.

Those are definitely the two likeliest scenarios.

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@TribStarTJames: I have heard, although dont know if its true, that DHB has visited with local eye doctors to have eyes tested. If so, would some questions.



This isn't unusual at all in high school..


Some athletes don't know they cant see well......they never speak of it and they're never asked.


It could help him....even if he just THINKS he sees better now

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I was going to post something similar. I think it goes beyond balls over his shoulder. He just can't make plays on the ball at all. Almost appears he has bad hand - eye coordination .. which would be a bit unusual for a great athlete. I with you that it wouldn't be shocking to find he has bad vision.


That could be entirely about depth perception. Might be why he prefers to let the ball get in on his body where he can use his arms to hug it.


Seems like a convenient excuse for a player who is really struggling with routine throws. Would be awesome if he gets contacts and it fixes his drops issue, but I highly doubt it happens that way.

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