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That's surprising.  His play has been on and off this year and I can appreciate the passion and fight he shows, but you have to think straight.  You can't let your emotions get the best of you.  Not only will it give you a penalty, but you could really hurt someone headbutting them with your helmet when they don't have a helmet on.

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No ejection and no suspension...he was lucky. he deserved both..


cant have 'Detroit Lion' behavior like that .....



....hope he learned...I dont care about his passion....no cheap shots

I hope the officials learned from this also. They missed several calls and allowed tempers to flare. They are at fault partly. The Titans player was also at fault because he got up into Walden's face which he should not have done. This does not in any way excuse Walden for his part.

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While it wasn't the classiest of moves, and I'm not condoning the action in any way, but some people around here act like he leveled the guy with his helmet.  He barely even made contact.  Walker didn't fall down down, barely even took a half step back.....no blood coming from his mouth....nothing.  I honestly think a parent slapping their child in the mouth for using a cuss word was probably a harder hit than what Walden gave him.


Then again over reaction fits in well around here, pretty par for the course.

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i don't belive he should of been suspended ejected and fined heavily maybe because thats not the kind of team we are but walden up until that play and even after has really impressed me with his improvement this year he's become a very solid player for this defense just cool it and take a breather next time please?

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While it wasn't the classiest of moves, and I'm not condoning the action in any way, but some people around here act like he leveled the guy with his helmet. He barely even made contact. Walker didn't fall down down, barely even took a half step back.....no blood coming from his mouth....nothing. I honestly think a parent slapping their child in the mouth for using a cuss word was probably a harder hit than what Walden gave him.

Then again over reaction fits in well around here, pretty par for the course.

Agreed. You would swear he went Steven Seagal on him from reading these reactions.

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While it wasn't the classiest of moves, and I'm not condoning the action in any way, but some people around here act like he leveled the guy with his helmet. He barely even made contact. Walker didn't fall down down, barely even took a half step back.....no blood coming from his mouth....nothing. I honestly think a parent slapping their child in the mouth for using a cuss word was probably a harder hit than what Walden gave him.

Then again over reaction fits in well around here, pretty par for the course.

If you are so against people over reacting, why have you over reacted about it?

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If you are so against people over reacting, why have you over reacted about it?

Wouldn't call it an over reaction at all.  Just stating how I saw the chain of events play out, which was a lot more reasonable than a thread started about cutting the guy over it.


If you call my statement an over reaction than your name must be kettle

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An ejection from game and a fine is all that was needed.Not his fault ref missed the call Dude should have never got in the face of a player with out his helmet on. To a degree its his on fault kinda like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Was it wrong it sure seemed that way but we don't know what was said heck for all we know he could've spit in Waldens face the fact is we don't know and don't forget they are football players and not Golfers

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Wouldn't call it an over reaction at all.  Just stating how I saw the chain of events play out, which was a lot more reasonable than a thread started about cutting the guy over it.


If you call my statement an over reaction than your name must be kettle

Me, Kettle? How dare you say I over-react? What right do you have to come on here and tell someone you do not know, that they are prone to over-reaction. That's it, I'm outta here for good.....for ever....not coming back.....done.

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In a case like this, put yourself in the position of the other team's fans. Would any Colts fan understand were the actions of the two players reversed? And how ridiculous to blame "the Dude" for the headbut?

what Walden did in know way was right but to a degree the titans player is at fault he should have never got in the face of a player with out his helmet on . Do I agree with Waldens action no but both parties are at fault.
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Well Walker did admit to throwing a punch at Walden before the headbut and it was on film so I don't think they can punish one without the other and if they only throw the book at walden that will be crap.

Walker threw it after Walden headbutted him and Walker did not even follow through with the punch, It looked like it barely grazed his helmet, prior to it starting Walden had his fingers of his right hand hooked inside Walkers facemask and yanked it off

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Not expected to be suspended according to Chris Mortensen/ESPN. Surprised by this





Mike Florio is saying...

..."Walden could be suspended for multiple games.

We’ll all find out more about it on Monday or Tuesday"


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Mike Florio is saying...

..."Walden could be suspended for multiple games.

We’ll all find out more about it on Monday or Tuesday"


He deserves all he gets. I hope he and the Colts take it on the chin, whatever his punishment. Trying to blame Walker is pathetic. 


Ill discipline always hurts your team. 

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Mike Florio is saying...

..."Walden could be suspended for multiple games.

We’ll all find out more about it on Monday or Tuesday"



FWIW I just posted this on that article:



Eh, all three of those incidents cited are probably worse than what Walden did, in that they were more deliberately vicious. What Walden did was definitely stupid and inconsiderate, but I don’t think it rises to the level of actually grabbing a helmet and swinging it full force at a guy’s head, or stomping on a guy’s head with.


Not that I’d be that surprised if he gets a 1 game suspension, but let’s not act like what he did is on the level of what Haynesworth, or even Smith, did.


In any case, I could also cite the incident wherein when the Colts played the Broncos and Kevin Vickerson very clearly, as the video shows, aimed a punch to the already-injured knee of Samson Satele, and he only got a fine. That seems to me to be more potentially damaging than what Walden did. It’s not like Walden reared back and laid into Walker.


He should have been ejected, but I’m not convinced he gets suspended.

BTW that's supposed to be "stomping on a guy's head with your cleats", I got a bit ahead of myself posting that and there's no edit button.

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FWIW I just posted this on that article:



BTW that's supposed to be "stomping on a guy's head with your cleats", I got a bit ahead of myself posting that and there's no edit button.


You bring up a good point with Vickerson.  Punching at a players knee while he is down, to me, is worse than what Walden did.

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