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Mighty Quiet Here In Houston This Morning

King Colt

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I'm not sure but I'd bet that Wayne caught the majority of passes thrown by Luck over the last year and a half. Great receivers get more catches because they are great, makes sense. Even so there were 3 guys that had more than 3 catches other than AJ.

Yeah. That's all true, but my main point really didn't have anything to do with great WR's doing their thing. It had to do with Case. He had a nice game. So did Nick Foles yesterday, and the jury is out on him still. 

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Keenum was lights out last night. Frustrating for a Colts fan to see AJ up the middle on many plays. They were right about the Texans' D. It's stellar....granted, our O-line play was awful but Houston's D is still great.

Lay night was the best and worst for case. Dude has an awesome arm but the one thing he has against him now is game film. .. He no longer has that element of surprise. . We will truly know how good he is in about 2 weeks imo
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Maybe we watched two different games. Calls aside, the Texans were dominating that game right through to the third quarter but decided to keep running when they needed to put up another TD to lock the game up. Had their FG kicker just hit 66 percent of his kicks then the game would have been put away.

yeah but you could also argue the fact that two of their scores were handed to them by failed calls by the refs. when you have two calls that goes the other way when you know that they should have went your own way it could kill the morale of the team. fortunately enough for the colts they played a full four quarters and not just a half of football like the texans. 

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Dang I'm all off today. Sorry, long night I guess haha




It's cool, Back to the Texans, they better stick with Keenum as their QB, at least he gives you guy's a chance to win without throwing it to the other team all the time. I don't know if he's the long term solution, but he's better than Schaub.

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It's cool, Back to the Texans, they better stick with Keenum as their QB, at least he gives you guy's a chance to win without throwing it to the other team all the time. I don't know if he's the long term solution, but he's better than Schaub.

Yeah, he hasn't thrown an interception in his first two games playing against pretty tough secondaries. Not bad. I'm not sure he is the solution either but he is certainly arguing his case. Pun intended lol. If he can at least get us to 8-8 and continues playing like an animal out of the cage for the first time in a long time then I could see us sticking with him. I don't think Schaub is going to be starting with the Texans anymore.

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It's cool, Back to the Texans, they better stick with Keenum as their QB, at least he gives you guy's a chance to win without throwing it to the other team all the time. I don't know if he's the long term solution, but he's better than Schaub.

No offense, but the above is obvious to just about everyone who has seen more than 2 Texans games lol. Keenum and Foles are in the same boat right now. Great first few starts, but we will see of it can be maintained. There will be dropoff for both of them, the question is how much?
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No offense, but the above is obvious to just about everyone who has seen more than 2 Texans games lol. Keenum and Foles are in the same boat right now. Great first few starts, but we will see of it can be maintained. There will be dropoff for both of them, the question is how much?




It's obvious to most, but I'm not sure it's obvious to Kubiak.

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Thank you.  For the most part you guys are class acts (unlike Kansas City).  Your team played a great game last night.


Having said that.

Thanks also!! Speaking of fans, Them Broncos fans can be pretty rotten also. And I'm not talking about the ones around here.

(I hope not??)

And Titan fans they would like to kill colts fans some of them.................. 

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You just can't bear it when the Colts win a game. It's always the other team that loses it.....


When you were squeaking like a mouse caught in a trap about Brady's final drive vs the Saints, I didn't hear you say the Saints offense and conservative play calling lost it for the Saints. Or maybe you did.....

I would not say the Texans lost the game but their FG kicker needs to be fired today. That was an awful performance.


I did say the Saints went conservative and the Pats also got some good calls in that game as well.

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There is no way you missed the roughing the kicker call... The announcers even said the refs blew that call

On that call, the guy that rushed was apparently unblocked and on top of the kicker. When the ball came off his foot it had a funny spin to it. When I saw the play live, I was sure he got part of the ball. After the replay you could see the Texan guy did not touch it but I can see why the refs did not call it. It looked like a partial block and sounded like it too with that thund sound as soon as it was kicked. I know penalities cannot be reviewed but I really think calls or non-calls like that one should be looked at.

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On that call, the guy that rushed was apparently unblocked and on top of the kicker. When the ball came off his foot it had a funny spin to it. When I saw the play live, I was sure he got part of the ball. After the replay you could see the Texan guy did not touch it but I can see why the refs did not call it. It looked like a partial block and sounded like it too with that thund sound as soon as it was kicked. I know penalities cannot be reviewed but I really think calls or non-calls like that one should be looked at.

That one is reviewable. The Refs told Pagano it wasnt though.
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You could be right but we're not talking about some read option gimmick or some "new" offensive system at work, it was a pure pocket passer with mobility making plays and burning people. He is a gamer and gives the impression of a quick learner. Being unpredictable is something that's hard to prepare for and he's being just that right now.

Can't believe he did not get drafted. What a quick release to boot. Fearless back there. Did not see one bad decision from him even when they got pressure on him. For sure he has all the tools to be a very good QB.

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The Texans were not dominating anything... and you tend to use that word waaaaaay too much. They couldn't put points on the board of any type at times. I'm not sold on you watching any games at all.

Sorry I agree with amfootball this time probably a first. haha but having a team down 18 points is dominating. I still say if their coach had not gone down they would have put that game away.  The Colts need to play a full 60 minutes to have a good game.

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Can't believe he did not get drafted. What a quick release to boot. Fearless back there. Did not see one bad decision from him even when they got pressure on him. For sure he has all the tools to be a very good QB.

How would you analyze Luck's release time? Slow? Average? Fast? I've been trying to decide. At times I think it's slow with his windup but other times fast. I think overall its average though. 

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Sorry I agree with amfootball this time probably a first. haha but having a team down 18 points is dominating. I still say if their coach had not gone down they would have put that game away.  The Colts need to play a full 60 minutes to have a good game.

Did you say this after the Niner or Denver game???

The nice thing is this team is winning & learning how to win in spite of slow starts, imagine what they will look like when they can consistently play an entire 60 mins....

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How would you analyze Luck's release time? Slow? Average? Fast? I've been trying to decide. At times I think it's slow with his windup but other times fast. I think its average though. 

It seems average to me. At times he can rifle it out of there and other times he seems to wind up. I liked how they showed the clock on Case's release and you could see the ball left his hand in .3 seconds which is in Marino terriotory. I would have liked to see them do that with Luck as well just for comparison.

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Did you say this after the Niner or Denver game???

The nice thing is this team is winning & learning how to win in spite of slow starts, imagine what they will look like when they can consistently play an entire 60 mins....

I am not sure I have ever seen any team really play 60 solid minutes. The Pats always preach this too but it is really hard to do. What you really want is to move the ball consistently, win the field position game and score when you are in the red zone and obviously limit turnovers. Fundamentals win the day in the end. I think with last night the Colts came out sliggish after the bye and the Texans came out on fire given their season was on the line. Emotion plays such a big factor too.

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Can't believe he did not get drafted. What a quick release to boot. Fearless back there. Did not see one bad decision from him even when they got pressure on him. For sure he has all the tools to be a very good QB.



He didn't get drafted because of a bad combine , weak arm and 6' around 210 lbs. I guess the combine performance was enhanced (negatively) after he injured his hamstring. However , he was at best projected to go in the late rounds . If he was a guy with tools and the hamstring tweak really affected his draft position , that's why you have workouts after the draft.


Funny that a few posts are mentioning tools and a strong arm. Because a QB throws some deep balls , it doesn't mean he has arm strength. Can he be a good NFL QB ? In some systems , including Houston's , yes.  As you say , he makes good decisions , plus he's very good at keeping plays alive and makes some nice throws on the run. For sure an improvement over Schaub , but probably a guy that will be defensed better and has a ceiling.

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Sorry I agree with amfootball this time probably a first. haha but having a team down 18 points is dominating. I still say if their coach had not gone down they would have put that game away.  The Colts need to play a full 60 minutes to have a good game.


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You know, watching the Colts play sometimes reminds of watching baseball and starting pitchers...their job is to put the team in a position to win.  The Colts as a team nearly always somehow seem to do that.


 I think Luck's nickname ought be "The Closer."

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Sorry I agree with amfootball this time probably a first. haha but having a team down 18 points is dominating. I still say if their coach had not gone down they would have put that game away.  The Colts need to play a full 60 minutes to have a good game.

They dominated for a half, they've had issues closing pretty much the whole year.

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Good thing that Kubiak had a mini stroke and not a major one. He really couldn't have had it happen at a better time really because of all the onsite medical staff and quick response that is associated at football games.

As a longtime colts fan I have always had a great admiration for Kubiak and wish him a complete and full speedy recovery. Texans are in good hands with Wade in the interim though.

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I had to disagree with Al Michaels and Tony Dungee when they were saying that the Texans didn't play as hard or well because Kubiak got sick and left the game.  They wanted to win badly, NEEDED to win that game,  but between their lousy Kicker, and the Colts coming on so strong towards the end of the game they didn't have a snowball's chance in a bonfire.


PLUS...I put forth the theory a few weeks ago that the Colts play like that on purpose to wear out the other team and then kick derriere at the end! 


(That's MY story and I'm stickin' to it! lmao! :goodluck: ;) )

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IMO when game tape gets out on Keenum he will be as average as Schaub. I think Schaub will be back as the starter in 2 or 3 games when the Texans keep their losing streak alive. The kid looks like a gunslinger and the picks will start coming. I wasn't impressed with him at all. But that's just me, seeing as how everyone else is praising his game play so far.


Hope Kubiack gets well soon and gets back on the sideline healthy.


While I agree that it is way too early to anoint him as the second coming, to say you weren't impressed with him at all?  Really?


I find him to be pretty darn impressive.  Moves well, extends plays, poised, confident, strong enough arm, accurate enough arm, looks like he reads defenses pretty well.


How is 621 yards and 4 td's against two excellent secondaries not impressive at all?

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It seems average to me. At times he can rifle it out of there and other times he seems to wind up. I liked how they showed the clock on Case's release and you could see the ball left his hand in .3 seconds which is in Marino terriotory. I would have liked to see them do that with Luck as well just for comparison.

I'd encourage you to do a little more research on Lucks release time. It's certainly above average, especially on shorter passes. His ball placement is also highly above average.

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Keenum has played two games.  I need to see more from him.  There was a time after two games that Colts fans thought we would be alright with Painter too.  Then the league got tape on him and figured him out.  Talk to me at the end of the year about Keenum.  I am not saying he can't be the answer because he could be but I would hold off on at least saying he's the Texans future till we see a little more from him.

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For gods sake, I thought that Chris Collinsworth durning last nights broadcast was personally going to put Keenum into the HOF after 3 or 4 very lucky and I do stress the word LUCKY throws. Those few throws to AJ were basically lofted up in the air and AJ was just lucky enough to make plays on them. It wasn't like Keenum was carving us up the whole game, so give me a break on all the praise he is getting. He is average at best, hell even Jamarcus Russell has made a few good throws and where is he now.

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Sorry I agree with amfootball this time probably a first. haha but having a team down 18 points is dominating. I still say if their coach had not gone down they would have put that game away.  The Colts need to play a full 60 minutes to have a good game.



I think of domination I think of a team who keeps the proverbial pedal to the floor. The Texans had every chance to do so, but ran out of gas, and their vehicle began to putter. That allowed the Colts to pull out a gutsy win. The last part we can all agree on... and when it does happen look out.

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DId Houston dominate the first half and give us the 2nd or did the Colts give the Texans the first half and dominate the 2nd?

Also, why did losing Kubiak cause the Texans to lose but losing Pagao,for a whole year cause is to win?

People are just making excuses.

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