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One of these guys needs to emerge as a #2 receiver. I am confident after this game that T.Y. Hilton is capable of being our #1 (Great game by T.Y., 7 rec 121 yds 3 TD's), but I have no idea which one of these guys can be our #2 WR, I think Fleener at the TE spot will probably be our 2nd option, and he had a good game today as well as a fantastic catch on a 2 point conversion, but one of Griff Whalen/LaVon Brazill/DHB needs to step up, and I don't know who it will be right now

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Brazill will be that guy IMO

Yes, Brazill, if they give him the reps.

Griff is OK as a possession receiver...he needs to play in a few more 'real' games to get settled in.

Maybe Reggie can help out with Bey...get him to improve his moves to get open AND his 'hands catching' of the football.

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I think the issue sometimes with DHB is defenders know he has catching issues, so they make sure to rough him a little more than other WR's. Not making a single excuse for him, but it does look like that as apparent with the helmet to helmet no call earlier that knocked it out of his hands.

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DHB's inability to CATCH the ball has really annoyed me the past few weeks.  I've tried to not jump to conclusions, but dude just cannot catch with his hands and spends all his energy flailing about and jumping.  The deep ball to T.Y. that was a TD, right on the money right?  I'm thinkin' Bey-Bey wouldn't have caught it...and what good is a WR that can't catch the ball?  It's like what I was saying about Bullock the kicker.  What good is he to the Texans if he can't make FGs? NOTHING. And I'm all for cutting dead weight...


I'd rather have Brazill has 2 and Gryffindor/Coby Jack as a combo third.  I was proud of Coby tonite.  I've called him a weenie before, but boy did me proud on the 2pt conversion.  Way to finally play like a 6'6" dude, Coby!  Jazz Hands indeed.


Go Colts!

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I think our number 2 guys is Fleener.  He made some big plays tonight.  Not as big as Hilton clearly but some big plays none the less. 


Whalen is young and of the three did the most to help the team tonight.  He's a slot guy though that should be learning and improving as the year goes along.


Brazil seems to be the main back up at this point. 


DHB I am over.  I was just saying in another thread I was all for signing him at the time but frankly after watch him he looks more worried about avoiding contact and calling for a flag from the ref than he does about catching the ball.  I am ready to move on from him at the end of the year.  I think he's a guy who has gotten by on his speed and probably doesn't work as hard as he should. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

DHB shouldn't start again he can't catch anything pass 5 yards, T.Y, Brazil, and Whalen should be the group of WR's from now on.

We should have him play runningback so Luck can hand him the ball and say "Here Darrius, now GO!"

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One of these guys needs to emerge as a #2 receiver. I am confident after this game that T.Y. Hilton is capable of being our #1 (Great game by T.Y., 7 rec 121 yds 3 TD's), but I have no idea which one of these guys can be our #2 WR, I think Fleener at the TE spot will probably be our 2nd option, and he had a good game today as well as a fantastic catch on a 2 point conversion, but one of Griff Whalen/LaVon Brazill/DHB needs to step up, and I don't know who it will be right now

We need to give Brazill a chance. I barely saw him all game

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DHB has warn out all of his excuses and is a detriment to our offense. Brazill, Griff, or even Da'rick Rogers needs to step up.

Brazil needs a chance. Honestly I thought Whalen held his own and had a huge third down catch. I am ok with bringing Rogers up. Honestly I would cut Reed and bring up Rogers, we need another WR now more than a kick returner.
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We should have him play runningback so Luck can hand him the ball and say "Here Darrius, now GO!"


I know you are joking, but I wouldn't mind seeing them try him out in some sort of hybrid role; he's big, strong, fast, ok blocker, and can catch screens & short passes  ... try using him kind of like a Reggie Bush type role. We have nothing to lose and if it succeeds and we end up with some weird version of a Reggie Bush even better.


He sounds like a hard working guy who really wants to succeed, he might be all for it.

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DHBrickhands is starting to wear me out. Even if the Texas DB doesn't yank on his jersey on that deep pass (that hit him in the hands) most likely wouldn't have been caught. Even Chris Whackensworth said he wishes he could will DHB to do better. He has all the speed in the world, but if you can't catch the ball, what good are you? :( 


When Pep uses DHB on misdirection plays, his speed shines. We need to do more of that. 





Side note: Jazz hands by Fleener after the TD catch.....AWESOME!! :)  

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I think DHB highlights Pep's inability to adapt. If we all know DHB cant catch a pass over his shoulder why does he only run go routes? Run some slants or curls so he can see the ball from lucks hands to his. Either change up how we use DHB or dont use him at all.

right...because DHB only runs Go Routes...... :rollseyes: ....if your 6'2 with blazing speed and cant catch a pass running over your shoulder you pretty much have little business being on the field really

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DHB has warn out all of his excuses (is it bad he makes me want Donnie Avery back?). Brazill, Griff, or even Da'rick Rogers needs to step up.


I'm with you here, I thought he was a huge upgrade over Avery, bigger, taller, more athletic.  But he can't catch and half the time I think he barely even tries.  


The only thing he seems to be good for is scaring the defense with his speed.  

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I'm with you here, I thought he was a huge upgrade over Avery, bigger, taller, more athletic.  But he can't catch and half the time I think he barely even tries.  


The only thing he seems to be good for is scaring the defense with his speed.  

I thought he was a downgrade over Avery, Least Avery could run good routes, Has better hands to, Not great hands but better

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right...because DHB only runs Go Routes...... :rollseyes: ....if your 6'2 with blazing speed and cant catch a pass running over your shoulder you pretty much have little business being on the field really

Get him the ball on a breaking route or when he makes his cut - not after hes streaking down the sideline. Just because youre fast doesnt mean the only play is run down the sideline deep and Ill throw it to you 30 yards in the air.


I dont think he should be on the field either but if hes gonna be on the field why not use him in a way that may succeed?

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Get him the ball on a breaking route or when he makes his cut - not after hes streaking down the sideline. Just because youre fast doesnt mean the only play is run down the sideline deep and Ill throw it to you 30 yards in the air.


I dont think he should be on the field either but if hes gonna be on the field why not use him in a way that may succeed?

he's been thrown to in different situations and routes. He just cant be relied on

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Ok I get


Lol. He had one catch on a crossing route. How about a few examples from last night to highlight your point?

He has been used on screens, end arounds, come back routes (in which sometimes he did not come back far enough) throughout the season, he is just a bust

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He has been used on screens, end arounds, come back routes (in which sometimes he did not come back far enough) throughout the season, he is just a bust

All 6 targets last night according to NFL.com;

(Shotgun) A.Luck pass incomplete short right to D.Heyward-Bey (B.Reed) [D.Sharpton].


A.Luck pass incomplete deep middle to D.Heyward-Bey. PENALTY on HST-K.Jackson, Defensive Pass Interference, 46 yards, enforced at IND 47 - No Play.


(Shotgun) A.Luck pass short left to D.Heyward-Bey to HST 32 for 11 yards (K.Jackson). completion


(Shotgun) A.Luck pass incomplete deep right to D.Heyward-Bey.


A.Luck pass incomplete deep left to D.Heyward-Bey.


(Shotgun) A.Luck pass incomplete deep right to D.Heyward-Bey.


Like I said - he needs less go routes and more slants, curls, comebacks that hit quick. This is partially Peps fault. Dont let the facts get in the way of telling someone theyre wrong.

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All 6 targets last night according to NFL.com;

(Shotgun) A.Luck pass incomplete short right to D.Heyward-Bey (B.Reed) [D.Sharpton].

A.Luck pass incomplete deep middle to D.Heyward-Bey. PENALTY on HST-K.Jackson, Defensive Pass Interference, 46 yards, enforced at IND 47 - No Play.

(Shotgun) A.Luck pass short left to D.Heyward-Bey to HST 32 for 11 yards (K.Jackson). completion

(Shotgun) A.Luck pass incomplete deep right to D.Heyward-Bey.

A.Luck pass incomplete deep left to D.Heyward-Bey.

(Shotgun) A.Luck pass incomplete deep right to D.Heyward-Bey.

Like I said - he needs less go routes and more slants, curls, comebacks that hit quick. This is partially Peps fault. Dont let the facts get in the way of telling someone theyre wrong.

lol just because he was targeted deep doesn't mean it was a go route.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I know you are joking, but I wouldn't mind seeing them try him out in some sort of hybrid role; he's big, strong, fast, ok blocker, and can catch screens & short passes  ... try using him kind of like a Reggie Bush type role. We have nothing to lose and if it succeeds and we end up with some weird version of a Reggie Bush even better.


He sounds like a hard working guy who really wants to succeed, he might be all for it.

DHB is also a good blocker, so maybe we can use him as more of a wingback ala Dexter McCluster, and use screens out of the backfield and what not.

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lol just because he was targeted deep doesn't mean it was a go route.

So you didnt read the top part?  I never said all deep targets are go routes. I said he has trouble catching the ball over his shoulder (obviously) so Pep needs to call more plays that hit quick that DHB can see from Lucks hands to his. If hes going to be on the field (im not sure he should be) call plays that he can be successful with- not just one move and then streak down the sideline deep.

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