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Thoughts about our GM


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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is probably abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.

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One think I like is his gamble, in the offseason he didn't go after "big name" free agents other than Landry, Bradshaws up there but we had to be patient with him, but his other pieces he brought in are decent if not good. Name the worst free agent we signed thus far (I know it's early) Some may say Toler, Or walden but look at it this way Toler has a pick, and frankly isn't bad but he's young with upside Walden a man who was brought in to anchor opposite Mathis, I look at him as a stop gap, so the front office drafted Werner who hopefully will replace Walden in the line up and develop into a good pass rusher. Bottom line is he brought in talent look at Cherilus stone walling Wake or Franklin and RJF clogging the middle making it an improvement in run defense or Landry leading nfl tackler anyone?

Anyways back to the topic Grigson is a risk taker but hopefully they will continue to work out!

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I think Griggs works non stop at trying to improve the Colts. Not every move will work out but it's not like he is not trying. After years of sitting and waiting for draft picks to work out this is something the Colts fans are not used to. I for one think this trade for TR can turn out to be a blockbuster deal. I know some are not too keen on giving up a 1st round pick but I see it different. We picked up a player who was picked 3rd overall last season behind Luck and RG3. The sweet thing about it is the Colts didn't have to pay the signing bonus of signing a top draft pick. The contract he is under serves the Colts well considering where he was picked in last years draft. Having the cap space to make this trade work shows that Griggs does have the knowledge to manage the finances of the Colts. In the past a trade of this size would have been impossible to make. With moves like this Griggs may very well be in the running for GM of the year once again. 

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is possibly abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.



He is straight up playing Madden in real life, and I like it.


There have been roughly 70 trades in the NFL since Ryan Grigson took over as the Colts GM and Grigson has made over 20 of them. 


You are correct sir. He has a gift to communicate with others. 

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is possibly abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.

Personally, I think the fact that the Colts offered what they did has far more to do with the trade than any gift of conversation on Grigson's part. And I think that Polian's lack of trades were far more about philosophy than his abrasiveness.

This is not a statement of support of one method or another just that they have different beliefs on how to build a team.

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I'm somewhat naive when it comes to my understanding of the dealings of a FO in the NFL but I'm guessing you don't get along and progress from a scout to GM in 15 years without having the skill of getting along with people and knack for assessing players. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking this but I guess that like any business it's all fueled by personal relationships and if you rub people up the wrong way it's going to kill your career quite quickly. 


Looking at his most blockbuster move so it's now being put about that the Browns approached us so I wonder what their initial demands for Richardson were as I'm sure Grigson knows never to take the first offer when someone wants to sell you something ;). I'm guessing that it was another pick on top of the 1st, maybe something in the 2015 draft as that would fit with what seems to be their overall plan. Can you imagine the consternation if we'd given up more than what we have already? The only thing I'd have liked to have seen would of packaging Brown into the deal somehow, but that's only my own feeling. 


Overall though I like the activity and the constant drive to improve the team bit by bit. Not every move is going to make the roster massively better but building a solid team is all about the accumulation of small gains. Not every move will work out, but if on average over his trades he's made the team "X"% stronger he's doing his job and doing it well. In some ways scoring a decent backup who's not flashy but will be solid if he's called upon is as important as landing those prime time players. After all how many times do we hear "next man up". 

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I'm pretty impressed with Grigson.  I like his flexibility in solving a problem.  He seems to weigh his options and make the best decision, even if it means change.


I liked Polian and I think he was a great GM; he got us Peyton, Edge and others we may not know the back story of.  Yes, there were some busts, also.


Polian could have been better with Grigson's flexibility.  "We do what we do" was the mantra of the Polian administration and I think that costs the team a championship or two.  Peyton made him look good.   

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Personally, I think the fact that the Colts offered what they did has far more to do with the trade than any gift of conversation on Grigson's part. And I think that Polian's lack of trades were far more about philosophy than his abrasiveness.

This is not a statement of support of one method or another just that they have different beliefs on how to build a team.

Dear God....

haha I kid, I kid..

Yeah we can clearly see there is a night and day difference between the way the two ran the organization.

It is definitely a shock to many Colts fans, including myself. So far I like the bold moves approach but we will have to see how it plays out in the end.

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They sell shrimp out of the back of trucks in Des Moines?  Who woulda thunk it...


I personally enjoy the way Grigson has been running things.  Not only does it seem to be getting the team moving in the right direction but its also highly entertaining as a fan.  You literally have no idea what might happen each day with this man.  Its very exciting.


Incidentally its also the reason I went and purchased a custom jersey with my own name on the back... this way I wont be in fear of having a jersey of a player we just traded!

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He is straight up playing Madden in real life, and I like it.


There have been roughly 70 trades in the NFL since Ryan Grigson took over as the Colts GM and Grigson has made over 20 of them. 


You are correct sir. He has a gift to communicate with others. 

17 trades counting TR :P

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I love what Grigs has done so far. I like his aggresive, yet smart nature when it comes to contracts and signings. Another thing that I notice is that he is very much hands on in team activities. You're always seeing pictures of him on the practice field, engaged with what's going on. Something I don't recall seeing with Polian.

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They sell shrimp out of the back of trucks in Des Moines?  Who woulda thunk it...


I personally enjoy the way Grigson has been running things.  Not only does it seem to be getting the team moving in the right direction but its also highly entertaining as a fan.  You literally have no idea what might happen each day with this man.  Its very exciting.


Incidentally its also the reason I went and purchased a custom jersey with my own name on the back... this way I wont be in fear of having a jersey of a player we just traded!


Unless your H2o is high quality your safe , Waterboy was a good choice .. ;)

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They sell shrimp out of the back of trucks in Des Moines?  Who woulda thunk it...


I personally enjoy the way Grigson has been running things.  Not only does it seem to be getting the team moving in the right direction but its also highly entertaining as a fan.  You literally have no idea what might happen each day with this man.  Its very exciting.


Incidentally its also the reason I went and purchased a custom jersey with my own name on the back... this way I wont be in fear of having a jersey of a player we just traded!


Thanks to the weird and wacky world of the No Fun League I can't actually buy a jersey with my own surname on. 

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is possibly abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.

How quickly you forget all that winning under Polian .... that didn't happen because he is as abrasive as sand paper. Conversation only gets you so far. Good decisions, player evals, knowing when to make a deal vs. not that is what separates great GMs from the rest. I get the confidence in Grig but to take a shot at Polian baffles me.

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is possibly abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.


Not only that, but the good impressions he has left on his connections that he has all around the league.  There is even an article hinting Joe Banner (CEO of Browns) called Ryan first on this deal.  Which only makes since you are talking about a guy a team traded a 4th, 5th, and a 7th just to move up one slot to #3 to take the player.




That also speaks volumes to me about the man.  With that said-




(Minus Polian items, Bill had his trades too [Corey Simon anybody?], they just seemed to fail epic though)

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How quickly you forget all that winning under Polian .... that didn't happen because he is as abrasive as sand paper. Conversation only gets you so far. Good decisions, player evals, knowing when to make a deal vs. not that is what separates great GMs from the rest. I get the confidence in Grig but to take a shot at Polian baffles me.

How quickly you put words in someones mouth. I was one of BP's biggest supporters around here. His ability to select talent in the draft has absolutely nothing to negotiating with other GMs. It is well documented that BP held grudges. If he didn't like someone, it is not a stretch to know he wouldn't deal with them, even if they had a deal that would benefit us. Heck, he let Marshall frankin Faulk go in his prime. Now THAT is taking a shot at him, Know the difference.

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How quickly you put words in someones mouth. I was one of BP's biggest supporters around here. His ability to select talent in the draft has absolutely nothing to negotiating with other GMs. It is well documented that BP held grudges. If he didn't like someone, it is not a stretch to know he wouldn't deal with them, even if they had a deal that would benefit us. Heck, he let Marshall frankin Faulk go in his prime. Now THAT is taking a shot at him, Know the difference.

Saying he is as "abrasive as 60 grit sandpaper in a negotiation" sounds like a shot to me.

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is possibly abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.


There, I edited it...is that better?

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is probably as abrasive as 60 grit sandpaper in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.

I would say the Patriots are the best in the NFL at getting teams to work with them in a trade.  The number of teams willing to fall all over themselves to give Belichick more draft picks has always baffled me.  I agree 100% with the rest of your post.  Very impressed with Grigson so far and I love his "Moneyball" type approach to the game.

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Ah, I got you. Perhaps your post was worded in such a way that it didn't come across (to me anyways) that you were a supporter of him. My apologies.

I took a lot of heat for sticking up for him when he was let go...many of us did. Being a fan of this team since 70, BP was the builder of an historic franchise. I would never forget that or tear it down.But that doesn't mean he was without fault.


As I read back through my post, I saw how you might have assumed that. No harm no foul. I could have been cited for a PUI last night. ;)

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How quickly you put words in someones mouth. I was one of BP's biggest supporters around here. His ability to select talent in the draft has absolutely nothing to negotiating with other GMs. It is well documented that BP held grudges. If he didn't like someone, it is not a stretch to know he wouldn't deal with them, even if they had a deal that would benefit us. Heck, he let Marshall frankin Faulk go in his prime. Now THAT is taking a shot at him, Know the difference.



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Not only that, but the good impressions he has left on his connections that he has all around the league.  There is even an article hinting Joe Banner (CEO of Browns) called Ryan first on this deal.  Which only makes since you are talking about a guy a team traded a 4th, 5th, and a 7th just to move up one slot to #3 to take the player.




That also speaks volumes to me about the man.  With that said-




(Minus Polian items, Bill had his trades too [Corey Simon anybody?], they just seemed to fail epic though)


Manning would not be a SB winner without the Booger McFarland trade. JMO

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Not only that, but the good impressions he has left on his connections that he has all around the league.  There is even an article hinting Joe Banner (CEO of Browns) called Ryan first on this deal.  Which only makes since you are talking about a guy a team traded a 4th, 5th, and a 7th just to move up one slot to #3 to take the player.




That also speaks volumes to me about the man.  With that said-




(Minus Polian items, Bill had his trades too [Corey Simon anybody?], they just seemed to fail epic though)

Grigs is really starting to get a good rep around the league.  If I was a Gm looking to make a deal, Ryan would be a guy on the top of my list to talk to since he always seems to be willing to do deals.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Hmmmmm...not sure Grigson would have gone out and made this deal without Irsay driving him to trade for a RB.

It looks like Irsay is deathly afraid of the Colts taking a step back before developing into a contender.

The thing that makes me question that is Cleveland called us.

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He has money and draft picks to spend for NOW.

I would hope he feels strongly about his ability to evaluate talent, build a deep roster, and manage the cap long term.


He looks mighty sound to me.

Richardson is very solid in all phases and a solid bargain at $2.2.

We are now just 3 ish VG starters and some experience together away, with every reason to believe this can be addressed next off season. :highfive:

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.

I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is pobbibly abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.

I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.

Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.

Who thinks WE were suckered? if anyone it's the Browns who were bamboozled here.
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And good point.  I'm inclined to agree that without Booger (and the return of Bob Superman Sanders) Colts likely don't get a Super Bowl ring in 2006. They propelled our stellar run D in the playoffs.


Booger, for about 6-8 games was almost a Warren Sapp.

He was running wild up the middle making plays and giving opposing QB`s fits, and making everybody better on our D.

My first FB hero was Bob Lilly. I think Bob chased down Fran T. quite a few times! haha!


Oh to have a Great "All-Around" D Lineman!

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I was watching the Colts videos on this recent trade for Trent. I was watching Grigson field questions about his process. What I came away with was a sharper understanding of who the man is.


I now see Ryan as a guy who has the truly rare gift of conversation. There is a reason that BP didn't get a deal done It's not because he didnt want to improve the team, it's because he is pobbibly abrasive in a negotiation. There is a quality to being able to talk to another human being, speak to them on a level that not only validates them and their knowledge, but that protects the interests of those you are representing. RG has that ability. He is possibly, the most gifted GM in the NFL at getting teams to work with him in a trade.


I have no doubt that the Colts now have Trent in the backfield in Indy because of the gift of conversation that RG has, not because we were just a sucker that took a bad deal. Get over yourselves, fans. We have an extremely gifted GM and the kudos goes to Mr Irsay for having the vision to hire him regardless of the incessant fans whining about getting a "name" GM. Dude has the gift of persuasion and I am so thankful he is on our team.


Thanks Jim for fielding the heat for making RG our GM.

Dude we don't even know if this is going to be a good deal? I am not ready at this point to salivate *mod edit* over Grigson for his Year plus on the job. The biggest thing I see different in Grigson to Pollian, is that Grigson is not afraid to gamble. Pollian played it safer & was VERY LOYAL to HIS players. Grigson basically has gutted most of Pollians picks. It will be intrusting when Grigson has tough decisions with his picked players an how that turns out. Pollian although he didn't trade much, he did bring Cory Simon, & boggier Macfarline both a position of desperate need at the time. Tough trades to do. They do have differing styles for sure but will reserve at least at this time from :thmup:  crowning Grigson king of all GM's in all that is good in the world! :36dancing: :headspin::popcorn:

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