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Curb your enthusiasm......


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Not! I love the excitement some posters here have towards the team. This is what fans do, especially diehard fans. Talking about the super bowl, a great regular season, and other things that have not happened yet is OK.


I get a kick out of those that say they are being "realistic" and taking a wait and see approach. Why? I have a feeling that they are so afraid of a let down, that they will purposely think of the worst that can happen. (in effect "protecting" themselves) Then if they actually do better than they predicted, they will be OK with it. I say bah humbug! What's the worst that can happen if I think  (and expect) them to do well and get to the super bowl? If they don't make it, oh well. It's not like my world will be shattered and I'll kill myself.


We're supposed to have fun with this and maybe not take it so seriously. But others will downplay everything they can just to make a point. Where's the fun in that? I applaud those with unbridled enthusiasm, as you are the people who will enjoy the ride the most. I feel sorry for the others.



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I agree why not talk about anything you want shouldn't every fan hope for a Super Bowl ik I do no matter wat so whatever happens happens

I know, we're fans and that's what fans do. It's not like we have a crappy team and people are predicting super bowl. It's definitely a possibility if the chips fall right. Can't wait to hear from some of the "glass half empty"/"stick in the mud"/"realistic" folk.  :rollseyes: 

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I know, we're fans and that's what fans do. It's not like we have a crappy team and people are predicting super bowl. It's definitely a possibility if the chips fall right. Can't wait to hear from some of the "glass half empty"/"stick in the mud"/"realistic" folk. :rollseyes:

haha yeah Ikr I really believe we can win the Super Bowl this year the Bradshaw signing was gold if he is healthy he is a top back very balanced in all parts of his game and I think DHB will break out and show he us a #1 WR and still have Reggie TY will be better with more experience
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Nah. I'm just of the mindset that a rebuild takes awhile.

If people want to predict Superbowls, they have every right, but I don't need to follow suit just to be a "diehard fan."

Though I will say, it wouldn't be a complete offseason without a "My fanhood is bigger than your fanhood" thread.

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Nah. I'm just of the mindset that a rebuild takes awhile.

If people want to predict Superbowls, they have every right, but I don't need to follow suit just to be a "diehard fan."

Though I will say, it wouldn't be a complete offseason without a "My fanhood is bigger than your fanhood" thread.


Really good post, House....


I hope lots of eyes read it.....   and then read it again....


Well said.     Nicely done....     :thmup:

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 There are people on here who take every decision the organization makes, every player added or removed and spin it in a good light. While some always do the opposite. I think you'll find most people compromise on seeing the Colts as rightfully a playoff contender, but not a Superbowl favorite. It's easy to avoid being realistic if we don't consider that other teams are improving too, some of them are already elite teams. So I don't think it's wrong for fans to ask their team to prove it from time to time. A team on paper just isn't enough. I need to see how well my team plays before I crown them anything. I'm not talking about how we cheer the team on. We can talk about whether or not we think we'll win a game for months, but when the game finally comes I'm sure we're all watching the game cheering as if every game is an even battle. Being die hard on game-time is a fan tradition, but off the field, setting expectations for your team is a long NFL tradition. 

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Nah. I'm just of the mindset that a rebuild takes awhile.

If people want to predict Superbowls, they have every right, but I don't need to follow suit just to be a "diehard fan."

Though I will say, it wouldn't be a complete offseason without a "My fanhood is bigger than your fanhood" thread.

Like I always say, it's not how big your fanhood is, it's how you use it.

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Call me crazy, but I was optimistic LAST year at the start of the season.  I never thought we would be 11-5, but when I saw the tenacity of Coach Pagano, and the way he runs his practices....I felt like we would play good hard-nosed football.


I also know I am highly critical of poor play from certain players, (any player who plays poorly) but I am also at the head of the line cheering these guys on!  Why?  They are our team, and the coaches pick the players not us.  I love this team and will be here on the forum with my friends until the day I die...LOVE THIS TEAM!!!!  LOVE OUR COLTS!!!!!   :colts:  :colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I'm of the mindset that I'm really really enjoying the new and improving Colts team.  I was pleasantly surprised last year.  If we go to the Superbowl this year and win, that would be awesome!  But, once you are on the top, there's only one direction to go from there.  I'm not saying that I don't want the Colts to go to the Superbowl, but I'm enjoying the buildup and would like it to last for a little bit first.  It's kind of like waiting in a long line for a brand new rollercoaster ride.  You know it's going to be awesome, but you don't want it to only take 30 seconds either.


This is going to be one heck of a ride!

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 There are people on here who take every decision the organization makes, every player added or removed and spin it in a good light. While some always do the opposite. I think you'll find most people compromise on seeing the Colts as rightfully a playoff contender, but not a Superbowl favorite. It's easy to avoid being realistic if we don't consider that other teams are improving too, some of them are already elite teams. So I don't think it's wrong for fans to ask their team to prove it from time to time. A team on paper just isn't enough. I need to see how well my team plays before I crown them anything. I'm not talking about how we cheer the team on. We can talk about whether or not we think we'll win a game for months, but when the game finally comes I'm sure we're all watching the game cheering as if every game is an even battle. Being die hard on game-time is a fan tradition, but off the field, setting expectations for your team is a long NFL tradition. 


I agree!  It's ok to be a pragmatic, realistic fan of the team.  I cheer for the Colts to win every game knowing that they more than likely will not. 

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I was optimistic about the Colts at this time last year even when almost everyone else said they were going to be one of the worst in the league. I predicted about 10 wins from the very start because I liked some of the things I saw out of the defense in the pre-season, and I knew we had quite a bit of speed on the offense plus a very talented quarterback and somewhat of a weak to mid range schedule.

This year I think there is much room to be optimistic more so than last year. I don't see a reason to not be optimistic. As long as this team continues to keep the strong will to win like we always do while remainining humble and hard working I think there is enough talent on this team to make it to the big dance this year. At the very least I expect the second round of the playoffs. The only other thing that I can think of that will derail us is injuries. I don't think this is a Dream Team situation like what happened in Philly.

I think we have a lot of quality team oriented players who play their butts off at all times and when you have that more times than not it will turn out well. This isn't a situation where we have aquired a bunch of high dollar free agents who are playing off a past reputation, but are actually not able to produce what they did before. I don't think this team is built like that.

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Nah. I'm just of the mindset that a rebuild takes awhile.

If people want to predict Superbowls, they have every right, but I don't need to follow suit just to be a "diehard fan."

Though I will say, it wouldn't be a complete offseason without a "My fanhood is bigger than your fanhood" thread.

So you're saying you don't think the team will win 3 SBs in the next 5 years and build a dynasty? Blasphemy!

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I think there is a difference between being optimistic and having blind optimism. I think it(optimism) has to be based on some form of reality or evidence that you can point to in order to give your reason for why you make such a claim or feel a certain way.

I think blind optimism is making claims that you have very little evidence for. Saying that we will win 3 to 4 consecutive Super Bowls and build a dynasty is a bit of blind optimism at this time. I don't even think you could build a good case that made any sense for why that could be done right now. Even with a team that is fully loaded (like San Fran) that is a VERY hard to achieve.

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Our situation at LT is at best OK and an injury away from bad. Satelle came here as one of the lower rated centers and did not prove that wrong. McGlynn may still be our starting guard.
 JMO but the O-Line could be improved but continue to be very mediocre.


I certainly expect Andrew to improve on his accuracy as he was Very WEAK at throwing ahead of his receivers.
Yes that should improve yearly for awhile. He is The Man!


We will be a much sounder D.

Average or worse teams are going to get a whopping'.

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Our situation at LT is at best OK and an injury away from bad. Satelle came here as one of the lower rated centers and did not prove that wrong. McGlynn may still be our starting guard.

JMO but the O-Line could be improved but continue to be very mediocre.

I certainly expect Andrew to improve on his accuracy as he was Very WEAK at throwing ahead of his receivers.

Yes that should improve yearly for awhile. He is The Man!

We will be a much sounder D.

Average or worse teams are going to get a whopping'.

I felt like Andrew had more of an over throwing problem last year than an under throwing one.

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Nah. I'm just of the mindset that a rebuild takes awhile.

If people want to predict Superbowls, they have every right, but I don't need to follow suit just to be a "diehard fan."

Though I will say, it wouldn't be a complete offseason without a "My fanhood is bigger than your fanhood" thread.

I absolutely agree that there are many ways to express one's fanhood, and that claiming one way is better than another is kind of silly.

That said, there are some who seem to feel that it makes them look smart to spitball at everything they perceive as a flaw, and get all proud of themselves when 1 out of 20 gripes proves correct (even if they couldn't explain why).

I guess I'd say there is a huge difference between being a realist and blindly spraying spitballs. Some people evaluate the team for what it is, plus and minus, and some are just negative. The straight up negative stuff can be exhausting.

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The pre season is the time of "optimism"  


There is nothing wrong with being exited or over zealous for one's football team.    


I don't think any FAN should be telling ANY fan how they should view the upcoming season.    Positive or Negative.


This is NOT directed at any particular poster,    but you all know who you are.   ;)  

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I absolutely agree that there are many ways to express one's fanhood, and that claiming one way is better than another is kind of silly.

That said, there are some who seem to feel that it makes them look smart to spitball at everything they perceive as a flaw, and get all proud of themselves when 1 out of 20 gripes proves correct (even if they couldn't explain why).

I guess I'd say there is a huge difference between being a realist and blindly spraying spitballs. Some people evaluate the team for what it is, plus and minus, and some are just negative. The straight up negative stuff can be exhausting.

Right On...


.. some of us have an Eagle feather in our cap by not poo pooing the team last pre season.


hehe..      And I loved every minute of it....    Watching all the "realistic" folk come aboard.  



After all ....   we are just FANatics....  


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I have been negative at times...2-14 will do that to you...


..but we have acquired so many good players the last 2 years..


..and we are coming off an 11-5 season....with a Pro Bowl QB and WR



.....If we start 2-0, I'm going to be higher than Cheech and Chong

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I honestly knew that we would have a great bounce back season in 2012 about midway into 2011. Our team had become the most QB reliant team that I had ever seen. Our offense was entirely based on what the QB could see and do given what the defense showed. Our own defense had become so predicated on our offense that there was very little chance of coming if we ever trailed.

With that said, I knew that either way this coming year had we got Peyton back or Luck, we were going to be fine. I personally wanted a Luck/Peyton mentor/Tutor scenario but it was not meant to be.

Luck now has the torch. It is his time.

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I honestly knew that we would have a great bounce back season in 2012 about midway into 2011. Our team had become the most QB reliant team that I had ever seen. Our offense was entirely based on what the QB could see and do given what the defense showed. Our own defense had become so predicated on our offense that there was very little chance of coming if we ever trailed.

With that said, I knew that either way this coming year had we got Peyton back or Luck, we were going to be fine. I personally wanted a Luck/Peyton mentor/Tutor scenario but it was not meant to be.

Luck now has the torch. It is his time.

That really doesn't make much sense considering the vast majority of those players of that era are gone.

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That really doesn't make much sense considering the vast majority of those players of that era are gone.

Players being gone doesnt mean the culture and system that was in place would be ousted right away and or wouldnt have some carryover into the new regime. The terrible o line play still lingered around last year as well as the bad run defense.

With the Colts being such a QB reliant team in a now QB driven era of the NFL, the fine line between losing and winning games became even wider for the Colts. Once they got a average/little below average QB late in 2011 they were able to win a few games. Before that, they hadnt won a game.

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Players being gone doesnt mean the culture and system that was in place would be ousted right away and or wouldnt have some carryover into the new regime. The terrible o line play still lingered around last year as well as the bad run defense.

With the Colts being such a QB reliant team in a now QB driven era of the NFL, the fine line between losing and winning games became even wider for the Colts. Once they got a average/little below average QB late in 2011 they were able to win a few games. Before that, they hadnt won a game.

I guess if you felt the need for a response.......

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I felt like Andrew had more of an over throwing problem last year than an under throwing one.

What I saw was Hundreds of late passes thrown behind/at the back shoulder closest to the defender on anything that crossed .

The cause of many drops, and passes defended. His receivers/Reggie made him look better than what he threw all too often.


He said accuracy improvement was a priority. No %$#+!

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I believe there isn't a correlation that being optimistic makes you a better fan, or being pessimistic makes you less a fan. In fact, if I let emotion drive my decisons where it counts such as at work i would have been fired a long time ago. I'm just more analytical and say what I think about the team. They might be negative or it might be positive, but it in no way indicates the level of a Colts fan that I am. Btw, I've been a huge Colts fan through Super Bowl seasons and disasterous seasons for the past 47 seasons.

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I believe there isn't a correlation that being optimistic makes you a better fan, or being pessimistic makes you less a fan. In fact, if I let emotion drive my decisons where it counts such as at work i would have been fired a long time ago. I'm just more analytical and say what I think about the team. They might be negative or it might be positive, but it in no way indicates the level of a Colts fan that I am. Btw, I've been a huge Colts fan through Super Bowl seasons and disasterous seasons for the past 47 seasons.

True, but we're not talking about work, we're talking football. Ya know? Entertainment? I'm very professional at work, but I can separate the 2 and let my hair down when the games begin. And btw, the thread was not about who is a better fan, but more to point out the differences. Remind me never to watch a game with you or anyone like you. If I want analytical, I'll go to the science department at my local college. For me, it's passion, face painting, bonding, drinking apple juice with fellow fans, actual fun things.

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Not! I love the excitement some posters here have towards the team. This is what fans do, especially diehard fans. Talking about the super bowl, a great regular season, and other things that have not happened yet is OK.


I get a kick out of those that say they are being "realistic" and taking a wait and see approach. Why? I have a feeling that they are so afraid of a let down, that they will purposely think of the worst that can happen. (in effect "protecting" themselves) Then if they actually do better than they predicted, they will be OK with it. I say bah humbug! What's the worst that can happen if I think  (and expect) them to do well and get to the super bowl? If they don't make it, oh well. It's not like my world will be shattered and I'll kill myself.


We're supposed to have fun with this and maybe not take it so seriously. But others will downplay everything they can just to make a point. Where's the fun in that? I applaud those with unbridled enthusiasm, as you are the people who will enjoy the ride the most. I feel sorry for the others.




I couldn't agree more or written it better.   I get so tired of every time I say something optimistic, someone says "But we don't know that yet. The season hasn't started yet". DUH!  That is the whole part of speculating!  I think everyone knows the season has started yet.  Or that nothing is guaranteed.   


But I, for one, thought we could compete and possible beat the Ravens last year in the playoffs.  Didn't work out that way, but I feel strongly that with the new players added and running Peps offense, we will be good enough to where we have a chance of winning the SB.

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What you mentioned about culture,..   a "winning culture" is true. 


Indy sucked in 2011, but in 2012 there were still a lot of leaders from a team that knew how to win games for a long time.


Leadership and a winning culture is HUGE.       Vets gotta show rookies the ropes.       

Players being gone doesnt mean the culture and system that was in place would be ousted right away and or wouldnt have some carryover into the new regime. The terrible o line play still lingered around last year as well as the bad run defense.

With the Colts being such a QB reliant team in a now QB driven era of the NFL, the fine line between losing and winning games became even wider for the Colts. Once they got a average/little below average QB late in 2011 they were able to win a few games. Before that, they hadnt won a game.

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I tend to be on the optimistic side.  But it is not blind.   I not only look at what we have done, but I look at the competition.   As Baltimore showed last year, there wasn't a big gap between the lower playoff teams and the best.  It is not like we have the 1988 49ers trashing people.   We are potentially as good as any team in the NFL.


Do you guys seem a team out there that we simply cannot compete with on paper?  And how did the Ravens do it?  They weren't that great of a team?  And why don't we have just as good of a chance to do the same?

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I tend to be on the optimistic side.  But it is not blind.   I not only look at what we have done, but I look at the competition.   As Baltimore showed last year, there wasn't a big gap between the lower playoff teams and the best.  It is not like we have the 1988 49ers trashing people.   We are potentially as good as any team in the NFL.


Do you guys seem a team out there that we simply cannot compete with on paper?  And how did the Ravens do it?  They weren't that great of a team?  And why don't we have just as good of a chance to do the same?

I also knew when the colts sucked, and accepted it. But at least I had fun. Some people seem like their life is ruined if the colts don't win the super bowl. NOT winning the super bowl is the norm. The NFL is awesome, and people should have fun with it.

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