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Would you rather the Colts won a Super Bowl or the Broncos?

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I believe every human being has a right to be wherever they are in their developement - & with that comes a certain level of respect that doesnt need to be earned - it needs to be maintained.


This is not a silly question - this is ridiculous. Let me respect the OP 1st by answering his question.


Imma ride with IND over DEN  whenever or whatever the circumstances may be.


Why? Imma a Colt - on an official Colts fan website - & have never been on ANY other teams official website.  


You are confusing the question by asking us not to choose between IND & DEN - but rather IND & Peyton.


So let me answer that question also.


Peyton ended up choosing DEN out of 3 teams. DEN - SF or TEN. SF would be Super Bowl Champs last year & this year with Peyton - period. Peyton is doing whatever Peyton wants to do - but when he choose to take off that IND jersey - he no longer became a priority of my focus because he can no longer help my TEAM be the best in the world. (legally anyway)


This question makes me think you were not an IND fan before Peyton. Which is OK - alot of the ppl you see here now werent either. I said that to say this - Peyton Manning is the greatest QB of all-time. The fact that he has 1 Ring is evidence that the NFL is a team game. As a IND fan - my focus now is to not see us squander our opportunity with P Manning 2.0.


Andrew Luck will be the best QB drafted (at least) 5 years before & 5 years after 2012. We get an opportunity to do it better with only 1 down year between legacies. Peyton is gone - accept it. He will win plenty more Super Bowls as our QB Coach in a few years.

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Good News!!  This could not happen....only possibility is the AFC Championship!   :coltslogo:  :coltslogo: !!


I have been sitting here this morning studying OLBs, DTs, and NTs in order to get our defense to where we can beat other teams 37-7 instead of the 43-40 days of heart attacks where number 18 brought us back.  GREAT MEMORIES!!!!   MEMORIES!!!


I also have great memories of a resilient team/organization that went to the playoffs with an 11-5 record....that made me PROUD to be a Colt fan even more.  Number 12 has provided some nice comebacks too....OH Yeah!!!


Yadda Yadda Yadda.......I want the Colts to go for the  :lombardi:  :lombardi:  :lombardi: EVERY year!  Go  :colts:  :colts:  :colts:!!!

That's why it would be so harsh! (Y)

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I believe every human being has a right to be wherever they are in their developement - & with that comes a certain level of respect that doesnt need to be earned - it needs to be maintained.


This is not a silly question - this is ridiculous. Let me respect the OP 1st by answering his question.


Imma ride with IND over DEN  whenever or whatever the circumstances may be.


Why? Imma a Colt - on an official Colts fan website - & have never been on ANY other teams official website.  


You are confusing the question by asking us not to choose between IND & DEN - but rather IND & Peyton.


So let me answer that question also.


Peyton ended up choosing DEN out of 3 teams. DEN - SF or TEN. SF would be Super Bowl Champs last year & this year with Peyton - period. Peyton is doing whatever Peyton wants to do - but when he choose to take off that IND jersey - he no longer became a priority of my focus because he can no longer help my TEAM be the best in the world. (legally anyway)


This question makes me think you were not an IND fan before Peyton. Which is OK - alot of the ppl you see here now werent either. I said that to say this - Peyton Manning is the greatest QB of all-time. The fact that he has 1 Ring is evidence that the NFL is a team game. As a IND fan - my focus now is to not see us squander our opportunity with P Manning 2.0.


Andrew Luck will be the best QB drafted (at least) 5 years before & 5 years after 2012. We get an opportunity to do it better with only 1 down year between legacies. Peyton is gone - accept it. He will win plenty more Super Bowls as our QB Coach in a few years.

I was 8 years old when Manning was drafted so yeah, I wasn't a fan before him. I only started following American Football (I'm English) about 5 years ago.

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I couldn't care less about the Broncos. Count me as the small minority that was kinda glad they lost last year.



Sorry but I got super tired of the double standard regarding Peyton in the media. Paraphrasing "Colts weren't contenders because Peyton couldn't win in the playoffs, but the Broncos are now the overwhelming favorites because of Peyton Manning." It got real annoying real fast. Broncos fans should have to go through a few years of pain like we did.

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Sorry but I got super tired of the double standard regarding Peyton in the media. Paraphrasing "Colts weren't contenders because Peyton couldn't win in the playoffs, but the Broncos are now the overwhelming favorites because of Peyton Manning." It got real annoying real fast. Broncos fans should have to go through a few years of pain like we did.

Ouch that's harsh lol. But I see what you are saying.
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Sounds like a silly question, I know (?). But how would you feel if the very organisation that Peyton loves so much (and that loves him back) was the organisation that stopped him winning one last ring?

I'd feel bad!

And that's why I think I'd rather the Broncos won it next year. Luck has got a great future ahead of him and should have plenty of chances a to win it. Peyton's time is running out...


Yes it's definitely silly. Furthermore I'm not sure you do know or you wouldn't have posted this!! LOL :) All in good fun here.


Seriously...COLTS come on...you can't ask COLTS fans if they want to see another team win it over your team! :thinking:


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Sounds like a silly question, I know. But how would you feel if the very organisation that Peyton loves so much (and that loves him back) was the organisation that stopped him winning one last ring?

I'd feel bad!

And that's why I think I'd rather the Broncos won it next year. Luck has got a great future ahead of him and should have plenty of chances a to win it. Peyton's time is running out...




Can't believe that this was posted on a Colts board:


1.  Peyton's contract to some degree restricted ability to build a stronger team

2.  Peyton should have (and maybe was) been more vocal about building a better D

3.  Peyton was always better in the regular season than post-season.

4.  Peyton did not go to the right team if he wanted another ring


Peyton is the #2 guy I will cheer for to get another ring, and he had yet another chance last year but he & the team could not close the deal.

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Im sorry.  I love Peyton.  But if its a choice between us and the broncos.  I choose us.  Cause you never know when you will get another shot.  I would like to see Peyton win one. But not at the expense of the colts.

um... if the peyton wins another superbowl, that means we either missed the playoffs or lost in the playoffs which means it was at the expense of the colts. Personally, I would LOVE to see a colts vs broncos AFC championship game in INDY. Then I wouldn't feel too bad if the colts lost.

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Bah.... silly question, IMO... how many Bulls fans were rooting for the Wizards in '01? I think the ppl. that would've said "Broncos" are mostly posting on their forums...


PM is the best of all time, but I only care about the Broncos winning the SB after Indy is eliminated from contention... I'm not "feeling bad" for a guy that can afford his own island...

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Easy choice. I want the colts to win one. I want the colts to beat the broncos 35-0 everytime we play them. If we aren't playing them I pull for PM. I want us to win 1 more game than them everytime. It was a great ride with PM but I'm a colts fan. I was before PM and will be long after AL. Go Colts!

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I'm going to say this, and anyone can fire shots as they please...

Not only would I root for the Colts over the Broncos...I actively hope that Peyton doesn't win a Super Bowl in Denver.


It felt almost like the death of a relative when Peyton was let go, and I truly believe there should be a 10-foot bronze statue of him outside of Lucas Oil Stadium.

But, I do not want him winning a Super Bowl with another team.

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I thought I'd get this kind of response :P

What if it was a Colts/Broncos Superbowl?

Man that would be harsh!


Man - don't dig yourself into a deeper hole!  Colts vs Broncos Superbowl??  They are both in the AFC so that will not happen.


I respectfully suggest you lurk, listen and learn ....

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