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Polian considered trading Peyton in 2004 [Merge]


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Peyton had happy feet his 1st 5 years and 100 Interceptions. Yes he tore up the bad to average teams (regular season), and we will NEVER forget our TEAMS Amazing Big  Comeback and whoopin' of the Hated NE. Ahhhhhh just thinking about it!!

Polian may have wanted Eli, probably Rivers, or Roethlisberger and a bunch of nice picks. Definitely worth a look.
ALL Three could have been the REAL MVP of a Super Bowl for us.

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So the guy who actually owns the teams should remain silent...everybody else have it. The article isn't out yet so we don't know in what context it was given



yes. it's just a side show that does nothing to help the team. it just feeds their ego's.

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I think Kravitz described Polian's decision this way....


As a "fit of pique"    I suspect these type of things happen more often than any of us (me included) realizes.


I don't think less of Polian for saying that to Irsay.    I don't think less of Irsay for revealing it.    I found it fascinating.    I hope Polian goes on ESPN to share more....


I did find this Irsay's quote to be quite revealing....   most owners of sports teams don't quite understand this....


“Look, sometimes the 10 percent can sound like the 90 percent because the volume is so loud and the viciousness is so seething and intense. And sometimes you forget how many people really understood.”


That's an incredibly true comment.   Glad Irsay understands that and has been able to get through the firestorms over the years.


Good story by Kravitz.

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It's not like he went on the Howard Stern show. It was an interview with a local reporter....who cares?

I'd love to hear him on Stern. Say what you will about Howard but he's the only interviewer who gets people to be honest and not just advance their agendas.

This sounds like Polian saw the future and how a huge contract was going to limit what he could do. I think a lot of teams have learned from those type of contracts and how to play the cap game a lot better.

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Who trades the best player on their team and one of the best players in the league, when that player is in their prime?

Makes me glad Polian is not with the Colts anymore. This was just another crazy idea from Polian. 


Anyways, they didn't and like Florio said "sometimes, the best decisions are the ones that aren't made"

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That is just insane how Polian was so good at identifying talent late in the draft and if FA...    Yet could not hit the broad side of a barn half the time in the second and third, and even first late.


I truly think the ego maniac was simply trying to show everyone how "smart" he is..   (or thought he was)   I am actually glad his is gone.


I was worried a bit a t first... but not now.



I guarantee half of us "Colt fans who know what is going on" could have drafted better than Polian from 09 on.      And I totally believe that.




I sincerely doubt that "Colts fans who know what is going on" equates to 50%. Not trying to be rude, but with many of the posts here of the players suggested for the team, 50% is hard to believe. Between the players that are way past their prime, doesn't fit the scheme, or just no need to spend money on, I would be inclined to believe the number would be much closer to 15-20%....tops.

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After Pep's Wildcat and read/option comments, it was comforting to hear Irsay say this.  A healthy elite QB = consistent success. 


He would have drafted RGIII, but put him in a less run-happy offense. “I wouldn’t have exposed him to injury in the same way they have in Washington,” Irsay said. “My philosophy on quarterbacks is, first and foremost, you’ve got to keep them healthy and on the field.”

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I should have just said "I can" ...  but ...   I am trying to be a team player...


Honestly...    Polian takes Hughes over Saffold,  Polian picked Addai over MJD...     MJD was too short.     Polian liked Gronk...   but Gronk failed Indy's physical.        Honestly it is not rocket science... esp early.


I could go on and on, and on...   the Colts just got too dang uppity with success.    And I think Irsay got sick of it.    Oh and the talent level went to heck .......           and Bill is unemployed.


Oh well....


Seriously..  it would be fun if someone could research EVERY NFL GM, and their background..    Maybe a good project for me this weekend.



I sincerely doubt that "Colts fans who know what is going on" equates to 50%. Not trying to be rude, but with many of the posts here of the players suggested for the team, 50% is hard to believe. Between the players that are way past their prime, doesn't fit the scheme, or just no need to spend money on, I would be inclined to believe the number would be much closer to 15-20%....tops.

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At the end of the story.JIm Irsay..said that he'd make all the same decisions the exact same way again.

That may just be bravado....Rich and powerful men always think that all decsions are correct because they

made them and they are legends in their own minds ...

Irsay also signed the contract that created the financial necessity to trade Peyton Manning....as well as the king sized Dwight Freeney deal

But ALMOST every decision he made in the last 3 years turned out to be correct...

I feel good for him because its HIS team more than it is ours..

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For a guy that believes in not airing your dirty laundry, and keeping everything in the family it's odd to me that Irsay would make this (Polian wanting to trade Peyton) public knowledge. Almost like he's trying to make himself the good guy in this whole thing. What made Polian want to let everyone know this?

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that is surprising krunk...why say that....?

Kravitz was only interested in the decision to release Manning and its aftermath.

Th rich and the powerful also always feel the need to be or appear to be RIGHT about everything...

.....I guess it comes with the territory

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After Pep's Wildcat and read/option comments, it was comforting to hear Irsay say this.  A healthy elite QB = consistent success. 


I thought it was kind of ironic considering (1) what happened to Peyton and (f) that Griffin would have been in more peril running a conventional pass offense behind that Colts offensive line than he was in DC running the read option.  It was the scrambling that earned him a concussion and began the unraveling of the knee, not the designed runs or run option.

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I thought it was kind of ironic considering (1) what happened to Peyton and (f) that Griffin would have been in more peril running a conventional pass offense behind that Colts offensive line than he was in DC running the read option. It was the scrambling that earned him a concussion and began the unraveling of the knee, not the designed runs or run option.

haha I dunno about that.

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haha I dunno about that.


I'll concede that "would have" is strong and mostly conjecture.  Having actually watched every 2012 Redskins game multiple times I'm pretty confident with the notion that Griffin would have been at risk in any scheme.  It's his one major downside as a player.

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I thought it was kind of ironic considering (1) what happened to Peyton and (f) that Griffin would have been in more peril running a conventional pass offense behind that Colts offensive line than he was in DC running the read option.  It was the scrambling that earned him a concussion and began the unraveling of the knee, not the designed runs or run option.

House is right .....

RGIII ran the ball too much and took too many hits on designed plays by NFL stanadrds..that's an issue that his team must address.. ..they cant be in denial about that....

Griffin would not have been hit nearly as much had he played in Indy..however bad the line was...because they would not have called designed running plays for him..

That's not debatable.

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I'll concede that "would have" is strong and mostly conjecture.  Having actually watched every 2012 Redskins game multiple times I'm pretty confident with the notion that Griffin would have been at risk in any scheme.  It's his one major downside as a player.


Excellent point. It is more to do with his push to get a few more yards or bust the huge play, instead of going out of bounds. He'll learn or not. Either way, he is electric. I love Luck and would be a much bigger fan of RGIII if there wasn't such a who's better argument between the two players. Basically, it reminds of Manning-Brady. Luck has attributes that RGIII doesn't and vice-versa. The one thing both of them have is the ability to make spectacular plays consistently when the game is on the line...


The funny thing about this topic is BP said if they traded Manning they could turn the colts into a TB/Baltimore type of team, which is what a lot of people around this board were wanting for years. Just goes to show that in today's NFL, you can't have everything.

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House is right .....

RGIII ran the ball too much and took too many hits on designed plays by NFL stanadrds..that's an issue that his team must address.. ..they cant be in denial about that....

Griffin would not have been hit nearly as much had he played in Indy..however bad the line was...because they would not have called designed running plays for him..

That's not debatable.


Arians would not have let RGIII run the ball anywhere near as much as the Redskins let him run.  Plus, when Luck got hit hard it was usually a blind side hit. 

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House is right .....

RGIII ran the ball too much and took too many hits on designed plays by NFL stanadrds..that's an issue that his team must address.. ..they cant be in denial about that....

Griffin would not have been hit nearly as much had he played in Indy..however bad the line was...because they would not have called designed running plays for him..

That's not debatable.


I agree with the first part  , But  BA & the long ball gives you a low completion percentage & makes the QB hang on to the ball to long . With a swiss cheese O-line & not much of a running game for the Colts  11-5 was a miracle . That only 12 could have pulled off IMO .



Luck did'nt have running plays designed for him but he had to run for his life alot he was sacked & hurried way to much . And Griffin would too any QB behind our 2012 line would have to run outta necessity .

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So the guy who actually owns the teams should remain silent...everybody else have it. The article isn't out yet so we don't know in what context it was given


I generally don't have a problem with Irsay's media relations. But I agree with you here. I think this interview is a mistake.

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I thought it was kind of ironic considering (1) what happened to Peyton and (f) that Griffin would have been in more peril running a conventional pass offense behind that Colts offensive line than he was in DC running the read option.  It was the scrambling that earned him a concussion and began the unraveling of the knee, not the designed runs or run option.


Nothing "happened" to Peyton.

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Hmmmm...  so you are saying Costanzo is weak?       hmmmmmm?   Not protecting out QB?


Get Ready.....



News Flash...      Luck took way more punishment than RG3.....   last season.

Arians would not have let RGIII run the ball anywhere near as much as the Redskins let him run.  Plus, when Luck got hit hard it was usually a blind side hit. 

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I sincerely doubt that "Colts fans who know what is going on" equates to 50%. Not trying to be rude, but with many of the posts here of the players suggested for the team, 50% is hard to believe. Between the players that are way past their prime, doesn't fit the scheme, or just no need to spend money on, I would be inclined to believe the number would be much closer to 15-20%....tops.


i would say 0%! if a poster at any forum knew more than any gm, they would be employed as a nfl gm. posters get one or two things right, and then conveniently forget about the 50 they were wrong about that would have destroyed the team. that's why we are watching and not running the team.

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The funny thing about this topic is BP said if they traded Manning they could turn the colts into a TB/Baltimore type of team, which is what a lot of people around this board were wanting for years. Just goes to show that in today's NFL, you can't have everything.


very true!

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Something definitely went sour with these guys...


And thank the Lord it did...   :D

For a guy that believes in not airing your dirty laundry, and keeping everything in the family it's odd to me that Irsay would make this (Polian wanting to trade Peyton) public knowledge. Almost like he's trying to make himself the good guy in this whole thing. What made Polian want to let everyone know this?

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Seriously what is the point to this "news"?


Kind of feels more like "old"s.....


However I wonder how much Polian bit his tongue after Peyton broke a 20 year old record that season. I would not be surprised if the idea of being traded is what fueled Peyton him in '04...

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This is a bunch of coulda, woulda, shoulda at this point.  For what it's worth there were several posters on this forum in 2004 who were saying the samething.  Trade Peyton and get a defense. 


I am sure Polian will come out and deny this at some point and you'll have one mans word against another's for something that in the end doesn't really matter. 

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i would say 0%! if a poster at any forum knew more than any gm, they would be employed as a nfl gm. posters get one or two things right, and then conveniently forget about the 50 they were wrong about that would have destroyed the team. that's why we are watching and not running the team.

I would generally agree, but then I hear someone like Trent Dilfer claim people would be amazed at the number of people in the nfl that have no clue. Having read Howie Roseman's bio, Dilfer may be right.

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This is a bunch of coulda, woulda, shoulda at this point.  For what it's worth there were several posters on this forum in 2004 who were saying the samething.  Trade Peyton and get a defense. 


I am sure Polian will come out and deny this at some point and you'll have one mans word against another's for something that in the end doesn't really matter. 


Yeah, lots of editorial in that article. I wish we could get a simple transcript.

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