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Oline all the way. The defense is fine right now. With exception to safety and another good CB they're fine. Don't forget moala (who was playing well) was on IR and we have chapman as well as Johnson who I think Is worth keeping. We don't need any linebackers. The D caused two fumbles. The offense couldn't get it into the end zone. Offense is a pretty finished product if the oline gives enough time to make plays. Luck being the most hit QB does indeed lose you games. The D stopped the ravens O multiple times. The refs were bad but if your offense can score more than FGs you will have just a tiny bit better shot at winning.

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1. Starting tackle.

2. Reasonably priced corner (Nnamdi?) May be wishful thinking. All I know is Cassius Vaughn MUST NOT start next year. He is a walking penalty flag and a liability in coverage.

3. Outside receiver, Mike Wallace or Bowe preferably, although I wouldn't say no to picking up a bigger possession receiver.

4. Starting caliber guard x1.


1. Matt Elam - Stud SS from Florida, excellent tackler, physical, always around the ball, lead Florida in tackles in 2012.

2. Pass Rusher - We can't rely on Mathis and Jerry Hughes to provide the entire pass rush next season. Provided we don't resign Freeney.

3. 3-4 end/NT - Someone to add to our rotation on our D line.

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Team needs in order


1.RG - Mcglynn has been really bad this year


2.CB -  Cassius Vaughn isn't starting material


3. SS - Zbikowski is a backup at best and although Lefedged has played better in run support, he still lacks awareness on passing plays


4. OLB - Mathis is the only guy on the team that gets consistent pressure on the qb, freeney is a shell of himself and doesnt fit the 3-4


5. RT - Winston Justice has played better then i expected but we still could use an upgrade, he would provide good depth.

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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="GoColts8818" data-cid="382438"><p>I have all the faith Grigson will.  He's not blind and has shown he's good at his job.  I think he did what he could do with limited resources to address the line this off-season.  This was never going to be a complete one year turnover. </p></blockquote><br />I have no doubt that Grigson will get it done. When it comes to the OL he did as good as he could given how horrible it was going into the last offseason. I definitely think everyone even Costanzo are available for upgrade.<br />

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The pressure caused Luck to go to his hot routes, which were dropped by the wideouts often times today. If those balls are caught, then you're not saying anything about the line. You're saying Luck beat the blitz.


The offensive line is a priority, but I don't think it has as many players to replace as the Defense. You can say what you want to, but we have had plenty of opportunity to score points this year even with a bad OL. Very few drives in the red zone we had this year failed due to sacks. The bigger case was badly thrown balls with the play wide open, or drops. If we make those throws, or catch the ball in many of those cases our rankings would have been much better. I don't think it will take any more than 2 quality lineman as far as the 2013 season is concerned to get Luck some decent protection. The defense has more things that need to be addressed.

Your argument makes absolutely no sense. You comparing one part of the offense to the entire unit of the defense  that's 5 positions against 11. You want 3 new linemen (2 in FA one in draft as you said), compared with 5 on defense, percentage wise that would seem that the o-line is indeed the higher priority. And I agree, three top-drawer linemen is exactly what we need (Vasquez, Volmer, Warmack) and suddenly we have one of the top lines in the league.


Our offense is based on aggression, Luck is great at getting the ball away when under pressure but pressure throws are much more difficult to complete and he is under constant pressure, that is why throws and always as accurate as the could be and the reason we are not the red zone force we should be. I don't want a fair good o-line, I want an elite one, we have the money to get it. Get the offense in place for the next ten years and build the defense gradually. We upgrade our secondary and we would see massive improvements, obviously I would love OLBs who performed against the run as well, but all round O-Line huge be far and away number one priority this off-season, teams don;'t win super bowls without good protection, and again I stress that in a vertical system like this it becomes so much more vital.

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To those talking about Jennings, Amendola, Bowe as a FA WR target... I think Wallace would be the only legitimate big name FA target as Arians system needs two deep threats, one in the Slot and one out, Reggie, the TEs and the RB take care of the short to medium routes and two deep threats pushes back the entire secondary and makes double coverage and Reggie much more difficult. It also opens up the field so much more for both the pass and run game.

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I agree with Anton to a degree...we really aren't as bad off defensively as I previously thought...understanding the draft is so deep with defensive talent, however, we need to address where we need help...we do....we need a CB (Rhodes) and we need a Rusher. We are unexpectedly deep at the D Line and middle linebackers...Lefeged is an NFL starter...he is...he just needed to get his experience this year and he didnt. He's quite the ballhawk, so there's no need to invest there...although I wanted Elam last week lol.

Rookies are pretty cheap...with the money we have we need to go out and reinvest in the Oline...remember the O Line we have now was basically from the bargain bin...we got what we could with the meager resources available financially. I'd like to see Louis Vasquez picked up, Jermon Bushrod (but thats wishful thinking)and perhaps a project. Although I think Robert Griffin (no III) is said project. I'd like to see Shipley and Anthony stay...McGynn is garbage sauce, Sowell my God....he's terrible and Satele gets hurt too much.....but easily the line is the biggest priority...our Defense really isn't that bad honestly.

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I agree with Anton to a degree...we really aren't as bad off defensively as I previously thought...understanding the draft is so deep with defensive talent, however, we need to address where we need help...we do....we need a CB (Rhodes) and we need a Rusher. We are unexpectedly deep at the D Line and middle linebackers...Lefeged is an NFL starter...he is...he just needed to get his experience this year and he didnt. He's quite the ballhawk, so there's no need to invest there...although I wanted Elam last week lol.

Rookies are pretty cheap...with the money we have we need to go out and reinvest in the Oline...remember the O Line we have now was basically from the bargain bin...we got what we could with the meager resources available financially. I'd like to see Louis Vasquez picked up, Jermon Bushrod (but thats wishful thinking)and perhaps a project. Although I think Robert Griffin (no III) is said project. I'd like to see Shipley and Anthony stay...McGynn is garbage sauce, Sowell my God....he's terrible and Satele gets hurt too much.....but easily the line is the biggest priority...our Defense really isn't that bad honestly.

Couple pieces...cb,ss,olb and I think our d is in pretty good shape with a year under their belt. On offense I think it's the line. Then I'd drop Avery and pick up a bowe or Wallace. Brown, Ballard and carter is good. Rest of Wr's are good, te is good also.

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1- sign- Andy Levitre-guard- Buffalo Bills - very good player and doesn't miss games. I hope the Colts make him priority one in the offseason.

2- sign a quality offensive tackle there are many to choose from and anything is more reliable than what we have had on the right side. Justice has been up and down and can't stay healthy.

3-Draft Barrett Jones- offensive lineman-Alabama  He can play all 5 positions on the O-line a guy like that is very valuable, and gives us options as far as where to play him.

4-bring in a veteran guard who is reliable, but not a top dollar signee. I like Reitz, but he seems to have problems staying healthy. This would give us options if Reitz can't stay healthy.

5- sign a veteran corner back, like the signing of Levitre and OT wouldn't mind spending a few dollars on this position.

6- Need to bring in someone to replace Freeny, as I think his time as a Colt is over. One of my all time favorite Colts, but I don't see us bringing him back. Really impressed with Kruger and would love to see him in Colts blue, plus with the connection to Pagano and already knowing our system would be a great fit, and like Levitre he is still a young and up-coming player.

7- Reggie Wayne says he is trying to recruit Ed Reed, I know he is at the back-end of his career, but still may have a few good years left, and would be a great locker room presence.

8- Would also like to see us draft a few guys as depth, at these positions with our remaining picks.

9- A big wide receiver woulb be a luxury, but I don't know if there will be enough money for this, but having a guy that can go up ang get the ball would be great.

10- we have quite a few holes to fil,l and I doubt we will be able to fill them all, but I would consider O-line and a cb our top priority.We can't have any questions on the offensive line going in to next season, and this is something that we definitly should be able to address.

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Offensive line other than LT  I think Castonzo gets a bad rap.  No NFL tackle can hold a rusher as long as he is asked to do and often with the QB moving out of the pocket. As I have stated before,if Peyton Manning were the QB and firing the ball out in 3 seconds. Castonzo would be considered one of the best LT.   Plus, he gets so little help from the rest of the line.


So, if we can only get one thing out of the off season, I hope it is a NE Patriot level O-Line.  Brady never gets touched.  Imagine what Luck and Ballard/Brown could do with that.

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Oline all the way. The defense is fine right now. With exception to safety and another good CB they're fine. Don't forget moala (who was playing well) was on IR and we have chapman as well as Johnson who I think Is worth keeping. We don't need any linebackers. The D caused two fumbles. The offense couldn't get it into the end zone. Offense is a pretty finished product if the oline gives enough time to make plays. Luck being the most hit QB does indeed lose you games. The D stopped the ravens O multiple times. The refs were bad but if your offense can score more than FGs you will have just a tiny bit better shot at winning.


The defense is fine?  29th against the run, 21st againt the pass, didn't create turnovers, 23rd in sacks (5 from the entire DL if you'll allow Freeney and Mathis to be called OLB),  23rd in points allowed, substantial problems with half of the starting DBs (Zibs and whomever plays opposite Davis).  And FAs abound on that side of the ball.  Sure RIce fumbled twice - he was probably exhausted after the Ravens racked up 172, at a 5.4 a carry pace.  Oh, and those 12 completions from Flacco gained 269 yards.  12 completions.  Flacco did everything he could to have a horrible day for the Colts.  Vaughn wasn't about to let that happen.


I'm all for OL, I agree it's the priority with either one major FA and maybe the first round pick too, but after a RT for sure, and a G would be nice, I think the needs are far greater on the D side than on O.   Luck's comebacks late in games shouldn't mask why those comebacks had to happen. 

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Top priority to me is O-Line

Justice is a B+ backup, McGlynn is a B- backup, Olsen is a C+ back up (at best), Linkenbach is a B- back up and Reitz is a B+ back up. Three Starters are needed, 2 guards and an OT.

Luck has 1.5 seconds to read and throw. I want him to have 5.0 seconds like Brady, I'd settle for 3 seconds like most QB's have.


I'm surprised at the lack of howling for a RB. Ballard was worn to the nub this season. He can't do it alone. He needs a quality partner to pound out success (and I don't mean Brown). Carter and Moore need to move on.


I don't think the Colts NEED WR's upgrades. With Whalen & Collie already on the roster, upgrades here are luxury moves.


Highest Priority on the D is SS & CB in the secondary, DE, MLB & ILB up front.


That's 9 players. Free Agents will need to be acquired to address this many gaps. 

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Top priority to me is O-Line

Justice is a B+ backup, McGlynn is a B- backup, Olsen is a C+ back up (at best), Linkenbach is a B- back up and Reitz is a B+ back up. Three Starters are needed, 2 guards and an OT.

Luck has 1.5 seconds to read and throw. I want him to have 5.0 seconds like Brady, I'd settle for 3 seconds like most QB's have.


I'm surprised at the lack of howling for a RB. Ballard was worn to the nub this season. He can't do it alone. He needs a quality partner to pound out success (and I don't mean Brown). Carter and Moore need to move on.


I don't think the Colts NEED WR's upgrades. With Whalen & Collie already on the roster, upgrades here are luxury moves.


Highest Priority on the D is SS & CB in the secondary, DE, MLB & ILB up front.


That's 9 players. Free Agents will need to be acquired to address this many gaps. 


I meant OLB and ILB

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the one avery dropped was terrible, but the others were in tight coverage or a little off target. luck's passes were rushed into tight coverage or off target because of the continuous quick pressure he was getting. watch other games yesterday and today, those qb's had time to scan the field and step into throws. luck has to step around and throw over linemen, sometimes while leaning backwards.

If they are blitzing, you will naturally have to get the ball to your hot read no matter how good your line is. If you've only got 4 to block and they blitz 6 you are automatically going to have to throw it fast. Our line is definitely not the best in the world, but who wouldn't get pressure on 4 and 5 WR sets if they decided to blitz more people than you could possibly block? The Ravens were basically allowing us to run, and blitzing us when we passed. Again, I do acknowledge the line needs some upgrading as well, but I think our D has more areas to fill. Personally I think we may only need about 2 quality lineman added to what we already have to improve the blocking next year. Luck will be in his second year, and he'll make his reads faster than this season. Many of his sacks this year came from holding the ball too long. I don't think the entire line needs to be overhauled.

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If they are blitzing, you will naturally have to get the ball to your hot read no matter how good your line is. If you've only got 4 to block and they blitz 6 you are automatically going to have to throw it fast. Our line is definitely not the best in the world, but who wouldn't get pressure on 4 and 5 WR sets if they decided to blitz more people than you could possibly block? The Ravens were basically allowing us to run, and blitzing us when we passed. Again, I do acknowledge the line needs some upgrading as well, but I think our D has more areas to fill. Personally I think we may only need about 2 quality lineman added to what we already have to improve the blocking next year. Luck will be in his second year, and he'll make his reads faster than this season. Many of his sacks this year came from holding the ball too long. I don't think the entire line needs to be overhauled.


what game were you watching that there were 4 people blocking? the colts were keeping the back in a lot and the ravens weren't sending 7 guys. there MAY have been 1-2 times when they sent more players than the colts had blockers, but nothing like you are saying. running into a blitz doesn't work ether. there was a play when ac and ballard were standing there waiting for the rusher, and neither got a hand on him!!! raven rushers went around colt blockers like their feet were nailed to the ground.

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i actually don't think our secondary is as bad as everyone thinks. i think a lot has to do with absolutely 0 pass rush. we have to improve the line on both sides of the ball


Hopefully Chapman helps the D-line. Really hoping he can go next year and have the impact that we want him to have. But O-line is more important.


And for people still asking for Mike Wallace....please stop. We don't need this guy. I think Hilton is already a better overall receiver, and if we are going to grab a receiver this offseason, I would much rather have a big target and not ANOTHER tiny, sub 5'10 guy. And I think a big target would help Luck a lot more, especially in the red zone. He will already have speed with Hilton and Brazil (and Avery if he is back). Wallace would just be redundant at that point.

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i actually don't think our secondary is as bad as everyone thinks. i think a lot has to do with absolutely 0 pass rush. we have to improve the line on both sides of the ball

and coaching... I still think we need another S and or a CB, but give Pagano offseason to work with what we have and they will be better... like you said need pass rushers.. if we a pass rush our

secondary looked alot better.

would love to get Reed .. if the price is right.....

Can't wait see what Grigsy does this offseason.

Go Colts

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In order:








I doubt top OL will be available at our pick in the draft, so the best need available is likely.


Agree, except I think LB should be at the bottem above maybe only RB, and maybe below that even. I think that is strongest spot on the defense with Freeman, Angerer, and Mathis. None of them are superstars (except maybe Mathis in certain situations), but they are all very good players and I don't think we need to spend draft picks/FA money on that position this off-season.

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Hopefully Chapman helps the D-line. Really hoping he can go next year and have the impact that we want him to have. But O-line is more important.


And for people still asking for Mike Wallace....please stop. We don't need this guy. I think Hilton is already a better overall receiver, and if we are going to grab a receiver this offseason, I would much rather have a big target and not ANOTHER tiny, sub 5'10 guy. And I think a big target would help Luck a lot more, especially in the red zone. He will already have speed with Hilton and Brazil (and Avery if he is back). Wallace would just be redundant at that point.

Wallace is actually 6'0 200 lbs. not that I want the colts to pursue him

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I think those that are expecting us to sign Wallace, Bowe or whatever other high priced WR are going to be severely disappointed. WR is  more than likely at the very bottom of the list of priorities, in fact, probably isn't even something that could be referred to as a priority. There simply is no need what so ever to waste the teams resources on a player that is of no need at all. IMO the only receiver that will be given any consideration at all this offseason will be whether to bring Avery back or not.

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