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What about our offensive tackles?


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Constanzo is overrated around here. OK run blocker, but is just as horrible as everyone else on the line in pass protection. I'd move him to RT, or maybe even the interior next year if we can pick up a true LT. He's not the answer, IMO

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Constanzo is overrated around here. OK run blocker, but is just as horrible as everyone else on the line in pass protection. I'd move him to RT, or maybe even the interior next year if we can pick up a true LT. He's not the answer, IMO

This. I haven't been all that impressed with Costanzo at LT. I really don't think the position is in any better hands than it was when Charlie Johnson manned it.

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Well one thing is for sure...Sowell sucked. He got "Linkenbached" on one play...just terrible. The line is a huge area of need this offseason, and you bet Grigson knows it. His hands were tied this season, and IMO he did the best he could with what $$ he had.

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I really want him to be the answer at LT, but every game at least a couple of times he gets completely blown up,looks good in the run game, hope he continues to improve, if we could sign one of the elite LT availble, we could move him to right tackle and we would be set at tackle.

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The last year of Justice's contract was voided , so he probably won't be back. As far as Sowell , what can you expect from an undrafted rookie ? Problem is when Justice went out , we had two starters missing. It's either Sowell or Link to RT and you know who to LG.

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Long got a massive rookie deal. I seriously doubt he comes at all cheap. It's a nice thought, but we're gonna have a pretty expensive rookie class to keep a few years down the road, so we've gotta be choosy. Just because we CAN have a shopping spree doesn't mean we should.

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AC is not overrated. I think most people would admit he's not all-pro but he is a decent player with some flaws. The chance of us finding a better LT is slim right now. Couple that with the fact the rest of the O-line is awful, LT is and shouldnt even be a concern right now.

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I like castanzo, if we picked up a better LT and moved him to RT I'd totally be for that. And Shipley needs to be starting over satele

You hit the nail on the head.  Shipley played better at center, I would love to see him start next year.  

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Castanzo is no Tarik Glenn.  But he is the least of the Colts O-line problems!  You can't dump everyone.  Castanzo is a solid pro.  Grigs just needs to find a couple of solid starters at guard and another tackle and we'll have a decent line next year.

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Shore up the LG AND RT spot and this line looks 10,000 times better. Still upgrade at RG is also need but by getting a better LG, you help the LT do his job as well. One thing we can all agree on is this oline is really bad. LT is the least of the troubles though.

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I think it is unfair to grade Castonzo unless taking in all factors.  Luck, I believe, threw the 4th most passes in the NFL.  Luck also runs around a lot and holds the ball a lone time.  If Peyton Manning was the QB getting the ball off in 2 seconds, Castonzo would be a Pro Bowl tackle.  I think he is good. We need shorter routes and better guards.

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we have nothing at rt, and ac is not a good lt. he wiffs far too often with speed rushers. i was hoping to see improvement by now, but i just don't think he is capable of being a good lt. move him to the right side and hopefully get a good lt somewhere. the most important thing is to keep luck healthy for 10-15 years, and that won't happen the way things are now.

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I think it is unfair to grade Castonzo unless taking in all factors.  Luck, I believe, threw the 4th most passes in the NFL.  Luck also runs around a lot and holds the ball a lone time.  If Peyton Manning was the QB getting the ball off in 2 seconds, Castonzo would be a Pro Bowl tackle.  I think he is good. We need shorter routes and better guards.


i couldn't disagree more.


luck doesn't run around a lot, he moves in the pocket to avoid rushers like the top qb's do. so luck should get destroyed until he is able to make reads as quick as manning? your reasoning would mean that just about every team has an pro bowl lt, all they need is pm as their qb.

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I think it is unfair to grade Castonzo unless taking in all factors.  Luck, I believe, threw the 4th most passes in the NFL.  Luck also runs around a lot and holds the ball a lone time.  If Peyton Manning was the QB getting the ball off in 2 seconds, Castonzo would be a Pro Bowl tackle.  I think he is good. We need shorter routes and better guards.

Manning wouldn't be getting rid of the ball so fast in this offense....unless he was throwing it away

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I think it is unfair to grade Castonzo unless taking in all factors.  Luck, I believe, threw the 4th most passes in the NFL.  Luck also runs around a lot and holds the ball a lone time.  If Peyton Manning was the QB getting the ball off in 2 seconds, Castonzo would be a Pro Bowl tackle.  I think he is good. We need shorter routes and better guards.


Yeah, I see the impact of having guards like Nicks (ex-Saint, now it is Grubbs), and Evans for the Saints and the lanes they provide Brees to throw, yes, we need to focus on guards because that is the shortest distance to the QB, bar none.

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Manning wouldn't be getting rid of the ball so fast in this offense....unless he was throwing it away

I agree getting rid of the ball quicker behind this line would just be throwing the ball away.


Yeah, I see the impact of having guards like Nicks (ex-Saint, now it is Grubbs), and Evans for the Saints and the lanes they provide Brees to throw, yes, we need to focus on guards because that is the shortest distance to the QB, bar none.

Yeah, the way Brees and Brady stand back there and scan the field (taking nothing away from them) but, Luck could be just as lethal, if he had this kind of protection. The sky is the limit with Luck, if you build a good O-line. His td's and pct will go up and the interceptions will go down. Build the O-line and this offense will be unstoppable. Brady has spent his entire career throwing behind great offensive lines, we should afford Luck the same luxury. Build the O-line and the D-line and the rest will come.

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The thing we all have to realize is that getting a top notch LT will not come cheap or painlessly.  We might have a chance to get someone like Barrett Jones (C - Alabama) or Taylor Lewan (OT - Michigan) or even Chance Warmack (G - Alabama) but if we do that it means we'd be sacrificing our defensive needs.  Also, free agent OT's that are better than Castonzo will command top dollar eating into the many other needs we have...and we have many.  Grigson may be looking at someone like Ryan Clady (Den), Andre Smith(CIN) or Sebastian Vollmer(NE).  I'm not entirely sure any others are worthy of LT and would be an improvement over Castonzo.  


One thing I do know...with only four draft picks in this year's draft and two of those being at the tail end, Grigson will need to be active in free agency. 

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AC is the least of our line problems. He missed a significant amount last year to the point he was essentially a rookie this season. Give him some time to grow now that he has a full season under him and you will be happy. Not every play thats drafted in the 1st round is a plug in and bam all pro player. It takes time and patience. C and LT are 2 positions we can build off of with AC and AQ.

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Castonzo still has a lot to learn. But don't forget this was his first year with a complete pre season and he was hurt in his rookie season as well and LT is a tough position to play especially if you are playing in a line that is porous like the one the Colts had this year. Winston Justice was serviceable but simply just can't stay healthy. Sowell was awful but as mentioned you can't expect miracles from an undrafted rookie. Linkenbach isn't any good at least serviceable as LG but was terrible as RG and RT. So besides AC we have virtually nothing at the Tackle position.

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The thing we all have to realize is that getting a top notch LT will not come cheap or painlessly.  We might have a chance to get someone like Barrett Jones (C - Alabama) or Taylor Lewan (OT - Michigan) or even Chance Warmack (G - Alabama) but if we do that it means we'd be sacrificing our defensive needs.  


Well, we don't have a choice if you ask me. Too many holes. If we don't address the Offensive Line this offseason we risk another season of heavy hits against our franchise QB and thats something we simply can't afford. I know we could use every pick on the Defense but protecting Luck has to be our priority even if we risk another year of poor defensive play.

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We don't have enough draft picks to sort our line, so we'll need some FA's.....

Not only that if people think a bunch of rookies are going to come in and be the answers to our prayers for the o-line right away they have another thing coming.  Honestly if we start a bunch of rookies on the line they will probably be as bad as this line this year the only difference would be that they would be a brighter future ahead of them.  I could see them adding a rookie via the draft but I think it will be the free agent road to get most of them.


Also don't be shocked if a guy like McGlynn is brought back.  I think he's one of those if he is your fourth or fifth best lineman you can live with him but if he has to be your second or third best lineman you are in trouble. 

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The immediate problem is our Guards and Center

Right when healthy I didn't think Justice was horrible.  Much like I said about McGlynn if he's your fourth or fifth best lineman you are okay with him.  However, many times this season he was our second best lineman.  With that said the fact we voided the last year of his deal when we got him I don't expect him to be back.  That tells me that Grigson knew when he got him he was just a stop gap. 

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AC is not overrated. I think most people would admit he's not all-pro but he is a decent player with some flaws. The chance of us finding a better LT is slim right now. Couple that with the fact the rest of the O-line is awful, LT is and shouldnt even be a concern right now.

Right he's clearly our best lineman.  We need to focus on improving the other positions not his.  Like you said he's a pro-bowl left tackle but he can get the job done.  If the Colts can land a pro-bowl left tackle great but it not he works.  AC would start on just about every team in the league.  I think people also need to remember he's only a second year player.  He's still growing. 

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