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And why is that? The Packers are a much better team than the previous 0-2 Jags and they score a lot of points. So the coaching staff will have no choice but to put the ball in Luck's hands. Yeah he threw a pick but they all do from Brees to Brady and last I checked it's the passing game not the power running game setting up our scores. I'd rather they go down swinging than trying to hold on to 14 pts and hope the other team stays at 3. Do what got you the lead in the first place and keep your foot on the gas. If you want to pamper Luck and not use his skills then you should have passed on him kept the goat or traded for Tebow. Yes he will make mistakes as a rookie just like Peyton did also but he will learn from them also. I saw better playcalling at the end of last season when O took over as qb and that ain't saying much.

Lets put it this way the coaches know much better than you and me. A rookie qbs best friend is the running game, but everyone knows that and no matter how much football changes it will stay the same. Don't compare a rookie qb with Brees or any qb of his caliber cause chances are they don't make the same mistakes.

With the suspect oline there its even more critical to have a running game on the Packers, there were more than one occasion where the balls luck threw could have been picked off... Run the ball regardless of your gain and your limit the chances of the defense teeing off on you.

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after Donald Brown makes the big play down the sideline to the 30 yard line with a little over a minute left, Pagano just decides to run the ball 3 times and kick a field goal, letting them use their timeouts to stop the clock and get the ball back with 54 seconds. HORRENDOUS JOB OF CLOCK MANAGEMENT!!!!!! You keep playing aggressively throwing the ball, moving the chains trying to get the first down. If we got one more first down they would've run out of timeouts and we would've been able to run the clock down to 2 seconds and have Viniatieri kick the game winner and the game would've been over. I have absolutely no clue what he was thinking. That cost us the game. If we can see it as fans how can the head coach not see that. Maddening.

I am glad someone has already posted this. I just got home and for the past 5 hrs couldn't wait to vent. The play calling and clock management in the past 2 games has been worse than HORRENDOUS... Before anyone responds to this I understand that we "should" run the clock down and kick the field goal and "what If" we fumble or throw a pick and we lose BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!! This team isn't going to make the playoffs, we are all aware of that and that's OK, we're not supposed to...... It's not about wins and loses for us, it's about getting better and building confidence. In the Minnesota game in the 4th we we're up 20-6 and a TD basically ends the game, so we run the ball all quarter with our buster running back who's only asset is speed!! Be quick to blame the O-Line but the fact of the matter is good RBs make cuts and find extra yards, Donald Brown can only pick up yards if there's a hole in front of him to run through. That being said, all Luck had to to is drive them down and score and the game is over. We've all seen that he is more than capable of doing it but for some reason we played so conservitive like we were up 50-3????? Today really bothered me!! Again Luck was showing that he could run the offense and lead us down the field and we get to the 20 yard line and we run 3 straight times???????? Like I said "what if" we're agressive and we fumble or get intercepted and lose? WHO CARES!!!!!! The fact that we drafted Andrew Luck with the #1 pick and we aren't going to let him try and take us to the endzone from the 20 yard line to put a game away with 1 minute left is absurd!!! If we wanted a RB to win us games why didn't we take Richardson. This season is about growing confedence and Luck leading game winning TD drives is how that happenes. So people can respond to this and say that "what if" we tried and lost, but I'd rather have tried and lost than pass up an opportunity to let Luck shine and get even more confidence!!!!

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Three games...three second half stinkers. Coach needs to work on his 2nd half adjustments and overall game management strategy.

Absolutely this. We've been outplayed and outcoached by far for three 2nd halves in a row. It's hard to see next week being any different except that we may be down enough by halftime that it won't matter.

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haha epic

Agreed! Although, even as our "three running play in a row" fiasco was happening I was screaming at the TV trying to get Pagano and Arian's attention to find out why they have more confidence in Donald Brown than Andrew Luck? It's only 1 game and we're obviously just trying to learn and get better, but put on your big boy pants and go get it!!!! haha

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I agree with Coltsin06 100% percent, if you play not to lose, in more cases than not, you will lose. Anybody who doesn't think we have played to conservative in the second half the last two weeks are not watching the same games I've watched. You have to play to win, not play, not to lose. On the last drive after brown made the big play and on the third down you can call a safe roll out, if its not there Luck can tuck it an run, no more risk of interception than a run up the middle and a much higher chance of getting a first down throwing or running. Put the ball in your best players hands and let him make plays. why put handcuffs on your best player, it makes no sense. PLAY TO WIN THE GAME. A coach has to put his players in the best position to win the game(head coach, off. cord. or whatever) Please take off the handcuffs and let him play, Luck is a good enough decision maker, show some trust in your quarterback. roll him out and at least give him a chance to make a play.

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The 3 -4 idea is totally a stupid concept with what the colts have, That will cost the Colts a ton of games. Time for a new coach now!!!!

Yeah forget trying to give him time to change the defense it didnt happen over night so out he goes! I saw bring back Caldwell we were going places under him!
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The 3 -4 idea is totally a stupid concept with what the colts have, That will cost the Colts a ton of games. Time for a new coach now!!!!

Hmm.. On the play the Colts got burned on, for the TD, they were running a 4-2-5 (2DT/2DE, 2LB's, 5DB's) or basically their nickel package. They weren't in their 3-4 scheme at that time. The 3-4 is fine and actually suits the skillset of this team better. Had Vontae not been hurt, he would have been out there and not Sergio Brown and I highly doubt Gabbert even looks that way. On top of that it was Bethea who blew that coverage. If he plays in the middle of the field, where he should have been, that is either an INT or incompletion.

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sorry but i think fans are expecting the colts to win every game every saying bad coaching but god everyone makes mistakes and the defense gave that play up so easy so everyone is to blame and why are we playin bethea strong safety that what said on the line he aint no strong safety

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The 3 -4 idea is totally a stupid concept with what the colts have, That will cost the Colts a ton of games. Time for a new coach now!!!!

You do realize it takes more than one offseason to transition from defense we had to a 3-4, right? There are going to be growing pains until we can get some different personnel in there. It is not like our 4-3 under Caldwell would have done any better.

The conservitive play calling over the past two weeks have been a bit puzzeling. I hate when teams play not to lose instead of just playing their game. Pagano is a new coach and will learn just like everyone else.

People just need to relax and realize there are going to be some awful times this season. We are a very young and inexpereinced team right now from top to bottom. Now if we are doing some of this stuff next season then I would be a bit worried.

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Absolutely this. We've been outplayed and outcoached by far for three 2nd halves in a row. It's hard to see next week being any different except that we may be down enough by halftime that it won't matter.

Coach still thinks he is in Baltimore with a kickarse Oline with Ray Rice behind it. I see what he is trying to do, develop a tough guy mentality, ram the ball down their throats, get the lead and suck the life out of them . Problem is he has limited talent, this team is not the Ravens, and the only thing they have going for them is a decent passing game. This sitting on the lead strategy could easily have led to 2 straight blown double digit halftime leads. He needs to put the ball in the hands of Luck and let's see what he can do . They don't have the players to be a ground and pound team yet.
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Coach still thinks he is in Baltimore with a kickarse Oline with Ray Rice behind it. I see what he is trying to do, develop a tough guy mentality, ram the ball down their throats, get the lead and suck the life out of them . Problem is he has limited talent, this team is not the Ravens, and the only thing they have going for them is a decent passing game. This sitting on the lead strategy could easily have led to 2 straight blown double digit halftime leads. He needs to put the ball in the hands of Luck and let's see what he can do . They don't have the players to be a ground and pound team yet.

it was in the hands of Luck 46 times, if you notice his best game he had completion percentage wise (64.5 percent and we won) he did not throw the ball 45 plus times (46 times in the Jacksonville game) quarterbacks for the most part wont sustain consistency in completion percentage if your throwing the ball as much as we threw it in the 2 losses
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It has already cost them one. Good coaches play to their teams strength.

I'd say throwing the ball as much as we have is not our strength and Lucks 53.3 completion percentage backs that up, our best bet is to keep teams off guard and we have not done a real good job of that with very few exceptions (the pass to Donald Brown for 39 yards being 1)
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pagano didnt loose us the game, greg manusky play calling and our run defense did. we played with 2 deep safeties most of the game instead of tacking the box and make gabbert beat us. i just don't understand why we played cover 2 on the jags last drive instead of man coverage with safeties deep. tom zbikowski has been invisible once again, were gonna need a major upgrade at ss because he shouldn't be starting.

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I thought for the most part the play calls were the right calls. You absolutely run the ball and make them waste their time outs. You have Blaine Gabbert, who is not a good QB, and you take him at the 20 yard line with no timeouts and you say: Win us the game, 99% of the time this is the way to go.

The Coverage that was dialed up against Gabbert is a different story, that is all on the DC and that was horrible coverage.

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... I just got home and for the past 5 hrs couldn't wait to vent. The play calling and clock management in the past 2 games has been worse than HORRENDOUS... Before anyone responds to this I understand that we "should" run the clock down and kick the field goal and "what If" we fumble or throw a pick and we lose BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!! This team isn't going to make the playoffs, we are all aware of that and that's OK, we're not supposed to .... So people can respond to this and say that "what if" we tried and lost, but I'd rather have tried and lost than pass up an opportunity to let Luck shine and get even more confidence!!!!

Absolutely, Steve. Playing not to win creates a culture of losing. When that happens, it doesn't matter how talented players the players are. If you try, and fail you learn. If you don't try, we might as well have Jim Caldwell back, and hire the homeless off the street to play the game (of course the fans will find other teams to root for - teams that do try to win games).

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I'd say throwing the ball as much as we have is not our strength and Lucks 53.3 completion percentage backs that up, our best bet is to keep teams off guard and we have not done a real good job of that with very few exceptions (the pass to Donald Brown for 39 yards being 1)

you have a good point.
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I thought for the most part the play calls were the right calls. You absolutely run the ball and make them waste their time outs. You have Blaine Gabbert, who is not a good QB, and you take him at the 20 yard line with no timeouts and you say: Win us the game, 99% of the time this is the way to go.

The Coverage that was dialed up against Gabbert is a different story, that is all on the DC and that was horrible coverage.

They showed a lack of respect for Gabbert and they paid for it. Even Gabbert, who is not a quality QB in the NFL by any measure, is capable of making a play or two .I would surely think Pagano and the coaching staff have already went over these particulars .When you got a street pickup like Brown in there , and another corner out, you should have had coverage back up to lake michigan for any pass , because they had no timeouts. It still makes no sense how they could have let that pass be completed.
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I have always hated playing not to lose a game, instead of PLAYING TO WIN!! I can honestly say i would have rather had Luck throw a pick down there instead of us running the ball and settling on a (not given) field goal. At least take a shot to score!! If you're scared i suggest you drop down a level.

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He absolutely did.

I knew they would lose this game when he sat on the 14-3 lead. And slowly, with every opportunity he played defeatist football at every turn.

Either learn a lesson or you'll be not for long. Thanks for ruining my weekend and ensuring a horrible start to my week, pagano.

Why draft a kid #1 overall if you won't just put the game in his hands? So silly.

The #1 pick had plenty of time to throw, threw way to much (46 times) and was inaccurate all day. Again!! Silly is the right word.

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Not a prisoner of the moment. I watched the same game that the commentators said the Colts became conservative with the run game and took the ball out of Luck's hands. When you say we threw the ball plenty second half I don't mean because you had to like 3rd and long or cause you couldn't run the ball. Up 14-3 Luck is still your best option so keep the ball in his hands. Don't forget he's the same guy with the 2 td passes. I'd rather have D Brown in open space with a screen pass from Luck than trying to run into the brick wall known as the middle.

I don't care what the commentators said. They were wrong. Look at the play by play. Go back and watch the game again. There is simply no way to suggest that we took the ball out of Luck's hands in the second half. We didn't just throw the ball on 3rd and long.

We had 17 first down situations in the second half, not counting the final desperation possession. Of those 17 first downs, we called 8 pass plays (two of them wound up being Luck scrambles), and 9 run plays. That's called balance, which is something we've been clamoring for through the first two weeks.

The interception by Luck was a first down situation, and it came after a set of downs where we ran very effectively on the first two plays, then threw on third and short. The run was actually starting to work a little bit, and it's arguable that we should have stayed with the run a little bit more after that, rather than "putting the ball in Luck's hands," especially after seeing what he did with it. But then, the next possession, we threw on the first play of the drive. Then ran for four yards, then threw two incompletions and punted.

Up until the point that we gave up the lead, we called 17 pass plays and 13 run plays. One run play got called back for a penalty, but it went 10 yards. The other 12 averaged 3.8 ypc. Not a great average, but not exactly "running into a wall" either. It's enough to keep the chains moving, as a matter of fact, so long as you keep balance, which we did.

Again, the only possession that was even remotely conservative was the field goal possession, and that's only after we got into field goal range. I might have called a bootleg on 2nd down, but there's simply no way to argue that we should have thrown in that position. No way. A screen pass sounds nice because it's a high percentage throw, but there's still a risk for an incompletion.

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I'll say this if people want to be upset with Pagano about something ask why he didn't use a timeout when he realized it was clear Adam wasn't going to get that kick off. He can call it from sidelines. My guess is he wanted to save them just in case we needed them to make sure we saved some clock when the Jags got the ball back but people jumped all over Caldwell (and right fully so) for his use of timeouts I think it's fair to ask questions about Pagano's lack of use of a timeout there.

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I'll say this if people want to be upset with Pagano about something ask why he didn't use a timeout when he realized it was clear Adam wasn't going to get that kick off. He can call it from sidelines. My guess is he wanted to save them just in case we needed them to make sure we saved some clock when the Jags got the ball back but people jumped all over Caldwell (and right fully so) for his use of timeouts I think it's fair to ask questions about Pagano's lack of use of a timeout there.

I haven't gone back to figure it out, but wasn't the clock wrong on that play?

Beyond that, AV -- heck, any pro kicker -- ought to be just as automatic from 36 yards as he is from 31 yards. I might even argue that it's not worth the timeout to avoid the penalty, because you're still chalking it up as a made field goal after they walk off the five yards.

There's no excuse for the miss by AV. But the sky isn't falling, either. I'm much more dismayed by the defensive breakdowns and the turnover.

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I haven't gone back to figure it out, but wasn't the clock wrong on that play?

Beyond that, AV -- heck, any pro kicker -- ought to be just as automatic from 36 yards as he is from 31 yards. I might even argue that it's not worth the timeout to avoid the penalty, because you're still chalking it up as a made field goal after they walk off the five yards.

There's no excuse for the miss by AV. But the sky isn't falling, either. I'm much more dismayed by the defensive breakdowns and the turnover.

I don't think it's falling either and I can see logic by not calling it and taking the flag I was just saying I think it's a fair question to ask that's all.
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I think we played it correctly at the end there. You can't tell me that taking the lead and forcing Blaine Gabbert to win the game with his arm is the wrong call. He's not Joe frickin' Montana. We just screwed up on defense, and now y'all are suffering an acute case of hindsight bias.

A decision isn't right or wrong based just on what actually ended up happening. Making the Jaguars burn their timeouts by running the ball and ultimately kicking a field goal was the right thing to do. We were very close to getting a first down running the ball as well, which would have given us the win. Otherwise you're just blaming the offensive play calling for allowing an 80 yard touchdown on defense, which is absurd.

Gabbert was 9-20 for 75 yards before the touchdown pass. I'm with you on the decision. Trade the timeouts. I too would have gladly put the ball in Gabbert's hands, down a point, with 56 seconds left, and no timeouts. MJD is all they have and he thrashed the Colts, so much so that on that last TD play Moala actually stunts, or is in a bit of a zone blitz look, and chips MJD coming out of the backfield, leaving only 3 rushers. It's ok to ask the D to make a stop. It really is. Against Blaine Gabbert. Who completed nine passes before that drive. In 59 minutes. And as others have suggested, including Luck and Pagano, the real issue isn't the decisions in the last minute, it's the 11 point lead and numerous chances to at least maintain that, or the opening drive of the second half to expand that, which never happened.

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Gabbert was 9-20 for 75 yards before the touchdown pass. I'm with you on the decision. Trade the timeouts. I too would have gladly put the ball in Gabbert's hands, down a point, with 56 seconds left, and no timeouts. MJD is all they have and he thrashed the Colts, so much so that on that last TD play Moala actually stunts, or is in a bit of a zone blitz look, and chips MJD coming out of the backfield, leaving only 3 rushers. It's ok to ask the D to make a stop. It really is. Against Blaine Gabbert. Who completed nine passes before that drive. In 59 minutes. And as others have suggested, including Luck and Pagano, the real issue isn't the decisions in the last minute, it's the 11 point lead and numerous chances to at least maintain that, or the opening drive of the second half to expand that, which never happened.

Am I gonna have to give you another ribbon???

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Our Gameplans weren't conservative at all. Playing smart football at the end of the game by making them use there timeouts and taking a 1 point lead with under a minute to go is not conservative it's smart. But just so happen Shorts beats our defense on a slant when were playing a 2 deep coverage they just split us. Both gameplans were good if you ask me. And I think Bob Kravitz breaks it down best: http://www.indystar.com/needlogin?type=login&redirecturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.indystar.com%2Farticle%2F20120924%2FSPORTS15%2F209250325%2FBob-Kravitz-Colts-didn-t-go-conservative-they-did-right-thing%3Fodyssey%3Dmod%257Cnewswell%257Ctext%257CIndyStar.com%257Cs

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I do believe the coaching was bad actually terrible! But it's not why we lost we lost because our defense gave up two home runs. The coaches don't make any tackles our defense just needs to make some plays at the end. I blame our defense for not making two plays in the game. But the play calling stunk to though. I know BA calls our offensive plays. But it goes back to Pagano because he is the head coach and it goes with the territory. The head coach gets paid the most which means he's get to be the one who gets criticized. I know we can blame Sergio Brown for that last TD. But the team has to do a better job with there depth and make sure everybody is prepared going in these games. It was obvious that Brown had no business being on that field especially at a critical time. That's just doing a bad job of making sure all 45 guys who dress are prepared for any situation. If the guy can't do his job then he shouldn't be on the 53 man roster and especially not on the 45 who dress.

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