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If Collie has another concussion this season?


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My question is what should the colts organization do if Collie Suffers another concussion this season after he comes back from this one? I mean that would be his 6th i think in the last year and half or so. Thats just not healthy and good for him at all. We can give him all the different helmets we want but they only go so far. Once you start suffering injuries like this you just become more prone and vonulerable to suffer them again most of the time. Might we look at parting ways with him as much as I dont want to? I know he's already started to take this into consideration about how it can affect his life, but how long should he be a colt if this problem continues? Any thoughts on what we should do or consider in this event from the oraganizational side?

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Just wonder what your fascination is with Collies Brain. I am sure Collie couldn`t care less about your speculation and what ifs.

He has all the info and is earning a sizeable paycheck as all concerned figure it out.

Where is he at towards qualifying for an NFL pension is a concern of his. I could see Irsay bending over backwards if he is close. JMO

And besides, he is a heck of a talent if he can get through this just as D Clark did.

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Then we handle it when it happens. Not all concussions should be treated the same so we can't guess how it should be treated now.

As for the should he retire or not I go back to the we are not collie's doctor or family to have all the facts to make that decision for him or be in a poistion to honestly know. That's why I've said all along we need to just trust whatever choices collie makes in regard to this that he is well informed and he is making a smart choice for him.

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Just wonder what your fascination is with Collies Brain. I am sure Collie couldn`t care less about your speculation and what ifs.

He has all the info and is earning a sizeable paycheck as all concerned figure it out.

Where is he at towards qualifying for an NFL pension is a concern of his. I could see Irsay bending over backwards if he is close. JMO

And besides, he is a heck of a talent if he can get through this just as D Clark did.

I just don't want him to become the next Junior Seau. I don't want to see him kill himself because of injuries he got playing football.

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I just don't want him to become the next Junior Seau. I don't want to see him kill himself because of injuries he got playing football.

I want to say first no one wants to see that. With that said we don't need to use the most extreme example of this as something I think we need to be in fear of. Thousands of players are joining the lawsuit against the NFL because of injuries from playing football the vast majority didn't and wouldn't even think about harming themselves as a result. It's very sad about what happened to Seau but is far from the norm.
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if he has another one, he will just sit out like he is doing now. they already said that there isnt a cap on a number of concussions, it's a cap on his neuro evaluations severity and results. that's the key, modern medicine prevails and there is not proof that he could have long term damage as-is.

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if he has another one, he will just sit out like he is doing now. they already said that there isnt a cap on a number of concussions, it's a cap on his neuro evaluations severity and results. that's the key, modern medicine prevails and there is not proof that he could have long term damage as-is.

Good point here chrisfarley!!! I certianly hope he doesnt suffer long term and that an end get put to this concussion trend.
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Collie probably should have retired after '10, but it isn't the organization's place to make that decision for him. Had we cut him at any point prior to this year, he would be playing somewhere else, still in danger, with a whole new set of team doctors that are not as familiar with his specific situation. If it gets to the point where he is not worth the roster spot for us, we will cut him. I don't know how many more concussions it will take for that to happen...

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My question is what should the colts organization do if Collie Suffers another concussion this season after he comes back from this one? I mean that would be his 6th i think in the last year and half or so. Thats just not healthy and good for him at all. We can give him all the different helmets we want but they only go so far. Once you start suffering injuries like this you just become more prone and vonulerable to suffer them again most of the time. Might we look at parting ways with him as much as I dont want to? I know he's already started to take this into consideration about how it can affect his life, but how long should he be a colt if this problem continues? Any thoughts on what we should do or consider in this event from the oraganizational side?

6th in a year and a half? If he has another, it would be 3 documented (one could argue 4) in 22 months.

IR seems like the logical step if he has another....

I don't understand why everyone is so concerned about what the Colts and Collie should or shouldn't do. They will do what the experts advise and what they are most comfortable with. They have way more insight than any of us. I'm much more concerned about whether or not I should play the Colts D in fantasy this week...

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Collie wants to play. Collie wants a paycheck. He is getting 1.3 million this year. Whether he plays or not, or goes ti IR etc, he's a restricted free agent next year. He can sign with anyone, but Colts have first right of refusal ( match it or not). Unless Docs tell him no more, the guy will suit up. For us, or someone else.

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I think Collie will choose to retire. I'm tired of everyone saying we should cut him, because if we cut him now, he'll sign with another team, because he has made his desicion.

If that the case then let another organization worry about it then. I know everybody wants his production on the field. But this is about a guys life much bigger then football.
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that man has a family to feed how can someone tell him to retire. Steve Young had 7 official concussions Aikman had 10 concussions. not one person told them to retire and find another way to provide for his family
u don't retire when ur still able to play at a high level like Young & Aikman. I'm sure the Dr.s & others advised them to retire now or else.... Millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$ does u no good if u can't enjoy it. Sure get the best care while u stay home forget what day it is & why is this lady in my bed? B/c of their concussions they retired early so they could enjoy life & make a few more million while broadcasting probably making about $40-50K per month
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This is his Choice. If he suffers another one, maybe we do release him. But that's only "If".

"If" he comes back to the field and has a season like when we went to the Super Bowl or Better, those Concussions will slowly become a Memory for everyone

If? If? Don't u mean when. The guy has had at least 5-6 concussions in the last 3 yrs. Yes he has a family to provide for BUT what is more important? Him making millions getting concussed again & possibly thinking of doing what Seau did. He should retire & enjoy the rest of his life while he can still remember who his family is. 1 more concussion & he'll be lucky to have a good memory until he's 40-42 yrs young.
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Unfortunately, I think it's inevitable he'll have another. I think he should retire while he has s bit of brain functionality.
I agree w/u 100% when Nick Collins got injured last yr while playing the Panthers he was out for the season. McCarthy said prior to pre-season he wouldn't let Collins play if he were his son. I'm sure the Colts think of Collie like family. U don't let ur family go back on the field knowing his next concussion could be his last
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If? If? Don't u mean when. The guy has had at least 5-6 concussions in the last 3 yrs. Yes he has a family to provide for BUT what is more important? Him making millions getting concussed again & possibly thinking of doing what Seau did. He should retire & enjoy the rest of his life while he can still remember who his family is. 1 more concussion & he'll be lucky to have a good memory until he's 40-42 yrs young.

That's his Life. What he choices is on him

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That's his Life. What he choices is on him

But he is still an employee of an organization. If you continue to saw your fingers off one by one at work. How many fingers would your employer allow you to lose before they stepped in and said ENOUGH! No matter how much he wants to play, let another team deal with it. Not worth seeing him in Colts blue in a coma on the field. That would be bad on any team, minimize risk to the team and cut him loose if another

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But he is still an employee of an organization. If you continue to saw your fingers off one by one at work. How many fingers would your employer allow you to lose before they stepped in and said ENOUGH! No matter how much he wants to play, let another team deal with it. Not worth seeing him in Colts blue in a coma on the field. That would be bad on any team, minimize risk to the team and cut him loose if another

I get what you're saying, but he hasn't been Cut so they obviously want to keep him

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But he is still an employee of an organization. If you continue to saw your fingers off one by one at work. How many fingers would your employer allow you to lose before they stepped in and said ENOUGH! No matter how much he wants to play, let another team deal with it. Not worth seeing him in Colts blue in a coma on the field. That would be bad on any team, minimize risk to the team and cut him loose if another

If I lost 4 fingers at work over 22 months, I would have 6 fingers and a job as long as I passed my drug tests. Now, my boss and I would have a conversation about why I had lost 4 fingers and we might decide I should find another job, but this decision would have nothing to do with what the local media or other casual observers thought....

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u don't retire when ur still able to play at a high level like Young & Aikman. I'm sure the Dr.s & others advised them to retire now or else.... Millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$ does u no good if u can't enjoy it. Sure get the best care while u stay home forget what day it is & why is this lady in my bed? B/c of their concussions they retired early so they could enjoy life & make a few more million while broadcasting probably making about $40-50K per month

He has a child to take care of and provide for..he isn't about to retire at a young age and give up his way of providing for his child and family.

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If Collie gets another concussion this season, then he is on the road to becoming the new Gonzo. Nice talent but can't stay healthy enough to contribute on a regular basis. In which case, I would be in favor of his release from this team. Sounds cold but this game is a business and we can't afford to waste the roster space.

Personally, I wish the best for Collie and pray that he doesn't sustain another concussion. However, I believe it's not a matter of if but when with him. This is a brutal game and he plays a position that gets hit...hard...alot. Other teams know of Collie's vulnerability but they will not go any easier on him. In fact some might even target him because of it. Don't be naive to think that doesn't happen. None of us want to see Collie sprawled out with everyone on their knees around him praying that he gets up. That takes an emotional toll on the team and fan base, it changes the demeanor of a game, it can swing momentum...it changes lives.

For what it's worth, the last hit that put Collie out wasn't what I would consider anything out of the ordinary, Collie's head just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and he absorbed an errant knee as a result. Collie's brain simply couldn't take the impact. Incidental and violent hits are the norm at Collie's position. He is taking his life in his hand every day he suits up in this league whether it be with the Colts or some other franchise in the future. The choice to continue to do so is Collie's...however whether he continues to do so while wearing the horseshoe would be the Colt's decision.

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Too soon, that's Wrong. Not a joking matter when someone's health is on the line

This is his Choice. If he suffers another one, maybe we do release him. But that's only "If".

"If" he comes back to the field and has a season like when we went to the Super Bowl or Better, those Concussions will slowly become a Memory for everyone

Except Collie.

(Too soon for memory loss jokes?)

Too soon, that's Wrong. Not a joking matter when someone's health is on the line

Though Bavanlan made his comment in jest...it is nevertheless still a true statement. Often when the applause fades away and a player's on field exploits, trials and tribulations are long forgotten...it is the player who ultimately has to live with the consequences. It was a very astute response even if inappropriately expressed as a joke.

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Just wonder what your fascination is with Collies Brain. I am sure Collie couldn`t care less about your speculation and what ifs.

He has all the info and is earning a sizeable paycheck as all concerned figure it out.

Where is he at towards qualifying for an NFL pension is a concern of his. I could see Irsay bending over backwards if he is close. JMO

And besides, he is a heck of a talent if he can get through this just as D Clark did.

How do we know Dallas Clark "got through it"? What because he made it to qualify for his pension? The long term effects on Dallas' health still remain to be seen. Personally, he appeared to be a mere shell of his former self last year to me. Not saying that necessarily had anything to do with all those wicked hits he absorbed through the course of his career but you never know.

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