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Austin Collie say's he is unsure if he will play Sunday or not...


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He just needs to be cleared by the doctors, thats all it is.


Collie is just saying if the team doctors clear him , he's playing. If they don't clear him, he's not playing.

This article is the American Dream, turn nothing into something.

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I hope he plays, but only if he gets cleared. If he gets another concussion though, the league will probably step in because they can't be having that everytime he's out on the field.

That's the only way he can play, lol.

And the league didn't step in for Rodgers last year or for anyone else. If players pass the concussion test, they are cleared. They don't deal with these special studies and such, they deal with " is he normal, healthy rightnow "

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pagano said the doctors did clear him. hope he is 100% to doctors standards. could be a strategic move to keep the Bears wondering. love to have him on the field but if your hurt your hurt no need to rush back before your 100% especially with a concussion

I think the only grade they pass you on a concussion test is 100% A+

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pagano said the doctors did clear him. hope he is 100% to doctors standards. could be a strategic move to keep the Bears wondering. love to have him on the field but if your hurt your hurt no need to rush back before your 100% especially with a concussion

That's what I uinderstood.....He's been cleared......but when he says he's not focused on Subday..only getting better...?

If he's saying that Thursday of the 1st of 16 (or more) games...

To me..that means he has doubts and he should not play...

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Earlier in the week he was a full participant at practice and Pagano said he was fine and would be a "full go".

Last 2 days he has been a limited participant and Collie is now unsure if he will play. My guess is he does not play and i wonder if he wasn't happy with things after the full practice earlier in the week.

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They only clear players on concussions if they think he's 100%.

Well, I don't think he's 100% if he's unsure if he's going to play or not.

If he was going to play with no concerns, then that'll show us that he's 100%.

Oh and also, I can't tell you how many players have been cleared and they weren't 100%. The numbers are countless.

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Well, I don't think he's 100% if he's unsure if he's going to play or not.

If he was going to play with no concerns, then that'll show us that he's 100%.

Oh and also, I can't tell you how many players have been cleared and they weren't 100%. The numbers are countless.

He says he's unsure because he doesn't know if the team doctors will clear him or not, he's putting it in their hands. That's the only reason he's saying he's unsure.

This article is just another example of making a story out of nothing, and then the forum makes it bigger than it is

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I was listening to sports radio down here in Phoenix yesterday and they were interviewing one of the 72 Dolphins team members can't remember who but he was a DE. Part of the conversation went to how the game of football has changed over the years and concussions came up. He said he believed he left every game with a concussion. Now I don't know how much of that is true or how much of that is a weird form of boasting, but I think it's too early for Collie to be considering retirement just yet. We're so much more careful with these things now that at least players aren't being left in games to continue to take brain damaging punishment. I think caution is warranted but calls for retirement seem premature at this point. Players that head hunt should receive year-long bans IMO.

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I was listening to sports radio down here in Phoenix yesterday and they were interviewing one of the 72 Dolphins team members can't remember who but he was a DE. Part of the conversation went to how the game of football has changed over the years and concussions came up. He said he believed he left every game with a concussion. Now I don't know how much of that is true or how much of that is a weird form of boasting, but I think it's too early for Collie to be considering retirement just yet. We're so much more careful with these things now that at least players aren't being left in games to continue to take brain damaging punishment. I think caution is warranted but calls for retirement seem premature at this point. Players that head hunt should receive year-long bans IMO.

the problem with the year long bans for head hunting still leaves a gray area in determining what was intentional head hunting and what was a helmet to helmet do to the sport being a collision sport in other words when human bodies collide the neck moves as well as the head and when you take that into account and the actual size of the helmets (they are not small) into consideration helmet to helmet hits will happen regardless, dangerous hits will happen they will never be taken from the game unless you put flags on players, the trick is to decide whats intentional and what isn't, many are not intentional
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