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Colts @ Rams post game thread


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18 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

What do you guys think of the OT rules? IMO both teams should at least get a chance to score. AR didn't even get his chance and he was hot in the 4th. 


Both teams should get a possession, bottom line. I've always said this, and always will, even if the shoe was on the other foot.


You play to a tie in regulation, and then in OT one team gets an advantage, based on a coin toss. It's ridiculous. I'd rather see the game end in a tie after regulation, than have an OT that's so heavily influenced by the results of a coin toss.

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3 minutes ago, Superman said:


Both teams should get a possession, bottom line. I've always said this, and always will, even if the shoe was on the other foot.


You play to a tie in regulation, and then in OT one team gets an advantage, based on a coin toss. It's ridiculous. I'd rather see the game end in a tie after regulation, than have an OT that's so heavily influenced by the results of a coin toss.

I agree 100%. 

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4 hours ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

Sorry to disappoint you but this team is good enough to win the AFC South THIS year...not 4 or 5 years down the road like you seem to think....and that means AR is good enough to lead them THIS year...not 3 years from now.

You've been saying this team will take 3 years to rebuild for like the past 10 years...laughable. Today's NFL is a year to year league. It's not the 70s or 80s anymore pops.



Team Building is not linear! 

Some colt fans want to say(or think) that winning now or in the future is not likely because of a rookie QB and rebuilding or tanking again for draft picks (the so called greatest GM ever has to tank multiple seasons to acquire good players LoL). That's a Built in Excuse  for managment/coaches if and when team fails. As far as rebuilding, this is Ballards 7th year, The building should have been done years ago. 

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19 hours ago, SwedishColt said:

I feel like this game summed us up pretty well.  We have some playmakers on both sides of the ball that can make some big plays when they get into the groove. 


The other side of the coin is that we are one of the youngest teams in the league and therefore we will make mistakes and lose games because of that. 


We are clearly a work in progress still so it was nice to see that we never gave up and actually had a chance to win a game that looked lost early on. 


At least its much more exciting to watch us play this year than it was last year but we will also lose games like this when the opposition manages to expose our weaknesses like our poor secondary. 


Yeah, it's really easy to excuse a loss, or even a bad game, with a team like ours. I don't know what people are thinking. This team is already exceeding reasonable expectations for this season. 


And then a game like yesterday, where we have a makeshift OL (already kind of a rough spot on our roster, IMO), and a rookie QB in his third game, there are going to be some obvious problems. The secondary is patchwork as well, and we had some injuries pop up during the game. And the strength of the team is our front seven, which came in less than 100% already, and then we lost the leading tackler. Despite all that, they score 23 straight points to force OT. Yesterday is a positive in the big picture.


I'm not ignoring any of the warts. Secondary and OL need work, and health. I think Leonard might be a loss. The WR position is still stuck; Pittman had a good start and might be fine, but we're still not getting the production we need from that group. I'm not over the moon about Steichen's game management or play calling, but I'm not ringing any alarms about that yet.


I'm also not going to overreact to a couple of nice wins. I said last week, the Ravens game was still very shaky for me, although I liked some things on defense. But even if we were to make the playoffs with this questionable roster, the real question is whether we have a GM/HC/QB combination that can contend for SBs. And we will not have an answer to that question this season, no matter what. So I'm just enjoying the ride for now, and more evaluation will be done as the year progresses.

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

FWIW:    Hill was a 5th rounder not because if physical ability, but due to massive character concerns which teams knew about but fans didn’t.  

I only know about it because Ballard has talked about it.   Said he was charged with doing the profile on Hill, the good and bad.  KC wanted to know what kind of person they’d be drafting if they took Hill.  




What is confusing about this post.   Someone noted he was only a 5th round pick.   I explained why and I also explained how I know.  

What is confusing about this? 

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't think we are a SB contender but to your post it can be a little both regarding evaluating AR and we can still win games with this roster. This season is about AR improving/progressing (we all get that part of it) but I actually think we can win the AFC South because our division isn't that strong. I may be the only one in here that didn't pick the Colts to finish with a losing record. I had 8-8-1. If anyone had us winning 9 or more games, I don't remember it. I didn't even make that pick because I love the Colts or being a Homer. I just believed that AR would at least play above average, and our defense would be good + I thought Shane would be much better than Reich. Almost everyone in the media, including our media had us pegged at winning 3 or 4 games. Many in here did as well. 


You had predicted one of the best records for the Colts this year, but I don’t believe it was the best.   I could be wrong, but I believe @Stephen predicted 12-5.   If not him, I know someone else did.   And there were others who also had projected more wins than you.   Not a lot.  But a handful or two.  

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't think we are a SB contender but to your post it can be a little both regarding evaluating AR and we can still win games with this roster. This season is about AR improving/progressing (we all get that part of it) but I actually think we can win the AFC South because our division isn't that strong. I may be the only one in here that didn't pick the Colts to finish with a losing record. I had 8-8-1. If anyone had us winning 9 or more games, I don't remember it. I didn't even make that pick because I love the Colts or being a Homer. I just believed that AR would at least play above average, and our defense would be good + I thought Shane would be much better than Reich. Almost everyone in the media, including our media had us pegged at winning 3 or 4 games. Many in here did as well. 


Your not the only one. 

I predicted the jags may jag again and we will/can contend for division along with houston. My predictions were 8-81 or 9-8. 


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6 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

Jake Query this afternoon said colts are in their teenage phase. You can see where this is all headed in next couple years but still have improvement and growth.


Unfortunately, the coaches may be in toddler. phase.....at least when game is close. :funny:

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24 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

We let the Rams march down the field in OT, that is on our defense 


We had a great chance at the end of regulation to get 30-35 yards but that drive was pathetic 


Didn't the Rams have a chance to win the game in regulation, just like the Colts did? You play for four quarters and the score is tied. Both teams failed to win in regulation, and should be on equal footing.


Then you flip a coin, and one team gets an advantage in OT based on the result of that coin toss. Yeah, the defense needs to do their job and get a stop, no argument there. But over the course of several years, there is a statistical advantage in OT for the team that wins the coin toss. And we just accept it, and offer platitudes like 'that's on the defense' and 'you don't deserve to win.' 


There's an imbalance, and the NFL has started to acknowledge it already. Gradually, the rule is becoming more equitable, and as of 2022, both teams are guaranteed an OT possession in the playoffs. I get that there are some player safety concerns with doing that in the regular season; look at the Colts, we had two straight OT games, and at some point it takes a toll. But I'd rather they fully commit to the player safety concerns, just end the game in a tie, than let the outcome be so greatly influenced by the result of a coin toss.

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2 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


Your not the only one. 

I predicted the jags may jag again and we will/can contend for division along with houston. My predictions were 8-81 or 9-8. 


Cool, I didn't remember that. I know Stephen predicts us to always do well but a lot of times I can't tell if he is just messing around. Sometimes he will say stuff like 20-0 chuckling homer simpson GIF. I do most had us winning 3 or 4 games. Some in here had us winning 5. @NewColtsFanhad 7 which he may nail it, that is a real reasonable prediction. I still think we get to 8, yesterday would have really helped but we didn't pull it off.

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3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Your first two posts made more sense, because there there were no words. 

Words ALWAYS fail you.   

As for what I’ve been predicting….   I predicted the Colts would win 10 games last year.   I predicted they’d win 9-10 games the year before with Wentz.   I predicted 10 wins with Rivers.   How far back do you need for me to go?    I predicted 7 wins for this year.   There are plenty of people who predicted worse.   You said I’ve had negative views of the Colts for the last 10 years.   That would include some of the Luck years.   Get serious. 

Your views of me are NEVER supported by actual facts.    Just like you nonsensical view of AR.   The team is doing better than expected because 1. AR is better than expected, 2. The TEAM around him is better than expected, including the DEFENSE, 3. The COACHING is better than expected.

But none of that doesn’t mean AR still isn’t a project.   If he never improves from what he is today, he’ll be a disappointment.   And he has EXCEEDED my wildest expectations.   He still needs to get better, much better, every year.   Why you think otherwise is one of those mysteries known only to you.


AR can be much better than I thought he’d be and still need to seriously improve.  Yes, a project.   The two positions are not mutually exclusive.   BOTH can be true.  

I appreciate you’ll agree with NONE of this.  Par for the course. 

I only needed to look at your opening pitch to see the value of your predictions. You said yourself you predicted 10 wins for last year.....we won 4. You were only 6 off! Congrats 

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19 hours ago, SLILLINGTON10 said:

Bad: Defense started the game like they couldn't be bothered to tackle or put forth much effort. Cox TD woke up the whole team.

Worse: D-line couldn't get pressure on a one legged Stafford behind a banged up line. 

Good: our online held up pretty well and moved the pocket away from Donald for the most part.

Great: AR is an absolute "DAWG" to quote Pat McAfee. 

have you seen his live chats? He’s currently rocking 68k people. Unbelievable. But I agree. He’s a dawg! 

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33 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


You had predicted one of the best records for the Colts this year, but I don’t believe it was the best.   I could be wrong, but I believe @Stephen predicted 12-5.   If not him, I know someone else did.   And there were others who also had projected more wins than you.   Not a lot.  But a handful or two.  

I thought I made my annual  undefeated  prediction  lol

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I like the fight Richardson showed in that loss.  Key with him is not getting his career ended by relying on his legs too much while he's learning.  That is my sole concern with him.  He's never going to move past the missing of open receivers on occasion, just like the QB up there in Buffalo who has a very similar skillset.  His upside is special but making sure he gets there has to be a team priority, i.e. not blowing your wad trying to get a win by overusing him on the ground in year one regular season games.


Rams sort of let us back in that game.  They missed two field goals, either one of which would have ended the game.  They gave us a possession in great field position for that first TD too.  Felt like they sort of relaxed to me, so it didn't kill me that we lost the game.


This roster isn't ready for competing on the big stage just yet.  The QB has to have this seasoning which will include losing games.  Once again what matters is preserving him so he can grow into that talent level.  

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57 minutes ago, Boondoggle said:

I like the fight Richardson showed in that loss.  Key with him is not getting his career ended by relying on his legs too much while he's learning.  That is my sole concern with him.  He's never going to move past the missing of open receivers on occasion, just like the QB up there in Buffalo who has a very similar skillset.  His upside is special but making sure he gets there has to be a team priority, i.e. not blowing your wad trying to get a win by overusing him on the ground in year one regular season games.


Rams sort of let us back in that game.  They missed two field goals, either one of which would have ended the game.  They gave us a possession in great field position for that first TD too.  Felt like they sort of relaxed to me, so it didn't kill me that we lost the game.


This roster isn't ready for competing on the big stage just yet.  The QB has to have this seasoning which will include losing games.  Once again what matters is preserving him so he can grow into that talent level.  

I did see him slide once yesterday.  Almost got his head taken off, but he did slide!


I almost find it funny how he’s able to shed the little bumps he gets while running out of bounds.  Guys just seem to bounce off him, he’s just so big.

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4 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


Your not the only one. 

I predicted the jags may jag again and we will/can contend for division along with houston. My predictions were 8-81 or 9-8. 


That's a lot of losses in a 17 games season. haha

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5 hours ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

I only needed to look at your opening pitch to see the value of your predictions. You said yourself you predicted 10 wins for last year.....we won 4. You were only 6 off! Congrats 

Which of course misses the point YOU HAD PREVIOUSLY MADE!   That you think I’ve somehow been predicting gloom and doom here for 10 years!   That’s what YOU wrote!   I simply pointed how how ridiculously wrong you’ve been.   A decades worth of wrong about me.   Again, supported by zero facts.   Just your opinion fueled by your childish hate.  

It has yet to occur to you how many times we’ve inter-acted here just since the start of the season.  And you try to tell me what you THINK I’ve said and I respond that my view is 180 degrees the opposite.   That you couldn’t be more wrong.  You live in a fact-free world. 

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7 hours ago, Superman said:


Both teams should get a possession, bottom line. I've always said this, and always will, even if the shoe was on the other foot.


You play to a tie in regulation, and then in OT one team gets an advantage, based on a coin toss. It's ridiculous. I'd rather see the game end in a tie after regulation, than have an OT that's so heavily influenced by the results of a coin toss.


That's where I disagree with a lot of posters with, over the years.

Team 1 takes the football, drives down the field to score a TD in the first series in OT.


How random or lucky does that seem? When only a vast minority of all possessions even result in a TD?


If anything, it is absolute 100% proof that they had won by skill, not luck, not spontaneity/randomness.

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44 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

Which of course misses the point YOU HAD PREVIOUSLY MADE!   That you think I’ve somehow been predicting gloom and doom here for 10 years!   That’s what YOU wrote!   I simply pointed how how ridiculously wrong you’ve been.   A decades worth of wrong about me.   Again, supported by zero facts.   Just your opinion fueled by your childish hate.  

It has yet to occur to you how many times we’ve inter-acted here just since the start of the season.  And you try to tell me what you THINK I’ve said and I respond that my view is 180 degrees the opposite.   That you couldn’t be more wrong.  You live in a fact-free world. 

hot air balloon 90s GIF

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11 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Cool, I didn't remember that. I know Stephen predicts us to always do well but a lot of times I can't tell if he is just messing around. Sometimes he will say stuff like 20-0 chuckling homer simpson GIF. I do most had us winning 3 or 4 games. Some in here had us winning 5. @NewColtsFanhad 7 which he may nail it, that is a real reasonable prediction. I still think we get to 8, yesterday would have really helped but we didn't pull it off.


Yesterday's game hurt. Not because the colts played lights out and got robbed....it hurt because the coaches were completely out coached on both sides of the ball and team was flat....similar to like  the loss in Jax in '21 with playoffs at stake. But it hurt because despite not scoring until late in 3rd qtr., we had the win in our hands and went 3 and out with 2 mins left and the plays called was what AR does least best, pass from the pocket. No rollouts, no QB keepers, nothing imaginative.. And then in OT with the game on the line the Defense played just like they did in the first half....like soft margarine. 

It was a game that the coaches totally whiffed yet we still had a chance to steal the win late but the play calling and schemes blew it. 


As far as predictions I posted 8-81 and contending for division along with houston. 

And as you know me being more optimistic on colts than most others here is not a usual occurrence LoL. I just felt that AR would flash his abilities at times, soft schedule in a weak division and its our turn to have a decent season.


Going forward, I hope JT plays like he did before and is not traded and both him, AR, and Pittman stay healthy. 


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11 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:




What is confusing about this post.   Someone noted he was only a 5th round pick.   I explained why and I also explained how I know.  

What is confusing about this? 


It was confusing to me that Ballard was given the job of evaluating a WR when that is a position he values least AND a position he's failed at filling with playmakers. 

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52 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


It was confusing to me that Ballard was given the job of evaluating a WR when that is a position he values least AND a position he's failed at filling with playmakers. 

For your consideration….

I think Ballard was the assistant GM or something close to that for KC.   John Dorsey was the GM, Ballard was either Dorsey’s version if Ed Dodds or Morocco Brown.    So as Dorsey’s most trusted aide, he was given the task of doing a deep dive on Tyreke Hill.   Turns out Hill was a very good prospect,  but had a ton of red flag character issues.   We’re they disqualifying for the Chiefs?   Maybe, but Ballard had to figure that out.    He wasn’t evaluating Hill as a player as much as he was evaluating Hill as a person.   

Hope this helps….  

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Yesterday's loss doesn't bother me too much. I guess it is because it looked over at halftime. Then we played with heart in the 2nd half. We have an entertaining team for a change. Also, usually each year, a team has 8 close games = games decided by 7 points or less. As long as we go 4-4 in those games, that is good. We are 1-1 so far in close games, the Baltimore win offset the Rams lost. What becomes maddening is, when you lose like 5 or 6 close games. That would be a kick to the teeth. 

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