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School Schedule Could Complicate Start Of Luck's Pro Career [Merge]

Captain Americolt

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Indianapolis has been down this road before, and managed the situation creatively. In 2007, the Colts selected

Anthony Gonzalez

, an Ohio State fourth-year junior, with their first-round pick. Ohio State, like Stanford, is on the quarter system, so Gonzalez couldn't report until mid-June. So then-quarterback

Peyton Manning

went to the receiver, taking it upon himself to drive the three hours to Columbus to teach the rookie the offense."

Edit: Sorry mods if this is in the wrong place.

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Indianapolis has been down this road before, and managed the situation creatively. In 2007, the Colts selected

Anthony Gonzalez

, an Ohio State fourth-year junior, with their first-round pick. Ohio State, like Stanford, is on the quarter system, so Gonzalez couldn't report until mid-June. So then-quarterback

Peyton Manning

went to the receiver, taking it upon himself to drive the three hours to Columbus to teach the rookie the offense."

Except we dont have Peyton to go teach him this time...

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I remember that story. Peyton took it on himself to go all the way down to OSU to teach Gonzo the offense. I don't know of anyone else in the entire NFL, players, coaches, management, anything, that would do that.

So, to clarify about Luck, this means he won't be able to join the Colts until mid-June rather than the end of April/early May?

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NFL.COM states that the Colts rookie minicamp is May 4-6. The full squad minicamp is June 12-14 and OTAs are May 17, May 24, and June 6. If the Colts draft Luck he may miss part of training because Stanford's final exams are June 8-13. When Anthony Gonzalez was drafted Peyton Manning drove to Ohio to teach the rookie the playbook. What arangements can be made to help Luck if he is drafted?

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NFL.COM states that the Colts rookie minicamp is May 4-6. The full squad minicamp is June 12-14 and OTAs are May 17, May 24, and June 6. If the Colts draft Luck he may miss part of training because Stanford's final exams are June 8-13. When Anthony Gonzalez was drafted Peyton Manning drove to Ohio to teach the rookie the playbook. What arangements can be made to help Luck if he is drafted?

You provided more info but there's a thread already.

Mods should merge.

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I am sure the coach or one of the assistants would get together with him. Once drafted he should have access to any play books, with new coaching and rebuilding team, there may not even be an actual playbook yet. Have to log into Barnes and Noble and get one ordered, lol.

I wouldnt be surprised is Wayne, Collie , or someone went to work with him, contingent on CBA rules

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I am sure the coach or one of the assistants would get together with him. Once drafted he should have access to any play books, with new coaching and rebuilding team, there may not even be an actual playbook yet. Have to log into Barnes and Noble and get one ordered, lol.

I wouldnt be surprised is Wayne, Collie , or someone went to work with him, contingent on CBA rules

Agree on playbook why we sign him ahead of draft to get him up to speed hes super intelligent knows football no big concern except to us fans.Give him whatever chance the CBA allows with coaches as well.
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What he can't leave campus?

He can't workout with the Colts/Redskins/any team... due to the academic schedule. He's limited to a rookie mini-camp and that is usually just a weekend.

If the 49ers had the # 1 pick they would be faced with the same issue if they drafted Luck and they aren't too far from Stanford.

Gearhart or whatever his name is was faced with the same thing a few years ago with Minnesota..

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Except we dont have Peyton to go teach him this time...

Maybe Reggie Wayne can do the honors this time around.

Or maybe the Colts can work something around Luck's schedule.

I am sure it will all be fine in the end. He will learn the ropes eventually, regardless.

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are you suggesting this piece of news to the rest of us probably isn't news to the colts?

Just saying.....don't worry. Try not to.

I think it will all work out in the end, the team will take care of things. Nothing we can do.

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Indianapolis has been down this road before, and managed the situation creatively. In 2007, the Colts selected

Anthony Gonzalez

, an Ohio State fourth-year junior, with their first-round pick. Ohio State, like Stanford, is on the quarter system, so Gonzalez couldn't report until mid-June. So then-quarterback

Peyton Manning

went to the receiver, taking it upon himself to drive the three hours to Columbus to teach the rookie the offense."

Edit: Sorry mods if this is in the wrong place.

Peyton wasted his time since he never could get healthy enough to play.

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I remember that story. Peyton took it on himself to go all the way down to OSU to teach Gonzo the offense. I don't know of anyone else in the entire NFL, players, coaches, management, anything, that would do that.

So, to clarify about Luck, this means he won't be able to join the Colts until mid-June rather than the end of April/early May?

Cant he just go to night school. Unless we have a monday nite game.

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