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Pics Of Manning Throwing Today

Peyton and Eli fan

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Can't wait to see him wearing that blue and orange. How weird is that?

I know. I guess that it's safe to say that over on this side of the forum. I am completely pumped up about him being on the Broncos this point, and very much looking forward to the season. Reminds me of the old Doublemint Gum adverstisements.

Not sure though if it will be two times the fun, or two times the pain (or what I'm going to do when I inevitably get confused about who is on which roster).

"Awright, the Colts signed a couple of tight ends......... no wait.

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Manning and a trio of Broncos teammates took to the field at Valor Christian High School in Highlands Ranch Monday morning for an informal throwing session.

Manning took snaps from center J.D. Walton and threw passes to wide receiver Eric Decker and tight end Julius Thomas.

"Just some drill work, talking through stuff, so he gets familiar with the verbage and the calls," Decker said. "The biggest thing is he wanted to get a feel for us, and a feel for being under center."

Manning is allowed to continue rehabilitating from neck surgery at Dove Valley ( broncos training pl;ace ) with Broncos doctors and trainers ( & can throw to trainers ( , but because of NFL rules ( new CBA ), he

can only work with teammates away from the Broncos' facility.

"He looked real good, though he probably won't admit that he's feeling good or feeling back to the way he wants to be," Decker said.

Read more: Peyton Manning works out with Broncos teammates at Valor Christian - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/broncos/ci_20258496/peyton-manning-works-out-broncos-teammates-at-valor?source=rss&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#ixzz1qFmRWzDo

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Julius Thomas is a TE from Portland State. Unlike Eric Decker, he does face more stiff competition with the signing of Tamme and Dreessen.We will see how things shape up. J.D.Walton was a highly rated center out of Baylor in the 2010 draft, so I can see why the Broncos were not as interested in Saturday as Peyton was.

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not just you. his arms look smaller and less toned.

My question is, how many times have you seen Peyton throw in regular clothes without pads?

Compare exibit A. and B.





What the heck, we will throw in exibit C.


Looks like the same old Peyton Manning to me..

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Julius Thomas is a TE from Portland State. Unlike Eric Decker, he does face more stiff competition with the signing of Tamme and Dreessen.We will see how things shape up. J.D.Walton was a highly rated center out of Baylor in the 2010 draft, so I can see why the Broncos were not as interested in Saturday as Peyton was.

From what I gather through Broncos fans, JD Walton is regarded as one of the worst Centers in the league. Zane Beadles at LG is regarded as the worst LG in the league. In a way I fear for Peyton's protection, but then again, he got by with Linkenbach and that couldn't have been easy.

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not just you. his arms look smaller and less toned.

I never remember him being bulky in anyway, but WOW those arms in a fwe of those photos look like those of an old man - I'm guessing its gotta be due to the angles.

Never noticed him straining so much with such minimal movement before either.

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I never remember him being bulky in anyway, but WOW those arms in a fwe of those photos look like those of an old man - I'm guessing its gotta be due to the angles.

Never noticed him straining so much with such minimal movement before either.

I guess I am not the only one who thinks those pics look like he is straining to throw.

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I guess I am not the only one who thinks those pics look like he is straining to throw.

I was looking at those pictures and thinking WOW is he that out of shape, or are the throws painful ... he seems to make a strenuous face in all of the images.

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I was looking at those pictures and thinking WOW is he that out of shape, or are the throws painful ... he seems to make a strenuous face in all of the images.

I noticed 2 things that led me to think he was straining.

1) His facial expressions

2) The tension of the muscles in his throwing arm, coupled with the associated dilation of blood vessels that feed it.

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Remember these are action shots ...they have a way of portraying things unnaturally and bizarrely.

There's no doubt he's lost some weight but the fact he's freely throwing like that is a great sign.

I wonder what sort of pitch-count he's on right now and how effective is he making the more difficult throws such as deep outs.

I hope Manning rides off into the sunset the way Elway did

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Remember these are action shots ...they have a way of portraying things unnaturally and bizarrely.

There's no doubt he's lost some weight but the fact he's freely throwing like that is a great sign.

I wonder what sort of pitch-count he's on right now and how effective is he making the more difficult throws such as deep outs.

I hope Manning rides off into the sunset the way Elway did

Pardon my ignorance, but if by pitch-count you mean number of throws, he did about 60 for each of the 3 teams he tried out for. Cutcliffe said he threw 95 balls the day before his workout for the Broncos.

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This surprisingly felt better than I thought it would. I think it goes to prove that I'm already behind Luck. Which admittedly Miiight be a significant reason as to why I'd be upset if we grabbed RG3... I don't want to have to get psyched up for someone all over again. xD

(DISCLAIMER: That's mostly a joke, I don't base my opinions off my convenience.)

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You can see the intensity in his throws, even when they're pics. He's pretty darn close to 100%

Always a fine line between intense and strained. We will find out in pre-season and you can bet he plays more pre-season than he did with the Colts, at least this year.

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I don't think he looks smaller or strained, he always makes that throwing face, but he does have a little belly it looks like. I love Peyton, he will be do well simply because of his work ethic and determination, it's March and he's already working on verbage and calls!

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If you want to compare old Peyton throwing pics to the Broncos photo...best to stick with pre-2006 pics. Peyton's troubles began after that Skins game that year so for all we know he could have been grimacing from pain in any photo taken after 2006.

And people call him weak and cant take any pain. psh. Guy works his butt off. Borderline Obsessive Compulsive.. if he were not in sports.. yikes!

He does need more muscle toning but here is the deal. Yes, he is 36, guys you get where i am going here. Muscle tone goes down after age 34 due to the reduction of the chemical produced Testostrone. Just happens. Its completely biological. Take my husband for example.. 6'1 175 lbs built like a Gazel and runs like one. Just simply a tall skinny guy. Not much muscle tone but tough as nails. He is built alot like Peyton in that regard.

Add with age people become yes, slower, but smarter. Guys been called a Genius. Perhaps he will become even more ceribral rather than physical type QB. Be smarter with plays, throws, ect. Guy studies more film than Martin Scoressse. I would expect him to prep even more, if that is even humanly possible.

Lets also remember it is just March. He has 6 more months of throwing, weights, running, ect until the first pre season game. Add in the crappy weather the West is having right now, ya, its been dang cold, thinner air. It definatly plays a factor. I think Denver is around 5280ft. Add in cold wind, it will only make him stronger. When he goes and plays at lower levels, his energy and stamina is going to be excellent after being at 5280ft all the time.

I live at around 5500 ft, hunt at 8500-10000ft in the mountains. Even that difference, it takes me a solid 3 days to adjust.

Aside from that, does Peyton have work, ya, he always has work. Is he doing better, yes, much. It will be interesting to see pictures or video of him throwing in June.

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Looks like the same old Peyton to me. He's always had a belly and relatively weak looking arms. On previous versions of this forum, we used to make fun of Peyton's "steroid use" by posting images of his weak physique

BTW, bulky arms hurt the throwing motion and qbs that have bulky arms struggle with accuracy. Check out Tebow and Mcnabb for proof

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No he doesn't have to look like Tebow but I hope he looks healthier when the season starts. Right now he looks like a frail old man in some of those pics.

Then again look at what Favre looked like in his final years. Sometimes he looked 50.

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His tricep does seem to have atrophied pretty dramatically. That's the funny thing with nerve damage though, you may regain the strength but never get the muscle tone and size back.

I have read a lot of the same in the past season. He might lose the muscle tone/size in arms even if all is well with the throwing.

The Broncos did not sign him though to model lol. The beef cake is in NY now. ;)

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