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Why The Colts Will Make The Playoffs Next Year


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please all im new to this site and a true colts fan. all i ask is for comments to be positive. lets get behind our team congraduate them as new colts team members and be positive towards all the staff and team moves. lets get our team excited to play and win win win no negatives on here about the team think positive chear harder and godbless to all those team members we lost GL with future teams we will miss you. cmon people GO Blue

Welcome to the forum, but I gotta tell ya, it's not all rainbow and unicorns here all the time. But that's a good thing. If we always applauded the organizations moves, it would be a very boring forum indeed.

You gotta rip your guys when they deserve it, and cheer for them when they earn it.

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Like I already said, at least I didn't do that...

haha 'we allowed'. Did you guys hit your face on the steps when you fell down the ladder?

It isn't much to write about, which is why 9-7 can win that division, but I'll put money down that it ain't the Colts.

Neither would I.

I would love to see the Colts pass the Jags and Titans though, both those teams bore me to tears.

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The whole point of drafting Andrew Luck is that he's "ready" now, isn't it? He's not a project. All he needs is the playbook and time with his receivers and we'll be waaaay better than last year. He's so mobile and can throw off the run (with or w/o a broom coming at him) that there's no reason why he can't bide time and find open receivers on virtually every play. I expect a Cam Newton season for us this year which means we could be a .500 team but I don't discount a Tebow Broncos kind of run either. If Tebow can do it, why not Luck?

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Does anybody really know what direction this team is heading? I hear about certain schemes on running the ball, going to a 3-4 D. I don't think we will know what this team is going to look like until we see them play for a few games. Are we going to throw the ball allot? I doubt that and I will miss that, but I have no idea what a Grigs and a Pagano team will look like.

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It's hard to get called for a penalty when the receivers have 10 yards of separation on every throw......

my basic point is the Colts had some (hidden) brights spots last year that were overshadowed by by the lack of a good QB on offense.....and the main problem on defense (in my opinion) was exactly what you say... very poor pass coverage......and until or unless they can field DB's who can cover it's not going to matter what other changes they make on defense..............anyway..about being the least penalized team....it does say something possitive about the many Colts players still on the roster and their mental discipline and ability to be coached.....
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my basic point is the Colts had some (hidden) brights spots last year that were overshadowed by by the lack of a good QB on offense.....and the main problem on defense (in my opinion) was exactly what you say... very poor pass coverage......and until or unless they can field DB's who can cover it's not going to matter what other changes they make on defense..............anyway..about being the least penalized team....it does say something possitive about the many Colts players still on the roster and their mental discipline and ability to be coached.....

Yep, I get what you were seeing. You just left the jokey door a little ajar, and I jumped right through it!

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Look...we can be a ton better next year and still not win more games. Point is we weren't even competitive in over half our games. We can play a lot better and still lose a lot of games. I like most just want to see us get better...especially focus on the defense. If Luck is as good as he is supposed to be we will be fine in the long run on offense. The defense and 3rd down conversion will be the key. Extend some more drives..flip the field..and score moderately and we can be competiitive in most games...but without vast defensive improvement we won't win those games. My greatest expectations would be to go 6-10...I expect 4-12 and anything less would be a disappointment.

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I don't see a playoff picture for some years to come.. everything the colts was is gone. You can get all the strongest and fastest rookies in the world.. it's still gonna take time to get all the players (hoping their not bust) on an NFL playing level. With all the staff changes and the leadership of Peyton at QB gone.. I see a 5-11 season. As a rookie.. you maybe can fly around the ball faster than the vets can.. but the knowledge and experience of how to win the game is not there yet.

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I don't see a playoff picture for some years to come.. everything the colts was is gone. You can get all the strongest and fastest rookies in the world.. it's still gonna take time to get all the players (hoping their not bust) on an NFL playing level. With all the staff changes and the leadership of Peyton at QB gone.. I see a 5-11 season. As a rookie.. you maybe can fly around the ball faster than the vets can.. but the knowledge and experience of how to win the game is not there yet.

Gotta agree with you here. I'm sad to say we might get the first draft pick again.

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Gotta agree with you here. I'm sad to say we might get the first draft pick again.

That would be the best thing that could happen to us in my eyes. We could trade back like St. Louis has and pick up several extra first round picks that help us rebuild a lot faster over the next few years (if we evaluate talent well). If we end up being a 500 team then we will be stuck in the middle of the draft for years and never really get the skilled players that take teams over the top without hitting on like every draft pick. Having those extra draft picks would allow us to be more likely to succeed because we would have a better chance of hitting on more than just relying on that 1 pick. Also it would allow us to possibly trade picks. I love how NE seems to have two first round picks every year...still get who they target and then turn the other into like another 1st round pick the next year and like a middle rounder that year. They constantly turn 1 pick into 2 and 2 into 3 and still find the players they want. They have the best draft team imo.
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So Luck is only 1 game better than Painter / Dan O? LOL!

its a team game last time i checked. peyton was amazing in '98. best rookie season till Cam Newton. team only won 3 games, as it was rebuilding.

we are rebuilding now. Andrew can have a better season than Cam had last year, team might only win a handful of games. you don't get that this is a possibility?

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please all im new to this site and a true colts fan. all i ask is for comments to be positive. lets get behind our team congraduate them as new colts team members and be positive towards all the staff and team moves. lets get our team excited to play and win win win no negatives on here about the team think positive chear harder and godbless to all those team members we lost GL with future teams we will miss you. cmon people GO Blue

says the guy whos name is bahummbug, Im just looking for the players to grow as a TEAM, right now we dont have a team we have players that are going to try come together as a team it will take time and COMMUINCATION

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i was talking about Peyton's first season record. were you not a fan then, or what? LOL at you.

Indeed I was a fan then - in fact, was doing a small RE deal with RV Welch Investments (via Michael Browning) at that time.

I am a terrible mind reader - so be clearer next time, OK?

And please drop the "LOL at you" attitude. It's quite inappropriate at this board (go to the unofficial board and play with the masters), and your opinion of me means absolutely nothing to me.

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Indeed I was a fan then - in fact, was doing a small RE deal with RV Welch Investments (via Michael Browning) at that time.

I am a terrible mind reader - so be clearer next time, OK?

And please drop the "LOL at you" attitude. It's quite inappropriate at this board (go to the unofficial board and play with the masters), and your opinion of me means absolutely nothing to me.

it was LOL at you because you didn't understand my post. how you thought i somehow WASN'T talking about peyton when I said 3-13 immediately after mentioning his name is what got me going.

and yeah, there is every possibility that andrew gets one more win than Painter/Orlovsky. LOL for you not considering that. also interesting that you completely disregarded my argument one post up from that one.

and "masters" over at coltfreaks? ahahahahahahhaa best laugh yet!

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it was LOL at you because you didn't understand my post. how you thought i somehow WASN'T talking about peyton when I said 3-13 immediately after mentioning his name is what got me going.

and yeah, there is every possibility that andrew gets one more win than Painter/Orlovsky. LOL for you not considering that. also interesting that you completely disregarded my argument one post up from that one.

and "masters" over at coltfreaks? ahahahahahahhaa best laugh yet!

"masters" at CF was intended to be a joke. Glad you got it.

Goodbye and have a good life.

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I somewhat agree...

If we pencil in HOU, NE, BAL, and DEN as division winners, we will have to beat out PIT, CIN, and TEN for wildcard spots. I think NYJ are in a decline, and I doubt they will even be close to the playoffs.

Buffalo is better than us too, and I wouldn't be surprised if they take the wildcard over a lot of the aforementioned teams.

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The fact is, none of us know what they are going to play like. We can only look at what they have done to improve. I look at 5 things.

1. People have complained for years, and even during the Super Bowl winning season, that we cannot run the ball consistantly. This has been addressed. Castanzo - 6'7" 311 lbs., McGlynn - 6'5" 318 lbs., Satele - 6'2" 300 lbs., Ijalana - 6'4" 317 lbs., Justice - 6'6" 320 lbs. With a front five of this size, we should be able to adequately pass block, but also their combined athleticism and size should create several good running lanes. If they can use their bodies properly, we could have the slowest running back in the league and average better that 4.2 ypc.

2. People always complained that Peyton was immobile. To an extent, that is true. He had a 4.8 40-yard dash at his combine. That certainly didn't get better with age. Andrew Luck had a solid 4.67 40-yard dash officially, and a 4.59 unofficially. He is used to being mobile. So, we pick up a QB that is mobile and 14 years younger.

3. Pierre Garcon has been the fastest WR we have had on our roster in a very long-time, a 4.48 40-yard dash. The problem was he dropped easy catches and made tough catches. Donnie Avery, when healthy, is more sure handed and had a blistering 4.2 40-yard dash time. This is the pick-up that is most exciting to me. We could have a real diamond in the rough.

4. We are going to have an extremely aggressive defense. For the better part of a decade, we have had the bend, don't break, mentality. PREVENT and COVER 2 Sucks when that is all you do. With this proposed hybrid 3-4 Defensive scheme, aggression will be the name of the game. What is better than Freeney and Mathis rushing from the line? Freeney and Mathis getting 3 extra yards to get up to speed.

5. Jacob Lacey gone, Tom Zbikowski signed. Need I say more??

We don't know what is going to happen this year. We do know it will not be like last year, or the past 10 or 12. Embrace the change and look for some aggression. Some aggression we haven't seen....EVER!!

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Yeah, I know, I haven't lost my mind. They probably don't have a good chance. But I am an optimistic guy, so I want throw this out their for the optimistics to give reasons why the Colts can get to the playoffs. Here is my reasons why:

1) They will have a much better offensive line. With the young gets coming into their second year, plus the free agents brought in, I think this will be the best Colts offensive line since the first Super Bowl run. Since Pagano is committed to running to the ball and run blocking needs to be practiced and have that mentality, I expect the Colts to surprise in that area.

2) Defense will be better than what is expected. Some pieces where in place. Houston has show a defense can be turned around pretty quickly. We will need a nose guard, but I can see our defense surprising and being a top 15 defense. As Mathis metioned, in a 4-3 he and Freeney were chipped on almost every play. He will have a better path the the QB right now. Watch out!

3) Luck will be very solid for a rookie QB. He comes from a very well balanced team and already does things young NFL QBs aren't doing. He would be spectular, but I think very solid for a rookie. Probably Andy Dalton or slightly better. And had we had even that level of play last year, I think we would have won 6 games.

4) Grigson and Pagano seem to have a solid play from actions I have seen. I love how Grigson is grabbing mid level, young veterans at a good price. Call it Money Ball of the NFL. And Pagano wants tough guys who can be physical. Mix that in with the speed guys we have, and it will surprise.

Sure, we have holes. We need a #1 receiver, a nose guard, a TE, and another corner for starters. But I expect those to be address with more free agents or draft picks.

Optimism is a wonderful thing when used by the right people, you however have obviously been partaking of illegal hallucinogenic substances.

With a new quarterback, O and D lines, coaches, it will be truly phenomenal to get a wildcard slot.....but don't bet on it.

I love the Colts and wish them only the best but realistically 8-8 would be great!

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This team will be in rebuilding mode for a few years, so I am hoping we go 3-13 next year and grab an elite player in the draft in 2013 similar to the caliber of Calvin Johnson, etc.. Going 6-10 won't really help us. With the following schedule coming up: Texans, Jaguars, Titans, Bills, Dolphins, Vikings, Packers, Browns, Texans, Jaguars, Titans, Patriots, Jets, Bears, Lions, Chiefs, I can see us maybe beating the Browns and Dolphins and luck out and win another against maybe the Titans. Having had pre-Manning season tickets watching the Colts lose most of the time, you just get use to enjoying good plays by either team.

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I'm not holding my breath. I think the team will be more competitive than expected. That's it. .500 would be the most optimistic goal this year if I'm in the Front Office.

This is pretty much spot on for me. I am expecting 5-11, hoping for 500 ball......but the only way we would ever reach the playoffs next season would start with a nearly flawless injury record, and that has just not happened for this team. Injuries are the great foiler of all well laid expectations. Foiler? Add it to the dictionary.

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This is pretty much spot on for me. I am expecting 5-11, hoping for 500 ball......but the only way we would ever reach the playoffs next season would start with a nearly flawless injury record, and that has just not happened for this team. Injuries are the great foiler of all well laid expectations. Foiler? Add it to the dictionary.

The injury thing can kind of be tied to how old we have been the last few years. I expect with the younger roster we are going to have injuries go down by a fair margin.

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The injury thing can kind of be tied to how old we have been the last few years. I expect with the younger roster we are going to have injurys are going to go down.

Well that and possibly an entirely new strength and conditioning staff..........

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So much pessimism....I still say Colts win the division next year...been saying it for some time and still stick by it.

Come on folks be more optimistic here ;)

I love optimism, I try to find good in every situation but next year I'm being very optimistic hoping they will get to .500 and there is nothing to be ashamed of with that record after last year!
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In my opinion it is still too early to predict anything for next season.

Roster moves in free agency looks good so far, we signed some quality players for neuralgic positions, our new roster and depth charts are just taking shape now. We still have a draft season ahead... I think after draft and mini camp, training camp we will see more clearer.

So far good.

I think if we make a 0,500 season or close, we can be very happy with rebuilding.

Reaching wild-card would be over expectation, winning division next season was equivalent to a miracle.

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I love optimism, I try to find good in every situation but next year I'm being very optimistic hoping they will get to .500 and there is nothing to be ashamed of with that record after last year!

Well, I guess its all semantics, but I think that hoping for 500 ball is being optimistic. :cheers:

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