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[Merge] Colts free agency complaints and overreaction thread


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3 hours ago, That Guy said:

But Ballard is now refusing to announce a deal before it's signed...


I have inside information that we are signing this mostly unknown backup long snapper who goes by the name of BlueShoe. Word is we are getting him for vet minimum. :D 

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2 hours ago, J@son said:


prove to us that Ballard didn't offer the same money to Norwell.  Otherwise you're making assumptions.  Ballard very well could have offered the same contract..maybe he offered even more but Norwell chose Jax instead.  

I know he might have but I see no reason not to give Norwell money he can’t turn down. Blow the jags deal out of the water, give Norwell no choice but to sign. It’s only one free agent if we overspend a little Ballard can be his stingy self elsewhere. Landing Norwell allows us to pursue Chubb. Fixing both sides of the the line offensive and defensive.

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i think ballard is strategically playing his cards carefully, not showing his hand yet.  although we have FA money, we have to sign some from within and we don't have stupid Browns money to throw the moon at people.  have to be careful with that precious money.  ballard could be a free-agent whisperer. we'll see tomorrow at 4pm.

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49 minutes ago, Malakai432 said:

While I don't think the OL will be great by any means, I do think that Frank will change the offense to a quicker paced offense.  I'm done with the 7 step drop backs and long developing routes, power formations, ect.  I hope the team is as well.   

 The colts offense has always performed better when:


1) they use the quick rhythm passing game. Shockingly, Luck didn't get hit near as often and the offense was much more fluid.


2) Give Luck more control by going up-temp.

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32 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

I know. It's our given right as a member to have an opinion. Just don't dare have an opinion about my opinion. 


Offering a different opinion should be widely accepted. I like it when people have a different opinion as long as it’s respectful. Problem is, too many people (here) want to ridicule opposing views and opinions without providing anything but sass.


In the real world, identifying this mentality helps to separate the adults who work at McDonalds from those making real, and meaningful decisions in the workforce. 

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1 hour ago, Introspect said:

Our society has decided to base facts on generalizations..... It's a shame:(

True. There is a sports board out there where you have to enter your birthday that matches your email. If you are over 38, you are not allowed. Silly...isn't it. 

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9 minutes ago, Keith Paradis said:

I know he might have but I see no reason not to give Norwell money he can’t turn down. Blow the jags deal out of the water, give Norwell no choice but to sign. It’s only one free agent if we overspend a little Ballard can be his stingy self elsewhere. Landing Norwell allows us to pursue Chubb. Fixing both sides of the the line offensive and defensive.

The bolded is just conjecture if it infers that a little overspending is the reason we fell short. I am guessing.....and it is not conjecture, that our GM could have offered to overspend a little to get him. It may have taken a dump truck of overspending to get him to come to this team. 

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Possible...   but I wouldn't say it's likely.


Even if Ballard wants to keep things quiet, eventually someone leaks.


The players agent leaks... someone in the league office leaks...   other teams might leak...     sooner or later, a leak springs...


Hope you're right,  but suspect you're not.



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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

Uh huh. Emma's come a long way from her Harry Potter franchise days. She's a pretty good actress too. I saw her in "The Circle" recently & she basically held her own with Tom Hanks.  



Emma is great, but I wish you wouldn't have mentioned "The Circle". That movie completely ruined an amazing book. If you haven't read it, I would strongly encourage it. One of my favorite books that I've read in the last year.

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12 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:

In the real world, identifying this mentality helps to separate the adults who work at McDonalds from those making real, and meaningful decisions in the workforce. 

I erased what I had to say. My bad for opening up your response. 

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

I've been a member of this community for nearly six years.....


And it's this way every year.    Every year.


People panic early and never stop.   They get hysterical.    Nothing changes.


Yep....the same reponses AND THEN the same responses to the responses.

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

Uh huh. Emma's come a long way from her Harry Potter franchise days. She's a pretty good actress too. I saw her in "The Circle" recently & she basically held her own with Tom Hanks. 

If I laugh hysterically at that meme, does that mean I favor animal cruelty? Just joking! Great post OPC! 


Who knew a puppy who can't reach the top of the stairs was reminiscent of Sisyphus in Greek Mythology man. 

Is that the bar for good acting...yikes no wonder I don’t follow Hollywood. Tom Hanks?? Turner and Hooch guy? Wow

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30 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Offering a different opinion should be widely accepted. I like it when people have a different opinion as long as it’s respectful. Problem is, too many people (here) want to ridicule opposing views and opinions without providing anything but sass.


In the real world, identifying this mentality helps to separate the adults who work at McDonalds from those making real, and meaningful decisions in the workforce. 


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33 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Offering a different opinion should be widely accepted. I like it when people have a different opinion as long as it’s respectful. Problem is, too many people (here) want to ridicule opposing views and opinions without providing anything but sass.


In the real world, identifying this mentality helps to separate the adults who work at McDonalds from those making real, and meaningful decisions in the workforce. 


Yeah But when your hungry and want a fast tasty meal....



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3 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Is that the bar for good acting...yikes no wonder I don’t follow Hollywood. Tom Hanks?? Turner and Hooch guy? Wow

Clearly, you think Tom Hanks is overrated. My comment was only in reference to an up & coming actress who can hang with an A list bankable Oscar winner. Emma's covered a lot of ground since her wizard screen days on film as a kid. 


She's a solid character actress that will win gold hardware herself before her career is done. 


I didn't think Hanks deserved an Oscar for "Philadelphia" not when "Shawshank Redemption" was lightyears better then that overblown picture. I blame the Academy Of Motion Pictures for that travesty not Tom himself. 

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This whole Ballard didn't do enough nonsense is ridiculous....     No one knows what he offered or IF he offered anything.


This is not an auction that goes to the highest bidder!!!!   The player gets to choose.    


Colts 4-12 with a cruddy defense that has had horrible management for the last 6 yrs with a new coaching staff a questionable QB position and a pretty cruddy roster.... In Indiana where there is state income taxes.... cold weather... and corn




Jax who just came off of the AFCCG and should have won.  A great RB..  a very stout defense...... stable coaching (I didn't say great I said stable). No income taxes.... warm weather... beaches 


66,000,000 in Florida saves Norwell about 2.2 million in state income taxes compared to Indiana.







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2 minutes ago, Introspect said:


We are in REBUILD MODE. This is going to be a long 2018

It's fine that we did not offer Norwell the amount that the Jags did, but how does adding a young talented O-lineman not help us with a re-build?

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8 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Clearly, you think Tom Hanks is overrated. My comment was only in reference to an up & coming actress who can hang with an A list bankable Oscar winner. Emma's covered a lot of ground since her wizard screen days on film as a kid. 


She's a solid character actress that will win gold hardware herself before her career is done. 


I didn't think Hanks deserved an Oscar for "Philadelphia" not when "Shawshank Redemption" was lightyears better then that overblown picture. I blame the Academy Of Motion Pictures for that travesty not Tom himself. 

It’s fine lol...I’ve never seen a movie with Emma in it..I wouldn’t listen to me for any movie stuff lol.

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1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:


Possibly, but that’s not where I was going. 


I think it’s possible that Ballard is biding his time (a few drafts), trying to find some diamonds in the rough of free agency. I have no problem with him signing a bunch of perceived second or third tier players. 

We will see but all that really means is that this team will not win anything for at least a few more years.

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33 minutes ago, Mel Kiper's Hair said:



Emma is great, but I wish you wouldn't have mentioned "The Circle". That movie completely ruined an amazing book. If you haven't read it, I would strongly encourage it. One of my favorite books that I've read in the last year.

The real tragedy of "The Circle" is this: It was Bill Paxton's last film before he died in surgery on the table. Yes, "The Circle" sucked as a picture, but what really disappointed me is that Bill is such a great actor & this is how folks will remember him. Sad. He was fantastic in "Trespass" & especially "A Simple Plan" about a plane crash in a game preserve with $4,000,000 on board & how greed & a huge windfall ruins people's lives in the end.


I hate when great actors go out with a lousy film. Not Bill's fault. I just want high caliber talent to shine in the end. 


Emma made that picture watchable. She's gotta every woman quality about her that's honest & believable like a neighbor you wish you lived next to. No matter how outlandish the plot got, she kept me invested in the outcome. Plus, if I'm being completely honest, she is cute. Maybe it's a freckles thing I'm not even aware of on a subconscious level too. Who knows. haha


Never read the book. Thanks for the recommendation MKH.

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2 minutes ago, jameszeigler834 said:

We will see but all that really means is that this team will not win anything for at least a few more years.


A healthy Andrew Luck is a big deal. If we make a few good moves in free agency, effective new coaching, and a decent draft. Might happen quicker than we think. 

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