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Dan Campbell to get Interview


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10 minutes ago, Andrew Luck fan club said:

Someone told me Campbell didn’t have experience running it, so I just assumed it basically lol. What are we running then? 4-3 what

The new DC has ran both 3-4 and 4-3 plus with the Seattle guys in the FO we could run a 4-3 man coverage like they do there 

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17 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

The dude is getting recommended by a HoF HC why dis him 

He also recommended Brisett who I like but we didnt get much from it. I just think we need a guy that's not learning his way around the barn. Its also been said hes got the same game management issues as chuck. I can see his toughness and leadership qualities, but I feel like he's got lots of want to but will come up short on the how to. Its just my gut feeling. I'm surprised you are actually being optimistic and I'm being pessimistic. Lol!

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37 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

The dude is getting recommended by a HoF HC why dis him 

Seems like each of the candidates are getting some type of hype from a different HoFer...

Parcels likes Campbell, Polian seems to like Reich,  & I would imagine Dungy would probably  speak highly of Frazier (so I made up/just speculated on that last one)...


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3 minutes ago, Buck Showalter said:

Seems like each of the candidates are getting some type of hype from a different HoFer...

Parcels likes Campbell, Polian seems to like Reich,  & I would imagine Dungy would probably  speak highly of Frazier (so I made up/just speculated on that last one)...


After his endorsement of McDaniels I hAve a feeling Dungy is staying out of things

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7 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

After his endorsement of McDaniels I hAve a feeling Dungy is staying out of things

LOL, true...

I was largely joking around, but you gotta assume that Polian knows Reich very, very well, so who knows, Polian's endorsement may carry a bit more weight...


Or like I mentioned earlier, maybe the familiarity between the Colts & both Reich & Frazier could give Campbell a leg up, (the devil you know versus the devil you don't arguement) or vice versa...


Anyways, I'm just throwing out some of the thoughts or correlations I'm not seeing mentioned or discussed. I just hope Ballard gets the right guy for the Colts...

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26 minutes ago, Buck Showalter said:

Seems like each of the candidates are getting some type of hype from a different HoFer...

Parcels likes Campbell, Polian seems to like Reich,  & I would imagine Dungy would probably  speak highly of Frazier (so I made up/just speculated on that last one)...


This is pathetic 

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1 hour ago, Buck Showalter said:

Seems like each of the candidates are getting some type of hype from a different HoFer...

Parcels likes Campbell, Polian seems to like Reich,  & I would imagine Dungy would probably  speak highly of Frazier (so I made up/just speculated on that last one)...


Frank Reich would (i'm sure) be spoken highly of by Dungy as well, Frank is a very religious, god-fearing man who keeps his priorities in order but has never called plays on his own.  Frazier IS someone who Dungy highly regards, however Frazier was a disaster in Minnesota

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43 minutes ago, Buck Showalter said:


What is pathetic? That I made an attempt at a lighthearted joke, or the thought that different coaches/gms could "endorse" different players, or that these "non-splashy" candidates are being recommended at all???

No nothing directed at you ..This whole situation where we r at is pathetic and sad...

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On 2/7/2018 at 1:56 PM, chrisfarley said:

 the Colts are trying to pluck someone or a group of people which will disrupt other teams at this late date in the game.  McDaniels causing ripples or a tsumani across the league for weeks to come (probably months)



That's a good point I hadn't considered. Yea, now other teams are in paranoia mode worrying the Colts are poaching their staff, and there's not much some of these teams can do to stop it. The other teams probably just assumed all the HC'ing spots would be filled and were moving on.

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Hard pass. 


We need stability on offense. 


We need a situation where we have a Tom Moore for our Andrew Luck. Successful OCs get HC jobs. Working with a guy like Luck is one of the best bets to getting a HC job. Unless he has someone in mind who wants to take over that Tom Moore mentality and stay to keep our offense stable, pass. 


THAT was the main allure of McDaniels. He was going to bring stability around Luck. As long as he was here, the offense would be largely the same. 

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3 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

Well he left the building without a contract so for now he is NOT the guy unless Reich or Frazier or someone else 

Coaching searches are not free agency, he very well could be the leader but the scheduled interviews will continue.  Reich is being interviewed today.  Frazier tomorrow.  We might know by Monday on who the choice is unless there are more interviews.

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3 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

As @Dilger85 said HC searches are not the same as courting a FA

Really? There's been many times in the last several years were I guy came in for an interview and left the building and was not made the coach. Just commenting that he came and left. I'm allowed to have an opinion. Aren't I?

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3 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

Really? There's been many times in the last several years were I guy came in for an interview and left the building and was not made the coach. Just commenting that he came and left. I'm allowed to have an opinion. Aren't I?

No kidding, there are guys that interview that don't get HC gigs, WOW.  You made it sound like because he was not hired today that he was not the preferred choice.  I was commenting that I wouldn't read as much into that as a search for a coach is much different than Free Agency.  McDaniels left the interview without being hired the first time around with other candidates being interviewed but he was thought to be the favorite the entire time.

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9 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Campbell strikes me as Pagano 2.0.  I want somebody who can develop a game plan and manage that plan during the game.


While Reich never called plays, he reportedly was very involved with Pederson in developing a game plan.

My only question is how do you know that he can't do that, do you think that he just sits outside the coaches room when they are putting together game plans, etc.  You do not think that the AHC has some input on game planning?  He has one (look at me-won) 5 more games as a HC in this league than Reich has to this point.  Did he wins those without a game plan and adjustments?

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So, I am actually okay with 2 of the 3 canidates that are listed.  


I like Campbell because he is that leader of men.  If he can motivate the players and then maybe we get Bevell for OC, I would be okay with this.  A great head coach is only as good as his coordinators (Parcells and Belicheck)


I also really like Reich.  I think he could be the stable offensive force for us and give Luck that "one system" for the rest of his career.


The only one I don't like is Frazier.  Flamed out so hard in Minnesota and did not do well.


So I guess, I'm good with whatever Ballard chooses.  TRUSTINBALLARD

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3 hours ago, Smonroe said:

The more I read about Campbell, the more I like him.  Rose from a player to assistant HC in less than ten years.  


Doesnt hurt that he upset the Patriots in his last game as HC either. 


Very important win too, for the mankind. Prevented Patriots getting HFA and Broncos got it, so Pats had to go to Mile High for AFCCG. Pats would've probably gone all the way to SB that either if they had gotten HFA, leaving Peyton without second ring on his final hurrah.


Though I'm not sure how much credit Campbell himself should get that win.. BB lost that game. Worst coached game I've seen from him.

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33 minutes ago, Dilger85 said:

No kidding, there are guys that interview that don't get HC gigs, WOW.  You made it sound like because he was not hired today that he was not the preferred choice.  I was commenting that I wouldn't read as much into that as a search for a coach is much different than Free Agency.  McDaniels left the interview without being hired the first time around with other candidates being interviewed but he was thought to be the favorite the entire time.

All right maybe I should have stated at it a little clearer but I think we will hire I think we will hire Reich over Campbell

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8 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

All right maybe I should have stated at it a little clearer but I think we will hire I think we will hire Reich over Campbell

Could be, I have no idea.  Campbell checks a lot of boxes for me and I could see why Shefter thinks he might be the leader.

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3 hours ago, DougDew said:

Campbell strikes me as Pagano 2.0.  I want somebody who can develop a game plan and manage that plan during the game.


While Reich never called plays, he reportedly was very involved with Pederson in developing a game plan.

He doesn't remind me one bit of Chuck Pagano.

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1 hour ago, Tsarquise said:

What boxes does he check? 


Because I'm seeing nothing but empty boxes. 


Help me out here lol

Leadership qualities, head coaching experience, philosophy of competition, philosophy of physicality, highly regarded by many in industry, players love him, believes in holding players accountable, and I am sure there are more. 

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These quotes are encouraging:

“No. 1, I think he’s a real good teacher,” (Sean) Payton said, before adding, “I think he’s tough. I think he’s extremely talented. ... I think he’s someone that will be a head coach in our league.”


“I have really liked working with Dan,” Fleener said. “As a former player, he understands it from a different perspective than a lot of guys do. But he’s also very intelligent and can explain things in a way that is a lot more in-depth than simple X's and O's. He gives a certain reason for why things go on or why we do things this way or that way, which I really appreciate.


“He is very passionate about what he does and I appreciate that. I appreciate the way he approaches his work and the way he approaches the players he’s coaching ... as intelligent men who can be self-sufficient, while giving us the support we need.”


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