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Dakich on Pagano.....

Jackie Daytona

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Just now, Superman said:


So me not being a fan of Chud = nonsense? 


I mean, look, I've presented arguments based on stats and even shown pictorials of the things I dislike about our offense. It's one thing to say you think I'm wrong and even say you think I'm being unfair, but it's interesting that if I don't like Chud, that I'm peddling nonsense. 


That's wow-worthy.


Your anti-Chud rants for the last six months have turned so many people here that they can't tell the difference between a Chud problem and other problems.   


What do people expect from this offense with no Luck,  no Gore,   no Moncrief, Dorsett or Rodgers,  the offensive line struggling.....      NONE of these are Chud problems.       But posters here see you complaining about Chud and they think what is happening now is Chud's fault.     It's not,  and you know it.   


THAT'S!     ON!!      YOU!      


You may have thought your posts with picutres and diagrams were illuminating,  but the constant rant of "Chud doesn't know how to maximize talent" flies in the face of his work here which shows the opposite.     I couldn't help but notice how you haven't responded to my Chud defenses.    


Chud MAXIMIZED talent in 2015 with the QB nightmare situation.


In his first full-season Chud brought Luck to his best season in his career.    His highest pass completion percentage.     A drop in his intercetpions.     The teams offense did well on a seasonal basis.      These facts never seem to show-up in your Chud evaluations.      I find it curious at best,  and hugely disappointing at worst.


What we have here on the website now is an out of control anti-Chud brush fire that you started.    And you seem to be perfectly fine with it.     I'm not and am choosing to challenge it where I think it's appropriate.


WOW indeed.



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6 minutes ago, IndyScribe said:

Yes, I know. I'm saying he's better at his job as a HC than his job as the GM. He's the best coach, but his drafting leaves something to be desired.

Desired? He always finds players that contribute to keeping his team in the mix year after year. Yes he has missed on a few picks just like every GM in the league has.

You really cant say Belichick is not good at drafting when his team is in the playoffs and seems to always have a chance at a super bowl.

One thing I will say is Belichick is better at trading than drafting.

I understand a little of what you are saying just because his drafts are not perfect like some think.

If a GM hits on 50% of his draft picks it is a success.

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31 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Your anti-Chud rants for the last six months have turned so many people here that they can't tell the difference between a Chud problem and other problems.   


What do people expect from this offense with no Luck,  no Gore,   no Moncrief, Dorsett or Rodgers,  the offensive line struggling.....      NONE of these are Chud problems.       But posters here see you complaining about Chud and they think what is happening now is Chud's fault.     It's not,  and you know it.   


THAT'S!     ON!!      YOU!      


You may have thought your posts with picutres and diagrams were illuminating,  but the constant rant of "Chud doesn't know how to maximize talent" flies in the face of his work here which shows the opposite.     I couldn't help but notice how you haven't responded to my Chud defenses.    


Chud MAXIMIZED talent in 2015 with the QB nightmare situation.


In his first full-season Chud brought Luck to his best season in his career.    His highest pass completion percentage.     A drop in his intercetpions.     The teams offense did well on a seasonal basis.      These facts never seem to show-up in your Chud evaluations.      I find it curious at best,  and hugely disappointing at worst.


What we have here on the website now is an out of control anti-Chud brush fire that you started.    And you seem to be perfectly fine with it.     I'm not and am choosing to challenge it where I think it's appropriate.


WOW indeed.




I think the completion percentage was as much a credit to the QB coach and Luck as well. Jim Caldwell having an impact as QB coach for Peyton has been stated by Peyton several times. We never know what's on the OC and what's on the QB.


Repeating mistakes like asking Reitz to block Von in game 2 and DA to block Clowney in game 15, who does it fall on? Again, you can choose to see a glass half full or half empty in favor or against Chud. 


My problems with Chud are based on the inconsistencies of the offense from game to game, slow starts etc. and Superman is not responsible for my opinions, just wanted to get that straight. I've had my reservations with him way before all the elaborate diagrams were made. 


If forum posters' collective opinions need to be pinned on one individual's illustrations or elaborations, you're selling this forum's independent thinking short, IMO. It's fine to go against the grain but short sighted to blame one individual for that grain, extremely short sighted.


I can run with a grain of anti-Pagano and anti-any coach or player with lots of illustrations but it shouldn't make me responsible for expounding on a narrative that I already knew existed. 

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8 hours ago, ColtsArmy84 said:

The units are still coming together, there was alot of turnover this offseason. Everyone knows when Luck is out there the ball moves down the field so let's remember that the preseason doesnt tell the full story. I dont think Pagano has lost the locker room. I think him and CB are on the same page. I just think that Pagano is taking a far more serious approach and holding people more accountable which is something I think we all want.


This team even as is should beat the Rams in week 1


P.S Everyones worried about the way Dallas ran the ball against our new defence but lets remember this: Most of us could run for 2000 yards behind there line.

A worse rams team destroyed us with luck in 2013 and you expect a tolzien led one to beat a better one.

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2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Actually there may have literally been 2 or 3 members of this forum that were actually happy about it. I was one of them, and I think Danlhart was the other. The only other people that were "happy" about it, were people who knew nothing about the draft and still blindly trusted Grigson at the time so they went along with it. There was a huge minority of people who were happy about the pick who studied the draft that year.

A huge minority?

thats kinda funny

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25 minutes ago, chad72 said:


I think the completion percentage was as much a credit to the QB coach and Luck as well. Jim Caldwell having an impact as QB coach for Peyton has been stated by Peyton several times. We never know what's on the OC and what's on the QB.


Repeating mistakes like asking Reitz to block Von in game 2 and DA to block Clowney in game 15, who does it fall on? Again, you can choose to see a glass half full or half empty in favor or against Chud. 


My problems with Chud are based on the inconsistencies of the offense from game to game, slow starts etc. and Superman is not responsible for my opinions, just wanted to get that straight.


If forum posters' collective opinions need to be pinned on one individual's illustrations or elaborations, you're selling this forum's independent thinking short, IMO. It's fine to go against the grain but short sighted to blame one individual for that grain, extremely short sighted.


I can run with a grain of anti-Pagano and anti-any coach or player with lots of illustrations but it shouldn't make me responsible for expounding on a narrative that I already knew existed. 


This fan forum has......    independent thinking?!?        Really?       When did that happen?


I must've been asleep for the 5 years.


Look, Chad,  I'm being a bit facetious....     you're clearly one of the top posters here and know your football and how to make a fair argument.     But there are only a few dozen of guys like you.     Many here are not capable of clear thinking and it's displayed here daily.


But @Superman is THE top poster here.    Both n total posts and total "likes".   More importantly,  he is a thought leader here.    His opinion is prized and valued and with damn good reason.     He's as smart as they come.


I'll share something publicly for the purposes of making a point.


As you know,  I live in Southern Calfiornia.     Turns out,  Superman does too.     Only about 35-40 miles away. We've met a number of times.      We typically take in one Colts game a season and watch it at a sports bar.


That day is my favorite day of the season.    Any day with Superman in it is a great day.     I consider him a really good friend.


My point?    It gives me no pleasure  --- absolutely none --- to hammer Superman publicly here.     But I don't feel I have much choice.    We see the same thing differently.     I think the anti-Chud fever here was started by Superman and has now reached a fever pitch because of him.      I think it's a terrible,  terrible mistake.


Chud is not above criticism.    I have posted them for the last year and a half.    But, on balance,  I think he's a solid OC and I'd like to see what he can do in Season 2.     I've been looking forward to seeing what he can do.     But this constant rants have made reading this website so difficult....    it's taken the wind out of my sails.


Chud has become the new rented mule to be beaten here.     I wish it wasn't so.




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10 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

What the Rams did in 2013 has no bearing. That was 4 years ago. Neither one of these teams are the same.

The way tolzien is playing it has lots of bearing. Their defense is still tough and captain checkdown wouldnt stand a chance against them.

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8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Who keeps the head coach out of the draft room?       Which team?       None that I know of....


A coach should always have a voice in the players that are picked.      Perhaps not the last voice,  that's for the GM and/or owner.     But the HC always needs to have input.



Exactly. At the minimum, the GM, says "what are you looking for in a player at each position?  What special traits or characteristics make one stand out over another?  Then the GM uses his and the scouts body of work to determine what guys fit, and what their value is. If you have a defense minded HC, and a GM that was on the d side of the fence most often, that GM may go to the OC, and maybe even the O line coach and get that detailed positional player profile.  Even the scouts (senior ones at the minimum)  can and should be present in the draft room as well. Drafting is not a one man job, but one man does oversee it.

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1 hour ago, Superman said:


I think some GMs do get blinded by need; I think Werner was a needs based pick, at least that's how I've come to terms with him over Rhodes. 


But my point is that if you're argument against Dorsett is 'we didn't need a WR!!' then we might as well not even talk about it. First, needs-based drafting is a mistake. Second, as it turned out, the receiving corps we had in 2015 didn't turn out to be all that hot; a lot of the 'we don't need a receiver' stuff was based on Johnson, who busted, and Rogers, who didn't make the roster. Don't draft for need.


We definitely could have done better than Dorsett; Grigson didn't prove to be a good drafter. But it's not because we had bigger needs. That's not a relevant criticism.


I respectfully disagree. It's not my first or only criticism of that pick...but it's still absolutely a relevant one. Dorsett was superfluous under the circumstances. The Colts were a top 5 offense and the arguably the top passing offense in the NFL. If he had been a special player that slipped, it would have been a different story....but that wasn't the case. He was going to likely be the fourth option in the passing game for the foreseeable future...and that wasn't even going to happen until his second season. That's just not the type of player you use a precious first round pick on.  


The Colts would have been far better off targeting a similarly-talented player at another position on the defense...where the team needed help in the near and long-term. It's not just a discussion of need...it's about value and impact.


We will just have to disagree on this one.

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37 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

A huge minority?

thats kinda funny

Haha, I messed up. That's what happens when you do 3 things at once. There was no spelling error, so I missed the wrong word completely lol. 


No one else correct me on that, i admit my mistake! :) 

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3 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Haha, I messed up. That's what happens when you do 3 things at once. There was no spelling error, so I missed the wrong word completely lol. 


No one else correct me on that, i admit my mistake! :) 

I tend to notice EVERYTHING.

sometimes its a curse.

information overload

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:




I go away for a few hours and you're back to making post after post that just make no sense.


All Chud's fault?      Dear God!           :facepalm:


Here is Dorsett's profile:    




In Dorsett's rookie year,  where Chud took over about half-way through the season, and where Dorsett got hurt,   Dorsett caught less than 2 passes per game at a clip of 12.5 yards per catch.


In his 2nd season,  last year,   Dorsett averaged more than 2 catches per game,  and his yards per catch number JUMPED to 16.0 yards a catch.     That's a HUGE jump.    HELLO?!?     It is not uncommon to see young unpolished wide receivers take a several seasons to figure things out,  and learn how to run the full rout tree and become a polished wide receiver.     This is, in part,  why we went out and gout ourselves a top wide receiver coach.


All this complaining and moaning about Chud is the nonsense that @Superman has been peddling.     Dorsett is a candida†´for Chud's using a player correctly,  not incorrectly.       Chud has been the OC of record for exactly one season and Dorsett performance SPIKED to the positive.     If healthy,  and apparently it's a big IF,  then it should improve again.      Give a guy some time to make things better.


You are so angry,  so down on this team,  that you are just lashing out and making irrational posts that are NOT worthy of you. 


You're not doing yourself any favors.




I think I've been peddling the Fire Chud chants  longer than anybody.  So much so, I've been saying he's no better than Pep. Luck's best year was under Pep & Pep had a lot less to work with.  Chud can be the first coach to go as far as I'm concerned. His occasionally good gameplan doesn't work for me.  


Bring Harbaugh and Pep back & watch Luck retake his place as the best young QB in the game. It ain't gonna happen under Chud. I've seen enough. I'm ready for someone new. 

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Your anti-Chud rants for the last six months have turned so many people here that they can't tell the difference between a Chud problem and other problems.   


What do people expect from this offense with no Luck,  no Gore,   no Moncrief, Dorsett or Rodgers,  the offensive line struggling.....      NONE of these are Chud problems.       But posters here see you complaining about Chud and they think what is happening now is Chud's fault.     It's not,  and you know it.   


THAT'S!     ON!!      YOU!      


You may have thought your posts with picutres and diagrams were illuminating,  but the constant rant of "Chud doesn't know how to maximize talent" flies in the face of his work here which shows the opposite.     I couldn't help but notice how you haven't responded to my Chud defenses.    


Chud MAXIMIZED talent in 2015 with the QB nightmare situation.


In his first full-season Chud brought Luck to his best season in his career.    His highest pass completion percentage.     A drop in his intercetpions.     The teams offense did well on a seasonal basis.      These facts never seem to show-up in your Chud evaluations.      I find it curious at best,  and hugely disappointing at worst.


What we have here on the website now is an out of control anti-Chud brush fire that you started.    And you seem to be perfectly fine with it.     I'm not and am choosing to challenge it where I think it's appropriate.


WOW indeed.


Anti-Chud rants? If I criticize Chud, and give reasons why I'm critical, it's an anti-Chud rant?


I responded to your post last night, with a way too long review of my stance on Chud and how it relates to this preseason. You haven't responded so far, but you're repeating a lot of the same stuff that I already commented on. So I'll just wait for a response, or at least an acknowledgment of those thoughts, because based on what you've posted here, you haven't read my post from yesterday. http://forums.colts.com/topic/53225-already-tired-of-pagano/?do=findComment&comment=1557052



I also think you give me way too much credit for being able to set the tone on this site. I'm typically part of a vocal minority around here, while the majority of posters are calling for heads and pretending that the team is falling apart. Then one of the few times I'm openly critical of part of the staff, you're accusing me of sparking a revolt. I'm really unsure why you feel this way, especially since I haven't been critical of Chud or the offense during preseason, and I don't think the majority of posters here are blaming the lackluster preseason on Chud or the offense. Please don't blame me for the off target vitriol from Jared, as he and I most definitely don't speak in agreement on this topic (or most others, for that matter), and I vocally oppose the things he posts unless I feel it's pointless to do so. 


I'm still in wow mode here. I feel like I'm expressing my thoughts and you're ignoring them.

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22 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

I think I've been peddling the Fire Chud chants  longer than anybody.  So much so, I've been saying he's no better than Pep. Luck's best year was under Pep & Pep had a lot less to work with.  Chud can be the first coach to go as far as I'm concerned. His occasionally good gameplan doesn't work for me.  


Bring Harbaugh and Pep back & watch Luck retake his place as the best young QB in the game. It ain't gonna happen under Chud. I've seen enough. I'm ready for someone new. 


That's another thing. While I don't really agree with this post, it's evidence that the anti-Chud crowd pre-dates any of my Chud criticism.

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


This fan forum has......    independent thinking?!?        Really?       When did that happen?


I must've been asleep for the 5 years.


Look, Chad,  I'm being a bit facetious....     you're clearly one of the top posters here and know your football and how to make a fair argument.     But there are only a few dozen of guys like you.     Many here are not capable of clear thinking and it's displayed here daily.


But @Superman is THE top poster here.    Both n total posts and total "likes".   More importantly,  he is a thought leader here.    His opinion is prized and valued and with damn good reason.     He's as smart as they come.


I'll share something publicly for the purposes of making a point.


As you know,  I live in Southern Calfiornia.     Turns out,  Superman does too.     Only about 35-40 miles away. We've met a number of times.      We typically take in one Colts game a season and watch it at a sports bar.


That day is my favorite day of the season.    Any day with Superman in it is a great day.     I consider him a really good friend.


My point?    It gives me no pleasure  --- absolutely none --- to hammer Superman publicly here.     But I don't feel I have much choice.    We see the same thing differently.     I think the anti-Chud fever here was started by Superman and has now reached a fever pitch because of him.      I think it's a terrible,  terrible mistake.


Chud is not above criticism.    I have posted them for the last year and a half.    But, on balance,  I think he's a solid OC and I'd like to see what he can do in Season 2.     I've been looking forward to seeing what he can do.     But this constant rants have made reading this website so difficult....    it's taken the wind out of my sails.


Chud has become the new rented mule to be beaten here.     I wish it wasn't so.


I also want to address this post, just to say that respect is definitely mutual. Even though I think you're way off on this one, you're still my guy.

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3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:




I go away for a few hours and you're back to making post after post that just make no sense.


All Chud's fault?      Dear God!           :facepalm:


Here is Dorsett's profile:    




In Dorsett's rookie year,  where Chud took over about half-way through the season, and where Dorsett got hurt,   Dorsett caught less than 2 passes per game at a clip of 12.5 yards per catch.


In his 2nd season,  last year,   Dorsett averaged more than 2 catches per game,  and his yards per catch number JUMPED to 16.0 yards a catch.     That's a HUGE jump.    HELLO?!?     It is not uncommon to see young unpolished wide receivers take a several seasons to figure things out,  and learn how to run the full rout tree and become a polished wide receiver.     This is, in part,  why we went out and gout ourselves a top wide receiver coach.


All this complaining and moaning about Chud is the nonsense that @Superman has been peddling.     Dorsett is a candida†´for Chud's using a player correctly,  not incorrectly.       Chud has been the OC of record for exactly one season and Dorsett performance SPIKED to the positive.     If healthy,  and apparently it's a big IF,  then it should improve again.      Give a guy some time to make things better.


You are so angry,  so down on this team,  that you are just lashing out and making irrational posts that are NOT worthy of you. 


You're not doing yourself any favors.




I have no words. I honestly have no idea what I said was wrong here. Pagano isn't responsible for the playcalling, Chud is. He's the reason we are off to such slow starts. Even if you want to defend that because of injuries, he still has the most predictable playbook in the world where he only throws to Hilton and the TE1. No idea why you are bashing me here. I'm not angry at all.

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25 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher said:



Though I disagree sometimes about your blind loyalty to players, coaches, and mgmt., I love your consistency.

Just because I don't have the fire everyone mentality does not mean I have blind loyalty. I am a realist. This is the NFL and things never work the way you want or think they should.

The NFL is owned, coached and played by humans and is not perfect as you expect it to be.

Maybe it's the shape of the ball used? :scratch:

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1 hour ago, shastamasta said:


I respectfully disagree. It's not my first or only criticism of that pick...but it's still absolutely a relevant one. Dorsett was superfluous under the circumstances. The Colts were a top 5 offense and the arguably the top passing offense in the NFL. If he had been a special player that slipped, it would have been a different story....but that wasn't the case. He was going to likely be the fourth option in the passing game for the foreseeable future...and that wasn't even going to happen until his second season. That's just not the type of player you use a precious first round pick on.  


The Colts would have been far better off targeting a similarly-talented player at another position on the defense...where the team needed help in the near and long-term. It's not just a discussion of need...it's about value and impact.


We will just have to disagree on this one.


To the bolded, that's the key. They thought he was a special player that slipped. I remember someone reporting that the Colts had him in the top 16(?) on their board, and they thought they got a steal at #29. That hasn't turned out to be the case, but that explains the pick without any further discussion needed.


As for the idea that because the Colts were a top passing offense or that he was going to be the 4th option in the passing game (which is arguable; as it so happened, Hilton was the only reliable receiver the entire season), none of those things should dictate your draft strategy. 


To the idea that the Colts should have grabbed a similarly talented player at another position, the main problem is they didn't grade other players as similarly talented, which either means they had Dorsett too high (which is pretty obviously the case) or they had other players -- Darby, Kendricks, etc. -- too low, or a mix of both. The problem isn't with the draft strategy, it's with the scouting. 


But, an advanced strategist would have probably found a way to maximize that pick by moving down and collecting more top 100 selections, rather than taking a receiver at #29. So I agree when you talk about value, but they obviously though Dorsett would provide more impact, based on their scouting. 

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10 hours ago, Shafty138 said:

100 bucks says his "source" is McAfee....lol


I was going to say it was the janitor.  Who else in the organization would even give Dakich the time of day?


Plus, any NFL janitor that walks into a locker room after every game/practice is going to say the locker room is in "shambles".  haha

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Despite Luck's numbers last year, I thought the offense was far too predictable and largely ineffective, especially early in games, when you want to establish the tone of the game.


One thing that REALLY drove me crazy was the constant telegraphing of running plays.  Jack Doyle motions into the FB stance = telegraphed run.  I'd actually like to see a stat on the percent of runs out of that formation to see if it is as predictable as I perceive.  I DO recall once late in the year, the Colts motioned into that alignment with Doyle at FB, but then they actually threw a pass!  I couldn't believe my eyes!  lol


I really, REALLY hope the offense can step up their game as compared to last year ... and that starts with Chud's offensive game planning and play calling.  Honestly, though, I remain dubious as to how good of an OC Chud can be.


I just oh so miss the Manning years when the Colts O was almost unstoppable. 

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1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I have no words. I honestly have no idea what I said was wrong here. Pagano isn't responsible for the playcalling, Chud is. He's the reason we are off to such slow starts. Even if you want to defend that because of injuries, he still has the most predictable playbook in the world where he only throws to Hilton and the TE1. No idea why you are bashing me here. I'm not angry at all.


You're not angry today...    at ths moment.    Fine.


But you've posted that you're not happy with the Colts,  with the team,  with how things are going.   You fear a bad season.    And that's why the vast majority of your posts are so dark and negative.      You've posted that with me.


You posted that Dorsett is being mis-used and that it's Chud's fault.     I was simply showing you how much better Dorsett was in season 2 than he was in season 1 and that's to Chud's credit.     That he wasn't misusing Dorsett, he was playing to his strengths.     A WR that can go deep.     That he went from 12.5 yards per catch to 16.0 yards per catch.     That's a good thing,  not bad.    


You were bashing Chud over Dorsett when you should be praising him.....


I too want to see Chud diversify the offense to use more receivers....   that's something that I've been openly critical of him about.....      I like him,  but I don't love him, and I'm not married to him.     I expect him to be better in season 2 as the OC than he was in season 1.      And if not,  well then,  a new HC will bring in his own OC to run the show....


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Colts fans haven't been happy with the Colts OC since Tom Moore.  Even Arains was criticized for his offense because it exposed Luck to big hits because it was designed for the QB to go deep.  I am not the biggest fan of Chud but I don't think the Colts are going to get someone better right now so I am willing to let it play out this season and if their is a coaching change in the off-season I would suspect Chud would be replaced then too.  If their isn't It will because the Colts had a good season and I am going to suspect the Colts offense will be a big part of the reason the Colts were successful and people will fear losing Chud to another job.

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9 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


You're not angry today...    at ths moment.    Fine.


But you've posted that you're not happy with the Colts,  with the team,  with how things are going.    And that's why the vast majority of your posts are so dark and negative.      You've posted that with me.


You posted that Dorsett is being mis-used and that it's Chud's fault.     I was simply showing you how much better Chud was in season 2 than he was in season 1 and that's to Chud's credit.     That he wasn't misusing Dorsett, he was playing to his strengths.     A WR that can go deep.     That he went from 12.5 yards per catch to 16.0 yards per catch.     That's a good thing,  not bad.    


You were bashing Chud over Dorsett when you should be praising him.....


I too want to see Chud diversify the offense to use more receivers....   that's something that I've been openly critical of him about.....      I like him,  but I don't love him, and I'm not married to him.     I expect him to be better in season 2 as the OC than he was in season 1.      And if not,  well then,  a new HC will bring in his own OC to run the show....


I guess I see Dorsett as a guy who should be getting a lot of screen and slant passes to combine with his speed for big gains. With the offensive line as bad as it is, Luck had very little time to drop back and throw a deep pass to Dorsett when the pass rush was in his face. Dorsett was used improperly IMO. His targets were reduced because of the playbook and the fact that we don't use a short passing game with Luck. Hilton doesn't get affected negatively by it, but Dorsett sure does. I think Dorsett could be a 1,000 yd receiver, even with Hilton, if we incorporated a short passing game to benefit him and the team. That, along with the predictable playbook, is why I bash Chud. The domino effect is slow starts which isn't good either. That's my opinion on the issue, not Superman's or anyone else, take it for what it's worth.


BTW, I was having a lot of fun in the chat room during the second preseason game. Once the games start, I loosen up a lot and have a lot of good conversation with people. These last couple seasons have been somewhat stressful with Luck being injured.

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I know this is off subject but what I notice is a kinda split in opinions from the newer fans and the older fans of the Colts. The newer fans expect perfection and results right away or they are ready to make changes at the drop of a hat. The older ones are seasoned veterans who know how things work by years of ups and downs.

Newer fans don't have the patience and cant endure the reality of the NFL. Instant gratification does not work in the NFL. Us older fans have been around long enough to know how to be patient from being around the NFL long enough to see how unstable teams can be at times.

Right now New England is the top team but I remember when they were considered a bottom feeder team.

Being a long time Colts fan I have lived through everything from the bottom to the top. From a bad owner and then seeing his son turn the page for the Colts.

It seems the newer fans know just the top side of the Colts from Peyton Manning till now and it blows their mind when those days are gone.

Well I am hear to tell you I have been here since Bert Jones was the QB and I know the highs and the heart break. But I have also learned the patience I speak of because this is the way of the NFL.

The Colts have a long history and the Hall Of Fame is full of those Colts players to prove it. We are still adding players to the Hall Of Fame so things hasn't been all that bad.

Just because you are a fan there is no need to let it become so fanatical it becomes so negative it effects remembering that the NFL is a game. There are winners and there are losers. Always has been and it's not going to change.




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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I know this is off subject but what I notice is a kinda split in opinions from the newer fans and the older fans of the Colts. The newer fans expect perfection and results right away or they are ready to make changes at the drop of a hat. The older ones are seasoned veterans who know how things work by years of ups and downs.

Newer fans don't have the patience and cant endure the reality of the NFL. Instant gratification does not work in the NFL. Us older fans have been around long enough to know how to be patient from being around the NFL long enough to see how unstable teams can be at times.

Right now New England is the top team but I remember when they were considered a bottom feeder team.

Being a long time Colts fan I have lived through everything from the bottom to the top. From a bad owner and then seeing his son turn the page for the Colts.

It seems the newer fans know just the top side of the Colts from Peyton Manning till now and it blows their mind when those days are gone.

Well I am hear to tell you I have been here since Bert Jones was the QB and I know the highs and the heart break. But I have also learned the patience I speak of because this is the way of the NFL.

The Colts have a long history and the Hall Of Fame is full of those Colts players to prove it. We are still adding players to the Hall Of Fame so things hasn't been all that bad.

Just because you are a fan there is no need to let it become so fanatical it becomes so negative it effects remembering that the NFL is a game. There are winners and there are losers. Always has been and it's not going to change.




One of my favorite posts from you since I've been on this forum. Well said! :thmup:

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39 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

BTW, I was having a lot of fun in the chat room during the second preseason game. Once the games start, I loosen up a lot and have a lot of good conversation with people. These last couple seasons have been somewhat stressful with Luck being injured.


Chat was fun. If NCF thinks I'm being negative on the boards, he would have been shocked by what I was saying in chat...

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19 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

One of my favorite posts from you since I've been on this forum. Well said! :thmup:

Thank you Jared.

Sometimes the passion of being a Colt fan can make us forget that football is just a game. Getting all worked up one way or another (myself included) over a game we have no control over is crazy.

I guess sometimes I have took the Crazycolt too far!!  :scratch:.............:D

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16 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

Dakich could be right. Didn't Pagano make a comment a few days ago saying the Colts need more grown men? That sounds like a comment about a team he thinks is immature.

Dakich is right if he is referring to the general age of the Colts. We got a lot younger over the last two seasons. I haven't looked at the average age of the team lately but take our field goal kicker out of the picture and I am pretty sure we have gotten quite younger. There will be growing pains and in reality is it is going to take time for this team to jel together. Odds are they will get better with time.

As far as the other things Dakich added in IMO is a lot of over blown nonsense from someone who thrives on over blowing.

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7 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I know this is off subject but what I notice is a kinda split in opinions from the newer fans and the older fans of the Colts. The newer fans expect perfection and results right away or they are ready to make changes at the drop of a hat. The older ones are seasoned veterans who know how things work by years of ups and downs.

Great post crazycolt, and thank you. I try to not get too worked up when it comes to the Colts. It was a long time ago now, but I remember parts of the dismal 1993 season (I was only 5 back then :P). Seasons like that, oddly enough make me appreciate this current team even more.


And you are right about the Patriots. If I recall correctly the weren't exactly world beaters in the early 90s...

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I don't buy it at all.  


If you want to get rid of Pagano and find someone new for this team next year that's fine.  But the reasons should be because he can't game plan well or because he can't get his guys motivated to play in the early part of the game, or because in critical situations he leaves low level players one on one against some of the top players in the league.  All of those are very good reasons as to why Pagano should go.  


Don't make up crap about how after being a well liked Player's coach for years he's suddenly lost the locker room and that the locker room has opinions about roster decisions like cutting Gore.  


Why would the locker room want to cut Gore?  You need like 3 or 4 RB's on an NFL roster.  I'm pretty sure Gore fits into the top 3 or 4 RB's on the roster.  Even if you suddenly think because of a few carries in a pre-season game that Mack is ready for prime time as the bell cow back.



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14 hours ago, shastamasta said:


The Luck/Manning situation is on an entirely different level...for many reasons. To use it as a comparison here (or for any reason) is just grasping at straws


Of course that situation was on a different level.  I was not trying to make a comparison but rather simply show a recent example of a time when Irsay said one thing but then circumstances changed forcing him to change his mind.  It happens quite often and certainly not just with Irsay.  

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I don't think all newer fans are impatient. I'm in my mid 20's and consider myself to be pretty patient and with realistic expectations.

I didn't witness the decades of struggling but I do know that I've been spoiled and that once Luck retires we could very well be back at the bottom of the barrel. I definitely don't expect to ever see a QB as great as Peyton and Luck on the Colts again.


And I think that's exactly why some fans do seem impatient, because we know we're likely never going to have it as good as we do right now and until Luck's career is done. Not that I expect a SB appearance or close to it every year, not even close, I don't expect to see us competing for a SB for at least another few years if that. I'd consider us lucky if we even see Luck lead the Colts to one SB. But I do hope that we can get one with Luck because I'm very aware of just how hard it's going to be after he retires.

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Just now, bababooey said:

Could also see Dorsett as being Chuck's guy because of the U connection. Still kills me knowing Landon Collins could have been ours.

every time I see Collins make a really nice tackle or get a pick or just do anything good which is a lot.. its like a punch below the waist

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