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Patriots trade Jamie Collins to Cleveland


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14 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

I would have loved to hear that conversion. 


"Jamie, step into my office for a second. Close the door. You've been a tremendous asset to our team." 


"Wait Bill, what's with the past tense dialog bro? Did I accidentally park in Brady's spot or something?" 


"Your rookie deal expires after this yr & you don't jump off the screen in film study breakdowns anymore. We're letting you go." 


"Huh, is this a sick Halloween joke? Where am I going? Seattle, Denver, Atlanta where? 


"The Browns."


"Bah! Ha! Ha! Now, I know you are playing." 


Bill sits there with no emotion whatsoever. 


"Come on man. Knock it off. This ain't funny homie." 


"I'm not joking Collins. The deal has already been made. Buy some warmer clothes." 


"Son Of a #%$*" 


Security walks him out after getting his playbook & his locker room items. Jamie knows he will never win another ring again. 

Belichick made sure he sent him to the Browns so this wouldn't back fire on him IMO. Imagine Collins on the Steelers or Broncos 2 Playoff teams they may face?

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2 hours ago, southwest1 said:

There's a lot of truth to this. BB gets premium value out of solid players & trades them before their speed, agility, & skill sets crumble. Even if you detest NE, you gotta admire how BB correctly assesses talent: When & where to draft it & when to unload or dump it for more roster ammo. 


Darn, Emperor Palpatine is good. I kid; I kid. Yes, I'm jealous. I will own that. 


Just look at where he drafted QB Jimmy G & how well he played over the 1st 4 weeks man. Hades, Bill even made Matt Cassel look respectable in 2008. I watch NE games every yr. They are a well oiled machine. Jesus. Reggie Wayne even said so. 

Couldn't have said it better. I hate them, but Hoody and that organization just know how to play the NFL game correctly (in every aspect, cheating arguments aside).


They take a chess approach to winning. When to keep or jettison players. Conforming them to what they need. Players having situational football and fundamentals drilled into their head and having them being able to do them when the situation arises. Using the playbook in unconventional ways, you name it they do it.


Every team wishes they could have those yearly records they roll out. Putting the cheat and whatever bias someone may have against them.


They play the nfl system top to bottom better then anyone.

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The Pats are starting to make some really ignorant moves. Yeah they're the Pats, but these last 2 moves will come back on them bet on it. I mean I would let somebody break my leg if it meant us getting Chandler Jones and Jamie Collins. This makes no sense whatsoever. Unless this was a secret type thing only the Pats and Browns knew about (doubtful) There's no reason why we shouldn't have tried to land Collins. But hey. LOL. Its good because he's a free agent at the end of the year and he's not staying in Cleveland. So with a new, good GM we can just sign him!

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43 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:

The Pats are starting to make some really ignorant moves. Yeah they're the Pats, but these last 2 moves will come back on them bet on it. I mean I would let somebody break my leg if it meant us getting Chandler Jones and Jamie Collins. This makes no sense whatsoever. Unless this was a secret type thing only the Pats and Browns knew about (doubtful) There's no reason why we shouldn't have tried to land Collins. But hey. LOL. Its good because he's a free agent at the end of the year and he's not staying in Cleveland. So with a new, good GM we can just sign him!

I agree with you that Chandler Jones is an incredible pass rusher & when the report surfaced about a synthetic pot episode gone bad, I was like so what? The dude is a game changer. I'm not cutting him loose. I'll get him treatment & everything will be a okay. 


Jamie Collins as a LB is still talented too, but the guy isn't as dominant as he's been in previous yrs so releasing him or trading him isn't that big of a deal to me if I'm Robert Kraft. Bill probably has a player to take his place either on the practice squad or in NE's defensive rotation already. I just feel horrible for Collins though. How did you royally tick Bill off so much to end up in Cleveland? Bad mouth his son? Say something unflattering about Bill's woman? What? It's like being sent to a Gulag in Sibera in sub zero temperatures man. 


I also remember when NE traded Logan Mankins to Tampa Bay in 2014 too. BB isn't nostalgic or sentimental at all. Rings are nice to contend for sure but loyalty is short-lived in Massachusetts man. It's brutal in Patriots country. 

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1 hour ago, IinD said:

Couldn't have said it better. I hate them, but Hoody and that organization just know how to play the NFL game correctly (in every aspect, cheating arguments aside).


They take a chess approach to winning. When to keep or jettison players. Conforming them to what they need. Players having situational football and fundamentals drilled into their head and having them being able to do them when the situation arises. Using the playbook in unconventional ways, you name it they do it.


Every team wishes they could have those yearly records they roll out. Putting the cheat and whatever bias someone may have against them.


They play the nfl system top to bottom better then anyone.

Yep, it still bothers me what NE did to Baltimore in the Playoffs with in-eligible WRs, but technically it wasn't illegal. It's like shaking a snow globe while trapped inside it. You're disoriented & confused & oh look, your team just gave up a touchdown. Wait...What? 


Look, I know they usually have our number in the Luck era & kick our caboose. That's why I want a new GM & HC. Give us a shot at trying to turn the tables & put up a good fight even in a loss.  



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3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Imagine Collins on the Steelers or Broncos 2 Playoff teams they may face?

That's why I used Atlanta among my examples of where Jamie was hoping to land. I think the Falcons are poised to do some damage this yr. Matt Ryan is about to have his break out yr CBE. 


I know you were referring to AFC powerhouse teams on a SB collision course, but I like the dirty birds this February against NE. Could you imagine Freeney & Collins working together to sack Mr. Uggs AKA Brady? I'd pay good money to watch the human tornado & Jamie meet Tom Terrific at the same time. 

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12 hours ago, Yehoodi said:

Given Gronk's injury history and Bennett's production, would love to sign Bennett long term, maybe the Pats could sneak him in now that Collins is gone.  Time will tell.  But it would be nice for the pats, and many pats fans, for the team to keep the present skilled players on offense with the team for a few years moving forward.  

Bennett has played well for your squad this yr. But, it's a little early to sign him to a longterm deal yet. 


When BB landed Howie Long's kid, DE Chris Long, to your roster this yr I was devastated. You see, I revere that NFL family & I was like ah man seriously, Bill picked up a pass rusher with all that HOF knowledge? Slick move Billy. I'm impressed. Another brilliant acquisition. 


Your squad is the beacon of NFL Companionship consistency & the Broncos are your only AFC foe to fret over. I'd like to see a battle between Philip Rivers & Tom Brady for a SB appearance, but that won't happen anytime soon.  That would be a great matchup with a healthy Woodhead & Gordon vs Blount & White. Rivers doesn't give up. He's as tough as nails & just like Brady he can take a beating & still throw a touchdown to tie the game up late in the 4th QTR. 


I'd also like to see Luck in another Championship Game, but this coaching staff will never take us to the Promise Land. 

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This is no surprise really.  The Pats do this with everybody who won't sign for what they want or has been used up, and it will be the same with Brady and Gronk when they are "done" with them.  Belichik may be an *but he is a smart *.  Dude knows how to win and what it takes to get things done, even if you have to make tough decisions like these.  Collins wasn't fitting into their scheme, ProBowl be damned, and they were through trying to convince him.  My bet is Collins fades into mediocrity in Cleveland and the Pats keep winning.


This is what is needed in Indy.  They don't need a guy playing poorly patting them on the back and saying it will get better next week.  They need someone to crack the whip and let players know that if they don't fall in line and produce they can do it somewhere else, regardless of their standing in the league.  A little more nasty and some good drafting/FA and this team could be pretty good.

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3 hours ago, southwest1 said:

That's why I used Atlanta among my examples of where Jamie was hoping to land. I think the Falcons are poised to do some damage this yr. Matt Ryan is about to have his break out yr CBE. 


I know you were referring to AFC powerhouse teams on a SB collision course, but I like the dirty birds this February against NE. Could you imagine Freeney & Collins working together to sack Mr. Uggs AKA Brady? I'd pay good money to watch the human tornado & Jamie meet Tom Terrific at the same time. 

Matty Ice is streaky but I kind of like the way Atlanta is playing as well. They aren't no joke.

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Rookie Elandon Roberts has played very well for the Patriots and has shown the ability to do everything Collins can do well for cheaper



Collins-83.6 run defense grade this year ,

Pass rush grade-70.2

Coverage grade-88.0


Roberts-Run defense grade 77.5 50 snaps

Pass Rush Grade-72.4  - Pass rush snaps 19

Coverage grade-77.9 59 cover snaps

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12 hours ago, Dustin said:


Even if they lose him they'll get a 3rd round comp. pick for him. 

I'm looking at it from Cleveland's perspective.  (Apparently teams can now trade comp picks,  unless its Cleveland's own 3rd). 


I wouldn't trade for any player in their contract year.    Franchise player money is based upon the average of top LBs, most of which have better pass rush stats than Collins.  Cleveland gave up a third to have first crack at overpaying Collins.

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5 hours ago, COLTS449 said:

The Pats are starting to make some really ignorant moves. Yeah they're the Pats, but these last 2 moves will come back on them bet on it. I mean I would let somebody break my leg if it meant us getting Chandler Jones and Jamie Collins. This makes no sense whatsoever. Unless this was a secret type thing only the Pats and Browns knew about (doubtful) There's no reason why we shouldn't have tried to land Collins. But hey. LOL. Its good because he's a free agent at the end of the year and he's not staying in Cleveland. So with a new, good GM we can just sign him!

Like any team, the Pats have to manage their cap.  Put money in various places to keep the team playing at a high level over the next few years.  A GM can't just look at individual players.


I assume that BB feels the players that would replace Jones and Collins would do the jobs good enough relative to what their cap hit would be.

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3 hours ago, DougDew said:

I'm looking at it from Cleveland's perspective.  (Apparently teams can now trade comp picks,  unless its Cleveland's own 3rd). 


I wouldn't trade for any player in their contract year.    Franchise player money is based upon the average of top LBs, most of which have better pass rush stats than Collins.  Cleveland gave up a third to have first crack at overpaying Collins.


So am i. the Browns will  get a 3rd round comp pick if they lose him.

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15 hours ago, Gavin said:

Just curious but to me its obvious Colts brass is not one of the teams that subscribes to PFF. You think they do? I mean they finally gave in and got a analytics guy. Not sure to what capacity they use him but was wondering if you thought the Colts are one of the teams that subscribe to PFF info they deliver to teams pretty much exclusively unless you want to pay a hefty price


They probably use it in the analytic department, but Grigson probably ignores it when it comes to decision making. he seems like a complete narcissist.

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1 hour ago, pgt_rob said:

Looks like they were tired of him freelancing the field with his own plays so they got rid of him to prove a point. Do what you're told or you're getting shipped off somewhere else.

Yep. The Pats probably have the last laugh. 


Collins went from competing for a Superbowl to fighting in the toiletbowl. 


At least he will get paid right?

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This link has some good thoughts on the deal.  


This is a genius Belichek move and another blockhead move by the Browns.  His ridding himself of a guy that he's not going to re-sign after this year and was going off the reservation anyways and he's getting an immediate pick for it.


As the link points out Belichek and the Pats are likely looking for picks sooner rather then later because they want to shoot for a 5th title with Brady.  


Stupid move by the Browns.  Even if Collins plays great for them, they are only going to have him for the next 8 games.  They essentially threw a 3rd rounder at an 8 game rent-a-player.  He's not worth the franchise tag but sure I suppose you could franchise him if you want to double down on the stupid.


The smartest team in the league just outsmarted the dumbest team in the league.  Business as Usual - BAU

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the trade does make sense. 


the patriots were not guaranteed to get a comp pick when collins left.  that would depend on their other moves in free agency.  they might plan on being active next spring, which would mean no comp pick


as for Cleveland, they they will most likely either re sign collins or get their comp pick back.  if they lose collins and spend a lot in free agency then they lose the pick, but expensive free agents dont often sign in Cleveland

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7 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


Ehh but Cleveland is likely going to be active in free agency.  Not likely to be pulling in Comp picks.

Thats what I was thinking.  They are awarded on a net basis.  There are more moving parts to this trade than what i had originally thought, but the idea of trading for a player that you have to sign to a big contract in a few months seems wasteful.


If Cleveland loses the player, they get their pick back towards the calculation (for the next year's draft).  But if they sign Collins, they pay up money and give up the pick. 

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1 minute ago, Valpo2004 said:



This link has some good thoughts on the deal.  


This is a genius Belichek move and another blockhead move by the Browns.  His ridding himself of a guy that he's not going to re-sign after this year and was going off the reservation anyways and he's getting an immediate pick for it.


As the link points out Belichek and the Pats are likely looking for picks sooner rather then later because they want to shoot for a 5th title with Brady.  


Stupid move by the Browns.  Even if Collins plays great for them, they are only going to have him for the next 8 games.  They essentially threw a 3rd rounder at an 8 game rent-a-player.  He's not worth the franchise tag but sure I suppose you could franchise him if you want to double down on the stupid.


The smartest team in the league just outsmarted the dumbest team in the league.  Business as Usual - BAU

i think collins is likely to sign in Cleveland at the end of the year.  Browns are going to make it hard to say no, they pretty much have to now

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7 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Bennett has played well for your squad this yr. But, it's a little early to sign him to a longterm deal yet. 


When BB landed Howie Long's kid, DE Chris Long, to your roster this yr I was devastated. You see, I revere that NFL family & I was like ah man seriously, Bill picked up a pass rusher with all that HOF knowledge? Slick move Billy. I'm impressed. Another brilliant acquisition. 


Your squad is the beacon of NFL Companionship consistency & the Broncos are your only AFC foe to fret over. I'd like to see a battle between Philip Rivers & Tom Brady for a SB appearance, but that won't happen anytime soon.  That would be a great matchup with a healthy Woodhead & Gordon vs Blount & White. Rivers doesn't give up. He's as tough as nails & just like Brady he can take a beating & still throw a touchdown to tie the game up late in the 4th QTR. 


I'd also like to see Luck in another Championship Game, but this coaching staff will never take us to the Promise Land. 


Here there SW, hope all is well.


My thoughts on Bennett would be to sign him in the off season.  He will likely be a one year rental.  But i would like to see the Pats have the option to sign him long term.  This would help, if God forbid, they may want to move on from Gronk.  Actually, i would love to have both on the team for a few years.  That would be great.


I always like Rivers, would be nice to see him get a ring but i think that is unlikely.


I do like BB's moves and its rare that i do not agree with one of his moves.


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47 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Thats what I was thinking.  They are awarded on a net basis.  There are more moving parts to this trade than what i had originally thought, but the idea of trading for a player that you have to sign to a big contract in a few months seems wasteful.


If Cleveland loses the player, they get their pick back towards the calculation (for the next year's draft).  But if they sign Collins, they pay up money and give up the pick. 


But see if they lose him but they sign a bunch of other players then they still get nothing.


It's awarded on a net basis but you don't get a NEGATIVE.  So if you sign a lot of players and let no one of consequence walk then you lose nothing.  So the comp pick selection makes very little sense for cleveland.


At the same time it makes sense for the Pats.  Even if they where gonna get a comp pick for Colins it would still take until the 2018 draft to get that comp pick.  This brings that very same pick to them in THIS DRAFT where they are looking to get players to help Brady go for a 5th ring before he retires.  


And my guess is that Belichek was about to bench Colins anyways for going off the reservation so Collins wasn't even going to help them win this year.  

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6 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


But see if they lose him but they sign a bunch of other players then they still get nothing.


It's awarded on a net basis but you don't get a NEGATIVE.  So if you sign a lot of players and let no one of consequence walk then you lose nothing.  So the comp pick selection makes very little sense for cleveland.


At the same time it makes sense for the Pats.  Even if they where gonna get a comp pick for Colins it would still take until the 2018 draft to get that comp pick.  This brings that very same pick to them in THIS DRAFT where they are looking to get players to help Brady go for a 5th ring before he retires.  

i guess i dont see them signing a lot of players.  they have cap room but nobody wants to go there


if collins does walk, that will give them a buffer to sign guys and still get their pick back too.


im not sure how valuable a late third round pick is for a team thats bad at drafting like the browns anyway.


they did this becasue they plan on keeping collins, though.   that cap space should be going to him, rather than a bunch of free agents

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2 minutes ago, Dustin said:


They probably use it in the analytic department, but Grigson probably ignores it when it comes to decision making. he seems like a complete narcissist.

Maybe he is a narcissist. Just seems to me there is a problem somewhere along the line between the scouting process and the interview process or both in some cases. I think a part of the reason for the failures could be he looks for guys that "pop" as he calls it but not efficiency.

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18 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


But see if they lose him but they sign a bunch of other players then they still get nothing.


It's awarded on a net basis but you don't get a NEGATIVE.  So if you sign a lot of players and let no one of consequence walk then you lose nothing.  So the comp pick selection makes very little sense for cleveland.


At the same time it makes sense for the Pats.  Even if they where gonna get a comp pick for Colins it would still take until the 2018 draft to get that comp pick.  This brings that very same pick to them in THIS DRAFT where they are looking to get players to help Brady go for a 5th ring before he retires.  


And my guess is that Belichek was about to bench Colins anyways for going off the reservation so Collins wasn't even going to help them win this year.  

Yes, I see my comment is poorly worded.


If they lose Collins in free agency this spring, they would have given up a pick this spring, and still not have Collins in the future.  The only way they get their pick back for the loss of Collins (and that's in 2018) is to not sign other free agents this spring. And if they lose Collins, they will want to sign more FAs. 


IOW, they may have to sign another LB, but would be out their 3rd round pick for Collins in 2017, and have a FA signing offsetting the Collins loss for the 2018 calculation.


OTOH, if they retain Collins this spring, then they would have paid market value for him (likely) AND given up a decent pick in this spring's draft.  And since he is asking for Von Miller type money, it appears he is asking for a price higher than his worth, IMO.



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4 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Yes, I see my comment is poorly worded.


If they lose Collins in free agency this spring, they would have given up a pick this spring, and still not have Collins in the future.  The only way they get their pick back for the loss of Collins (and that's in 2018) is to not sign any other free agents this spring.


OTOH, if they retain Collins this spring, then they would have paid market value for him (likely) AND given up a decent pick in this spring's draft.  And since he is asking for Von Miller type money, it appears he is asking for a price higher than his worth, IMO.



butting into your conversation, but i think i understand this trade


the browns have to overpay to get any decent free agents.  they probably weren't getting collins at all if not for this trade, now they are the front runner.  he will cost a fortune, but they have the money


a third round comp pick is not a big deal for the browns, they will have tons of picks and usually miss anyway.  they are going to be drafting first overall as well.

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11 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

butting into your conversation, but i think i understand this trade


the browns have to overpay to get any decent free agents.  they probably weren't getting collins at all if not for this trade, now they are the front runner.  he will cost a fortune, but they have the money


a third round comp pick is not a big deal for the browns, they will have tons of picks and usually miss anyway.  they are going to be drafting first overall as well.

I guess if management believes they have to give up a pick just to be able to be in a better position to overpay for a free agent, I guess there is some sense to this for Cleveland.

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12 hours ago, Yehoodi said:


Here there SW, hope all is well.


My thoughts on Bennett would be to sign him in the off season.  He will likely be a one year rental.  But i would like to see the Pats have the option to sign him long term.  This would help, if God forbid, they may want to move on from Gronk.  Actually, i would love to have both on the team for a few years.  That would be great.


I always like Rivers, would be nice to see him get a ring but i think that is unlikely.


I do like BB's moves and its rare that i do not agree with one of his moves.


I'm good Yehoodi. Thanks for asking. I hope the world is treating you alright as well my friend.


Bennett & Gronk would be nice rooks on a chessboard or bookends for your team if BB can pull it off. I like how Bill usually drafts or trades for TEs that are tall, rangy, have long arms, & easy to see in traffic meaning they know how to use their bodies to create separation. Couple that with the speed Amendola, Edelman, & white who has great hands in the open field...Along with Blount as your bulldozer back & NE is darn near impossible to keep out of the end zone. Even if you defense is sluggish at times, Brady is fully capable of generating touchdowns with relative ease. 


Yeah, I do feel bad for Rivers. An elite QB who never gets enough respect IMO. I do wonder if he remained in NY instead of being traded to San Diego how many rings he would have. He always gets a bum rap or forgotten about a lot & I never understand why that is. 


Glad to see BB is no longer throwing touch screen devices on the sidelines & went back to the old screen shot formation pictures again. It suits him better. Take care. 

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12 hours ago, rock8591 said:

Draft picks are VASTLY OVERRATED.


For every bad trade for a first rounder (T-Rich), you can find plenty of bad busts and drafts (Bjoern Werner).


The vast majority of all drafted players become busts and at best, rotational players.

If you want a complete team, you need to find good players through the draft.  You literally can't afford to just sign free agents because of the salary cap.  You need to find good talent at cheap (rookie) contracts.  The draft is very important in building a solid team.

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12 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I'm good Yehoodi. Thanks for asking. I hope the world is treating you alright as well my friend.


Bennett & Gronk would be nice rooks on a chessboard or bookends for your team if BB can pull it off. I like how Bill usually drafts or trades for TEs that are tall, rangy, have long arms, & easy to see in traffic meaning they know how to use their bodies to create separation. Couple that with the speed Amendola, Edelman, & white who has great hands in the open field...Along with Blount as your bulldozer back & NE is darn near impossible to keep out of the end zone. Even if you defense is sluggish at times, Brady is fully capable of generating touchdowns with relative ease. 


Yeah, I do feel bad for Rivers. An elite QB who never gets enough respect IMO. I do wonder if he remained in NY instead of being traded to San Diego how many rings he would have. He always gets a bum rap or forgotten about a lot & I never understand why that is. 


Glad to see BB is no longer throwing touch screen devices on the sidelines & went back to the old screen shot formation pictures again. It suits him better. Take care. 


Thanks, things are well here, glad things are well with you.

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On 11/1/2016 at 2:53 AM, southwest1 said:

I agree with you that Chandler Jones is an incredible pass rusher & when the report surfaced about a synthetic pot episode gone bad, I was like so what? The dude is a game changer. I'm not cutting him loose. I'll get him treatment & everything will be a okay. 


Jamie Collins as a LB is still talented too, but the guy isn't as dominant as he's been in previous yrs so releasing him or trading him isn't that big of a deal to me if I'm Robert Kraft. Bill probably has a player to take his place either on the practice squad or in NE's defensive rotation already. I just feel horrible for Collins though. How did you royally tick Bill off so much to end up in Cleveland?


What if I told you I found out about something those two have in common...


Neither of them watch football.  College, pro, nothing.  I bet they don't watch film (or at least correctly and learn from it) to any degree.  They would rather play video games during that time.  Here's a quote-


"Which would you rather watch: college football or pro?"


"Neither. I didn't grow up watching football, and I still don't. Me and Chandler Jones have talked about this since I first got up here. I never watched football. I never thought I'd be here, and I'd rather play video games. I don't really want to watch it."




How much do you think  not watching football, or film please Bill Belichick?  Not very.  As an exclamation point, Malcolm Butler won the Super Bowl because of film study.  and remembering getting beat by Brady on the play in practice that week. So when the Seahawks lined up that way, Malcolm recognized and was ready.  Collins and maybe Jones don't study, do there own thing, and sometimes get beat big.  If Butler gets beat on his play, they lose the Super Bowl in stead of win it.  BB doesn't mess around.  He's likely the best situational football coach ever, and if you don't prepare, you can't stay; it seems.




This is my take on the scenario.

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1 hour ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


What if I told you I found out about something those two have in common...


Neither of them watch football.  College, pro, nothing.  I bet they don't watch film (or at least correctly and learn from it) to any degree.  They would rather play video games during that time.  Here's a quote-


"Which would you rather watch: college football or pro?"


"Neither. I didn't grow up watching football, and I still don't. Me and Chandler Jones have talked about this since I first got up here. I never watched football. I never thought I'd be here, and I'd rather play video games. I don't really want to watch it."




How much do you think  not watching football, or film please Bill Belichick?  Not very.  As an exclamation point, Malcolm Butler won the Super Bowl because of film study.  and remembering getting beat by Brady on the play in practice that week. So when the Seahawks lined up that way, Malcolm recognized and was ready.  Collins and maybe Jones don't study, do there own thing, and sometimes get beat big.  If Butler gets beat on his play, they lose the Super Bowl instead of winning it.  BB doesn't mess around.  He's likely the best situational football coach ever, and if you don't prepare, you can't stay; it seems.




This is my take on the scenario.

Yep...and imagine when a guy goes from a disciplined system like NE where they run a tight ship to Cleveland...its only going to get worse. Bill used him til he realized he didn't need him and could replace him. Just off pure athleticism and skill he is going to make plays...but he isn't going to do all the things that he needs to do to be a great player. I still think he can be an asset....his pass rush ability alone can make him very valuable but he is never going to be Von Miller at that either so his value is a big question mark.


All said I'm very sure Cleveland was allowed to talk to his agent or privy to his demands before pulling the trade and they must be confident they can re-sign him...they obviously aren't letting him walk as that would be dumb.

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