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Dwyane Allen out to prove doubters wrong


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Not sure if it's already been posted but interesting article on NFL.com


Basically just Allen talking about how he knows he needs to prove he is worth his contract. Also said his number one priority is to stay healthy. Plus he mentioned how Chudzinski specifically told him that he would "be used differently" 

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30 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:



Not sure if it's already been posted but interesting article on NFL.com


Basically just Allen talking about how he knows he needs to prove he is worth his contract. Also said his number one priority is to stay healthy. Plus he mentioned how Chudzinski specifically told him that he would "be used differently" 


I expect Allen to back up his words. If Chudzinski says he'll be used in a different roll, I'll take that as a positive. As far as injury goes, Krein just may be the guy to get Dwayne on another railed track set up for success in conditioning.

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I wish they would make it public what offers Allen turned down.  If 3 other teams offered him 4 for 29 for example then he's not necessarily overpaid at 4 for 30.


Keep in mind Julius Thomas got 9 per and Jay Graham got 10 per.  I don't know what other top tight ends like Gates, Clay, Gronk et al get.


Would you rather have Owen Daniels (as an example) than Allen?  Would Daniels sign 4 for 30?  Would he still be productive in 3 years?


What other free-agent TEs have signed for less than what Allen got?  Are any of them as young as Allen?  As good?

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This is interesting:  Ben Watson signed with Baltimore at 2 years, 3.5 per - HALF of the annual salary Fleener got - the Saints could have re-signed Watson but broke the bank for Fleener instead - interesting!


I wonder if the Saints made a similar offer to Allen that was turned down by Allen.

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More random info:  Jordan Reed is getting peanuts.  Be interesting to see how much he gets from Washington.


Delaine Walker, the top pass-catching TE in the NFL last year, is getting about 4.5 mil per


Zach Ertz gets a little over 8 mil per


Greg Olsen got a 3 for 22.5 EXTENSION.


Jason Witten is getting about 7 mil per on a contract that has 2 years left


I think Heath Miller is only getting about 5 mil per


Fleener was actually the #14 pass-catching TE in the NFL.

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Here's what I think the better question is:  


Assuming for the moment that Allen plays 4 more years for the Colts, what production will make you say, at the end of 4 years, "He earned every dollar of his contract"?


Here's what I say:

NEVER has a season-ending injury (we need the guy for the playoffs!)

No more than 3 missed games per year

55 catches and 6 TDs per year

1 or 2 key plays per game in the playoffs

consistent contributor to runblocking and pass protection

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2 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

The only thing he needs to prove is that he can stay healthy.  We already know he's a capable receiver and can block.  We know he can play football.  It's just a matter of whether or not he can stay on the field

Yep. Health is the main issue with him. If he gets injured early in the season, that wont be good obviously.

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I'm not convinced that Allen is a good TE.  Everyone talks about his blocking but last year there was not a significant difference between his blocking and Fleener's and he's not a great route runner and he lacks agility and acceleration to beat LBers that are covering him man to man.  He is good at finding the soft spot in zone coverage and he has good straightline speed for a man his size but so far I think he has only shown that he is an average TE.

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2 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

The only thing he needs to prove is that he can stay healthy.  We already know he's a capable receiver and can block.  We know he can play football.  It's just a matter of whether or not he can stay on the field

Exactly!  ^^^^

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3 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

I'm not convinced that Allen is a good TE.  Everyone talks about his blocking but last year there was not a significant difference between his blocking and Fleener's and he's not a great route runner and he lacks agility and acceleration to beat LBers that are covering him man to man.  He is good at finding the soft spot in zone coverage and he has good straightline speed for a man his size but so far I think he has only shown that he is an average TE.

...and when is the last time we had one of those?  I'll take a TE who is open.

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4 hours ago, DalTXColtsFan said:

I wish they would make it public what offers Allen turned down.  If 3 other teams offered him 4 for 29 for example then he's not necessarily overpaid at 4 for 30.


Keep in mind Julius Thomas got 9 per and Jay Graham got 10 per.  I don't know what other top tight ends like Gates, Clay, Gronk et al get.


Would you rather have Owen Daniels (as an example) than Allen?  Would Daniels sign 4 for 30?  Would he still be productive in 3 years?


What other free-agent TEs have signed for less than what Allen got?  Are any of them as young as Allen?  As good?

Owens would trip over himself to sign a 4/30m deal.  Nobody on this planet is going to offer him anything remotely close to that though.

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5 hours ago, DalTXColtsFan said:

This is interesting:  Ben Watson signed with Baltimore at 2 years, 3.5 per - HALF of the annual salary Fleener got - the Saints could have re-signed Watson but broke the bank for Fleener instead - interesting!


I wonder if the Saints made a similar offer to Allen that was turned down by Allen.

Ben Watson is also 35 years old, and is close to finishing out his career. They opened the checkbook for Fleener because of the age IMO.

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Lets not forget Dwayne Allen won the John Mackey award coming out of college over Fleener who had Luck tossing him the ball his whole career. Also he didnt really miss any college games at Clemson so can we please stop with the injury prone crap. I wish people would stop wishing bad on him cuz I dont really see any glaring weaknesses in his game HE'S IN LINE FOR A CAREER YEAR

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On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 11:45 AM, NorthernBlue said:



Not sure if it's already been posted but interesting article on NFL.com


Basically just Allen talking about how he knows he needs to prove he is worth his contract. Also said his number one priority is to stay healthy. Plus he mentioned how Chudzinski specifically told him that he would "be used differently" 

I don't know how many Colts fans doubt him...

...when healthy, he;s very good

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On 3/15/2016 at 0:45 PM, NorthernBlue said:



Not sure if it's already been posted but interesting article on NFL.com


Basically just Allen talking about how he knows he needs to prove he is worth his contract. Also said his number one priority is to stay healthy. Plus he mentioned how Chudzinski specifically told him that he would "be used differently" 

He certainly has detractors among the fans here (not including me).  And I am glad to hear Chud is perhaps simply going to use him at all as an offensive weapon instead of a supplemental underweight Tackle.  But I always find it odd to hear someone set, as a priority, staying healthy unless there's evidence of him not working, stretching or preparing the way he's instructed to previously.  I mean, what else can you do to make sure someone doesn't take out your knee on a freak play?   

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I didn't like the contract at first, and I was wanting Fleener back bad. But with that said. With Allen now being the main TE, and with us having a much better OC. Yeah LOL. Dwayne Allen is about to ball out and have a career year. He'll be getting talked up on all the networks by week 4 or 5 as being a top tier TE. Expect something like 700 plus yards, 8 TD's...

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On March 16, 2016 at 9:08 AM, IVORYsDAD said:

Lets not forget Dwayne Allen won the John Mackey award coming out of college over Fleener who had Luck tossing him the ball his whole career. Also he didnt really miss any college games at Clemson so can we please stop with the injury prone crap. I wish people would stop wishing bad on him cuz I dont really see any glaring weaknesses in his game HE'S IN LINE FOR A CAREER YEAR


I don't know why you'd call it "injury prone crap"....?


He's been close to 100% only once -- his rookie year.


Otherwise,  even when he's played,  he's clearly not close to 100% and it impacts his ability to be a difference maker.


I'm an Allen fan.    Glad we brought him back.    But he needs to be healthier than he's been to make his impact.


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I always find it funny [ironic not humorous] that Colt fans always bring up Allen's health like it's somehow on the same level of Bob Sanders after 2006 or something. Yeah, I get it. A safety & a TE are 2 different positions, but come on. Let's see Dwayne flourish without Fleener around anymore & I personally think Luck relied on Coby too darn much. This move will be good for both Andrew & #83 IMO. 


I wanna see want Allen does as the go to guy & how he meets that challenge personally. Let the man start fresh. Last season is ancient history to me. Show me you're the man in August Dwayne. That's all I give a crap about. 

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On March 15, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Malakai432 said:

If he can stay healthy and they sure up the OL so he's not primarily used as a glorified OL, then my hopes are high for DA.

I have high hopes for Allen too M-432. I think he's due. He's tired of being under estimated & treated like some sort of afterthought & I can't blame the guy for being upset either. What was it that Ray Lewis always said during motivational speeches again "get P.O. ed for greatness?" That's just the right approach for him to take moving forward. Create the adversary of doubt even if it's totally man made, fabricated, & artificial & demolish it permanently. 


The cool thing M-432 is that your pug story Allen story still works since Dwayne is still on our roster. I get a kick out of that tale too. Uh Huh. Allen actually blocks & I am so glad we retained him just for that reason alone. 


"High hopes" indeed. I have that Sammy Hagar song going off in my head like a jukebox now. 

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5 hours ago, JPFolks said:

He certainly has detractors among the fans here (not including me).  And I am glad to hear Chud is perhaps simply going to use him at all as an offensive weapon instead of a supplemental underweight Tackle.  But I always find it odd to hear someone set, as a priority, staying healthy unless there's evidence of him not working, stretching or preparing the way he's instructed to previously.  I mean, what else can you do to make sure someone doesn't take out your knee on a freak play?   

I get where you're coming from JPF but our strength & conditioning as a team has always plagued us as an organization & for the life of me I can't figure out why this dilemma always rears it's ugly head at just the wrong time. I wish I knew how to fix it collectively as a squad. It's bigger than just Allen alone. 


Just please don't get busted for smoking weed man. That's all I ask. We need you down the stretch Dwayne. Don't let INDY down baby. It's time to do your damage on the field moving the chains. 


No, I'm not implying that Allen has a problem with pot BTW. I just don't want any lame decision making mistakes off the field that cost us your presence & production in Dec. that's all. I have faith in you man. Don't let me down. 

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On March 15, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Coffeedrinker said:

I'm not convinced that Allen is a good TE.  Everyone talks about his blocking but last year there was not a significant difference between his blocking and Fleener's and he's not a great route runner and he lacks agility and acceleration to beat LBers that are covering him man to man.  He is good at finding the soft spot in zone coverage and he has good straightline speed for a man his size but so far I think he has only shown that he is an average TE.

Seriously? There's no way Fleener was a better blocker than Allen. That inference I will never subscribe to in a million years. I like you CD, but we will never see eye to eye on that statement. Give Chud a chance to figure out the best formations to utilize Allen in first. He'll be just fine. It's not like we picked up overrated WR Dwayne Bowe & tried to convert him into a barely serviceable weapon on offense or something. 

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5 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Seriously? There's no way Fleener was a better blocker than Allen. That inference I will never subscribe to in a million years. I like you CD, but we will never see eye to eye on that statement. Give Chud a chance to figure out the best formations to utilize Allen in first. He'll be just fine. It's not like we picked up overrated WR Dwayne Bowe & tried to convert him into a barely serviceable weapon on offense or something. 


PFF Rankings 2015 (ranking is on 100 scale -- higher number is better)


                       Rank    Overall     Receiving   Run Block  Pass Block   Pass Snaps Run Snaps
Coby Fleener 13         74.8          72.6           70.5           76.9              528              220
Dwayne Allen 62        50.2           56.8          33.1            61.0             282              243


Fleener has significantly better run blocking score than Allen on about the same number of snaps.  He also has a better pass blocking score with a much higher rate of pass snaps.   Some will completely dismiss PFF rankings but PFF are people who make a living analyzing every player on every play (each play is reviewed independently by 3 different people there verified by another -- which is explained here).


The sentiment that Allen is a great blocker and Fleener is terrible seems to be pretty much accepted on this forum.  This data makes me wonder:


- Is Allen's perceived blocking ability overrated?

- Is Fleener's perceived blocking ability underrated?

- Has Fleener improved significantly since being labeled as a bad blocker early in his career?

- Is the data unreliable due to small sample size (doesn't appear to be to me)

- Is PFF completely incompetent with their analysis?


I think it's hard to completely dismiss the PFF data.  I haven't charted every play like PFF and I didn't re-watch too many of the 2015 games in slow motion (and never keyed on TE blocking when I did) --  so I tend to trust their rankings over my own observations.



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1 hour ago, ponyboy said:


PFF Rankings 2015 (ranking is on 100 scale -- higher number is better)


                       Rank    Overall     Receiving   Run Block  Pass Block   Pass Snaps Run Snaps
Coby Fleener 13         74.8          72.6           70.5           76.9              528              220
Dwayne Allen 62        50.2           56.8          33.1            61.0             282              243


Fleener has significantly better run blocking score than Allen on about the same number of snaps.  He also has a better pass blocking score with a much higher rate of pass snaps.   Some will completely dismiss PFF rankings but PFF are people who make a living analyzing every player on every play (each play is reviewed independently by 3 different people there verified by another -- which is explained here).


The sentiment that Allen is a great blocker and Fleener is terrible seems to be pretty much accepted on this forum.  This data makes me wonder:


- Is Allen's perceived blocking ability overrated?

- Is Fleener's perceived blocking ability underrated?

- Has Fleener improved significantly since being labeled as a bad blocker early in his career?

- Is the data unreliable due to small sample size (doesn't appear to be to me)

- Is PFF completely incompetent with their analysis?


I think it's hard to completely dismiss the PFF data.  I haven't charted every play like PFF and I didn't re-watch too many of the 2015 games in slow motion (and never keyed on TE blocking when I did) --  so I tend to trust their rankings over my own observations.



Dismiss this data, PB..

Everything you see indicates that Allen is a better blocker than Fleener..

The fact that Fleener is slit and Allen is aligned on the line indcates his coaches fee; Allen is a better blocker.

Dwayne Allen has lined up in the backfield as a blocker...


..I wish we still had them both.

But its obvious that one the field (not on paper) that Coby is a better receiver and Dwayne Allen is a better blocker



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On March 15, 2016 at 2:42 PM, DalTXColtsFan said:

More random info:  Jordan Reed is getting peanuts.  Be interesting to see how much he gets from Washington.


Delaine Walker, the top pass-catching TE in the NFL last year, is getting about 4.5 mil per


Zach Ertz gets a little over 8 mil per


Greg Olsen got a 3 for 22.5 EXTENSION.


Jason Witten is getting about 7 mil per on a contract that has 2 years left


I think Heath Miller is only getting about 5 mil per


Fleener was actually the #14 pass-catching TE in the NFL.

That number has to be wrong for Ertz. How is he making $8 mil per and he's still on a rookie contract? If anything his deal is worth a total of $8 mil. Maybe you worded it wrong though

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5 hours ago, ponyboy said:


PFF Rankings 2015 (ranking is on 100 scale -- higher number is better)


                       Rank    Overall     Receiving   Run Block  Pass Block   Pass Snaps Run Snaps
Coby Fleener 13         74.8          72.6           70.5           76.9              528              220
Dwayne Allen 62        50.2           56.8          33.1            61.0             282              243


Fleener has significantly better run blocking score than Allen on about the same number of snaps.  He also has a better pass blocking score with a much higher rate of pass snaps.   Some will completely dismiss PFF rankings but PFF are people who make a living analyzing every player on every play (each play is reviewed independently by 3 different people there verified by another -- which is explained here).


The sentiment that Allen is a great blocker and Fleener is terrible seems to be pretty much accepted on this forum.  This data makes me wonder:


- Is Allen's perceived blocking ability overrated?

- Is Fleener's perceived blocking ability underrated?

- Has Fleener improved significantly since being labeled as a bad blocker early in his career?

- Is the data unreliable due to small sample size (doesn't appear to be to me)

- Is PFF completely incompetent with their analysis?


I think it's hard to completely dismiss the PFF data.  I haven't charted every play like PFF and I didn't re-watch too many of the 2015 games in slow motion (and never keyed on TE blocking when I did) --  so I tend to trust their rankings over my own observations.



If you had to put Dwayne or Coby out to block an edge rusher one on one who would you go with?  I thought so.....

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17 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I always find it funny [ironic not humorous] that Colt fans always bring up Allen's health like it's somehow on the same level of Bob Sanders after 2006 or something. Yeah, I get it. A safety & a TE are 2 different positions, but come on. Let's see Dwayne flourish without Fleener around anymore & I personally think Luck relied on Coby too darn much. This move will be good for both Andrew & #83 IMO. 


I wanna see want Allen does as the go to guy & how he meets that challenge personally. Let the man start fresh. Last season is ancient history to me. Show me you're the man in August Dwayne. That's all I give a crap about. 

Dwane allen is done. he will take the bonus for signing an go buy a bar-b-que joint. The degeneration in his hip will cause him to loose the place because of the inability to show up every day. Fleener will have his jersey retired in N.O.  

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2 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

Go get 'em Dwayne.

people seem to forget its more important to be a good man than a good football player.  


That's a superb quote on paper, but in that case, why are the New England Patriots always competing? Give me a 53-man roster of thugs with Superbowl wins over 53 gentlemen any day!

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On 3/15/2016 at 11:26 AM, DalTXColtsFan said:

I wish they would make it public what offers Allen turned down.  If 3 other teams offered him 4 for 29 for example then he's not necessarily overpaid at 4 for 30.


Keep in mind Julius Thomas got 9 per and Jay Graham got 10 per.  I don't know what other top tight ends like Gates, Clay, Gronk et al get.


Would you rather have Owen Daniels (as an example) than Allen?  Would Daniels sign 4 for 30?  Would he still be productive in 3 years?


What other free-agent TEs have signed for less than what Allen got?  Are any of them as young as Allen?  As good?


Allen didn't turn down any offers since he was never a free agent. 

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