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Anyone have a feeling this will be a lop-sided Superbowl?


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11 hours ago, Jules said:


Why would Cam Newton be too busy partying?  This logic makes no sense to me with the idea the Panthers are going to act like frat boys for two weeks after going 17-1 so far this year. If they have partied this year they should keep it up since it is working........

Newton will be partying, the Panthers won't take this seriously, they don't have the experience, Elway promised a fairy tale ending and that automatically means he will make good on it, etc. 

I don't get how people are still underestimating the Panthers. I remember folks being brazen and saying they believed Manning and his number one offense would beat the snot out of the cocky Seahawks. Last time people hated Sherman, now it's the dancer Cam Newton. Cam is a whole lot tougher to defend than Brady. Like the title of this thread suggests, the game could certainly get out of hand. I think Cam wins his first SB this year and shuts the haters up.

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14 minutes ago, SilentHill said:


We had a good QB, but the real feat is we almost beat them with Pep Hamilton!


Think about that!


Now THAT is an excellent point! I cannot wait until I see Luck next year behind Chud's playbook, along with all the many very good changes at Position Coaches. 


Indy's is going to be a force to be reckoned with, once again, and it's not going to be only offense this time. 

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41 minutes ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

I know.  It Has been a frustrating year.

Nauseated me to no end when he was benched.  Not because he was benched, he clearly needed to rest and heal.  


No, what nauseated me were people Claiming he was washed up, or that he was faking Injury.  Saying he just had a stubbed toe.  Saying he couldn't throw the ball.  Saying Brock was so much better, and on and on.


Saying he'd never take the field again. And all the other nonsense.


You Probably have a good guess at just how extremely happy I was when he threw those two touchdowns. 


Funny thing.  Peyton didn' t seem all that elated. I mean I know he was happy, but I also get the sense that   he knows this Is the end of the road.


It would be nice for people to admit when they're wrong, and relax and enjoy watching one of the greatest ever finish his career.

I think Peyton will take time off after the season and will decide to come back for one more if Elway wants him and I can't imagine that he would not. He could restructure his deal again to make way for Von Miller and company to get big pay days.

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I have deadlines to deal with today so I didn't get a chance to read everyone else's posts so forgive me if I repeat other's thoughts :)


1.  It isn't Peyton that's the biggest issue it's his OLine.  The Panther's pass rush is going to obliterate their line.  They haven't protected him that well all year.  When Peyton doesn't have time to throw, he doesn't throw well.

2.  Both teams have amazing D's but, Cam's offense is much more versatile an able to put up mass quantities of points.  Peyton's offense isn't the fast, high scoring game he once ran.  

3.  I don't believe that the Panthers will wipe out Denver but I'm guessing they'll win with somewhere between 7-14 more points that Denver is able to put on the board.  

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10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Yes,  this feels like the game could get away from Denver, and certainly NOT because of the Broncos defense.


But two years ago, Peyton was enjoying an MVP type year, a Hall of Fame type year,  and he got worked in the SB by Seattle.


Carolina clearly has a great defense,  and Peyton is only a shell of what he was two years ago.    This feels like things could get out of hand.     If it stays close,  it's because of that great Denver defense.


I hope for a good game.    Always want that.     But certainly fear a blow-out.


The entire Denver offense got worked.  Remember the first hit put on a Denver receiver?  It was brutal and made them afraid to catch a pass.

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10 hours ago, Nesjan3 said:

Zonas D is not in the same league as Denver , Manning seems to always face a high powered NFC team with the exception of the superbowl against the bears. The Saints coming right after Katrina with so much momentum there was no way he was winning that was a team of destiny, then the Seahawks that year they werein their prime it would be hard to find a handful of teams in history that could have beat that seattle team, now superman and this crazy offence with an outsanding defence. Peyton is going to need to pull out all the stops for this one if he wants to walk away a champ, i wouldnt be surprised if they pull it out, is this not what elway sayd he was going to do, send peyton in to the sunset with a championship. i believe it and will be cheering for the Broncos in 2 weeks


You're joking.  Indy had that game in the bag.  Caldwell and Hank Baskett cost the game.

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10 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:

16-3 - 20-3 Carolina
  What a Great Defense Elway/Phillips put on the field Sunday!
  That was Fun to watch as a FB Fan. But ...
  Looking forward to 10 more Manning pouty Faces as the Sheriff rides off into the sunset riding backards on his pony.

And If He gets to hoist the :lombardi: surely you'll be here to congratulate him. 

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1 hour ago, QwizBoy said:

Newton will be partying, the Panthers won't take this seriously, they don't have the experience, Elway promised a fairy tale ending and that automatically means he will make good on it, etc. 

I don't get how people are still underestimating the Panthers. I remember folks being brazen and saying they believed Manning and his number one offense would beat the snot out of the cocky Seahawks. Last time people hated Sherman, now it's the dancer Cam Newton. Cam is a whole lot tougher to defend than Brady. Like the title of this thread suggests, the game could certainly get out of hand. I think Cam wins his first SB this year and shuts the haters up.

I honestly see it different, no offense. People are underestimating Peyton and the Broncos a lot more than they are Cam and the Panthers and it's not even close. A lot of people picked and thought the Steelers would even beat the Broncos and a lot of people were even saying Brock gave the Broncos the best chance to win. This past week against the Patriots, same thing and ALMOST nobody picked the Broncos to beat the Patriots, nobody did on the NFL Channel or ESPN. BY the way the Panthers are already 5.5 point favorites and the media once again is starting in saying how this SB will be like the Seahawks SB.

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1 hour ago, Dustin said:

Carolina is going to eviscerate them. 


Judging from the Playoff games & the entire season, it sure looks that way. If the Broncos can get to Newton like they did Brady, they may have a chance. If not, it's gonna be a long, long game for Denver. Also, the protection for Manning needs to be outstanding. Either one of these two scenarios falter, I'm afraid the Broncs may be in trouble.

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4 minutes ago, Jules said:

If you believe in stats and whatever this guy does, he has had Carolina winning it all, all along.....for the highest percentage chances.


And he might have only missed one game this postseason which was the Steelers and Bengals.




He has Chiefs closer to the Patriots (49 to 51) and Broncos winning bigger vs the Patriots in terms of probabilities. He got the result right more often than the margin but then, all we care is wins and losses.


I just want a good game.

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5 hours ago, 18Manning said:


Heck, the Colts kept the game close against the Panthers.

As well as beating the Broncos.  And 2 years ago, we beat both Seattle and Denver.  What the Colts did against either team is irrelevant (although it does show that with Luck, we weren't that bad).


Can't see Denver getting close to winning--the Carolina O-line were awesome yesterday--Cam could have smoked a pipe behind them, he had so much time.  And Luke Kuechley is just mind-blowing.


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43 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I honestly see it different, no offense. People are underestimating Peyton and the Broncos a lot more than they are Cam and the Panthers and it's not even close. A lot of people picked and thought the Steelers would even beat the Broncos and a lot of people were even saying Brock gave the Broncos the best chance to win. This past week against the Patriots, same thing and ALMOST nobody picked the Broncos to beat the Patriots, nobody did on the NFL Channel or ESPN. BY the way the Panthers are already 5.5 point favorites and the media once again is starting in saying how this SB will be like the Seahawks SB.

No offense taken. I just know how it's been all year as far as the Panthers go. Words like "lucky" have been thrown around and Cam is always getting criticized for the most mundane things. Manning, who had his fair share of doubters this season, it was mostly warranted. And he has the fact that he's one of the greatest QBs of all time going for him. Everyone seems to think the Panthers are going to be unprepared going into the biggest game of these guys careers. I don't see it.

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If Carolina gets up a couple of scores early like they have both games in the playoffs, then I don't see a scenario where they lose this game. Peyton can't pick you apart with his arm anymore. Denver's best chance is to keep it a close game so that they can run a balanced offense. I know Denver has a great defense but Carolina also definitely has a top 5 defense themselves. They stop the run really well and although their secondary can be beat, they always seem to be able to create turnovers. It's going to be really, really hard for Denver to win this game, but hey, any given Sunday.

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8 minutes ago, Pagano's Realtor said:

If Carolina gets up a couple of scores early like they have both games in the playoffs, then I don't see a scenario where they lose this game. Peyton can't pick you apart with his arm anymore. Denver's best chance is to keep it a close game so that they can run a balanced offense. I know Denver has a great defense but Carolina also definitely has a top 5 defense themselves. They stop the run really well and although their secondary can be beat, they always seem to be able to create turnovers. It's going to be really, really hard for Denver to win this game, but hey, any given Sunday.


Well said. This game, IMO, is going to come down to protection. Both defenses have the capability of totally disrupting the QBs. We saw that yesterday with Brady. And Carolina just blew the Cards defensive line into oblivion, and Palmer had virtually no time v. Panther D line. 


No doubt that SB 50 will be won in the trenches. Both teams know that. Who wants it more is the obvious question. We'll find out. 

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8 hours ago, 18Manning said:


Heck, the Colts kept the game close against the Panthers.


Not really.  The Colts were getting their rear ends handed to them against the Panthers, and then they stormed back at the end and made the final score close.  For all practical purposes, the Panthers blew the Colts out.  If Carolina has a significant weakness, it is their tendency to not finish teams off once they get a comfortable lead.  I would hope that wouldn't be an issue in the Super Bowl, but you never know.  I don't know if Manning has it in him to make a comeback like that even if it is an issue for them, though.



5 hours ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

It would be nice for people to admit when they're wrong, and relax and enjoy watching one of the greatest ever finish his career.


I didn't think the Broncos stood a chance against the Patriots.  I was wrong.  I also don't think the Broncos stand a chance against the Panthers, but we already know what my opinion is worth.

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49 minutes ago, JCPatriot said:


Not really.  The Colts were getting their rear ends handed to them against the Panthers, and then they stormed back at the end and made the final score close.  For all practical purposes, the Panthers blew the Colts out.  If Carolina has a significant weakness, it is their tendency to not finish teams off once they get a comfortable lead.  I would hope that wouldn't be an issue in the Super Bowl, but you never know.  I don't know if Manning has it in him to make a comeback like that even if it is an issue for them, though.




I didn't think the Broncos stood a chance against the Patriots.  I was wrong.  I also don't think the Broncos stand a chance against the Panthers, but we already know what my opinion is worth.

So the Colts took the Panthers into OT and only lost by 3, yet it was a "blowout?" Ummm ok.

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3 hours ago, crestmount said:

As well as beating the Broncos.  And 2 years ago, we beat both Seattle and Denver.  What the Colts did against either team is irrelevant (although it does show that with Luck, we weren't that bad).


Can't see Denver getting close to winning--the Carolina O-line were awesome yesterday--Cam could have smoked a pipe behind them, he had so much time.  And Luke Kuechley is just mind-blowing.



IMO, any team putting up a good fight against any other team isn't irrelevant. You hear it all the time "well, the blueprint for beating (insert team) is". Those "blueprints" are garnered from examples of other team's performances.


Vegas isn't as bold as you as the line is only 4.


The Panthers aren't invincible. They let a poor Atlanta team take away a potentially undefeated season. Nearly let Seattle back in the game and barely beat more than 1 sub-par team during the regular season. I don't see them blowing out Denver. The Panthers may win, but I don't think it will be a blowout.



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15 hours ago, QwizBoy said:

No offense taken. I just know how it's been all year as far as the Panthers go. Words like "lucky" have been thrown around and Cam is always getting criticized for the most mundane things. Manning, who had his fair share of doubters this season, it was mostly warranted. And he has the fact that he's one of the greatest QBs of all time going for him. Everyone seems to think the Panthers are going to be unprepared going into the biggest game of these guys careers. I don't see it.

I have no clue who will win.  I want the Broncos to win, but the darn Panthers is scary good.


But, who would have thought that the Broncos would that have been un-prepared against that Seahawks team 2 years ago, who had an unbelievable defense?

It happens.


Honestly, who had the Giants winning their first Superbowl against the 18-0 Patriots?  This is why the NFL is so great.... crud just happens.  LOL




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On 1/26/2016 at 7:38 PM, JCPatriot said:


Not really.  The Colts were getting their rear ends handed to them against the Panthers, and then they stormed back at the end and made the final score close.  For all practical purposes, the Panthers blew the Colts out.  



Dude, you make no sense....

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On 1/26/2016 at 8:28 PM, \m/COLTS\m/ said:

So the Colts took the Panthers into OT and only lost by 3, yet it was a "blowout?" Ummm ok.


I think that game also showed how sometimes Carolina has a weakness all year with holding onto a good lead.


In this postseason they have done a lot better with it but still.......it's a semi weakness IMO of that team.

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On 1/25/2016 at 1:29 PM, BleedBlu8792 said:

Carolina is too strong defensively and offensively for Denver. Ware and Miller are going to leave horrible rushing lanes for Carolina and if they sit back Cam is going to find the open guy. It's going to be like 2 years ago all over again... Carolina is going to curb stomp Denver just like Seattle did. 


Carolina's defensive front will have Peyton running for his life. That OL couldn't even contain NE's front 7, so they sure as hell aren't going to contain Carolina's. 


Carolina by 10+

What open guy??? Brady was hit 23 times and most of those came from NO ONE being open. Carolina does not have the receiving corps that NE had. Plus, Cam & Co.will be drowning in hype. They have taken gigantic leads in the playoffs, off of Seattle & Arizona mistakes and to their credit, capitalized. I don't see Denver making the same mistakes. 

Denver by 7


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3 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

What open guy??? Brady was hit 23 times and most of those came from NO ONE being open. Carolina does not have the receiving corps that NE had. Plus, Cam & Co.will be drowning in hype. They have taken gigantic leads in the playoffs, off of Seattle & Arizona mistakes and to their credit, capitalized. I don't see Denver making the same mistakes. 

Denver by 7



Carolina's OL is 10x better than what Brady was playing with. On top of that, Carolina runs a bunch of 2 TE sets with Dickson and Olsen using Ginn and Brown to open up the underneath for them. Olsen had NO problems getting open against Seattle's backhalf and he won't against Denver. New England has all possession receivers. They have nothing like Ginn or Brown, who can stretch the field. Cam isn't a statue like Brady is either and if Ware/Miller think they are going to rush up field every play Cam will be long gone. If the Colts OL could keep Ware/Miller in check for pretty much the whole game it's comical to believe that Denver is going have their way with one of the best OL's in football.


Denver needs to worry MUCH MUCH MORE about protecting their QB than Carolina does. One has a great OL, the other does not.

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The Cardinals played their worst game of the year, the Seahawks didn't show up until the 2nd half and would have probably won otherwise.  No team is as good or bad as anyone thinks they are, if you can beat the Patriots in the AFC Championship game then you can beat anyone in the Super Bowl. 

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On January 25, 2016 at 9:56 AM, BrentMc11 said:

Peyton has been there, done that.....Cam may get 'too pumped' for the game.  I feel it coming.

Yeah, I don't see a Broncos massacre duplication again either Brent. Let's play the game 1st & let the dust settle. Touche. I can't guarantee a Denver victory, but there will be no humiliation this time. 

On January 25, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Dustin said:

Carolina is going to eviscerate them. 

Great word. Bonus points for using it Dustin, but technically Manning's not gonna get disemboweled or have vital organs extracted from his body during the SB. A literal vs figurative interpretation joke, pun, or play on words. 

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17 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Bonus points for using it Dustin, but technically Manning's not gonna get disemboweled or have vital organs extracted from his body during the SB. 

It might be less painful compared to what's going to happen tbh.

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16 hours ago, SkyBane said:

It might be less painful compared to what's going to happen tbh.


Agreed, I totally understand everyone's view on Denver's defense because they are that good, but no one is commenting about their OL, which is arguably in the lower bottom half of the league. I don't see how their OL is going to keep that front-4 of Carolina's off of Peyton, especially when they couldn't keep New England's contained. That Denver defense is only going to be able to hold on so long, eventually it's going to break, and that's when Carolina is going to start to pull away from them. It will be game over, because that Denver offense isn't going to come back from a 10+ point defecit especially against that defense.


The best defense the Broncos have seen, in comparison to the Panthers, was the Chiefs back in week 9. Peyton was 5/20 with 4 INT's, and was sacked twice. That was in less than 3 quarters of football. Carolina is going to put that kind of pressure on Peyton. The ONLY way Denver has a shot is to get turnovers deep in Carolina territory, so they can play with a short field, outside of that, it's going to be rough moving the ball with defenders in Peyton's face all game.

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1 hour ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


Agreed, I totally understand everyone's view on Denver's defense because they are that good, but no one is commenting about their OL, which is arguably in the lower bottom half of the league. I don't see how their OL is going to keep that front-4 of Carolina's off of Peyton, especially when they couldn't keep New England's contained. That Denver defense is only going to be able to hold on so long, eventually it's going to break, and that's when Carolina is going to start to pull away from them. It will be game over, because that Denver offense isn't going to come back from a 10+ point defecit especially against that defense.


The best defense the Broncos have seen, in comparison to the Panthers, was the Chiefs back in week 9. Peyton was 5/20 with 4 INT's, and was sacked twice. That was in less than 3 quarters of football. Carolina is going to put that kind of pressure on Peyton. The ONLY way Denver has a shot is to get turnovers deep in Carolina territory, so they can play with a short field, outside of that, it's going to be rough moving the ball with defenders in Peyton's face all game.


Broncos must keep game close in first half to have a chance


Why the Panthers need to avoid a close game vs. Broncos

CBS- Excerpt from article

 Panthers might want to avoid a close game against the Broncos, because the Broncos have a stunning record in games decided by seven points or fewer: 11-3. That win-total is actually an NFL record, according to The Denver Post's Nicki Jhabvala. Often with Late game magic


the Panthers are averaging "a 99 percent chance of victory" -- at halftime, per 538  ( details from 538 http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-panthers-first-half-blowouts-are-unprecedented/ ) . In other words, their games have been over with 30 minutes still remaining on the clock, and the Broncos offense probably isn't the best-equipped unit to pull off the impossible.


At this point, it'd be tough to see the Broncos' late-game magic as luck. And that should terrify the Panthers if they find themselves in a seven-point ballgame with the Lombardi Trophy on the line.






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Ehh I don't know if it will be a blowout but I give Carolina a strong edge.  There are going to be 2 strong defenses here but right now Cam is the better QB and can make more plays.


Actually I've been kind of disappointed with how many people have talked negatively about Cam.  I havnt' figured out what Cam has done to suddenly be a bad guy.  I certainly would rather see Peyton win but I have nothing against Cam.

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Rivera went to San Diego after Manning beat his Bears defense in the Super Bowl.  From 2007 to 2010 he was the defensive coordinator.  Too lazy to look it up but I only recall Manning beating the Chargers one time while Rivera was the coordinator.  Adam kicked a clutch field goal I believe to win that game.  The guy has Manning's number since that Super Bowl loss.  I hope I'm wrong but I can see this game quickly becoming an embarrassment for Manning.  

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 8:10 PM, 18Manning said:


IMO, any team putting up a good fight against any other team isn't irrelevant. You hear it all the time "well, the blueprint for beating (insert team) is". Those "blueprints" are garnered from examples of other team's performances.


Vegas isn't as bold as you as the line is only 4.


The Panthers aren't invincible. They let a poor Atlanta team take away a potentially undefeated season. Nearly let Seattle back in the game and barely beat more than 1 sub-par team during the regular season. I don't see them blowing out Denver. The Panthers may win, but I don't think it will be a blowout.



From a Denver standpoint, I'd rather play Carolina than Seattle

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4 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:

Ehh I don't know if it will be a blowout but I give Carolina a strong edge.  There are going to be 2 strong defenses here but right now Cam is the better QB and can make more plays.


Actually I've been kind of disappointed with how many people have talked negatively about Cam.  I havnt' figured out what Cam has done to suddenly be a bad guy.  I certainly would rather see Peyton win but I have nothing against Cam.

I completely agree with this, prefer to see Peyton get one more ring, but Cam seems like a really good guy with a ton of talent.  


I do think there is a good chance for a blowout, both because Carolina's offense is better and because their defense can put up points too.  Denver has to be careful on offense, establishing the run will be very important.  Manning has to have a good game and most importantly, protect the football.  The defense has to find a way to contain Cam Newton without giving him options down the field.    


While many point out how much pressure the Broncos put on Brady, two completely different QBs here.  Cam isn't going to stay in the pocket and wait for coverage to break down.  He will make plays with his legs, and isn't afraid to take hits.  Luck is a similar type of QB and he did well against the Broncos defense.    Also, the Patriots don't have a real running game.  Carolina has a solid RB in Jonathan Stewart and Cam himself.  

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