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DQs post game comments show a loser mentality?


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I can't find a clip or an article with the comments but I've heard the clip several times on 1070 the fan this week. DQ was asked probably 15 or so minutes after the game about the game and he started talking about how happy he will be to get home and see his niece for the holidays (or some such like that) and never really mentioned the game in his comments. I thought it was troubling to me, he sounded like it was no big deal that we lost and that the holidays are here and he will forget about the game. I like DQ a lot but its troubling to me that one of the teams leaders sounds like he didn't care much about losing the game IMO. Anyone else hear this clip? Hopefully one of y'all know where to find the clip because I couldn't find it. Am I wrong for feeling troubled about his comments? 

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14 minutes ago, LuckIsAwesome said:

I can't find a clip or an article with the comments but I've heard the clip several times on 1070 the fan this week. DQ was asked probably 15 or so minutes after the game about the game and he started talking about how happy he will be to get home and see his niece for the holidays (or some such like that) and never really mentioned the game in his comments. I thought it was troubling to me, he sounded like it was no big deal that we lost and that the holidays are here and he will forget about the game. I like DQ a lot but its troubling to me that one of the teams leaders sounds like he didn't care much about losing the game IMO. Anyone else hear this clip? Hopefully one of y'all know where to find the clip because I couldn't find it. Am I wrong for feeling troubled about his comments? 


I'm certain I saw it on colts.com, and it's likely still there for you.

I didn't come away with the same thoughts you have, but I tend not to read too much into clips of interviews.

Did you actually hear it, or are you just acting as the radio host suggests.

Do you remember what he was asked? I don't.

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One of the problems arises from the "family first" mentality instilled by Tony Dungy and endured by Jim Caldwell and now Chuck Pagano. Several of Dungy's speeches centered on the concept of family. Keep in mind, this was a healthy change from the days of the radical Jim Mora, who needs no introduction.

Nowadays, though, I think we need another coach who's ready to tell it how it is and take charge. Enough with the clapping on the sidelines after we make mistakes. Give me a Bruce Arians.

One thing's certain - our team will have a lot of time with family as they're watching the playoffs from the couch!

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I'm not troubled by it.  I don't think what he didn't say indicates a loser attitude.  It's just that he chose to mention the holiday.

I'm sure everyone is glad to see family and friends.......in spite of all the other things that are going on in our lives

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6 hours ago, ReMeDy said:

One of the problems arises from the "family first" mentality instilled by Tony Dungy and endured by Jim Caldwell and now Chuck Pagano. Several of Dungy's speeches centered on the concept of family. Keep in mind, this was a healthy change from the days of the radical Jim Mora, who needs no introduction.

Nowadays, though, I think we need another coach who's ready to tell it how it is and take charge. Enough with the clapping on the sidelines after we make mistakes. Give me a Bruce Arians.

One thing's certain - our team will have a lot of time with family as they're watching the playoffs from the couch!

1) Jim Mora was a good coach. He was very emotional and you could tell when he was not happy.

2) Tony Dungy was a great coach. You could hardly ever tell if we were down 21 or up 21 by his reactions

3) Pagano is a "rah rah" coach. Nothing wrong with this either. There are many approaches to coaching and all approaches have been successful at every level.

4) I love Bruce Arians. I wish he were still here. I was one that wanted Bruce as the head coach even before he was names OC. At the time I took some flack because there were some people here who didn't even want him as the OC.

5) I think it is time for a change in coaching but not because of Pagano's approach with how he reacts to in game mistakes.

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59 minutes ago, theanarchist said:


5) I think it is time for a change in coaching but not because of Pagano's approach with how he reacts to in game mistakes.


It will never cease to amaze me the trivial things that some people get so worked up over.  Chuck clapping his hands on the side line is in no way indicative of his coaching ability.

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15 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


It will never cease to amaze me the trivial things that some people get so worked up over.  Chuck clapping his hands on the side line is in no way indicative of his coaching ability.


Yeah, if he is clapping the same way and we are winning, the whole perspective changes. Winning is all that matters. Like Dungy said, you cannot win trying to be someone else and there are several ways for a coach to win with different demeanors. With Dungy, one thing we saw was half time adjustments. Our team looked different after half time, offensively and defensively. That, I do not see with this list of coaches consistently. Plus, the Colts did not shoot themselves in the foot much and hence were in games for 60 minutes more often than not.


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5 minutes ago, Cynjin said:

I understand what he was trying to say, but saying it about 30 minutes after a game that your team lost was ill advised.  Nobody wants to hear that message at that particular time.

I am as hardcore as it is, but I did not mind this at all.  The game is over, we stunk, and lets move on with the real things in life.  Of course that is my opinion.

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8 minutes ago, Devildog said:

So, I'm in the military and because I'm not in the trenches right now fighting, I am excited to be able to see and spend time with my family during the holidays, does that mean I have a loser mentality?

Not sure that's the greatest analogy 

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I wouldn't say loser mentality. But it would be nice to see some emotion. They SHOULD be upset about losing and being an embarrassment all season. He could of voiced displeasure...THEN said he's ready to see family. 


I see it a lot though. What separates the greats from the meh. The greats take it personally and motivates them to be the best. The meh, win or lose still collect a check. I don't want check collectors. I want football players who strive to be the best. 


Whatever er you do in life. Try to be the best damn (incert) you can be. That's how I live my life and will pass on to my kids.

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9 hours ago, SteelCityColt said:

So we're now berating a player for looking forward to spending Christmas time with his family? Because that's why we've struggled this year... 

I have zero problem with him looking forward to that. That's not what I said. I had a problem with him using that as his answer to the question he was asked literally right after the game. Look at Mike Adams comments after the game, he sounded upset that they lost, DQ talked about how he can't wait to see his family in his comments. Two totally different answers. Adams sounded mad DQ sounded like he didn't care. 

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22 minutes ago, LuckIsAwesome said:

I have zero problem with him looking forward to that. That's not what I said. I had a problem with him using that as his answer to the question he was asked literally right after the game. Look at Mike Adams comments after the game, he sounded upset that they lost, DQ talked about how he can't wait to see his family in his comments. Two totally different answers. Adams sounded mad DQ sounded like he didn't care. 


Reading way too much into it. Imo

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DQ played many years for the Browns so of course he has a loser mentality, or at least you can say he's pleased with little. At this point he's more likely interested in his paycheck. 


The idea of "family" first in this cutthroat business that is NFL is ridiculous. "Oh yeah, you are family", then next day, "you are cut, see you". Or, "What, you got a torn ACL? Sucks to be you, I got your job now"

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7 hours ago, theanarchist said:

1) Jim Mora was a good coach. He was very emotional and you could tell when he was not happy.

2) Tony Dungy was a great coach. You could hardly ever tell if we were down 21 or up 21 by his reactions

3) Pagano is a "rah rah" coach. Nothing wrong with this either. There are many approaches to coaching and all approaches have been successful at every level.

4) I love Bruce Arians. I wish he were still here. I was one that wanted Bruce as the head coach even before he was names OC. At the time I took some flack because there were some people here who didn't even want him as the OC.

5) I think it is time for a change in coaching but not because of Pagano's approach with how he reacts to in game mistakes.

Good Post. As far as Ranking Coaches I would say Mora - Good, Dungy - Very Good, Caldwell - Good, Arians - Very Good, Chuck - Good. We really haven't had a Bad Coach since Mora took over but never really a Great one either. Dungy was borderline Great but the reason I label him Very Good and not Great is because he did get outcoached in the Playoffs a lot and we lost many questionable Playoff games, not all his fault but still some of it was. Like I said still Very Good. Now a Great Coach is Belichick! Regarding Chuck, he is on the level of Mora in his prime and Caldwell IMO = Good but coaches that are nothing special. What Arians did in his 12 games on the sideline here (9-3) and what he has done in Arizona has me labeling him Very Good.

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33 minutes ago, Superman said:


Then don't ask him how he feels. 

I didn't hear the question that prompted his reply, but I do wonder why a mere half an hour after losing an important game why he would be in a seemingly good mood.  I can't remember one time after a game that a team I was on lost, that anyone it the locker room was in a good mood or was philosophical about how there are more important things in life.  Even hours later on the trip home everyone was pretty much quiet, not saying how they will be happy to see their girlfriends or talk to their families.


There are more important things in life than football, but there is a time and place to express that.  After the season is over, during a bye week or after a win.  Thirty minutes after you lose an important game, eh not so much.  Time and place Supe, time and place, just like TY expressing his frustration about the play calling to the press.  While TY has every right to feel that way, he should find a better time and place to express that.

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It doesn't matter how or what he said. For all intense and purposes they realistically are out of the playoffs with the loss to houston,it take a miracle to make it plus there is no given we even win either of the last 2 games. I agree with some about the family thing,. I think chuck played that card way to many times cuz at the end of the day u gotta set family aside and do ur job which is football and winning!

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16 minutes ago, Cynjin said:

I didn't hear the question that prompted his reply, but I do wonder why a mere half an hour after losing an important game why he would be in a seemingly good mood.  I can't remember one time after a game that a team I was on lost, that anyone it the locker room was in a good mood or was philosophical about how there are more important things in life.  Even hours later on the trip home everyone was pretty much quiet, not saying how they will be happy to see their girlfriends or talk to their families.


There are more important things in life than football, but there is a time and place to express that.  After the season is over, during a bye week or after a win.  Thirty minutes after you lose an important game, eh not so much.  Time and place Supe, time and place, just like TY expressing his frustration about the play calling to the press.  While TY has every right to feel that way, he should find a better time and place to express that.


These guys aren't robots, though. They have their own feelings and emotions and personalities. As fans, we want access to all that, but we only want to hear what we want to hear, when and how we want to hear it. It's really not fair to the people that we're asking this of. Especially right after a game, you never know what you're going to get, but we'd rather blast players who don't hit all the right notes than say 'maybe we shouldn't be sticking a mic in his face 30 minutes after a game.' Production value.


Jackson's deal is entirely different from Hilton's deal. It's different to ask a player not to throw his teammates or coaches under the bus. But if Hilton had made his comments 30 minutes after the game, I'd dismiss what he said as being a heat of the moment response. The fact that it was two days later, he'd had time to process his emotions, and still chose to be critical of the coaching, says that he really feels that way. And again, that's fine, but being openly critical of teammates or coaches is always a bad look. Even with Hilton, I wish he hadn't said it, but I'm not killing him for it.


If you don't want to hear what these guys really think, then don't ask them. That's all I'm saying. With 53 people on a roster, you're going to get a variety of responses. One of them is bound to be outside the norm of what you expect. But in this case, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what Jackson said. You want him to be breathing fire, but he wasn't. Oh well. End of the day, it doesn't really mean anything. Jackson has played his butt off all year, and despite his limitations, no one can accuse him of not bringing everything he has when the lights are on. 


You might have a point if you were talking about the QB who threw a game ending interception, or the WR who fumbled away a good chance to take the lead. But even then, I'm not going to sit here and presume to tell another grown man what and how he should feel. Again, if you don't want a genuine response, then don't ask him to express himself. But then, what would we complain about?

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11 minutes ago, Superman said:


These guys aren't robots, though. They have their own feelings and emotions and personalities. As fans, we want access to all that, but we only want to hear what we want to hear, when and how we want to hear it. It's really not fair to the people that we're asking this of. Especially right after a game, you never know what you're going to get, but we'd rather blast players who don't hit all the right notes than say 'maybe we shouldn't be sticking a mic in his face 30 minutes after a game.' Production value.


Jackson's deal is entirely different from Hilton's deal. It's different to ask a player not to throw his teammates or coaches under the bus. But if Hilton had made his comments 30 minutes after the game, I'd dismiss what he said as being a heat of the moment response. The fact that it was two days later, he'd had time to process his emotions, and still chose to be critical of the coaching, says that he really feels that way. And again, that's fine, but being openly critical of teammates or coaches is always a bad look. Even with Hilton, I wish he hadn't said it, but I'm not killing him for it.


If you don't want to hear what these guys really think, then don't ask them. That's all I'm saying. With 53 people on a roster, you're going to get a variety of responses. One of them is bound to be outside the norm of what you expect. But in this case, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what Jackson said. You want him to be breathing fire, but he wasn't. Oh well. End of the day, it doesn't really mean anything. Jackson has played his butt off all year, and despite his limitations, no one can accuse him of not bringing everything he has when the lights are on. 


You might have a point if you were talking about the QB who threw a game ending interception, or the WR who fumbled away a good chance to take the lead. But even then, I'm not going to sit here and presume to tell another grown man what and how he should feel. Again, if you don't want a genuine response, then don't ask him to express himself. But then, what would we complain about?


Amazingly well constructed response. 

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I do too. I would love to have Bill in his prime. He would bring nastiness to the team + he was a Good player on Championship teams!

And steroids. :)  One of the first real users....and still does I do believe...:)  Nasty as heck though...:)

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Here is what bothers me about Jackson's comments.


30 minutes after ANY game, let alone a game that likely decided the Division Championship (and a playoff birth), and your already talking about Christmas and family.


Family is important. Being able to look back and appreciate the things that we have in life is important. We shouldn't overlook these things.


However, 30 minutes after a game and that is where your mind is? I don't think the great competitors are wired this way. I don't think successful teams are made up of guys who are wired this way.

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6 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

I prefer my players to do their talking on the field. All the off field comments mean absolutely zero. And those complaining about what DQ said are just being petty. For what it is worth,  I would put my family before any job, irrespective of the pay grade. 


No one is asking him to put his family after his job

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