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Archie Manning's Comments About Peyton(Merge)


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I think that's what he was trying to do by saying he didn't know.

He's been involved in the college football stuff going on and with the game being played at the superdome tonight. Natural he gets asked about Peyton and I think he was trying not to give out any info.

It's not like he's calling into Colin Cowherd to freely give information. He's not going to say one thing that Peyton isn't comfortable with.

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If you were optimistic about your son returning to the pro field you would say your confident he will be ready for next season. Does this look realllly bad or is it just me?

IMO just everyone reading to much into everything that is said and written. The thing everyone needs to do is just wait and see what happens. I know it's hard to do but that's what we have to do anyway. Maybe OP don't like it but it is what it is.

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I've resigned to the fact that we may never see Peyton Manning play another down in the NFL. All this time I've felt he could very realistically come back for the next four years and go out with 4 straight Super Bowls, but now I've just accepted the possibility that it might not be so. None of us have any idea. People can speculate all they want but in the end that's all they are. It's now down to the waiting game. If he's healthy, he starts next year, if not, he retires. Simple as that. If he retires, we draft Luck, and so begins the next decade of dominant Indianapolis Colts football. I'm a skeptic of Luck, just because I tend to follow the train of thought that anyone not named Peyton Manning is a subpar quarterback, but he'll probably be a pretty solid player and as long as we have a decent foundation, we will be a playoff contender every year. And that's all I can ask for as a fan.

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Well either:

1. He isn't recovering well. (which unfortunately has been my gut feeling since training camp or before)

All along the way the surgeries (plural) transpired and the very vague and minimal info along along has just been concerning (imo).

2. Manning knows Irsay is picking Luck and is forcing his hand.

3. Or of course its just one of those surgeries that everyone responds differently and its just taking time. I thought since training camp he wouldn't play this year. Things just didn't feel right.

I also question he will be ready to start next season.

All in all it just doesn't look good. I've never wished so much to be wrong in my life I think.

Cross your fingers, pray, or do anything else you think might help.

It certainly won't hurt.

**After reading it again there really isn't anything new or exciting about what he said. However, Archie's a smart guy. All the Mannings are media savvy. What IS concerning is some of the word choices he uses. Like "I talked to Luck's father last night". He's smart enough to know how that will be taken.

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I'm getting more and more confused... :(

Earlier Archie Manning said P.Manning and Luck cannot coexist, then Manning is committed to return and they can coexist, now he is not sure if Manning would be ready for season 2012.

Meanwhile reporters and experts (like Schefter, Mortensen, Kravitz) seem to know best what would happen (will be traded/wont be traded/must be traded/will be drafted/won't be drafted).

Smoke is getting bigger and bigger.

In my opinion:

  • IF Manning won't be ready for next season, we will have to draft Luck, and keep Peyton in a way (QB on IR, QB's coach, whatever) or release him (which would be heartbreaking to me and to most of the fans
  • If Manning would be ready to play next season, Irsay has to decide if he drafts Luck or trades #1 pick. I feel drafting Luck would be better, for Manning doesn't have as many season ahead, as many we wish

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Archie reminds me of Namath with his mouth.... Namath won a shoddy Super Bowl against our backup QB, while Archie's claim to fame involves rings won by his two sons. Both of them cannot stay away from the game and always seem to run their mouths to make headlines. In short, Archie is just talking again. A big grain of salt until I hear official word via the media or a cryptic Irsay tweet.

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I hope he does, but I hope we take Luck too.

I'm hopping for a co-existing Manning & Luck next year. :please:

I would like that as well. I just think it will be a mistake if we pass on Luck even if Manning comes back because Manning's durability will always be in question now. Plus the fact that I really do believe Luck is going to be one of the elite ones down the road.

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He's not nervous and he's not jittery people. He just LOST a bowl game and the last game of his collegiate career. He's not happy about that and probably wants to be alone. Dang stop thinking of him only as a player or piece of meat and imagine him as a person. Imagine how he feels right now after a loss and his last college game ever. So many emotions. AND THEN here comes the reporter to top it off coming to ask him the same questions about the Indianapolis Colts and Peyton Manning. You can see he's anticipating the entire time and is dreading it. Cmon people.

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He's not nervous and he's not jittery people. He just LOST a bowl game and the last game of his collegiate career. He's not happy about that and probably wants to be alone. Dang stop thinking of him only as a player or piece of meat and imagine him as a person. Imagine how he feels right now after a loss and his last college game ever. So many emotions. AND THEN here comes the reporter to top it off coming to ask him the same questions about the Indianapolis Colts and Peyton Manning. You can see he's anticipating the entire time and is dreading it. Cmon people.

Yeah this has already been speculated on :P

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I think alot of people are missing this huge point. We're talking about a player who theoretically could have a neck that is stronger and healthier than he originally had it right before it was injured. His performance with the injury has been amazing and he's got a chance to be even better after this process is completed.

Well said. That's the reality of the situation. But see, some guys on the radio keep saying, "36 with 3 neck procedures...," so it must be gloomy.

As to Luck, I think the fans will make it more awkward than anyone else. Some people are so ready to be rid of Manning/believe Luck is Rodgers/believe Rodgers is better than Manning/Luck is therefore better by association, that the moment Manning throws a pick or loses a game, they will call for Luck to get the start.

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Well said. That's the reality of the situation. But see, some guys on the radio keep saying, "36 with 3 neck procedures...," so it must be gloomy.

As to Luck, I think the fans will make it more awkward than anyone else. Some people are so ready to be rid of Manning/believe Luck is Rodgers/believe Rodgers is better than Manning/Luck is therefore better by association, that the moment Manning throws a pick or loses a game, they will call for Luck to get the start.

But there will be people who, even if Manning can barely move his neck and has no arm strength and has a QB rating of 70 after 10 games, that will say he'll come good again and to keep on sticking it out with him rather than sticking our exciting young prospect in. There are two sides to every argument, and both sides have fools.

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He's not nervous and he's not jittery people. He just LOST a bowl game and the last game of his collegiate career. He's not happy about that and probably wants to be alone. Dang stop thinking of him only as a player or piece of meat and imagine him as a person. Imagine how he feels right now after a loss and his last college game ever. So many emotions. AND THEN here comes the reporter to top it off coming to ask him the same questions about the Indianapolis Colts and Peyton Manning. You can see he's anticipating the entire time and is dreading it. Cmon people.

Precisely my thought.

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Do any of you understand how a smokescreen works?Do you...seriously?This is like a game of bluff(like playing cards).If i wanted to raise the jackpot(trade value of 1#pick),then i would also say things that make it seem i'm going to take luck or peyton might not be ready for the start of the season.I'm guessing this is a form of damage control on archie's part,because of his previous statements about them(luck/manning)not being able to co-exist.We're just trying to drive the value UP.If we come out and say that we're not interested in luck,then we have NO LEVERAGE in this situation.

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Anyone think this commitment to returning to the Colts could relate to the fact that they can't push back Manning's bonus date?

Apparently, the choices are to give the bonus or release Manning, all before knowing how his neck is going to turn out.

Could a commitment to returning mean that they've agreed that the Colts will temporarily release Manning with an assurance from him that he won't sign anywhere else while his medical evaluation continues?

I don't know the technicalities of how the contracts work. Any insight?

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Do any of you understand how a smokescreen works?Do you...seriously?This is like a game of bluff(like playing cards).If i wanted to raise the jackpot(trade value of 1#pick),then i would also say things that make it seem i'm going to take luck or peyton might not be ready for the start of the season.I'm guessing this is a form of damage control on archie's part,because of his previous statements about them(luck/manning)not being able to co-exist.We're just trying to drive the value UP.If we come out and say that we're not interested in luck,then we have NO LEVERAGE in this situation.

That's not how leverage works. It's about the bargaining chip that you have, and Luck would be that bargaining chip. If we came out and said we absolutely will not draft Luck because we already have Manning and we will trade the pick to the highest bidder, guess what? The demand for Luck would still exist. In fact, by saying that, we may even create a bidding war.
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That's not how leverage works. It's about the bargaining chip that you have, and Luck would be that bargaining chip. If we came out and said we absolutely will not draft Luck because we already have Manning and we will trade the pick to the highest bidder, guess what? The demand for Luck would still exist. In fact, by saying that we may even create a bidding war.

It could also work that way too.I believe if we show interest,then it will drive the value higher.

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I think alot of people are missing this huge point. We're talking about a player who theoretically could have a neck that is stronger and healthier than he originally had it right before it was injured. His performance with the injury has been amazing and he's got a chance to be even better after this process is completed.

Very true..this is a rare injury that could rehab and be stronger..

..and with the rules that truthfully dont allow hard QB hits anymore....

Manning will have Clark AND Tamme at TE....Garcon and/or Wayne at WR....

Collie at full speed.....and a back-and-better-than-ever Donald Brown...

plus new young blocking boys up front that he's never played with

....If he's healthy.....He could recah 5,000 yards (everybody's doing that nowadays)

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Have we actually stated that we're interested in extra draft picks officially?I'm not sure.

No Irsay has only eluded to using the draft pick for the right QB instead of trading it and keeping Manning if healthy.

If he's actually planning on trading, if Manning is healthy, he's saying all the right things. When Manning is found to be healed, all Irsay would have to do is send a tweet about Manning's good news and that the he has to make a important decision to make about the pick. Offers will come flying in.

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No Irsay has only eluded to using the draft pick for the right QB instead of trading it and keeping Manning if healthy.

If he's actually planning on trading, if Manning is healthy, he's saying all the right things. When Manning is found to be healed, all Irsay would have to do is send a tweet about Manning's good news and that the he has to make a important decision to make about the pick. Offers will come flying in.

I hope that's what he's doing.I just think he has a rabbit up his sleeve.

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Why can't Archie just stop talking about this? Seriously. If I was Peyton, I would tell him to stop talking about this stuff. Don't make a story out of nothing.

For the past year I have been wondering why it is that we never hear from Peyton.....like ever

we frequently hear from his father. Is he Peytons publicist?

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For the past year I have been wondering why it is that we never hear from Peyton.....like ever

we frequently hear from his father. Is he Peytons publicist?

I'm guessing it's one of two things.

Either Archie just can't stop himself from living vicariously though his sons, or he says things that for whatever reason Peyton doesn't think he can.

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I agree with the leverage issue it is of no value at all to say Manning is healthy and ready to play must keep us wondering. I personally believe Manning will play next year, What I don't know is if he will be a Colt or not. I often think with my heart instead of my head though. But with that said at this time Mr Irsay must keep people thinking that the Colts will draft Luck #1, just to keep pick trade value climbing. I do not envy his decision and would not want to have to make it.

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