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Pagano/grigson Joint Press Conference


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No, that is your view ... spin doctor. I am the one that is making the point that home run speed is irrelevant unless we are having a track meet here.

I'm not arguing that being a home run threat is all that important for most backs (unless your Chris Johnson and that's all you have). I'm arguing Boom Herron is a better home run threat than Gore. And not all 4.6+ guys are equally capable to take it the distance as you implied.

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Even with the youth and lack of experience I agree with you. Finally for once Grigson and Pagano kept the players that deserved spots on the roster.

To me it all comes down to chemistry - same as the O-Line.  You have to build trust of the guys you're in the trenches with.

This is a young D-line so it will take time to gel.  I don't expect much for the first few games, but even if i do see a vast improvement

over last year I'll hold moderate excitement.until the real fun begins in weeks 6 & 7.

Hoping for the best!

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Ryan Grigson, Chuck Pagano deny there's a rift between them http://t.co/OH1ofQq5i4

— Mike Wells (@MikeWellsNFL)

September 7, 2015

Ryan Grigson, Chuck Pagano deny there's a rift between them http://t.co/OH1ofQq5i4

I mean, they're both human. They're gonna have their disagreements like the rest of us. But I think this settles it, no real "I hate your guts" kinda friction


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I'm not arguing that home run threat is all that important for most backs (unless your Chris Johnson and that's all you have). I'm arguing Boom Herron is a better home run threat than Gore. And not all 4.6 guys are equally capable to take it the distance as you implied.


Obviously he is not ..... Boom had one 20+ yard run last year  ..... Frank had 5 .... both insignificant when you consider the number of ATT required to get those. Football is not about 20+ yard runs. It just doesn't happen that way. You think it does because you only watch the highlights.

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Obviously he is not ..... Boom had one 20+ yard run last year ..... Frank had 5 .... both insignificant when you consider the number of ATT required to get those. Football is not about 20+ yard runs. It just doesn't happen that way. You think it does because you only watch the highlights.

Your reading comprehension is at an elementary level. I never said that, I actually said the opposite.

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I think it's a good sign that they think Parry is good enough to cut Chapman.

I agree also.  in the last pre-season game, Rick Venturi observed that both Hughes and Chapman were playing in the fourth quarter.  He thought it meant that the Colts would start Anderson and Parry against Buffalo.  In retrospect, it also was a last chance to save their jobs. My puzzlement is why our fans are not more enthusiastic about this.  We found two DL better than Hughes and Chapman!   I can't wait to see them next Sunday. Afer that game, Henry Anderson mentioned in an interview that he and Parry did not come here to sit on the bench and watch.

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The reason why Ballard was kept and Herron was not is because Ballard is better than him...I'm not sure why everyone is confused. There's probably 100 Herron clones out there, half of which are probably on the waiver wire or were, and others in the CFL or playing special teams...he's not a special player, he's not even all that useful. 


I said it a week or so ago that Robinson is the only one with real upside, he should be the #2...

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The reason why Ballard was kept and Herron was not is because Ballard is better than him...I'm not sure why everyone is confused. There's probably 100 Herron clones out there, half of which are probably on the waiver wire or were, and others in the CFL or playing special teams...he's not a special player, he's not even all that useful. 


I said it a week or so ago that Robinson is the only one with real upside, he should be the #2...


Boom has gotta feel good about that post. From #2 to under the bus in 60 seconds flat. Talk about ego deflaters, You could at least say he was not as good as Gore, Robinson or Varga ..... not an injured guy who has not had a meaningful snap in almost 3 years? Poor guy is gonna commit suicide.

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I don't think you spin ... I know you spin. Even my elementary level of education is enough to see that.

Good god.

I said Boom is a better home run threat than Gore (which really goes without saying) and you turn in into "I think home run threat is the most important trait for a back". You are the spinner, dumb *.

And to think, I was trying to have a legitimate conversation with you. That was stupid.

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Don't be fooled for a minute. Every single position is replaceable. It's just a question of how good you want to be. Some GM's don't give a crap and any able body will fit the roll. Ultimately, if you have good starters and they do not have any injury issues, you could argue that you hardly need any back-ups?



Holy Çow!     Where does this nonsense come from?


There's a word for GM's who think the way you say they think.....


You know what that word is?      








There isn't a speck of truth in that post.    Not one.

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By the way,   if you're not watching the 20:00 video of the press conference,  you're missing good stuff.


Including both men addressing this supposed rift between them.    That starts around the 17:00 mark.


But the whole video is good stuff.      If you have some free time,  click on the video....




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To me it all comes down to chemistry - same as the O-Line.  You have to build trust of the guys you're in the trenches with.

This is a young D-line so it will take time to gel.  I don't expect much for the first few games, but even if i do see a vast improvement

over last year I'll hold moderate excitement.until the real fun begins in weeks 6 & 7.

Hoping for the best!

Very true it will take time for the chemistry to establish itself. It is nice to know that two of our potential starters have played with each other before at Stanford. Even they mentioned the chemistry they have is nice and it makes it easier to work off one another. Having Parry and Anderson working together will help the gelling process along plus with a veteran in Langford that should gel rather quickly given his experience. Our players are now younger, faster, and smaller than some of the previous players we have had so it is time to see if that pays off as well.

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I agree also. in the last pre-season game, Rick Venturi observed that both Hughes and Chapman were playing in the fourth quarter. He thought it meant that the Colts would start Anderson and Parry against Buffalo. In retrospect, it also was a last chance to save their jobs. My puzzlement is why our fans are not more enthusiastic about this. We found two DL better than Hughes and Chapman! I can't wait to see them next Sunday. Afer that game, Henry Anderson mentioned in an interview that he and Parry did not come here to sit on the bench and watch.

You get it!!!!!Thats what I'm saying. People should be ecstatic that the staff made such a bold but necessary decision. Especially to come out and say that they were outplayed. That's a great attitude to have. Gets me pumped for the season knowing they really put a lot of thought into this roster.

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Ryan Grigson, Chuck Pagano deny there's a rift between them http://t.co/OH1ofQq5i4

I mean, they're both human. They're gonna have their disagreements like the rest of us. But I think this settles it, no real "I hate your guts" kinda friction


That doesn't settle anything. Of course they would deny it.

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You get it!!!!!Thats what I'm saying. People should be ecstatic that the staff made such a bold but necessary decision. Especially to come out and say that they were outplayed. That's a great attitude to have. Gets me pumped for the season knowing they really put a lot of thought into this roster.


It just goes to show me someone gave in, either Pagano or Manusky on the defensive philosophy. They are fine with 1-gapping in the interior to get into the face of the QB and 2-gapping on the edges.


Like you, I do like this new look and attitude. Just like Polian did with Terrance Taylor, Grigson was willing to cut ties with Chapman that he hedged some bets on (like so many other things) and move on knowing this is a big question mark year to tell what this team is made of. The first 2 years, they got lots of benefit of doubts due to the rebuilding process but now, knowing that more is expected, I can sense a bit of pressure and their thinking ratcheted up a bit more to abandon some failing philosophies if necessary  :).

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By the way,   if you're not watching the 20:00 video of the press conference,  you're missing good stuff.


Including both men addressing this supposed rift between them.    That starts around the 17:00 mark.


But the whole video is good stuff.      If you have some free time,  click on the video....





Yeah, I read the recaps and tweets, but you don't really get the sense until you watch it. 


Definitely they've had some disagreements, probably major ones. And yet, they're on the same page, I think. I don't think any beefs they've had are the reasons for Pagano's contractual status. And I think contention and debates are healthy in a super competitive environment. I'm glad they addressed it the way they did.

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Holy Çow!     Where does this nonsense come from?


There's a word for GM's who think the way you say they think.....


You know what that word is?      








There isn't a speck of truth in that post.    Not one.


Go ask the guys that got cut what they think. Only job security is a big fat $$$ guarantee otherwise BOOM BABY!

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By the way,   if you're not watching the 20:00 video of the press conference,  you're missing good stuff.


Including both men addressing this supposed rift between them.    That starts around the 17:00 mark.


But the whole video is good stuff.      If you have some free time,  click on the video....




Truth resonates in sound, eye movement, and body language. Looked and sounded pretty darn convincing to me. I really get the impression that these two guys actually check their egos at the door, and consciously do what's best for "The Shoe" at the end of the day, just as they elaborated to in the video conference.

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That's teally telling of chapman & Hughes getting cut over the young guys. Either that or our coaching staff would have to be the biggest bunch of *s around. I don't think that's the case so they must really be showing some stuff in practice and in preseason. I'm only worried about throwing them in the fire as rookies. Hope they're up for the challenge.

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So that puts an end to the idea that Chapman and Hughes got cut because they didn't fit the scheme. They got outplayed and that's straight from the coaches mouth. I


Ugh.  Pagano was absolutely correct.  Chapman and Hughes got outplayed....in the style of defense they were running.  If you would have paid attention then you would have seen that Parry was seldom attempting to take on a double team.  He was mostly using a swim move in an attempt to get into the backfield.  It is not difficult to deduce from that he was playing 1 tech NT.  Chapman is not athletic enough to play 1 gap NT.  No one is disputing that.  Parry is not strong enough to play 0 tech NT...he got completely washed out any time the other team double teamed him.  That makes it very clear that the Colts were playing more 1 gap principles than the hybrid 1 gap/2 gap they played last year.  


They aren't going to come out in a press conference and voluntarily announce that they're changing up their defensive scheme.  And if they're asked, they're simply going to answer with the stock answer of "we'll run a variety of schemes based on opponent and situation".  


Bellichick has tweaked, or outright changed his defensive scheme from year to year based on the personnel he was able to acquire.  I also don't ever recall hearing him announce this to the press or public in anyway.  He simply makes the tweaks and the playcalling and play on the field then speaks for itself.  That is exactly what we're seeing here with the Colts.  No, they have not come out and announced they've changed up the defensive scheme.  That doesn't change the fact that what we see on the field is a team that's 1 gapping the defense far more than they have in the past...especially at the NT position.

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It's all Kravitz talking out of his you know what.


No it's not, it's not just Kravitz that has reported it, it's been several people now.  As for the denial, i'm shocked.  I totally expected both to say they can't stand each other and have major problems working together.

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