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Who were you impressed/disappointed with?


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Who were you impressed and or disappointed with?


I thought most of the rookies looked good, Robinson, Geathers, Herrera, Dorsett etc.  Also, Okine, Quarles and Brown.


I was disappointed with MH and Bennett, Matt was off target today and Bennett turned the ball over too much.

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The good: Herrara, Geathers, Robinson, Quarles, Andre Johnson, Lowery, Kerr, Okine


The okay: Dorsett (gets dinged for running 1 very sloppy route against a LB), Adongo, Freeman, J. Brown


The bad: Tipton, DJ Smith, Q. Bray, Hasselbeck


The ugly: Bennett

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Robinson was great.


Smith was injured.


Anderson showed flashes.


Dorsett looked pretty good.


Gaethers was mediocre to me, he was good but below average in coverage.


Herrera was pretty good.

Good impressed me aswell.


Parry looked pretty good too.


As for non-rookies, Okine, Quarles and Brown all really impressed me. Louis was meh, but I'll take it, Herremans was meh but I'd except more. Tipton was brutal, and John looked like he should never take another snap.

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The good: Herrara, Geathers, Robinson, Quarles, Andre Johnson, Lowery, Kerr, Okine


The okay: Dorsett (gets dinged for running 1 very sloppy route against a LB), Adongo, Freeman, J. Brown


The bad: Tipton, DJ Smith, Q. Bray, Hasselbeck


The ugly: Bennett


They just kept running Tipton into a defense that knew they were running it over and over ... That definitely wasn't all Tipton's fault.


Dj Smith is a rookie CB and playing like one


Quan Bray didn't really get a lot of chances and the ones he did weren't good passes ... I think he falls into undecided/not enough info


Bennett definitely had some bad plays, but he also had some good ones ... I don't think he looked bad for an undrafted rookie.

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Hasselbeck, but he is going to be 40 on September 25. He was a 6th round draft pick in the year we took Peyton at #1!  Matt's days are numbered.  Chance Casey got an early look, and the times I saw him  he was way outclassed.  ZTip looked below average. Many 2nd stringers (O and D) looked to be behind schedule.  Carter didn't show well, Bennett isn't NFL quality.  He needs to go through progressions / look off safety's.  Major project. I suspect a better QB is still out there. I give this all a pass, next game will gauge backups better.  3rd game I'll gauge the starters.  4th game we see who the obvious cuts will be.

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the run blocking was a little shady,they were good at point of attack for crashing the middle rb will just have to be able to bounce it ouside more which gore is capable of which robinson also showed some good cuts,the pass protection though was incredible,give Andrew that much time and things will happen


dissapointed in 2nd/third string secondary aside from geathers we kinda showed that if vontae goes down on that right side we could be in for a long game,but only preseason game 1,bjorn showed some good awareness on the tip

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Disappointed with Greg Toler. He's a veteran starting corner, yet he gave a rookie WR 10 yards of cushion and got embarrassed. It was irritating to watch Toler give up a TD that easily on a simple quick out-route. WTH?

Impressed with Josh Robinson. Granted, he ran against 2nd and 3rd string defenders, but he was quick and elusive. He made 3 would-be tacklers miss on his TD run. Reminds me of...MJD.

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They just kept running Tipton into a defense that knew they were running it over and over ... That definitely wasn't all Tipton's fault.


I agree, but they did the same with Robinson and he showed better vision, quickness, and "make-ya-miss."

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First preseason game and I really will not say much until the second game. Considering some of the players we saw were playing in their first game as a pro, The one that stuck out the most and looked ready to play in this paticular game had to be robinson, we will see next week when he gets some action against a first string defense,

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Impressed by Junior Sylvestre, Kelcy Quarles, David Parry, Clayton Geathers,Sheldon Price, Josh Robinson, Amarlo Herrara, Denzelle Good, Colt Anderson and Bryan Bennett (Overall)



Dissapointed By: Chance Casey, Deveron Carr, David Arkin, Duron Carter, Quan Bray, Zurlon Tipton, Greg Toler, Matt Hasselbeck.

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I didn't want to be overly critical, but yeah.


You weren't.  I watched the game on the NFL Network but listened to the Colts audio on Sirius.


Lamey was extremely critical and both guys said the Colts will be doing a lot of practicing tackling this week.

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You weren't.  I watched the game on the NFL Network but listened to the Colts audio on Sirius.


Lamey was extremely critical and both guys said the Colts will be doing a lot of practicing tackling this week.


They need the practice.

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Hasselbeck hasn't really ever once looked that good as a back up in Indy- thankfully he's not the guy. 3rd stringer guy looked like he might have some promise. 


I want to call out the special teams tackling. That was a bad sign for the depth of this team. 


Other than that, whatever. Week one of preseason. woo.

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Disappointed with Greg Toler. He's a veteran starting corner, yet he gave a rookie WR 10 yards of cushion and got embarrassed. It was irritating to watch Toler give up a TD that easily on a simple quick out-route. WTH?

Impressed with Josh Robinson. Granted, he ran against 2nd and 3rd string defenders, but he was quick and elusive. He made 3 would-be tacklers miss on his TD run. Reminds me of...MJD.



The dissapointing thing is we will see Toler do something similar to that during the regular season as well.  I like him, but he has those type of tackling whiffs that make you scratch your head sometimes.  No way he shouldn't have blown that play up.

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Impressed by Junior Sylvestre, Kelcy Quarles, David Parry, Clayton Geathers,Sheldon Price, Josh Robinson, Amarlo Herrara, Denzelle Good, Colt Anderson and Bryan Bennett (Overall)



Dissapointed By: Chance Casey, Deveron Carr, David Arkin, Duron Carter, Quan Bray, Zurlon Tipton, Greg Toler, Matt Hasselbeck.



I thought Hodges had a couple nice pressures out there.  He had that right tackle jacked up on a good bull rush on one of the plays I saw.  The commentator was talking about it as well.  I think they are supposed to replay the game tommorow around 2pm CST.

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Just watched the game on my DVR. 




Andrew Luck, Andre Johnson, Phillip Dorsett (sans fumble), Castonzo, Mewhort, Josh Robinson, Denzelle Good, Henry Anderson, Zach Hodges, Junior Sylvestre, and David Parry.



Matthew Hasselbeck, Bryan Bennett, Zurlon Tipton (decent receiving back though), Winston Guy, Clayton Geathers, Chance Casey, Deverron Carr, D'Joun Smith, Todd Herremans, Kitt O'Brien.

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I was honestly more excited the 2nd half. Even though it was back ups on back ups the D Line caused a lot of trouble, if only the backup secondary could've done the same. As for offense I enjoyed when Bennett was in, I mean after that TD drive at least he kept the game interesting.  haha  It was pretty boring whenever Hasselbeck played. 3 n out 3 n out. At least Bennett made some highlight plays!! ..even if they were for the Eagles. 

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Disappointed with how this team approaches pre season games! I'm not worried about wins and losses,but I would like to see a competitive team just for once! Tackling today was atrocious, why can't we be talking about how well we looked in pre season?

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