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Which New Team Will Make The Playoffs This Year?


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Every year we see usually 3 or 4 teams that didn't make it the year before that gain a playoff birth. I know it is very very early to say but based off of FA gains and losses and the draft who do you think is going to be the new faces this year. Please give us a few reasons why you think so.


For Example:




San Diego: With the addition of Gordon to the running game and what I would hope to be some players coming back healthy this year I think San Diego is poised to get back to the playoffs again this year. Every year Phillip has them right there and I think they just had too many injuries to overcome last year. Plus I think that secondary is looking to improve. 10-6 just getting in on tie breakers.


Miami: I think with the defense being strong again this year and some changes made at WR to help Tannehill I think this is the year they get over the hump. I think they will be one of many teams at 10-6 and win the wild card birth.


Missing: I think both Cincy and Baltimore fall out of the playoffs this year. Both end up 10-6 but lose out on tie breakers to make it in. Both teams I feel like just take a step back. I also think that after this year that Dalton really hits the hot seat.




NY GIANTS: I think the offense is ready to take that next step and Eli really shines this year. The defense stays just healthy enough to get them in with the last seed at 10-6 edging out Minnesota, Philly, and Detroit on tie breakers.


Atlanta: I think Matty Ice finally gets some protection and that offense makes some noise this year. They still have issues but are just good enough to get in at 9-7 to hold off Carolina and New Orleans this year.


So what does everyone else think. It's preliminary for sure but who do you think makes that leap back into the playoffs?



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I agree with you on the Dolphins. That defensive line will mask issues in their secondary. As for the NFC, I'm going with the Vikings. I think they're more of a threat to GB than Detroit. Solid defense complemented with a great running game equals success.

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Texans of course. Chargers are another big candidate. I can see the Vikings and maybe even the Rams surprising people too.

if the Texans could get some consistent qb play then I could see them at 10-6 in that last spot hunt but I'm just going to have to be convinced that will happen. Chargers for sure I see being there if they stay away from that injury bug. I feel like kc and Cincy would be teams right there but I get the feeling that Alex and Andy both have maxed out their talent and asking for more will just get the opposite result. I could see Minnesota making it but the season would have to go very well for them. Their WR core is going to have to step up and make things easier for teddy. Stl just doesn't have the offense...asking Nick to carry an offense lacking the talent he had in philly....just don't see him carrying him past Arizona much less into the playoffs. Speaking of Arizona I don't think that defense will be able to have a repeat performance....leaving me to go with a rejuvenated Eli to bring the Giants back to the playoffs....and we all know when Eli makes the playoffs he is a monster.
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if the Texans could get some consistent qb play then I could see them at 10-6 in that last spot hunt but I'm just going to have to be convinced that will happen. Chargers for sure I see being there if they stay away from that injury bug. I feel like kc and Cincy would be teams right there but I get the feeling that Alex and Andy both have maxed out their talent and asking for more will just get the opposite result. I could see Minnesota making it but the season would have to go very well for them. Their WR core is going to have to step up and make things easier for teddy. Stl just doesn't have the offense...asking Nick to carry an offense lacking the talent he had in philly....just don't see him carrying him past Arizona much less into the playoffs. Speaking of Arizona I don't think that defense will be able to have a repeat performance....leaving me to go with a rejuvenated Eli to bring the Giants back to the playoffs....and we all know when Eli makes the playoffs he is a monster.

Yeah, of course a lot remains to be seen. A lot of ifs...if the Chargers stay injury-free, if the Texans get good QB play, if Andy and Smith can elevate their guys. I think the Rams can push Arizona in the NFC West. Foles just got an extension if I'm not mistaken so brass must like what they see. Arizona will still be good I think, but I just don't see them making the postseason. I know Eli has Beckham now and Cruz will be returning but I'm not convinced the Giants defense will do well. Should be an intriguing 2015 no doubt.

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People pick the Chargers and Giants every year but I have given up on them. San Diego will look impressive a few weeks and then look god awful when you expect a rise.


The Giants haven't been relevant since they lucked into that last SB. 



I'm going with Buffalo as the surprise playoff team this year now that they have a coach. 


The Saints could make the playoffs again too if they start out strong and don't screw up close games. 

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People pick the Chargers and Giants every year but I have given up on them. San Diego will look impressive a few weeks and then look god awful when you expect a rise.


The Giants haven't been relevant since they lucked into that last SB. 




Never discount the Giants. We have to keep them relevant so they don't win another SB. The moment we dismiss them, they win a play-in game in Week 17 and go on a run.

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All eight 2014 division champions will repeat.

Without exception...




I can't see the Cowboys repeating, that defense is not as good as it played last year they will drop off without a real work horse RB to help them grind out games.

The Broncos dominance hinges entirely on Manning. Even if he is healthy now, can he last the full season at his age? I could see that division going to San Diego.

Every year they are tipped to win their division and make the jump, but they always fall well short. But I wouldn't be surprised if the Falcons actually played better this year and went at least 8-8 or 9 - 7 to win the NFC South.

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People pick the Chargers and Giants every year but I have given up on them. San Diego will look impressive a few weeks and then look god awful when you expect a rise.


The Giants haven't been relevant since they lucked into that last SB. 



I'm going with Buffalo as the surprise playoff team this year now that they have a coach. 


The Saints could make the playoffs again too if they start out strong and don't screw up close games. 

I agree about the Giants. Their GM has not done a great job the last few years and now with JPP hurt from the fireworks and still not under contract I don't see them as a playoff team. Plus Dallas is better and will win the division. They can probably finish second though as I think Philly will struggle.


Bills have the worst QB situation in the league. They are not better than the Pats or Fins and even the Jets could push them although I see the Bills probably finishing third.


How do you feel about the Saints D? How much of an impact will losing Graham have on the O?

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Why the love for Houston? They had a last place schedule last year. Foster hurt, Clowney hurt, added Wilfork but lost AJ. Qb's terrible. There offense won't score enuff. Cincy is stacked don't see why they won't get 10 wins. Denver could slip with 3 rookies on oline, making room for SD. Miami will still be 8-8 9-7 cuz of the improvement in Buf and NY.

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Why the love for Houston? They had a last place schedule last year. Foster hurt, Clowney hurt, added Wilfork but lost AJ. Qb's terrible. There offense won't score enuff. Cincy is stacked don't see why they won't get 10 wins. Denver could slip with 3 rookies on oline, making room for SD. Miami will still be 8-8 9-7 cuz of the improvement in Buf and NY.

Oh I agree Houston is on the outside looking in after the hits to their offense this offseason...until they prove to me they can be consistant at putting points up I just don't think that defense is elite on all levels to win them that many games. Cincy is stacked...I just get a feeling that Andy will press a little more this year to try to do more...and I think he is maxed out on his ability...I just get that feeling they take a step back and Miami on the other hand with a really really stout defense and the changes to the WR position will give them enough consistant threat to win the tie breaker to get in.

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the giants are gonna surprise everyone watch. they'll take the east


2007, 2011...I see a pattern. However, the Giants' D is not as good as those years and that will be their downfall even if they take the NFC East.


Cardinals will challenge the Seahawks more than last year. Heck, if Palmer does not go down, the Cards probably split with the Seahawks, IMO.

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Every year we see usually 3 or 4 teams that didn't make it the year before that gain a playoff birth. I know it is very very early to say but based off of FA gains and losses and the draft who do you think is going to be the new faces this year. Please give us a few reasons why you think so.

For Example:


San Diego: With the addition of Gordon to the running game and what I would hope to be some players coming back healthy this year I think San Diego is poised to get back to the playoffs again this year. Every year Phillip has them right there and I think they just had too many injuries to overcome last year. Plus I think that secondary is looking to improve. 10-6 just getting in on tie breakers.

Miami: I think with the defense being strong again this year and some changes made at WR to help Tannehill I think this is the year they get over the hump. I think they will be one of many teams at 10-6 and win the wild card birth.

Missing: I think both Cincy and Baltimore fall out of the playoffs this year. Both end up 10-6 but lose out on tie breakers to make it in. Both teams I feel like just take a step back. I also think that after this year that Dalton really hits the hot seat.

Good choices. I was going to say Miami too, as their defense should be in the top 3 in the league. However, I find that every year the champions of free agency rarely do well the following season. Teams with continuity seem to win most times. In addition, the Dolphins seem to be thin along their offensive line. Will Tannehill have enough time to throw to those new receivers?

I like San Diego. I am a fan of Philip Rivers and would like to see him win a SB. Gordon will help ease the pressure on him. Losing Gates for the first 4 games does not help but hopefully they can overcome his loss. How's SD's defense look?

My controversial sleeper pick...the Jets. I think their defense has them contending for a playoff spot. Geno has a strong arm and is a confident guy but needs to play smarter. He needs to manage the game and take care of the ball. I hope he will do that. He has too much talent to waste it like he is.

As for the NFC, well, you probably know who I am picking. :)

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The Dolphins always find a way to mess it up. So do the Vikings unless they have 1 player who has 1 historic season. I know they have AP but I don't see him having an AP 2012, Favre 2009 or Moss 98 season now. The NFC North 2nd place in on a cycle anyway and it's the Bear's turn (look it up if you don't believe me).

I do think the Giants aren't done. The East winner never repeats either and the Eagles and Redskins look bad. The Giants could still make the playoffs if they place 2nd because the West has took some hits and we've been over the South.

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Good choices. I was going to say Miami too, as their defense should be in the top 3 in the league. However, I find that every year the champions of free agency rarely do well the following season. Teams with continuity seem to win most times. In addition, the Dolphins seem to be thin along their offensive line. Will Tannehill have enough time to throw to those new receivers?

I like San Diego. I am a fan of Philip Rivers and would like to see him win a SB. Gordon will help ease the pressure on him. Losing Gates for the first 4 games does not help but hopefully they can overcome his loss. How's SD's defense look?

My controversial sleeper pick...the Jets. I think their defense has them contending for a playoff spot. Geno has a strong arm and is a confident guy but needs to play smarter. He needs to manage the game and take care of the ball. I hope he will do that. He has too much talent to waste it like he is.

As for the NFC, well, you probably know who I am picking. :)

I totally forgot about the Gates thing....that puts SD in a very much iffy spot for me. If they start out slow I could see KC or Baltimore edging them out for that last spot. I think with a healthy team they are dangerous. Their OL and LB/CBs were beat up pretty bad last year. Our resident SD fan should be able to fill us in on them more.


I worry about Miami's OL too but I feel they just need to be consistant to get the job done. It wasn't so much the Suh signing that put me high on them but getting rid of Wallace and adding some solid players in that passing game that made me feel better.


I worry about the Giants defense....but I think that offense is set to take off! Minnesota is that dark horse...I feel like they are lurking ready to make the leap but not sure they will get over the top. Teddy has to take less sacks if he is going to make it through the season.

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I totally forgot about the Gates thing....that puts SD in a very much iffy spot for me. If they start out slow I could see KC or Baltimore edging them out for that last spot. I think with a healthy team they are dangerous. Their OL and LB/CBs were beat up pretty bad last year. Our resident SD fan should be able to fill us in on them more.

I worry about Miami's OL too but I feel they just need to be consistant to get the job done. It wasn't so much the Suh signing that put me high on them but getting rid of Wallace and adding some solid players in that passing game that made me feel better.

I worry about the Giants defense....but I think that offense is set to take off! Minnesota is that dark horse...I feel like they are lurking ready to make the leap but not sure they will get over the top. Teddy has to take less sacks if he is going to make it through the season.

I was not pleased with the Wallace trade. I thought he was a malcontent. I also did not want to lose Greg Jennings -- he could always be counted upon when Teddy needed him. But Wallace has been great in camp. He is literally the last one off the field (according to the media at camp). He is proving to be a leader. I never thought I would say that.

Anyway, the Vikings defense should be much improved. The front seven has a lot of depth. The secondary needs some work but I trust Zimmer to fix that... I am concerned most about the O-line in pass protection. I agree that Teddy cannot take as many sacks. Peterson's return will help reduce the sacks.

I would like to see the Giants make the playoffs because I would like the current regime to stay. If they don't make the playoffs, the Giants will clean house.

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People pick the Chargers and Giants every year but I have given up on them. San Diego will look impressive a few weeks and then look god awful when you expect a rise.

The Giants haven't been relevant since they lucked into that last SB.

I'm going with Buffalo as the surprise playoff team this year now that they have a coach.

The Saints could make the playoffs again too if they start out strong and don't screw up close games.

How does one "luck" into a Super Bowl....let alone a Super Bowl victory?

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I was not pleased with the Wallace trade. I thought he was a malcontent. I also did not want to lose Greg Jennings -- he could always be counted upon when Teddy needed him. But Wallace has been great in camp. He is literally the last one off the field (according to the media at camp). He is proving to be a leader. I never thought I would say that.

Anyway, the Vikings defense should be much improved. The front seven has a lot of depth. The secondary needs some work but I trust Zimmer to fix that... I am concerned most about the O-line in pass protection. I agree that Teddy cannot take as many sacks. Peterson's return will help reduce the sacks.

I would like to see the Giants make the playoffs because I would like the current regime to stay. If they don't make the playoffs, the Giants will clean house.

I think Coughlin is likely gone regardless if the GM goes too. He is a great coach but everyone has their time. Eventually age and the same message over and over gets old. I would like to see them keep the same OC though but I know that all changes when you lose a coach so we will see. I could even see the Giants using a new coach as a bargaining piece for retaining Eli and getting him re-signed.


I think the Vikings are right there...there will be some teams like them Lions, Cardinals, Philly and Giants all vying for those last two spots and if they get better OL play and their youngsters on defense step up....Minny could get back in. Wallace has more upside then Jennings...more talent at this stage in his career...its up to him to maximize it.

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