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Roger Goodell will hear Tom Brady's appeal.


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NFLPA: Brady punishment 'unsupported'

In the appeal, obtained by ABC News, the NFLPA writes that Tom Brady's treatment is "unfair and inconsistent," violating requirements set forth in the NFL's collective-bargaining agreement. The NFLPA asserts "no player in the history of the NFL has ever received anything approaching this level of discipline for similar behavior." http://espn.go.com/nfl/

And my mom says I'm the smartest man in the world and I should be the President.

Your point?

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NFLPA: Brady punishment 'unsupported'

In the appeal, obtained by ABC News, the NFLPA writes that Tom Brady's treatment is "unfair and inconsistent," violating requirements set forth in the NFL's collective-bargaining agreement. The NFLPA asserts "no player in the history of the NFL has ever received anything approaching this level of discipline for similar behavior." http://espn.go.com/nfl/

They said the ray rice punishment was unfounded as well. I guess you agree a with that as well

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NFLPA: Brady punishment 'unsupported'


In the appeal, obtained by ABC News, the NFLPA writes that Tom Brady's treatment is "unfair and inconsistent," violating requirements set forth in the NFL's collective-bargaining agreement. The NFLPA asserts "no player in the history of the NFL has ever received anything approaching this level of discipline for similar behavior."   http://espn.go.com/nfl/



We can all find bias information as well..... lol

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I am not arguing any of that. My point is Brady was not going to hand over any information from his phone to Wells given he was there to prove guilt. My point here is Brady clearly believes there is nothing incriminating on his phone and is comfortable with an independent authority look at it vs an investigator hired by the league. You don't hire Keesler if you are not prepared to go to court and hand over your phone.

If that were true, then the suspension is justified as he didn't fully cooperate.  That was in large part, the basis for the suspension as pointed out in the letter from Troy Vincent.  You don't really get the suspension overturned by saying "I know I was suspended for not fully cooperating, but I just wanted to wait until I could get it to a neutral judge before I did."  

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If that were true, then the suspension is justified as he didn't fully cooperate.  That was in large part, the basis for the suspension as pointed out in the letter from Troy Vincent.  You don't really get the suspension overturned by saying "I know I was suspended for not fully cooperating, but I just wanted to wait until I could get it to a neutral judge before I did."  

Except that Brady was under no obligation to do so given he is a member of the union and Wells had the phones of the ball boys which contained all of Brady's messages to them. And Brady did answer all of Well's questions as Well's attested to. Again, there are degrees of being uncooperative. And there is no way not handing over your private phone is worth 4 games and Vincent's letter to Brady made it clear they were punishing him for the integrity of the game that they believed he violated.

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Except that Brady was under no obligation to do so given he is a member of the union and Wells had the phones of the ball boys which contained all of Brady's messages to them. And Brady did answer all of Well's questions as Well's attested to. Again, there are degrees of being uncooperative. And there is no way not handing over your private phone is worth 4 games and Vincent's letter to Brady made it clear they were punishing him for the integrity of the game that they believed he violated.



Wrong again. He was never asked to hand over his private phone. Wells was going to take the word of Yee. Sounds to me the most likely reason to deny this is Yee didn't want to lie  ?

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I guess we should just all concede....


1.   the texts were all about a new diet plan  known as deflating.


2.   the text referencing a watermelon was referring to bringing fruit on Fruit Friday.


3.   the texts referring to Tom could have been about any Tom.


I'm sure I'm leaving some other pertinent info out...  but you get it. 

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the PR disaster is the existence of the new deflater diet. gimme a break


I'm kinda hoping someone's monitoring McNally's bank accounts since his un-paid suspension.


This would be the first time they fully cooperated during the entire process. How long now before McNally actually takes his story to the highest bidder?


Could be the Patriots.

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I guess we should just all concede....


1.   the texts were all about a new diet plan  known as deflating.


2.   the text referencing a watermelon was referring to bringing fruit on Fruit Friday.


3.   the texts referring to Tom could have been about any Tom.


I'm sure I'm leaving some other pertinent info out...  but you get it. 




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Yes, this has been another disaster for Goodell. And appointing himself leaves himself in a no win situation in the court of public opinion as if he reduces the suspension even one game it means he believes the report he commissioned is bunk. If he upholds it than it looks like he was trying to block Brady and then it goes to court anyways to an independent judge. At first, I thought it was a good idea for to appoint himself, but as I have thought about it, it was probably the worst decision he could have made. Assign someone independent and let them uphold the Wells report and come out looking good.


He lost PR before this.  At this point, he is doing what he needs to do.  Hear the appeal, be fair, but firm.  If nothing new, uphold Vincents penalties.  If new info comes about, act accordingly to the new circumstances.  But no matter what happens, Goodell will collect some flak for something.  Just watch.

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Except that Brady was under no obligation to do so given he is a member of the union and Wells had the phones of the ball boys which contained all of Brady's messages to them. And Brady did answer all of Well's questions as Well's attested to. Again, there are degrees of being uncooperative. And there is no way not handing over your private phone is worth 4 games and Vincent's letter to Brady made it clear they were punishing him for the integrity of the game that they believed he violated.

You keep saying "handing over hsi phone."  That's not what he was asked to do.  He was asked to provide texts, screened by his legal team.  One requires "more" cooperation, to borrow off your degrees of cooperation above.  By handing his phone over, he's opening up his entire personal life over for scrutiny.  In the other, he's providing a small subset, which consists of only teh responsive texts that he chooses to provide.  Anyway, it's clear that we just won't see eye to eye on this.  We might as well just leave it be so this doesn't turn into the type of conversations that went down earlier this week.

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Wrong again. He was never asked to hand over his private phone. Wells was going to take the word of Yee. Sounds to me the most likely reason to deny this is Yee didn't want to lie  ?

I had thought about that too.  Cant' subject his license to suspension/revocation.  But if he didn't want to lie, it makes it just a little bit more fishy if you ask me.  At the very least, it substantiates the non-cooperation a little more.

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I had thought about that too.  Cant' subject his license to suspension/revocation.  But if he didn't want to lie, it makes it just a little bit more fishy if you ask me.  At the very least, it substantiates the non-cooperation a little more.



If Wee omitted things and Brady or McNally came clean ..... he would look pretty bad.

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This would be the first time they fully cooperated during the entire process. How long now before McNally actually takes his story to the highest bidder?

What the Pats fan reported is not true. (You will note that she did not provide a link as she normally does.) This morning, Michelle Steele of ESPN was interviewed on the radio. She specifically said that the NFL did not request that those guys be suspended. She said it was the decision of the Pats organization. She believes it was a preemptive measure to get a light punishment (similar to colleges punishing themselves for NCAA violations).

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Would that have been equivalent to missing the Super Bowl?

Because that's what his punishment should have been.


If the investigation could have been expedited and completed prior to the SB, then he should have been suspended for the SB. I agree 100%. But, you know the NFL wouldn't do that for fear of the financial repercussions.

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One thing that will never go away is the fact of public opinion concerning the New England Patriots & Tom Brady. This whole thing concerning DeFlateGate, SpyGate, and the numerous shady tactics of this organization concerning Belichick's advantageous envelop pushing of rules culminate said percentages of negativity.

The damage has already been done in the eyes of this fan and many others across the NFL spectrum. No matter of appeals, court cases, and/or outcomes that involve all participants of this debacle that _FACT_ does not change or disappear. It's absolutely a shame that an NFL organization decides to accept whatever punishment handed down then changes it's venue because of unfavorable results.

We can debate this all day, everyday, with Patriot fans and supporters. They'll never have a leg to stand on by trying to wipe this whole slate clean as if nothing ever happened.

Truly sad. Very sad, indeed.

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Everybody knows heavy handed Roger isn't going to overturn anything.  I'd be real surprised.

Pats have already basically put it out there that they will be going to court by saying they want

a neutral arbitrator.  You ain't going to get that with Goodell hearing the case.

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According to McNally, whom the NFL interviewed for its report on four occasions, he was headed out to the field with the footballs alone, which is against protocol, when he decided to use a bathroom at the end of the tunnel (a bathroom that he told officials he had used many times before). McNally told officials that he dropped the bag of balls to his left and then used a urinal to his right. That is when the officials told McNally there are no urinals in that bathroom.



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According to McNally, whom the NFL interviewed for its report on four occasions, he was headed out to the field with the footballs alone, which is against protocol, when he decided to use a bathroom at the end of the tunnel (a bathroom that he told officials he had used many times before). McNally told officials that he dropped the bag of balls to his left and then used a urinal to his right. That is when the officials told McNally there are no urinals in that bathroom.




What a big dummy. Pats fans.... It's a cover up.

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What the Pats fan reported is not true. (You will note that she did not provide a link as she normally does.) This morning, Michelle Steele of ESPN was interviewed on the radio. She specifically said that the NFL did not request that those guys be suspended. She said it was the decision of the Pats organization. She believes it was a preemptive measure to get a light punishment (similar to colleges punishing themselves for NCAA violations).


I heard on ESPN that the reason given was for stealing shoes!  LMBO...

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NFLPA has issued statement asking NFL to remove Goodell as arbitrator. They have a laundry list of stuff in this appeal including why Vincent was allowed to hand out the punishment when the CBA clearly states that Roger has to in matters related to integrity of the game. They will also make both Roger and Vincent testify, http://espn.go.com/boston/nfl/story/_/id/12891908/nflpa-asks-roger-goodell-step-aside-arbitrator-new-england-patriots-quarterback-tom-brady-appeal

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NFLPA has issued statement asking NFL to remove Goodell as arbitrator. They have a laundry list of stuff in this appeal including why Vincent was allowed to hand out the punishment when the CBA clearly states that Roger has to in matters related to integrity of the game. They will also make both Roger and Vincent testify, http://espn.go.com/boston/nfl/story/_/id/12891908/nflpa-asks-roger-goodell-step-aside-arbitrator-new-england-patriots-quarterback-tom-brady-appeal

good luck with that

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The suspension will be reduced to 2 games...


i dont think that's a given.  4 games is more than fair, and he should feel lucky that he got to play in the super bowl.


if anything they might restore the fourth round pick, everything else fit the crime

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What the Pats fan reported is not true. (You will note that she did not provide a link as she normally does.) This morning, Michelle Steele of ESPN was interviewed on the radio. She specifically said that the NFL did not request that those guys be suspended. She said it was the decision of the Pats organization. She believes it was a preemptive measure to get a light punishment (similar to colleges punishing themselves for NCAA violations).


That makes more sense, yet the Pat's still haven't said officially.  Both sides are entrenched and seemed emotinally invested.  Maybe cooler heads can prevail at the appeal, a compromise reached.  This is now an international story in which no party looks good anymore.  {Sigh}  :thmdown:

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Nobel Prize Winner MacKinnon lied about his ties to Kraft. 


Professor MacKinnon has no direct business or personal relationship with the Patriots. 




But Kraft Group invested in MacKinnon's company Flex Pharma: 



It says so right on Flex Pharma's website: 






It's like lying is a rampant disease with the pats* oraganization and now it's spreading to people they work with.....er *cough* "have no business relationship with." 


These guys are unreal. This is all on Google. Are pats* fans really that dumb to think that all this information isn't actual factual? 

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According to McNally, whom the NFL interviewed for its report on four occasions, he was headed out to the field with the footballs alone, which is against protocol, when he decided to use a bathroom at the end of the tunnel (a bathroom that he told officials he had used many times before). McNally told officials that he dropped the bag of balls to his left and then used a urinal to his right. That is when the officials told McNally there are no urinals in that bathroom.


Not a cover up at all! There just happens to be like a ton of coincidences that all just happen to come together...
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