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Brady suspended four games, Pats fined and docked two draft picks (Mega Merge)


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What I dont agree with the ruling is that there was acknowledged the fact that this went on for a while. Troy Vincent said so....but they wont go and look as to how far back this goes.....thats why I think the suspension should have been indefinite until it was determined how far back it went. Maybe the league doesnt want to know.

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What I dont agree with the ruling is that there was acknowledged the fact that this went on for a while. Troy Vincent said so....but they wont go and look as to how far back this goes.....thats why I think the suspension should have been indefinite until it was determined how far back it went. Maybe the league doesnt want to know.

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Patriots employees John Jastremski and James McNally have been indefinitely suspended without pay by the club, effective on May 6th.


May 11, 2015


I don't get this. Why did the Pats suspend the two stooges if the Wells report was wrong?

Talk about egg all over their faces! Goodness gracious. I'll have that "deflated omelette" to go, please!

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What I dont agree with the ruling is that there was acknowledged the fact that this went on for a while. Troy Vincent said so....but they wont go and look as to how far back this goes.....thats why I think the suspension should have been indefinite until it was determined how far back it went. Maybe the league doesnt want to know.

just like they destroyed the spygate videos

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What I dont agree with the ruling is that there was acknowledged the fact that this went on for a while. Troy Vincent said so....but they wont go and look as to how far back this goes.....thats why I think the suspension should have been indefinite until it was determined how far back it went. Maybe the league doesnt want to know.

You think if the Boston blowhards fight this they dig deeper and see how long this has been going on?

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lol. Fully cooperating means granting a 5th interview and Brady not turning over his private phone? Good luck with that. Kraft has lawyers and money up the ying yang. This is going to be very messy but highly entertaining ... enjoy the ride. This is faar from over.

The only thing you forgot to say was, "I'll get you next time, Gadget."

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I do not feel justified. A four game suspension is not enough.


I want the NFL to do an extensive investigation on more than just the night of January 18, 2015. Evidence suggest that it is highly likely the patriots cheated by taking the air out of the ball for years.


One year ago (last NFL off-season) Jim McNally referred to himself "The Deflator". That insinuates this has been going on at least throughout the 2013 and 2014 seasons.


How long has this been going on? Less air in the ball makes it less likely for players to fumble. Many patriots players enjoyed years of success due to fumbling less than any other team in the league. Those same players fumble at a much higher rate once they left the patriots and played for another team. 


If this punishment is just for the one night, January 18, 2014, then I am okay with it. However, the NFL needs to look deeper and then take the necessary discipline actions to punish the cheaters. 

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What bugs me is the "Oohh, we should be scared to death cause Brady is really mad and he's gonna torch us for_____ points."  We, and every other team, are the ones who should be mad.  We are the victims not them.  I hope Robert Mathis drills his sorry rear into the ground.

Exactly, and mega-ditto! Brady should be the one scared to death when he goes up against our Colts! No real playing time until then.

(I really hope the NFL and NFLPA can finally agree on just one thing for once : 4 game suspension! A guy can dream, right?) I know, don't hold my breath.

:) btw ... what the heck has Yee been smoking? Stupid cigarettes?

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Yes. It appears so. And he should. Too much at stake to let them mar his team like this and not fight it tooth and nail. Any owner in his situation would do the same with a report that was inconclusive and ultimately about ball tampering. Just let that sit in.


Inconclusive?!?     Only to a fan.

And you've yet to answer my repeated question.....   who is Kraft going to appeal to?!?    And why would they give him the time of day?    The Pats were found to have NOT cooperated!!




You commit a crime,  you hinder the investigation,  and now you complain about the penalty?     That only works in the mind of a die-hard fan.

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Actually,  it's yes.....   Kraft has indeed put out a public statement late this afternoon hinting, but not stating,  that he's going to fight this.


Here's his statement.....



“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

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If Kraft keeps bashing the NFL and its Employees (Godell etc), take more action and make Kraft sell his NFL team!

Gotta be pissing off other owners and execs., the Colts or any other team are doing the right thing by bringing up concerns to league office about rules violations.

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Actually, it's yes..... Kraft has indeed put out a public statement late this afternoon hinting, but not stating, that he's going to fight this.

Here's his statement.....

“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

I saw that. It doesn't state that they'll appeal or fight the punishment. It's just a general complaint.
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Colts/Pats* should be a payback game alright but for the home team! We better go out there and run the score up on them!

How delicious would it be for the cheaters to come in here 0-4 and take an epic beatdown?

Would be awesome but I can also see them head hunting our guys too...

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Actually,  it's yes.....   Kraft has indeed put out a public statement late this afternoon hinting, but not stating,  that he's going to fight this.


Here's his statement.....



“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

"the Ideal Gas Law"? That's rich. Seems as though the entire organization is full of this from head to toe.[Gas] Maybe they should all take a couple of "Gas-EX" capsules each to subside the pain & bloating.

...btw... if it seems I'm a little out of character tonight ... you're right! ... its just me and the kikin' chikin'... I'm celebrating ... someone finally had the guts to dole out punishment that fits the violation right out of the box. I know I shouldn't be, but I could not resist. It's about darn time to start setting examples so this junk never happens again.

If anyone wants to join me, just raise your glasses (or whatever you have) and join me in a toast to "Getting it Right!" by way of "likes".

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Hmm now here's an interesting question...let's say the appeal stretches into say week 3 of the season, he can play while appealing right? But if it's upheld, then he'd have to start serving it...so there's a chance he might play early but have to sit later...interesting

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They are going to fight the report and its findings. This isn't just about Brady's appeal but the draft picks.



I don't see anything in Krafts statement saying anything but they think the penalty is excessive and he supports Brady. Of coarse they will appeal but where are you getting this idea that this will be the end of Goodall and the rest of this ?

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I saw that. It doesn't state that they'll appeal or fight the punishment. It's just a general complaint.



Lots of people that don't know how to read or are delusional. All Kraft is doing there is whining . At most he says that re retracts the previous statement that they would accept the penalty. Now you can assume that they will appeal the decision. Big deal .. that was a given after seeing the severity of the penalty. I'm amazed a certain poster keeps plastering that remark all over our board and thinking this means a major court fight with Goodall going up in flames. Lord lord lord

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I don't see anything in Krafts statement saying anything but they think the penalty is excessive and he supports Brady. Of coarse they will appeal but where are you getting this idea that this will be the end of Goodall and the rest of this ?

How is it excessive? They're lucky they didn't take away their SB championship.  


Brady would have been suspended for that game had he admitted to deflating the footballs.  

The Patriots got lucky and they know it.

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Tom Brady is a cheating liar.


Robert Kraft is whiny liar and a FLIP-FLOPPER!!!


Yes, I am bringing FLIP-FLOPPER back from the dead after a decade.


Robert Kraft - "We will accept the punishment.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN $1 million, 4-game suspension, and TWO DRAFT PICKS!?!?!?!?! UNACCEPTABLE!!!  I'm FLIP-FLOPPING"


HAHAHAHA, Buh duh ba ba ba, I'M LOVIN IT!!!

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I don't see anything in Krafts statement saying anything but they think the penalty is excessive and he supports Brady. Of coarse they will appeal but where are you getting this idea that this will be the end of Goodall and the rest of this ?

She's getting it out of her 5th point of contact...

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I can't wait for the hoodies first NFL mandatory press conference. I know he won't day much, but watching his facial expressions will be fantastic



How is it excessive? They're lucky they didn't take away their SB championship.  


Brady would have been suspended for that game had he admitted to deflating the footballs.  

The Patriots got lucky and they know it.




Don't ask me as that sick in the head * Kraft

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Tom Brady is a cheating liar.

Robert Kraft is whiny liar and a FLIP-FLOPPER!!!

Yes, I am bringing FLIP-FLOPPER back from the dead after a decade.

Robert Kraft - "We will accept the punishment. WHAT DO YOU MEAN $1 million, 4-game suspension, and TWO DRAFT PICKS!?!?!?!?! UNACCEPTABLE!!! I'm FLIP-FLOPPING"

HAHAHAHA, Buh duh ba ba ba, I'M LOVIN IT!!!

Is it bad if I laughed hard at the McDonalds reference?? lol

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Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league...



Kraft is such a liar. If there was no tampering with the footballs, then why are McNally and Jastremski suspended by the Patriots?!


If there was no wrongdoing, what's Kraft doing suspended those two guys? How can he call the NFL's discipline unreasonable when the NFL believes that there was wrongdoing, if he's punishing the two stooges for doing nothing wrong?


I'd love to hear his response to that question in the appeals hearing... "Uh, uh... IDEAL GAS LAW!!!" Liar...

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Kraft is such a liar. If there was no tampering with the footballs, then why are McNally and Jastremski suspended by the Patriots?!


If there was no wrongdoing, what's Kraft doing suspended those two guys? How can he call the NFL's discipline unreasonable when the NFL believes that there was wrongdoing, if he's punishing the two stooges for doing nothing wrong?


I'd love to hear his response to that question in the appeals hearing... "Uh, uh... IDEAL GAS LAW!!!" Liar...



I think it's the *s way of trying to explain the text messages between Tom's guys... no ? Other words .. it was the cold weather but I'm getting rid of these guys for texting like they tampered with the balls. Does that help you ? Best I can do....

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Lots of people that don't know how to read or are delusional. All Kraft is doing there is whining . At most he says that re retracts the previous statement that they would accept the penalty. Now you can assume that they will appeal the decision. Big deal .. that was a given after seeing the severity of the penalty. I'm amazed a certain poster keeps plastering that remark all over our board and thinking this means a major court fight with Goodall going up in flames. Lord lord lord


Please let there be a major court fight. Let's get Brady's texts and emails subpoena'd, and let's go back to before 2004, when the Patriots were warned about sneaking non-approved practice balls into games. Let's find out why Kraft and the Patriots suspended McNally and Jastremski after the Wells report came out, even though Kraft claims the Wells report is inaccurate and ignores science. Let's find out what kind of correspondence members of the organization had after the AFCCG when the officials first questioned McNally, and when the news first broke that the Patriots were being investigated. 


Please. Let's.

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I think it's the *s way of trying to explain the text messages between Tom's guys... no ? Other words .. it was the cold weather but I'm getting rid of these guys for texting like they tampered with the balls. Does that help you ? Best I can do....


Yeah, that helps. Just reaffirms what I and everyone else (so long as you're not from New England) already know, and what Kraft knows and even acted on. These clowns cheated. Scream about Ideal Gas Law all you want, you still need to explain why McNally stole the footballs out of the refs' locker room and disappeared into the bathroom with them. He cheated. He's a member of the Patriots; the Patriots cheated. 

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