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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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Its all a conspiracy . You realize we are only here today because Roger Goodell bent over backwards for Kraft & his Team over an over again .



The fact that Patriot are delusional is not lost on me .  I have always admired your fanaticism theres nothing wrong with it . Until common sense is lost .


Your inability to have a open mind has damaged any credibility here IMO



I realize your emotional & your hero has fallen from the sky it was'nt the suns fault that wax held his feathers togeather .

IF you want to call me fanatical then I think you have to also admit you are an extreme Patriot hater. I think that is fair so the conclusion of this is probably somewhere in the middle. I do think at times the league has given the Pats preferential  treatment but in this case with ball deflation, it has been the opposite as this should have been handled and put to bed on Jan. 19.

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Same people who were preaching to show compassion to fans from other teams are the ones attacking them in this thread.


What a joke.


All this means, Patriots are going to be extra * and motivated for the next season. Not a good sign for other teams for sure.


They have always been extra motivated thats why they have always cheated & lied about it .


But with the extra scrutiny they will face this should bring there ball control stats down so we should see changes immediately .


If deflating balls was'nt worth it they would not have done it so when people say it made no difference there dishonest . Why would you go to work if it did'nt pay off ?


It is there job & they benefited from cheating & then lying & blaming it on the NFL its there fault , WHATEVER .


This just adds fuel to the fire .  IMO on top of it all I hope Brady is ignorant enough to sue take it to court haha  Lets air all the Patriots dirty laundry .


Patriot when in a hole quit digging :scratch:  It just don't make sense that if Brady don't want to turn over his phone would then want to go to court . But I hope he does .

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I would not feel bad about it.  But I want OUR team to get better.  And the best way to do that is to play the best at their best.  Learn from the experience, and build on it.  I want long term improvement, not just short term results.


I agree. I guess I just also feel like there is no way I'm going to let a cheater being punished take away from the happiness I have in my team and their accomplishments.

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IF you want to call me fanatical then I think you have to also admit you are an extreme Patriot hater. I think that is fair so the conclusion of this is probably somewhere in the middle.

I do think at times the league has given the Pats preferential  treatment


but in this case with ball deflation, it has been the opposite as this should have been handled and put to bed on Jan. 19.


I cannot stand the Patriots . Obviously but I had respect for them . There fans I have respect for very few .


Fanaticism does not blind me to the truth .  


I actually love it when we can agree .  At the end of the day we are venting our words are meaningless & what will be will be .


Every season I'm pumped ready for Colts football I can only tell you this if this were my Colts I would be sick to my stomach .


I would have no problems turning my back on the team & walking away before I would support lying & cheating lessons learned as a child are not gonna be dismissed for sports .


My morals are not for sale & my allegiances should not be taken for granted . If you lie to me your done , I have a daughter learning that very lesson right now until she does she is persona non grata in my world .

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I cannot stand the Patriots . Obviously but I had respect for them . There fans I have respect for very few .


Fanaticism does not blind me to the truth .  


I actually love it when we can agree .  At the end of the day we are venting our words are meaningless & what will be will be .


Every season I'm pumped ready for Colts football I can only tell you this if this were my Colts I would be sick to my stomach .


I would have no problems turning my back on the team & walking away before I would support lying & cheating lessons learned as a child are not gonna be dismissed for sports .


My morals are not for sale & my allegiances should not be taken for granted . If you lie to me your done , I have a daughter learning that very lesson right now until she does she is persona non grata in my world .

I appreciate your candor but wow you have some harsh standards. I certainly don't like lying or cheating either but I also know that I am not perfect either and would hope for forgiveness before losing a relationship either with my favorite sports team or family and friends.


If you don't mind me asking, how do you feel about Irsay's off-season this year? I assume that was not something that would end your fandom because you are still here supporting the Colts.

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IF you want to call me fanatical then I think you have to also admit you are an extreme Patriot hater. I think that is fair so the conclusion of this is probably somewhere in the middle. I do think at times the league has given the Pats preferential  treatment but in this case with ball deflation, it has been the opposite as this should have been handled and put to bed on Jan. 19.

Amusing to say the least.  If we were to take a poll of the readers here with whom you have interacted with during this issue,very close to 100% would agree you have acted fanatically at best about this incident.  


No - I am not a Patriot hater.  Yes - I am a cheating hater and that means where ever it happens to fall.  No, not every incident is equal and deserves equal treatment, but when cheating occurs it needs to be punished severely to send a message.

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Amusing to say the least.  If we were to take a poll of the readers here with whom you have interacted with during this issue,very close to 100% would agree you have acted fanatically at best about this incident.  


No - I am not a Patriot hater.  Yes - I am a cheating hater and that means where ever it happens to fall.  

I said I was fanatical ...

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amfootball, Hmmm.... somehow in all the 2033 posts in this thread I missed that!


Good for you or as my Aussie friends would say, "Good on ya."  I honestly thought you were saying you weren't.


I love my Chargers through thick and thin and have for 45 years, but that doesn't mean I would defend that which is indefensible.  Cheating comes into that arena for me.  I wouldn't turn my back on the team for a single player's sins, and I believe in grace when someone REPENTS of their wrongful ways.  


We have had steroid use and the occasional rough character.  All were dealt with by the league and the team.  In no case has the team intentionally broken the rules in order to win an advantage.  That's the clear line of delineation for me. 

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amfootball, Hmmm.... somehow in all the 2033 posts in this thread I missed that!


Good for you or as my Aussie friends would say, "Good on ya."  I honestly thought you were saying you weren't.


I love my Chargers through thick and thin and have for 45 years, but that doesn't mean I would defend that which is indefensible.  Cheating comes into that arena for me.  I wouldn't turn my back on the team for a single player's sins, and I believe in grace when someone REPENTS of their wrongful ways.  


We have had steroid use and the occasional rough character.  All were dealt with by the league and the team.  In no case has the team intentionally broken the rules in order to win an advantage.  That's the clear line of delineation for me. 

So you are saying you would stop being a fan of the Chargers if they had improperly inflated footballs?


And using steroids is a much bigger infraction and advantage than ball pressure ...

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I appreciate your candor but wow you have some harsh standards. I certainly don't like lying or cheating either but I also know that I am not perfect either and would hope for forgiveness before losing a relationship either with my favorite sports team or family and friends.


If you don't mind me asking, how do you feel about Irsay's off-season this year? I assume that was not something that would end your fandom because you are still here supporting the Colts.

Why do you bring up Irsay and his off season problems? Is that a ploy by you to deflect? That is something you have been very good at for a very long time. Where did Irsay lie? He stood up for what he did, paid his fine and took his suspension without any whining and crying. Brady made himself look like a fool when you go back and look at his original comments right after this started being investigated. Even mentioned this is not Isis and no one got killed. Now really, how smart was that?

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Why do you bring up Irsay and his off season problems? Is that a ploy by you to deflect? That is something you have been very good at for a very long time. Where did Irsay lie? He stood up for what he did, paid his fine and took his suspension without any whining and crying. Brady made himself look like a fool when you go back and look at his original comments right after this started being investigated. Even mentioned this is not Isis and no one got killed. Now really, how smart was that?

I asked because Adonis had some pretty high standards for his fandom and the Colts like every franchise has had their blemishes too so I wanted to know how Irsay's issues affected him given it was recent.

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So you are saying you would stop being a fan of the Chargers if they had improperly inflated footballs?


And using steroids is a much bigger infraction and advantage than ball pressure ...

No, that's not what I said at all.  I would most likely continue to be a fan, though I would be incredibly disappointed in my team and/or players involved.  I would call out that player(s) and hold them accountable.


Where we differ is that I would not minimize the infractions.  I would accept an investigation into those charges and wouldn't DEFEND them against those charges once the report was done.  I would accept the punishment meted out.  I would not try to deflect blame on to others nor point out everyone else's mistakes to minimize my own team's infractions.  

Steroid use is terrible.  When a player is caught they pay a stiff penalty.  I never defend it's use, period.  Were you to trace my posts as long as I have been online you would find this as my consistent practice.  
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I asked because Adonis had some pretty high standards for his fandom and the Colts like every franchise has had their blemishes too so I wanted to know how Irsay's issues affected him given it was recent.

I can not speak for Adonis as he is fully capable of speaking for himself. You still didn't touch on the subject of Brady and his deliberate lies about what he knew about the deflated footballs. It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out he was involved in the deflation of footballs. The text messages speak for themselves. His nick name for one of the people involved was the deflator. Now please tell us what other meaning that could be. His payoffs in games balls and shoes were just Brady being nice? How touching.

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I appreciate your candor but wow you have some harsh standards. I certainly don't like lying or cheating either but I also know that I am not perfect either and would hope for forgiveness before losing a relationship either with my favorite sports team or family and friends.


If you don't mind me asking, how do you feel about Irsay's off-season this year? I assume that was not something that would end your fandom because you are still here supporting the Colts.







Harsh is watching someone you care about going down the wrong path & being blind to the facts you can only offer your opinion so many times before you wash your hands of the subject at that point you move on  there is no middle ground in right versus wrong .


I preach to my children I have 2 that there is nothing in this world they can't have as long as they work for it . 


Forgiveness is earned & takes time .


As a former drunk now sober 23 years I have compassion . Please don't do this, its I hope beneath you . IMO I hope he is like me after years of drugs & alcohol he has  finally had enough until you reach that point in your life nothing reaches you .



I was disappointed that he does'nt have a driver & limo . 


You know what they say about assumptions ?    Drugs & Alcohol  are serious am not the same as lying & cheating after all as you yourself has said we are all human .


If my owner was your owner yes I would have concerns but lets face it they are not donning jerseys my concern with your owner is obvious he is not interested in the truth & has impeded its progress .

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No,I would most likely continue to be a fan, though I would be incredibly disappointed in my team and/or players involved.  


Where we differ is that I would not minimize the infractions.  I would accept an investigation into those charges and wouldn't DEFEND them against those charges once the report was done.  I would accept the punishment meted out.  I would not try to deflect blame on to others nor point out everyone else's mistakes to minimize my own team.  

Steroid use is terrible.  When a player is caught they pay a stiff penalty.  I never defend it's use, period.  Were you to trace my posts as long as I have been online you would find this as my consistent practice.  


I have not minimized the infraction although most here I think have blown it up to ridiculous proportions with the Nixon and Lance Armstrong comparisons so I have defended against that naturally.


The issue I have had and have stated clearly from day one even going back to January and DW49 can vouch for this is not whether the Pats did it as I said back then that if Mort's original readings of the balls were true than they are guilty and that it resides with Brady. Period. Remember, we are talking air ball pressure. If the league had handled the situation properly after being tipped off by Grigson than they would have never let the Pats balls into that game. They would have taken them before kick-off and made them play with the back up balls which is standard procedure than they could have measured the tampered balls after the game, recorded that they were under and then punished the Pats on Jan. 19. That is what should have happened. Instead they went on this ridiculous investigation which over shadowed the Super Bowl and now have presented a report 100 days later that is full of holes and inferences and nothing substantial. As I said back in Jan,, it is very difficult to prove tampering without an admission or video. In this case, the league had Grigson's heads up, they admitted they lost track of the balls AND still allowed the game to be played with them for an entire half. This has been where my ire has been. Punish the Pats. No problem. But they were not able to because they screwed up that game so badly and as fans we have had to see this drag on and on and again we are talking air pressure in a football. I really do hope this marks the end of Goodell's run as commissioner ...

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Harsh is watching someone you care about going down the wrong path & being blind to the facts you can only offer your opinion so many times before you wash your hands of the subject at that point you move on  there is no middle ground in right versus wrong .


I preach to my children I have 2 that there is nothing in this world they can't have as long as they work for it . 


Forgiveness is earned & takes time .


As a former drunk now sober 23 years I have compassion . Please don't do this, its I hope beneath you . IMO I hope he is like me after years of drugs & alcohol he has  finally had enough until you reach that point in your life nothing reaches you .



I was disappointed that he does'nt have a driver & limo . 


You know what they say about assumptions ?    Drugs & Alcohol  are serious am not the same as lying & cheating after all as you yourself has said we are all human .


If my owner was your owner yes I would have concerns but lets face it they are not donning jerseys my concern with your owner is obvious he is not interested in the truth & has impeded its progress .

I appreciate you posting all that. I will end this by just saying that we see things very differently in relation to Irsay and Kraft. I don't believe either are choir boys.

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I have not minimized the infraction although most here I think have blown it up to ridiculous proportions with the Nixon and Lance Armstrong comparisons so I have defended against that naturally.


The issue I have had and have stated clearly from day one even going back to January and DW49 can vouch for this is not whether the Pats did it as I said back then that if Mort's original readings of the balls were true than they are guilty and that it resides with Brady. Period. Remember, we are talking air ball pressure. If the league had handled the situation properly after being tipped off by Grigson than they would have never let the Pats balls into that game. They would have taken them before kick-off and made them play with the back up balls which is standard procedure than they could have measured the tampered balls after the game, recorded that they were under and then punished the Pats on Jan. 19. That is what should have happened. Instead they went on this ridiculous investigation which over shadowed the Super Bowl and now have presented a report 100 days later that is full of holes and inferences and nothing substantial. As I said back in Jan,, it is very difficult to prove tampering without an admission or video. In this case, the league had Grigson's heads up, they admitted they lost track of the balls AND still allowed the game to be played with them for an entire half. This has been where my ire has been. Punish the Pats. No problem. But they were not able to because they screwed up that game so badly and as fans we have had to see this drag on and on and again we are talking air pressure in a football. I really do hope this marks the end of Goodell's run as commissioner ...

Goodell is not going anywhere. It was Goodell who helped drag this thing out in the first place. Him being buddy buddy with Kraft mad it look like he was dropping the ball on this. Had he not been so good of friends with Kraft this would have ended long ago. He was giving the Partriots every chance to put together a story that everyone would buy. Well that didn't happen because facts are facts. Had Brady fessed up when this thing was made public all this would have been over. He would have took his token fine and went on. Brady and his dishonesty is the one who made this thing blow up. not Goodell.

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I have not minimized the infraction although most here I think have blown it up to ridiculous proportions with the Nixon and Lance Armstrong comparisons so I have defended against that naturally.


The issue I have had and have stated clearly from day one even going back to January and DW49 can vouch for this is not whether the Pats did it as I said back then that if Mort's original readings of the balls were true than they are guilty and that it resides with Brady. Period. Remember, we are talking air ball pressure. If the league had handled the situation properly after being tipped off by Grigson than they would have never let the Pats balls into that game. They would have taken them before kick-off and made them play with the back up balls which is standard procedure than they could have measured the tampered balls after the game, recorded that they were under and then punished the Pats on Jan. 19. That is what should have happened. Instead they went on this ridiculous investigation which over shadowed the Super Bowl and now have presented a report 100 days later that is full of holes and inferences and nothing substantial. As I said back in Jan,, it is very difficult to prove tampering without an admission or video. In this case, the league had Grigson's heads up, they admitted they lost track of the balls AND still allowed the game to be played with them for an entire half. This has been where my ire has been. Punish the Pats. No problem. But they were not able to because they screwed up that game so badly and as fans we have had to see this drag on and on and again we are talking air pressure in a football. I really do hope this marks the end of Goodell's run as commissioner ...


Stop the nonsense PPPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE  ,  If a bank robber gets away after the alarm was set off its not the cops fault for robbing the bank .


Most crimes are not caught red handed this was ,

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I have not minimized the infraction although most here I think have blown it up to ridiculous proportions with the Nixon and Lance Armstrong comparisons so I have defended against that naturally.


The issue I have had and have stated clearly from day one even going back to January and DW49 can vouch for this is not whether the Pats did it as I said back then that if Mort's original readings of the balls were true than they are guilty and that it resides with Brady. Period. Remember, we are talking air ball pressure. If the league had handled the situation properly after being tipped off by Grigson than they would have never let the Pats balls into that game. They would have taken them before kick-off and made them play with the back up balls which is standard procedure than they could have measured the tampered balls after the game, recorded that they were under and then punished the Pats on Jan. 19. That is what should have happened. Instead they went on this ridiculous investigation which over shadowed the Super Bowl and now have presented a report 100 days later that is full of holes and inferences and nothing substantial. As I said back in Jan,, it is very difficult to prove tampering without an admission or video. In this case, the league had Grigson's heads up, they admitted they lost track of the balls AND still allowed the game to be played with them for an entire half. This has been where my ire has been. Punish the Pats. No problem. But they were not able to because they screwed up that game so badly and as fans we have had to see this drag on and on and again we are talking air pressure in a football. I really do hope this marks the end of Goodell's run as commissioner ...

Virtually the definition of minimizing is contained in your own post:  if, should have, ridiculous investigation, full of holes, only air pressure.... 


You will hear this as criticism but it honestly isn't - you seem to be incapable of thinking logically and/or understanding where your logic is terminally flawed.  One of the ways you "argue your case" is to set up "straw men" and burn them down.  A "straw man argument" is a term in logic, not a derogatory statement (just in case you do now know this).  Those with logical and critical thinking skills have the ability to discern what are "facts," separate facts from opinion, see how the facts have been derived and then how to respond appropriately to them.  


Those who don't use logical skills in relation to arguing their points generally instead mock, criticize and deflect about those facts or conflate opinion with facts.

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Virtually the definition of minimizing is contained in your own post:  if, should have, ridiculous investigation, full of holes, only air pressure.... 


You will hear this as criticism but it honestly isn't - you seem to be incapable of thinking logically and/or understanding where your logic is terminally flawed.  One of the ways you "argue your case" is to set up "straw men" and burn them down.  A "straw man argument" is a term in logic, not a derogatory statement (just in case you do now know this).  Those with logical and critical thinking skills have the ability to discern what are "facts," separate facts from opinion, see how the facts have been derived and then how to respond appropriately to them.  


Those who don't use logical skills in relation to arguing their points generally instead mock, criticize and deflect about those facts or conflate opinion with facts.



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Virtually the definition of minimizing is contained in your own post: if, should have, ridiculous investigation, full of holes, only air pressure....

You will hear this as criticism but it honestly isn't - you seem to be incapable of thinking logically and/or understanding where your logic is terminally flawed. One of the ways you "argue your case" is to set up "straw men" and burn them down. A "straw man argument" is a term in logic, not a derogatory statement (just in case you do now know this). Those with logical and critical thinking skills have the ability to discern what are "facts," separate facts from opinion, see how the facts have been derived and then how to respond appropriately to them.

Those who don't use logical skills in relation to arguing their points generally instead mock, criticize and deflect about those facts or conflate opinion with facts.

Great post, if only more posters understood some of these concepts when it comes to setting out and defending their positions.

But then we live in the day and age of where you don't need to actually have any substance when you can deflect, spin or Bayless your way out of an indefensible position.

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Virtually the definition of minimizing is contained in your own post:  if, should have, ridiculous investigation, full of holes, only air pressure.... 


You will hear this as criticism but it honestly isn't - you seem to be incapable of thinking logically and/or understanding where your logic is terminally flawed.  One of the ways you "argue your case" is to set up "straw men" and burn them down.  A "straw man argument" is a term in logic, not a derogatory statement (just in case you do now know this).  Those with logical and critical thinking skills have the ability to discern what are "facts," separate facts from opinion, see how the facts have been derived and then how to respond appropriately to them.  


Those who don't use logical skills in relation to arguing their points generally instead mock, criticize and deflect about those facts or conflate opinion with facts.

So you have no response other than to talk about critical thinking and logic? You hide behind verbiage like "strawmen" when I did present the facts as laid out in the Wells report? This response is about a half step below people who pick on posts for grammar and spelling ...

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I believe brady should be suspended indefinitely and that he should lose eligibility to enter the hall fame. 


If Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck were to cheat in this manner then I would ask they receive the same punishment. I am a Colts fan, and I enjoy watching all of the players who have played for us. But none of them is or ever will be more important than the Blue Shoe.


It is clear to me that this "deflate the ball cheating" had been going on for a very long time. One of the guys actually called himself the deflater. Jerome Bettis said that there is not a strong enough person on the planet who could rip a deflated ball away from him, but that a properly inflated ball can easily be fumbled away. 


I ask everyone this - Is there a chance that the patriots also cheated against the Ravens? If so then is there a chance that deflated balls played a role in ball security during the patriots and Ravens game? If you answer yes, then you also must also agree that the entire Super Bowl is tainted. There is no doubt in my mind they cheated the entire year. Look at the fumble rates of the patriots players. It is mind-boggling when compared to rest of the NFL. And when those same players leave the patriots, they start fumbling again. 


I will take it a step further. Let's say the Ravens would have beaten the patriots because a patriots player fumbled the ball away. Just one more turnover could have been the difference. Folks we would not be having this conversation, and Colts fans would possibly be rejoicing in Andrew Luck's first Super Bowl appearance, and maybe even a Super Bowl victory. The AFC Championship game would have been held in Indianapolis, with no rain or wind. Our offense would have been in its perfect climate. We had already handily beaten the Ravens. The Colts had already beaten the Seahawks a season before too.


The patriots do not deserve to hold the crown for 2014, and it is quite possible they stole a Super Bowl from the Colts. 


Its an embarrassment to the NFL, and if Roger Goodell has any integrity for the National Football League then he will ban tom brady from the NFL, and never allow him to return again.

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Stop the nonsense PPPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE  ,  If a bank robber gets away after the alarm was set off its not the cops fault for robbing the bank .


Most crimes are not caught red handed this was ,

And most bank managers don't get a heads up before the bank robbers show up and then allow them to rob the bank ...

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And most bank managers don't get a heads up before the bank robbers show up and then allow them to rob the bank ...

Stop trying to find ways to shift focus away from cheaters... Sure the NFL should have stopped it, but none of it happens if the Pats don't CHEAT in the first place.
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I believe brady should be suspended indefinitely and that he should lose eligibility to enter the hall fame. 


If Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck were to cheat in this manner then I would ask they receive the same punishment. I am a colts fan, and I enjoy watching all of the players who have played for us. But none of them is or ever will be more important that the Blue Shoe.


It is clear to me that this deflate cheating had been going on for a very long time. One of the guys actually called himself the deflater.  


I ask everyone this - Is there a chance that the patriots also cheated against the Ravens? If so then is there a chance that deflated balls played a role in ball security during the patriots and Ravens game? If you answer yes, then you also must also agree that the entire Super Bowl is tainted. There is no doubt in my mind they cheated the entire year. Look at the fumble rates of the patriots players. It is mind-boggling when compared to rest of the NFL. And when those same players leave the patriots, they start fumbling again. 


I will take it a step further. Let's say the Ravens would have beaten the patriots because a patriots player fumbled the ball away. Just one more turnover could have been the difference. Folks we would not be having this conversation, and Colts fans would possibly be rejoicing in Andrew Luck's first Super Bowl appearance, and maybe even a Super Bowl victory. The AFC Championship game would have been held in Indianapolis, with no rain or wind. Our offense would have been in its perfect climate. We had already handily beaten the Ravens. The Colts had already beaten the Seahawks a season before too.


The patriots do not deserve to hold the crown for 2014, and it is quite possible they stole a Super Bowl from the Colts. 


Its an embarrassment to the NFL, and if Roger Goodell has any integrity for the National Football League then he will ban tom brady from the NFL, and never allow him to return again.


Dear God...

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That would be a great loss for this board. While I am one who would like to see Brady and the Pats punished in some way for hurting the integrity of the game, I appreciate your balanced approach to this. The board needs members like yourself who bring a different perspective. I hope you stay.

there are a lot of good posters on here...but if this thing gets brought up 24/7 etc instead of people objectively watching football and commenting on what happens on the field it will get old fast. I know it's raw right now so I get it....but eventually people will have to move on or admit that despite this little scandal the Pats and Brady are and have been the best football organization and player I've seen since going back to the Cowboys of the 90s and 49ers of the late 80s.
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just want to add something that hasn't been addressed yet in this thread...


blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 

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So you have no response other than to talk about critical thinking and logic? You hide behind verbiage like "strawmen" when I did present the facts as laid out in the Wells report? This response is about a half step below people who pick on posts for grammar and spelling ...


And most bank managers don't get a heads up before the bank robbers show up and then allow them to rob the bank ...


You have never represented yourself as poorly as you are in this thread. 

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I still think 3 games or 4 for Tom Brady.  Fines to team of $200,000 for violation of creating a competitive edge.  No other levied punishment.  Why?  Had there bee Clear and Concise evidence, I think the larger penalties could be enforced, and later upheld even in some type of appeal.  Since ruling was by Preponderance of the Evidence, I feel a lesser penalty would still be effective for future deterrence, and be less likely to be reduced in an appeal situation.


As far as arguments, I've read the report.  I've even reported 'errors' in some peoples interpretation of the clause within.  Some perceive what they Want and not what is there.  I just want to look for the truth.  The rest is perception and may not actually be real, or may be. Cannot know so cannot judge on it either.  I hope they NFL does as well.  Not based upon fan response, those out for blood, and those in complete denial. but what truth they can reasonably know.  Then move on.


If folks still need to "get it" off their chest, please do so based upon the report, circumstances, or content of the replies; not personal shots to the character of the people making statements of opinion, no matter how misguided you may believe them to be.  So I don't visit this thread so much any more, at least until the punishment gets handed down.


So please  be civil, and if anyone feels something is over the top, please use the report button on the post(s).

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Posted Today, 05:30 PM

amfootball, on 09 May 2015 - 6:06 PM, said:snapback.png

So you have no response other than to talk about critical thinking and logic? You hide behind verbiage like "strawmen" when I did present the facts as laid out in the Wells report? This response is about a half step below people who pick on posts for grammar and spelling ...


amfootball, on 09 May 2015 - 6:07 PM, said:snapback.png

And most bank managers don't get a heads up before the bank robbers show up and then allow them to rob the bank ...


You have never represented yourself as poorly as you are in this thread. 


I feel as much too.  So saddened.   :Mope:  

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So you have no response other than to talk about critical thinking and logic? You hide behind verbiage like "strawmen" when I did present the facts as laid out in the Wells report? This response is about a half step below people who pick on posts for grammar and spelling ...

Grammar is important for clear and correct communication,especially in the written format of our language when you have no that queues. So I guess if you don't think it's important then you don't care that people understand you just as long as you've said your piece right?

Logical thinking is the most important foundation to reasoning, if you can't present a viewpoint that can withstand a examination and be defended with logic and reason, well it's probably not a defensible viewpoint. I would suggest in that case defiecting attention elsewhere before people notice the holes. Maybe through throwing some accusations at other parties.

Heck while we're on the idea that rules and agreed standards aren't that important, how about the idea that if someone is doing something against then that instead of punishing them through the agreed process we have a quiet word in ther ear and kindly ask them to stop breaking the rules...anything else is just entrapment right?

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there are a lot of good posters on here...but if this thing gets brought up 24/7 etc instead of people objectively watching football and commenting on what happens on the field it will get old fast. I know it's raw right now so I get it....but eventually people will have to move on or admit that despite this little scandal the Pats and Brady are and have been the best football organization and player I've seen since going back to the Cowboys of the 90s and 49ers of the late 80s.

I hear you. I too am ready to move on from this. It will probably continue until a few days after the punishment is announced.

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    • It just seems like people have sold themselves the idea he was going to come out great this season which I think is and was completely unreasonable.   I hope to see some improvement by the end of the season, but I really don't expect a whole lot until sometime next season. AR has got so much catching up to do.   I mean, there's no doubt AR's struggles are affecting MPJ, but MPJ has never been a great separater and seeing a defender right besides MPJ is probably stopping AR from throwing his way at this point.   Also, to be clear, I'm not saying AR will DEFINITELY be great, but I do think we DEFINITELY don't know yet and people need to be a lot more patient with him.
    • They both couldn’t throw or work on footwork. To ignore this could be a possibility with AR is naive. Let’s see where he is by game 7. Especially when it looks like he went backwards  from last season.
    • Other than the fact that Luck was a proven NFL QB in his prime and that his shoulder rehab lasted 3x as long.   
    • His lack of experience was a well-known risk in drafting him and it's a big reason why some were skeptical (including me). On the flip side, it sort of seemed like people disregarded his lack of experience then in favor of things like potential and upside. But now he's struggling and it's showing. If anything, it's validated those initial concerns.   I tend to think WR drops following a QB from college to the NFL says as much about the QB as it does the pass catchers. But they need to do better. I think it will take a combination of improvements from both AR and the pass catchers.   Not sure if something is up with MPJ, but some "regression" this year was very predictable. At one point, I actually thought he might leave in FA when faced with prospect of re-signing with a run-first team and a young QB who is still learning how to throw short and intermediate passes (the area he operates). But he stayed...and I am glad he did. But if it continues, there are going to be a lot of people blaming MPJ, which is pretty ridiculous, when you think about just 6 months ago, people were talking about how great of a contract it was and that MPJ was a legit WR1 with AR.  
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