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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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Does nobody else see this?


This was obviously all orchestrated by none other than Peyton Manning.


Think about it - Peyton called Reggie and Adam after losing in week 9 saying what they can do to try to beat the Pats since his team couldn't. He had home field advantage to gain since they held the tiebreaker over the Colts from week 1. He mentioned the balls might be suspect and tipped Indy off. Mike Adams got the two INT's in week 11 and they gave the balls to the equipment guys to check out. He knew the only way for them to be able to substantiate the claim was to be prepared to catch them in the act though.


Peyton took the dive in the divisional round. "Yeah my quad is torn that's why I didn't walk for that 3rd and 5 with half the field in front of me and overthrew every ball since that perfect first drive"


He let the Colts get feasted on (possibly a little last dig for releasing him before we welcome him back when he retires) to save himself the embarrassment of another loss to Brady and co. So while the Colts had a day of embarrassment it was overshadowed by the fact the Pats were caught cheating red handed.


Their records, titles, reputation, legacy, all further tarnished/tainted/asterisk'd. Goodell can't let them get off easy on the biggest stage of them all. Not this time. He will suspend BB and Brady for next year.


Peyton will come back w Kubiak, grab home field during the regular season, make it to the Superbowl with BB and Brady watching at home, win it convincingly and ride off into the sunset. Not a single blemish.


Greatest. Of. All. Time.

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Vi7ejoow_normal.pngKevin Clark ✔ @KevinClarkWSJNFL head coaches here at Senior Bowl seem downright offended that people think this deflation stuff is a big deal.


Sounds to me like it's pretty widespread and a non issue.

The idea that it is widespread is irrelevant. The rules state what the footballs are to be inflated to, if the Patriots under-inflated them after being inspected by the refs then they cheated and should be punished.

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Both are murder.  If it's the "same reason", then you agree "holding" is cheating.  And anyone caught holding is a "cheater".


By your analogy, a player who physically harms another while committing a rules infraction would be guilty of a greater cheating?


Again, nonsense.

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Vi7ejoow_normal.pngKevin Clark ✔ @KevinClarkWSJ

NFL head coaches here at Senior Bowl seem downright offended that people think this deflation stuff is a big deal.


Sounds to me like it's pretty widespread and a non issue.

Well that's probably because they cheat too.  If it's against the rules then it's not okay to do.  Regardless if it is a big deal or not.  Erik Walden touched a ref that put their hands on him first and he pushed them away?  Big deal to Colts fans? NO

But guess what?  He still got ejected!  Rules are rules, for a reason.  The NFL just has a difficulty enforcing them properly!

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Against the rules? Yes.

Cheating? Absolutely not. By very definition of the word.


verb \ˈchēt\

: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something

There was no advantage. Therefore it is not cheating.


Yeah, purposely deflating a football to help it be easier to catch isn't cheating


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Does nobody else see this?


This was obviously all orchestrated by none other than Peyton Manning.


Think about it - Peyton called Reggie and Adam after losing in week 9 saying what they can do to try to beat the Pats since his team couldn't. He had home field advantage to gain since they held the tiebreaker over the Colts from week 1. He mentioned the balls might be suspect and tipped Indy off. Mike Adams got the two INT's in week 11 and they gave the balls to the equipment guys to check out. He knew the only way for them to be able to substantiate the claim was to be prepared to catch them in the act though.


Peyton took the dive in the divisional round. "Yeah my quad is torn that's why I didn't walk for that 3rd and 5 with half the field in front of me and overthrew every ball since that perfect first drive"


He let the Colts get feasted on (possibly a little last dig for releasing him before we welcome him back when he retires) to save himself the embarrassment of another loss to Brady and co. So while the Colts had a day of embarrassment it was overshadowed by the fact the Pats were caught cheating red handed.


Their records, titles, reputation, legacy, all further tarnished/tainted/asterisk'd. Goodell can't let them get off easy on the biggest stage of them all. Not this time. He will suspend BB and Brady for next year.


Peyton will come back w Kubiak, grab home field during the regular season, make it to the Superbowl, win it convincingly and ride off into the sunset. Not a single blemish.


Greatest. Of. All. Time.


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You just don't get the concept of cheating or the concept of integrity. So deflating footballs is not cheating in you eyes? oh, that's right but just a little. Cmon am you know better.


Again, it isn't cheating at all. There is no advantage to it. By very definition of the word, there has to be an advantage for it to be cheating. We scored 17 points using under-inflated balls and 28 using properly inflated balls. If anything, the point differential would have been even higher if we used properly inflated balls the entire game.


It's breaking the rules for sure. Just as committing pass interference is breaking the rules. Let NE pay a small fine and that's it. Nothing drastic needs to be done.

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No, I believe in facts. Something this thread greatly lacks.

In addition to the link I posted earlier, which showed that several teams have done the same thing currently and in the past, here is Terry Bradshaw talking about it in his book:

Most fans don’t know it, but before the game we would doctor the footballs that would be used. Until the season of 2000 it was up to the home team to provide twenty-four game balls to the officials for each game. A brand-new NFL football straight from the factory is not easy to throw or catch. It’s rock hard and very slippery. So in the privacy of the locker room before the game, players would take the footballs and rub them and scrub them to remove the glaze, or deflate them, then pump them up with air real big to stretch the leather. On some teams the kickers would put them through a cycle in the dryer. Some teams did this, but naturally not the Steelers, because we were righteous folk who would never stretch the rules, and when these other teams—not the Steelers—were finished, they would put them back in the plastic wrapping and right back in the box. Some teams—who were not the Steelers—after the officials had checked and approved the game balls, would let out a couple of pound of air to make it easier for the quarterback to grip it. A little less air would make the ball spongier. It was what might be called a perceived advantage-both teams played with the same ball.


If you believe in facts maybe you should start listing some.

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Against the rules? Yes.


Cheating? Absolutely not. By very definition of the word.



 verb \ˈchēt\

: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something


There was no advantage. Therefore it is not cheating.

Of course there is an advantage to under-inflating a football, stop being dense.

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I propose a simple experiment for everyone on here.


Take a football and inflate it to 12.5 psi.

Spray it with a hose until soaked

Leave it outside overnight

Bring it inside and let it sit for 2 days

Measure the new psi

Results would mean nothing......  Colts use their own balls and all of theirs were tested also.  ALL of them were found to be in the required range.  So why would only the Cheaters balls  be less?  Why all 12 of the cheaters balls are the only ones effected......  NE and Belichick cannot be trusted, ever.

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Brady has some explaining to do ... I have been saying that all day today. Moreso him than Bill IMO.



Yes you did say that. So I'll give you credit there. I would be so * if I were a Pat fan . Heck ... I would be * if I was a member of the Patriot defense

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Yes you did say that. So I'll give you credit there. I would be so * if I were a Pat fan . Heck ... I would be * if I was a member of the Patriot defense

I think the players are fine and will use it as a rallying cry for next Sunday.


In terms of the fans, what can you do. Sadly, we are used to this. The allegations, the silly rules violations that apparently were not necessary to violate ... very interested in what the investigation finds and what the Pats say. Bill will interview tomorrow ...

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Different levels. This is peanuts compared to spygate or bountygate ...

Bountygate, def more severe, that was an intentional attempt at hurting people and possibly ending careers.

Spygate/Deflategate, please explain? Both were attempts to gain a competitive advantage against opposing teams by KNOWINGLY breaking league mandated rules....how are they different?

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Bountygate, def more severe, that was an intentional attempt at hurting people and possibly ending careers.

Spygate/Deflategate, please explain? Both were attempts to gain a competitive advantage against opposing teams by KNOWINGLY breaking league mandated rules....how are they different?

How do you possibly think deflating a football for a better grip is the same as taping defensive signals??

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Bountygate, def more severe, that was an intentional attempt at hurting people and possibly ending careers.

Spygate/Deflategate, please explain? Both were attempts to gain a competitive advantage against opposing teams by KNOWINGLY breaking league mandated rules....how are they different?

You forgot the part where it was knowingly breaking the rules.... by the same team....

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Different levels. This is peanuts compared to spygate or bountygate ...


how so???

blatant cheating is blatant cheating if that's what happened, & early signs are pointing...


bounty gate was a big issue & NFL took it seriously because of the potential lawsuits that could ensue, the bottom line$$$


joe public may have a diminished interest in this sb if the hype before the game is that one team is confirmed as to cheating/knowingly unleavened the playing field for advantage...

sponsors could take note if ratings dip, bottom line again$$$


nothing may come from this also due to the same reason, who knows where the $$$ is flowing here...


but keep up the image of the patriot fan deflecting/defending a rule bending/cheating culture, it's a good look for pats fans, & just furthers the stereo-type...

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how so???

blatant cheating is blatant cheating if that's what happened, & early signs are pointing...


bounty gate was a big issue & NFL took it seriously because of the potential lawsuits that could ensue, the bottom line$$$


joe public may have a diminished interest in this sb if the hype before the game is that one team is confirmed as to cheating/knowingly unleavened the playing field for advantage...

sponsors could take note if ratings dip, bottom line again$$$


nothing may come from this also due to the same reason, who knows where the $$$ is flowing here...


but keep up the image of the patriot fan deflecting/defending a rule bending/cheating culture, it's a good look for pats fans, & just furthers the stereo-type...

So to you all cheating is the same? Please. Is stealing $10 from your mom the same as robbing a bank in your world too?

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12 special balls are kickers balls. They are never out of control of the refs, nor are they used in normal field of play duties. So what Pat and AV do/did is totally on them.

Ok. So tell that to the Ravens. Two teams kicking units under perform drastically back to back and now this? If so, what now is the extent of this.
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I think the players are fine and will use it as a rallying cry for next Sunday.


In terms of the fans, what can you do. Sadly, we are used to this. The allegations, the silly rules violations that apparently were not necessary to violate ... very interested in what the investigation finds and what the Pats say. Bill will interview tomorrow ...

classic pats fan...

silly rules, the rule is silly, so why should I followeth...


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classic pats fan...

silly rules, the rule is silly, so why should I followeth...


Rule is not silly but the fine according to the NFL rule book is $25,000. Like I said, peanuts for this "violation." Players who don't talk to the media and do a late hit get fined more ...

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