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Colts working on Luck's contract already


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If Wilson is paid more than Luck, it's a travesty.


1) If Wilson gets $125 mil and Luck only gets $120 mil, that is not anything close to a travesty.


2) It all depends on timing - who signs first will almost certainly be the lesser paid of the two.  


3) I doubt its in either of those guys make up to see who blinks first.  

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1) If Wilson gets $125 mil and Luck only gets $120 mil, that is not anything close to a travesty.


2) It all depends on timing - who signs first will almost certainly be the lesser paid of the two.  


3) I doubt its in either of those guys make up to see who blinks first.  

I think they are waiting for Wilsons deal to get done first, Remember Irsay was obsessed with making Manning the highest paid QB at one time.

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I'm a bit worried about our cap room.

Your not the only one. Just gotta hope the cap goes WAAAAY up. If this is gonna be as big as I think it is...we need to draft almost perfectly because those big name free agents we want aren't gonna be affordable anymore.
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1) If Wilson gets $125 mil and Luck only gets $120 mil, that is not anything close to a travesty.


2) It all depends on timing - who signs first will almost certainly be the lesser paid of the two.  


3) I doubt its in either of those guys make up to see who blinks first.  

If only it was completely up to the stand up players of the league. It has a lot to do with the agents and how they set the contracts up. I honestly believe if it were up to the players, the contracts wouldn't be 25 million a year, they would consist of reasonable numbers and the cost of the game would allow for regular fans to watch the games like it was back in the hay day of the sport.


Saying this, the contract will no doubt be  the richest for a QB, Luck is worthy of one. 25 mil/yr is probably accurate. The details and the structure will be the key to success in signing the rest of the guys and maintaining a steady roster capable of winning consistently each year. The more mistakes, such as a Landry type contract or trading first round picks for players that turn out like TRich, will be the downfall of a team and create a need for a purge and rebuild inside Lucks career. Polian was a master at this probably because he didn't dabble in the FA market much after Mannings first contract.

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If only it was completely up to the stand up players of the league. It has a lot to do with the agents and how they set the contracts up. I honestly believe if it were up to the players, the contracts wouldn't be 25 million a year, they would consist of reasonable numbers and the cost of the game would allow for regular fans to watch the games like it was back in the hay day of the sport.

Saying this, the contract will no doubt be the richest for a QB, Luck is worthy of one. 25 mil/yr is probably accurate. The details and the structure will be the key to success in signing the rest of the guys and maintaining a steady roster capable of winning consistently each year. The more mistakes, such as a Landry type contract or trading first round picks for players that turn out like TRich, will be the downfall of a team and create a need for a purge and rebuild inside Lucks career. Polian was a master at this probably because he didn't dabble in the FA market much after Mannings first contract.

They want it as much as the agents do. Excluding really old players who've been on the same team forever.

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Wilson should give half his salary to his D


If somehow you're under the impressions that Wilson isn't really, really,  really good,  then I think you're badly mistaken.


He may not be as good as Andrew Luck,  and he clearly benefits from having the NFL's best defense and a great running game,  but he's an outstanding quarterback.    


If the Colts didn't have Luck,  I'd be thrilled if we had a QB like Wilson.      He's a terrific player.

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25 million a year?!

Hasn't Irsay gone on in recent years about how the cap space committed to Manning hindered the ability to put the necessary talent around him to win more Super Bowls?

Jeez. I don't see this ending well at all, unless they circumvent the cap with a significant portion of that number.

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If somehow you're under the impressions that Wilson isn't really, really,  really good,  then I think you're badly mistaken.


He may not be as good as Andrew Luck,  and he clearly benefits from having the NFL's best defense and a great running game,  but he's an outstanding quarterback.    


If the Colts didn't have Luck,  I'd be thrilled if we had a QB like Wilson.      He's a terrific player.


He and Luck are the next generation of elite QBs for sure.

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25 million a year?!

Hasn't Irsay gone on in recent years about how the cap space committed to Manning hindered the ability to put the necessary talent around him to win more Super Bowls?

Jeez. I don't see this ending well at all, unless they circumvent the cap with a significant portion of that number.



The projections are that the salary cap are about to go up.    Way up.


I don't think there will be a problem with Luck getting his bucks.

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25 million a year?!

Hasn't Irsay gone on in recent years about how the cap space committed to Manning hindered the ability to put the necessary talent around him to win more Super Bowls?

Jeez. I don't see this ending well at all, unless they circumvent the cap with a significant portion of that number.



That's the # the contract might average , but will never be the cap hit. Rodgers deal averaged 22 mill per year and his hit this year was around 18 mill. It won't be over 21 through the length of the contract. I do realize that Rodgers was extended before his present contract was up and that does enable the team to spread it out better. I think you'll see the same with both RW and AL. The cap hits will be around 16 -17 mill the first couple years and then go to around 20 . This all be perfectly manageable going forward. All just my opinion but I think Ill be right on this. 

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They want it as much as the agents do. Excluding really old players who've been on the same team forever.

Maybe, maybe not. I think players would love to have a lot of money and have championships. They all know how hard it is to have both and would 100 million be good enough plus 2-3 championship rings versus having 120 million and no rings? Ask Manning if he had it to do all over again, would he give up a little money to have 3 rings instead of 1? I am guessing the answer is yes he would. Agents push you to max dollar, it makes the agent more money doing it this way. The NFLPA also insists you get max dollars, for future player contracts. If one takes a discount, especially in his second contract, it affects the rate of raises down the road.

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Maybe, maybe not. I think players would love to have a lot of money and have championships. They all know how hard it is to have both and would 100 million be good enough plus 2-3 championship rings versus having 120 million and no rings? Ask Manning if he had it to do all over again, would he give up a little money to have 3 rings instead of 1? I am guessing the answer is yes he would. Agents push you to max dollar, it makes the agent more money doing it this way. The NFLPA also insists you get max dollars, for future player contracts. If one takes a discount, especially in his second contract, it affects the rate of raises down the road.

Your last two sentences is why they could never take less IMO.  Let's say the top two QBs  wanted small contracts to help the team sign better players.  That would end up dropping the salary of every player in the league and the NFLPA does not want that.

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I don't think you have to worry about that.   I doubt Wilson's deal has much (if any) impact on Luck's deal....



you think, Id think as there in the same year the second would want a similar amount if not more


Id say the seahawks have more top calibre players wanting a payday though

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Maybe, maybe not. I think players would love to have a lot of money and have championships. They all know how hard it is to have both and would 100 million be good enough plus 2-3 championship rings versus having 120 million and no rings? Ask Manning if he had it to do all over again, would he give up a little money to have 3 rings instead of 1? I am guessing the answer is yes he would. Agents push you to max dollar, it makes the agent more money doing it this way. The NFLPA also insists you get max dollars, for future player contracts. If one takes a discount, especially in his second contract, it affects the rate of raises down the road.

Despite all that you wrote, I believe you are wrong. Peyyon would take the same salary. The players want their money, just like the agents.

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Personally I think this talk is very stupid.  Why in the world would you talk money right before the biggest game of his career.  Wait til the seasons end.  He is signed for another year, and it can wait another week.  Its not going to motivate him to play harder this week.  Just a distraction if you ask me...

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