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Report: Lance Louis to start at RG.


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I am not crazy about it but when you are down to your third or fourth option at guard, and that's if you don't factor in the Thomas injury, you aren't going to have great options.  I think the key here is how do you help the right side of the line.  Allen and Doyle need to see lots of time on the right side of the line to help.  The Colts really need Castonzo and Mewhort to just hold their own on the left side.  If they can get that they can stack the right side of the line with help. 

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That's not true, especially in today's NFL.


There are quite a few factors other than how they play on Sunday's that go into determining who plays.  An example:

  • How that player fits into the immediate plan for the team
  • How that player fits in the 3 year plan for the team
  • How that player fits into the 5 year plan for the team
  • how well that player does on the game plan test
  • How that player responds in the film room.
  • How well that player practices the techniques taught.
  • Then how well they play on game day.


In todays NFL a player may not be on the team 5 years down the road unless he is a franchise player or even 3 years for that matter. From a financial stand point I understand what your saying. But a player can be here today and gone tomorrow without so much as playing a snap


If said player (Holmes in this case) can keep your QB up right and your other option cant (Louis in this case) then your coach better be able to find ways to fit Holmes into the game plan.......If an O Coordinator or HC cant determine a players skill set(Not enough info to say that they can with Holmes yet in my opinion...Moving him to RG is a great sign though and hopefully they saw that he Pulls very well on film and that he picks up and churns his legs very well in the run game) and exploit those on game day(an area where we are lacking in right now in my opinion) to get the best out of him then its time for a new HC or O Coordinator....Those are the best coaches...Not coaches who stick to a rigid way of doing things.......Which is what our coaches did for quite sometime before apparently Irsay voiced his opinion on that


Players can play with the perfect technique in practice and still not get in games do to a coaches preference (we are talking O Line here still) over another player...Favoritism exists in the NFL

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Not too much because I have not been able to rewatch the game, so my observations are just from my initial impressions.  Overall I thought he did well.  He looked to move well for a guy his size, quick off the snap, good power at once engaged and good form.  Here is a perfect example of good form once engaged.  Gundy called this perfectly... watch Mewhort on this play as the defender does a swim move on him.



Mewhort has his feet apart, back stright, arms straight... he engages the defender, the guy does a swim move on him but Mewhort keeps his form and is then just able to push the guy where he wants to go.  I saw some of that in Holmes as well.


The bad side of Holmes he whiffed badly on at least a couple of plays.  One time he stepped to his right and the defender just stepped in front of him and burst by his left side and Holmes never he got his arms up.  Another play was similar, Holmes was raising his arms and the defender just chopped them down and blew by him.  Luckily both times Luck got the pass off quickly.

He was the guy who let the defender get to Luck on the late INT as well. I did not think Holmes looked that great on Sunday kind of explained why we haven't seen much of him.


For those of you who have NFL Rewind it is 10:21 of the 4th quarter Holmes is pushed 7 yards back tossed aside his guys  gets to Luck right as he releases the ball no follow threw ball floats INT. Then he does some circle backward dance trying to make the tackle or get out of the way hard to tell which one. 

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He was the guy who let the defender get to Luck on the late INT as well. I did not think Holmes looked that great on Sunday kind of explained why we haven't seen much of him.


For those of you who have NFL Rewind it is 10:21 of the 4th quarter Holmes is pushed 7 yards back tossed aside his guys  gets to Luck right as he releases the ball no follow threw ball floats INT. Then he does some circle backward dance trying to make the tackle or get out of the way hard to tell which one. 

Cherilus got beat to the inside rather easily by Mingo which forced Luck to step way up right into Rubin, Holmes didn't have a perfect block on the play by no means but he wasn't why Luck got hit, That was a combination of Cherilus getting beat and Luck stepping right up into Rubin

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I like Ben Gundy's break downs but I usually disagree with a couple of things per break down.


For example on this one for AC


He counts this as a bad play for AC but it's not.  One, if you look at where his right foot is at the snap, he only goes one step inside of that as he's getting bullrushed and he's 6 yards deep when it happens.  That is how a pocket is formed.  I wouldn't say that is necessarily a win for AC but it's not a loss either.  Additionally, if Luck had thrown the ball in a reasonable 2.5 seconds it would not have been a sack.  I've counted several times and I'm starting to say "three" in "one thousand..." when luck steps to his right and am past "one thousand four" when he steps up.  That is too long for the QB to hold the ball in the NFL.


For Harrison, here's one in Mewhorts clips (I disagree with him that Mewhort did well on this play.  Mewhort needs to get more of a punch to help AC get in position before he goes to the 2nd level.  But Harrison gets absolutely stood up on this play and then his guy goes down the line and helps level TRich.


Good stuff. Ben would probably agree with you on some of your points. But a good block is a good block, and you're right, Luck holding the ball too long shouldn't turn it into a bad one.

I really need to get the All 22, but then I'd spend even more time watching Foootball.

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If I owned this team and saw Lance Louis trot out to start this game , I would fire Pagano before the game ended. The man played horrible enough in some early starts to be inactive the last 4-5 games and now he starts over Holmes who played well last week ? Insane....

Not just Pagano, but Griggs too.  Griggs had the money to get some quality OL free agents and failed to do so.  Luck is quite obviously the most important player for the Colts, so priority number 1 has to be protection.  Pags and Griggs wanted to be able to run the ball and have failed to do so consistently.  Griggs signing of Castro was a joke.  That guy was worst than Satele and we were fortunate that he quit.  If we go into year four of the Griggs regime and the O-line is still swiss cheese, it may be time to take a real hard look on whether he should be replaced or not.  As far as Pags is concerned, I am not impressed with him or his decisions.  His decision to go for 2 last week bordered on idiocy.  I know this post is harsh, but I am sick and tired of Luck getting pummeled each week.  Irsay made a statement that he didn't want this team built in the same model of the Manning years, but nothing has really changed.  We are as dependent on Luck as we ever were with Manning.  

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Not just Pagano, but Griggs too.  Griggs had the money to get some quality OL free agents and failed to do so.  Luck is quite obviously the most important player for the Colts, so priority number 1 has to be protection.  Pags and Griggs wanted to be able to run the ball and have failed to do so consistently.  Griggs signing of Castro was a joke.  That guy was worst than Satele and we were fortunate that he quit.  If we go into year four of the Griggs regime and the O-line is still swiss cheese, it may be time to take a real hard look on whether he should be replaced or not.  As far as Pags is concerned, I am not impressed with him or his decisions.  His decision to go for 2 last week bordered on idiocy.  I know this post is harsh, but I am sick and tired of Luck getting pummeled each week.  Irsay made a statement that he didn't want this team built in the same model of the Manning years, but nothing has really changed.  We are as dependent on Luck as we ever were with Manning.  



This O line thing has been going on for I think around 7-8 years. Irsay has to be close to his breaking point on this. I'm betting heads fall if not fixed by next year. Lots of conjecture on my part but I'll stick it out there anyway. God .. Cherlius and Thmas in free agency . Whiff ... whiff. Yeah you can say that's unfair on Thomas as he's looked good in the 14 plays in two years but he had a injury history. Thornton appears to be another whiff . Mewhort appears to be a good rookie but this is not enough progress in 3 years.

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I hear ya. Ehhh.. you gave me a bit of hope anyway with that post. I thought.. damn .. he's right . maybe it's nonsense. 


I don't want it to seem like I agree with this lineup decision, because I personally think it's strange to not start Holmes and to bench Shipley, but whatever... But Louis played okay against the Texans earlier this year, and so did Harrison (aside from a couple of bad snaps). So it's definitely not as bad of a decision as the zealots in this thread are making it out to be. 

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I don't want it to seem like I agree with this lineup decision, because I personally think it's strange to not start Holmes and to bench Shipley, but whatever... But Louis played okay against the Texans earlier this year, and so did Harrison (aside from a couple of bad snaps). So it's definitely not as bad of a decision as the zealots in this thread are making it out to be. 



Yeah .. I hear ya. I was just disappointed as I thought Holmes played well last week. But you would think Pagano is not an *.

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This O line thing has been going on for I think around 7-8 years. Irsay has to be close to his breaking point on this. I'm betting heads fall if not fixed by next year. Lots of conjecture on my part but I'll stick it out there anyway. God .. Cherlius and Thmas in free agency . Whiff ... whiff. Yeah you can say that's unfair on Thomas as he's looked good in the 14 plays in two years but he had a injury history. Thornton appears to be another whiff . Mewhort appears to be a good rookie but this is not enough progress in 3 years.

Irsay has a whole lot more patience than I do.  The decision to go from Manning to Luck was to build a more complete team with the money saved.  This team is good, but until we get the O-line situation fixed, we are in a world of hurt vs. the Pats and Broncos of this world.  For the Colts to truly be a super bowl contender, they are going to have to run the ball and protect Luck.

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Irsay has a whole lot more patience than I do.  The decision to go from Manning to Luck was to build a more complete team with the money saved.  This team is good, but until we get the O-line situation fixed, we are in a world of hurt vs. the Pats and Broncos of this world.  For the Colts to truly be a super bowl contender, they are going to have to run the ball and protect Luck.



Yep .. can't argue that one. Maybe add a pass rusher and a safety too.

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Louis and Harrison both had decent games. Harrison missed Watt on the one stunt, but overall, they were pretty good. And they (and the entire line) were excellent on that final drive.

I thought Louis had a pretty good game also. The Colts Oline seems to have difficulty with with stunts and twists, not sure if it is coaching or talent.

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I thought Louis had a pretty good game also. The Colts Oline seems to have difficulty with with stunts and twists, not sure if it is coaching or talent.


Stunts and twists work well against most offensive lines, especially when you have good defensive players running them. There isn't a lineman in the world who can block JJ Watt straight up all game, much less when he blasts around a stunt and you don't have a chance to get your hands on him before he starts moving. Harrison was pretty much a statue on that play, so I'm not making excuses for him, but I'm not surprised that stunt worked.

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Louis and Harrison both had decent games. Harrison missed Watt on the one stunt, but overall, they were pretty good. And they (and the entire line) were excellent on that final drive.

He did. Maybe the coaches actually do know a LITTLE more than the fans.

Who knew?

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I don't understand how that became such a foreign concept around here.

Probably had a lot to do with the McGlynn/Satele shows last year. That, and even though we lost four/five starters people were ticked when we couldn't keep up and blamed coaching.

I'm still not crazy about some of our run schemes, but I don't study the film. They may be getting all they can out of them.

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Probably had a lot to do with the McGlynn/Satele shows last year. That, and even though we lost four/five starters people were ticked when we couldn't keep up and blamed coaching.

I'm still not crazy about some of our run schemes, but I don't study the film. They may be getting all they can out of them.


I don't take issue with questioning coaching decisions. Coaches aren't always right. But we have people on this board -- very vocal posters -- who hardly watch the games, yet they have determined that they somehow know better than the coaching staff who should play, where they should play, what plays should be called, etc. And don't let someone have All-22 and a PFF subscription...


This board, and others like it, exists for the sake of discussion of this kind of stuff. But there's a difference between "I think the coaches are making a mistake here," and "the coaches are blind, they suck, they should be fired, unless they play the guys I think should play." And then the groupthink takes off, and this kind of stuff starts to be viewed as fact.


Meanwhile, I'm sitting here watching a team that still has some holes, some of which are being amplified by injury or inexperience, or both, but has still managed to win two division titles in a row, double digit wins three years in a row, won a playoff game last year, and is still less than three years away from 2-14. I've been going on about perspective since before the season started, and it's because: A) we're not as good as the elite teams in the NFL, so we're not going to dominate our way through a season and into the Super Bowl (it will take a lot of good fortune to even make the conference championship), and B) this team wasn't supposed to be a clear-cut division favorite and trying to challenge for a top seed in the AFC until this year or next, at best. People are moaning because this project -- new GM, new head coach, new QB, new defense -- hasn't produced a deep playoff run yet, and I'm thinking about how far ahead of schedule they've been since Year 1.


It's time to take a leap forward in 2015, absolutely. We shouldn't be having the same conversations -- leaky offensive line, flawed execution, slow starts, inconsistent pass rush, shaky run defense -- next season. I just think, when you step back and consider the work that has been done so far, that things are going okay. I don't think we should be talking about anyone's job being on the line.

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I don't take issue with questioning coaching decisions. Coaches aren't always right. But we have people on this board -- very vocal posters -- who hardly watch the games, yet they have determined that they somehow know better than the coaching staff who should play, where they should play, what plays should be called, etc. And don't let someone have All-22 and a PFF subscription...


This board, and others like it, exists for the sake of discussion of this kind of stuff. But there's a difference between "I think the coaches are making a mistake here," and "the coaches are blind, they suck, they should be fired, unless they play the guys I think should play." And then the groupthink takes off, and this kind of stuff starts to be viewed as fact.


Meanwhile, I'm sitting here watching a team that still has some holes, some of which are being amplified by injury or inexperience, or both, but has still managed to win two division titles in a row, double digit wins three years in a row, won a playoff game last year, and is still less than three years away from 2-14. I've been going on about perspective since before the season started, and it's because: A) we're not as good as the elite teams in the NFL, so we're not going to dominate our way through a season and into the Super Bowl (it will take a lot of good fortune to even make the conference championship), and B) this team wasn't supposed to be a clear-cut division favorite and trying to challenge for a top seed in the AFC until this year or next, at best. People are moaning because this project -- new GM, new head coach, new QB, new defense -- hasn't produced a deep playoff run yet, and I'm thinking about how far ahead of schedule they've been since Year 1.


It's time to take a leap forward in 2015, absolutely. We shouldn't be having the same conversations -- leaky offensive line, flawed execution, slow starts, inconsistent pass rush, shaky run defense -- next season. I just think, when you step back and consider the work that has been done so far, that things are going okay. I don't think we should be talking about anyone's job being on the line.



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I don't take issue with questioning coaching decisions. Coaches aren't always right. But we have people on this board -- very vocal posters -- who hardly watch the games, yet they have determined that they somehow know better than the coaching staff who should play, where they should play, what plays should be called, etc. And don't let someone have All-22 and a PFF subscription...


This board, and others like it, exists for the sake of discussion of this kind of stuff. But there's a difference between "I think the coaches are making a mistake here," and "the coaches are blind, they suck, they should be fired, unless they play the guys I think should play." And then the groupthink takes off, and this kind of stuff starts to be viewed as fact.


Meanwhile, I'm sitting here watching a team that still has some holes, some of which are being amplified by injury or inexperience, or both, but has still managed to win two division titles in a row, double digit wins three years in a row, won a playoff game last year, and is still less than three years away from 2-14. I've been going on about perspective since before the season started, and it's because: A) we're not as good as the elite teams in the NFL, so we're not going to dominate our way through a season and into the Super Bowl (it will take a lot of good fortune to even make the conference championship), and B) this team wasn't supposed to be a clear-cut division favorite and trying to challenge for a top seed in the AFC until this year or next, at best. People are moaning because this project -- new GM, new head coach, new QB, new defense -- hasn't produced a deep playoff run yet, and I'm thinking about how far ahead of schedule they've been since Year 1.


It's time to take a leap forward in 2015, absolutely. We shouldn't be having the same conversations -- leaky offensive line, flawed execution, slow starts, inconsistent pass rush, shaky run defense -- next season. I just think, when you step back and consider the work that has been done so far, that things are going okay. I don't think we should be talking about anyone's job being on the line.

^^^^^^^^^Very nicely put.  Where is the love button :)  Love it!!!

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These coaching decisions leave me speechless. What is their beef with Holmes? When him and Shipley were in the game there was absolutely no pressure coming up the middle. I watched Harrison and Reitz get thrown around like children. I seriously hate whoever is making these decisions.


 You didn`t watch Reitz get thrown around by anyone.

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