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Should Indy sign Ray Rice? [Merge]


Ray Rice play for the Colts ?  

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  1. 1. Ray Rice to indy?

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To follow up on my last post. My argument is this just to be clear, BEING WEAKER does not mean you can or should be able to get away with hitting a stronger person. I never ever understood this argument. You know the other person is stronger, yet you decided to hit them anyways. Now you live with the consequences. Comparing grown women to children is more of an insult to women than anything I've said. Women want equal rights, I'm treating them equally. Keep your hands to yourself there will be no issues. If you attack someone and you get attacked back, who's fault is it? The way some of you talk about women you would think they were too stupid to make correct decisions. Decisions like, keeping your hands to yourself if you want hands kept off you. 


In closing, the weaker arguments holds no water. A hit doesn't have to hurt a certain amount in order for it to be wrong or in order to anger someone so even bringing it up is irrelevant. Women are not children. If you want respect you give respect. Keep your hands to yourself and there will be no problems. Hitting a man is just as wrong as hitting a woman. Neither should be looked at as "more acceptable".

you are right being weaker does not make it okay to hit a stronger person, however her hitting him first does not make it okay to knock her out either. I see the point you are trying to make about self defense but there is a line with self defense too. She wasn't going to deal real damage to him in the shape she was in. He could have easily just grabbed her hands and stopped there. He was not in danger to the point he needed to knock her out which is why people have a problem with it. Like you said at the end neither should be viewed as more acceptable. However, that doesn't judtify Ray Rice's reaction either. He went too far even if she hit him first.
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you are right being weaker does not make it okay to hit a stronger person, however her hitting him first does not make it okay to knock her out either. I see the point you are trying to make about self defense but there is a line with self defense too. She wasn't going to deal real damage to him in the shape she was in. He could have easily just grabbed her hands and stopped there. He was not in danger to the point he needed to knock her out which is why people have a problem with it. Like you said at the end neither should be viewed as more acceptable. However, that doesn't judtify Ray Rice's reaction either. He went too far even if she hit him first.

There's no justifying in anyone's actions. No one is a victim in this case. No one. No excuses. Both are responsible for this to happen. And they are both dealing with the consequences.

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So now a little kid is comparable to a grown woman ? LOL, women are like children now? If I was a woman I would be insulted with that comparison. If women are in any way like children then we should stop with the whole "equal rights" campaign right now. You realize there are also guys that are WAY STRONGER than other guys right?

So If a guy that is way weaker and smaller than another guy punches the bigger guy in the face, the bigger guy should just take it and walk away right? And you would also walk away if a smaller guy were to ever hit you right? Your argument is weak at best.

First of all, it doesn't need to hurt like hell for it to be assault or for it to be wrong. I've been hit in the face by guys and it didn't hurt much. So what, because it didn't hurt much I should just take it and let it slide?

Being a woman does not give you the right to go around assaulting people and then play the "I'm a woman so you can't hit back" card. Women that play this card get ZERO sympathy from me. Its men that defend these actions that are the problem with society. If you're gonna play the stronger weaker angle then you gotta play it across the board, not just when its a woman and a man. This is how I know you and other white knights with this mindset are full of it.

Sounds like you have some personal experience with this situation bud. I'm sorry you feel laying out a woman is ok if she's attacking you.

I would not have wanted to run into the woman who gave you such fits...

I probably should've fought back when Mom was swinging at me eh????

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There's no justifying in anyone's actions. No one is a victim in this case. No one. No excuses. Both are responsible for this to happen. And they are both dealing with the consequences.

i agree there isn't really a victim here. She should not have hit him first I am just saying just because she did didn't give him the right to knock her out.
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Would he make us a better team?  Considering the injuries Ballard/Bradshaw and TRs lack of consistent production - I say yes he would make us a better team.


Lets not make this about any crime he may or may not have committed - he went through the process and has now been reinstated.   Heck his former teammate is celebrated today and look at his spotless past - yah right!


I would like to see him in a Colt Uniform, but todays politics likely will prevent it.

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i agree there isn't really a victim here. She should not have hit him first I am just saying just because she did didn't give him the right to knock her out.

Of course it didn't give him the right to knock her out. And it didn't give her the right to hit him. Vice versa.

Their daughter will find out what how incompetent her parents were and they will have to explain that.

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Of course it didn't give him the right to knock her out. And it didn't give her the right to hit him. Vice versa.

Their daughter will find out what how incompetent her parents were and they will have to explain that.

Right I am not saying anyone was right.  I was just responding to the idea that Random Fan seemed to be suggesting that because she hit him she had it coming.  Both were wrong. 

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anyone would be better then TRich right now. and Herron in his two games getting full reps has fumbled the ball twice. I honestly would not mind seeing Ray Rice in a Colts uniform given that he agrees to stipulations in a contract given to him, like if he gets into trouble off the field his contract is automatically voided and the colts not have to owe him anything. let's face it, Bradshaw and Ballard are injury prone, Richardson is not as good as the draft pick we gave up for him and quite honestly not even worth a 3rd round pick. players have done worst then Rice and still get signed and end up being good for that team. all i am saying is we need a proven running back to compliment Luck to get this team to the next level. 

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Would he make us a better team?  Considering the injuries Ballard/Bradshaw and TRs lack of consistent production - I say yes he would make us a better team.


Lets not make this about any crime he may or may not have committed - he went through the process and has now been reinstated.   Heck his former teammate is celebrated today and look at his spotless past - yah right!


I would like to see him in a Colt Uniform, but todays politics likely will prevent it.

I agree. he would help get the team to the next level and let the draft be primarily focused on the offensive line and defense. and prob could get him on a cheap 1 year deal so he can try to prove himself to the league that he can stay out of trouble on top of still being able to run the ball. 

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Would he make us a better team?  Considering the injuries Ballard/Bradshaw and TRs lack of consistent production - I say yes he would make us a better team.


Lets not make this about any crime he may or may not have committed - he went through the process and has now been reinstated.   Heck his former teammate is celebrated today and look at his spotless past - yah right!


I would like to see him in a Colt Uniform, but todays politics likely will prevent it.

May not have committed a crime? There's a video of him knocking her out. What other evidence do you need?

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Who said he didnt commit a crime? 

One, Corgi said, "May not have committed a crime..."  and you said that.


Perhaps I'm old school but it's sickening to think so many Colts fans out there would want this guy to play for the Colts.  I don't expect football players to be boy scouts but there are some things that as a man you just don't do and one of them is hit a woman.  Not only does that make him a despicable human being but it makes him a coward as well.  And people want to cheer for him because he can carry a football?  Some people have serious problems.

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Sounds like you have some personal experience with this situation bud. I'm sorry you feel laying out a woman is ok if she's attacking you.

I would not have wanted to run into the woman who gave you such fits...

I probably should've fought back when Mom was swinging at me eh????


Nope, I have zero personal experience with this. Nice try trying to spin this into something its not tho. Old debating tactic people use when they are losing. I never once said it was "ok" to hit anyone. My whole argument is exactly the opposite actually. That its wrong to hit ANYONE. Not just women and its equally as wrong to hit a man.. And keep your hands to yourself if you do not wish to fight someone or get hit by someone. That is my argument. Learn to read and comprehend what I am saying. What I said is I don't feel any sympathy for any woman or man that hits someone and then gets hit back. Not that its "ok" or that I would even react the same way myself. I just don't feel sorry for these people or treat them as "victims".

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Somehow, I feel if a team is going to sign Ray, they might do it at or near the end of the year and not play him.  Just have him on board for next year.  That way the story plays out in the off season to a large degree, then it might have less impact once OTA's and camp begins.  I think Rice plays in 2015, but not in 2014.  We'll see, I suppose.

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I think it would be a good move for the Colts to sign Ray Rice.  He is a great player (running back() and we all know that now with Bradshaw out for the season we need help and Richardson is not the answer.  Rice seems to understand his personal situation and plans to shape-up.  I also feel that he would be a good example to the Indianapolis community as he steps forward to help with the "domestic violence" epidemic here and throughout the USA

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No, his bump in performance will not be worth the negative media attention that the signing would bring on.


He may have gone through and not been charged by the legal system, but he was found guilty in the court of public opinion the moment the videos came out.  He is an aging RB who has lost a step and who would struggle behind a bad offensive line just like he did in Baltimore. He may be a little better than Trent and Boom, but the media circus would come to town and it is just something this team does not need during our playoff run.


Personally, I hope he just sits at home and nobody signs him.  

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If this is a win at all costs organization, I'm afraid Ray Rice will be suiting up soon.  The league as a whole is accused of that all the time.  49ers have been a good example of that over the last two years.  But since it's Jim Harbaugh, people turn a blind eye to it. I have listened to Ray Rice and his wife and the parents were even involved (w/Matt Lauer) ---- he sounds genuine as does she and I don't think he was trying to deceive anyone (from the start).  The question becomes, are we going to truly be more of a playoff contender with Ray Rice?  No, he doesn't play defense.

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the thing about Rice's offense is, it's not likely he'll reoffend. The big issue would be PR backlash, and I doubt any team will indulge Rice in 2014. 


the thing about Rice's offense is, it's not likely he'll reoffend. The big issue would be PR backlash, and I doubt any team will indulge Rice in 2014. 

maybe,maybe not.  One thing for sure is next year nobody will even remember that elavator and  what happened or even care,unless the persons calling the games on TV bring it up again.  She got her  payday. Play ball

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Aren't the Colts suppose to be the anti-bad boys and the good guys of the NFL?  Why would they tarnish their image and reputation to bring in these bad elements?


It's one thing to draft a player out of college that might have a shady background and hoping that being drafted will humble them and change them.  It's another thing to sign a free agent controversial NFL player who's made international head line news that caused a major controversial situation for the league that forced the NFL to launch a multi million dollar ad campaign to denounce abuse.


And add to that the media circus in the locker room?


Character matters.

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anyone would be better then TRich right now. and Herron in his two games getting full reps has fumbled the ball twice. I honestly would not mind seeing Ray Rice in a Colts uniform given that he agrees to stipulations in a contract given to him, like if he gets into trouble off the field his contract is automatically voided and the colts not have to owe him anything. let's face it, Bradshaw and Ballard are injury prone, Richardson is not as good as the draft pick we gave up for him and quite honestly not even worth a 3rd round pick. players have done worst then Rice and still get signed and end up being good for that team. all i am saying is we need a proven running back to compliment Luck to get this team to the next level. 


And all the Colts haters out there and people in the media who dislike the Colts would love that.


Imagine seeing Colts fans in the stadium wearing Ray Rice jersey's?  That becomes topic of conversation on all the local Indy news and nationally on ESPN.  How so many people will lose respect for the Colts and their fans.  There will be round table discussions on cable news about it on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC.  Colts' players surrounded at their lockers by reporters asking about it.  That's how the media operates.


Stay away from Ray Rice.  And just draft a RB in next year's draft and some O-linemen.

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