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I like what I am seeing too overall but still too many dumb mistakes. I feel like some of the mistakes we make will cost in the post-season when everything is magnified. We should have never lost a 24-0 lead but I know complacency can set in sometimes and the team is still young. And I think we need to stop with Luck is carrying this team mantra anymore. This O is loaded. Nice to see.

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Richardson rant but that deal sticks out as the worst move Grigson has made. There wasn't a huge need for a running back at the time, Bradshaw was healthy. Anything involving 90% of the leagues running backs and a first round pick isn't good. The player had pretty weak numbers if you took a look at the whole picture, plenty of film on him at that point. I just don't understand what would make him do the deal.

Good post all in all honestly. But I have a question about this statement.

Yout said we were good at the position, but who did we have? Ballard was out and you said bradshaw was healthy. However bradshaw got injured and then add out the rest of the season the very next week. Maybe it's was something they were aware of. behind bradshaw was Donald brown, Tashard choice and Havili. That is not a good rb corp as we know Donald Brown cannot be a 3 down back. This forum constantly scat all over him when he was here. he's not a bruiser like ballard or TRich is either.

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I can't yet speak to the line play from tonight's game. Have to watch again.


As for our backfield, yes, we need a different kind of back. I'd like a speedster, a guy with extreme acceleration who can get to the second level like he's been shot out of a gun, who can bend the corner like a blur, and who can run away from the entire defense, etc. Bradshaw has more quickness than Richardson, but he doesn't fly like we need, and sometimes the hole closes up on him. A real change of pace back would be incredible.


Donald Brown is very fast, strong, and can break long runs.  But, again, without blocking, no running back will consistently do well.

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Donald Brown is very fast, strong, and can break long runs.  But, again, without blocking, no running back will consistently do well.


Brown wasn't the kind of guy who was a constant threat because of his speed. He struggled to even find the hole in his first couple years, much less explode through it. He did have long speed, but not the kind of explosiveness I'm talking about.

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I heard something disturbing tonight from Philip B Wilson. He says a player told him that the only reason we're starting our rookie FA center instead of the highly successful Shipley is because Grigs insisted even over coach and player objections. Basically he forced it. That's very disturbing if he is overruling coaches and upsetting players based on a political decision as opposed to merit.

If true, he's severely over stepping his bounds. Imo, is not his decision on who should take the field. This would explain a lot and makes the most sense as to why.

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Good post all in all honestly. But I have a question about this statement.

Yout said we were good at the position, but who did we have? Ballard was out and you said bradshaw was healthy. However bradshaw got injured and then add out the rest of the season the very next week. Maybe it's was something they were aware of. behind bradshaw was Donald brown, Tashard choice and Havili. That is not a good rb corp as we know Donald Brown cannot be a 3 down back. This forum constantly scat all over him when he was here. he's not a bruiser like ballard or TRich is either.


The need for another back, hopefully someone who could play a big role, was plainly obvious at the time. Bradshaw spent all of the preseason on the sideline, hardly practiced, and wasn't a known commodity at the time. I disagree with giving up a high draft pick for a back, and Richardson has struggled more than I think most backs would have, but let's not pretend like we were set at the position. We weren't, not even close

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If true, he's severely over stepping his bounds. Imo, is not his decision on who should take the field. This would explain a lot and makes the most sense as to why.


I don't think it makes any sense at all, to be honest.


Grigson made the move to get Shipley, he drafted Holmes, he spent all offseason talking up Holmes, etc. I think it's a monumental stretch.

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I like what I am seeing too overall but still too many dumb mistakes. I feel like some of the mistakes we make will cost in the post-season when everything is magnified. We should have never lost a 24-0 lead but I know complacency can set in sometimes and the team is still young. And I think we need to stop with Luck is carrying this team mantra anymore. This O is loaded. Nice to see.

honestly because of the mistakes I think it's the defense carrying the team right now. If the Colts can stop the mistakes on offense and take advantage of their schedule and get a home game or two in the playoffs they will be an extremely difficult out come playoff time.
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I think everyone is unanimous on Landry. Richardson? Playing a lot better but you could argue that the deal was still raw.


I am not a big Landry fan...

However, I dont think Sergio Brown played very well last night, And I wonder if Landry isnt our best option for this year.

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I heard something disturbing tonight from Philip B Wilson.  He says a player told him that the only reason we're starting our rookie FA center instead of the highly successful Shipley is because Grigs insisted even over coach and player objections.  Basically he forced it.  That's very disturbing if he is overruling coaches and upsetting players based on a political decision as opposed to merit.  I am not against our rookie FA center, he did a decent job both games, but I found Shipley far more successful on nearly no notice or assimilation into the system and why upset the chemistry that was working so well?  Harrison has had 4 bad snaps, one over Lucks head, one from the game tonight and one where he snapped and no one else moved and didn't snap when everyone else moved in the last game.  4 is too many, especially in light of Shipley's solid performance.  And what about our supposed starter who has been a healthy inactive so far? Something is going on. 


I was on the Bradshaw bandwagon since we signed him last year.  So I think the idea that everyone undervalued him is simply your small sample size of awareness. 


To the bolded, Thornton didn't move either.  Not justifying Harrison being off on the snap count, rather merely pointing out that he wasn't the only one on that play.

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Listen to the end of Rick V's interview with Grady and Big Joe on 1070...     he addresses Grigs....


And I totally agree....




Grigs has built a really good team "top to bottom" ...   the bottom is where Polian got a little soft at the end... 


This is a really good Colt team.   I am excited to see how it plays out.

We have to give the guy some credit here. Players he took a lot of flack for have played very well. Walden was graded as the worst 34 OLB two years running and we signed him to a $4mil per deal, and look how he has played. Remember the fury directed at him for not upgrading the OL enough? They've played well despite being decimated by injuries, and when healthy they're a top group in the league! Bradshaw got a surprising amount of hate this offseason (still kicking myself I never made that post about how he was our most underrated move of the offseason), and has been supremely important. People thought RJF was overpaid and has done great. The list goes on and on.
So here's to you, Grigs. You're a damn good team builder and you've got an eye for talent.

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I will eat a little bit of crow today and say I was down on Grigson, hated his second draft, hated the trade for Richardson, hated the fact that it was looking like he couldn't build a decent line and didn't seem to care to.

He has made some great acquisitions, and pulled off some surprises.

I think he got fleeced by his old boss in Cleveland for the Richardson deal, but when I look at the deal to acquire Davis that does take a bit of the sting out.

Werner is playing better, I still think he was a huge reach and too much of a project player for a 1st round pick, but this season we really need him.

Landry ..... Bad acquisition, but its not really one that irritates me too much. Hopefully they cut him next season.

I'm gonna try and not go off on a Richardson rant but that deal sticks out as the worst move Grigson has made. There wasn't a huge need for a running back at the time, Bradshaw was healthy. Anything involving 90% of the leagues running backs and a first round pick isn't good. The player had pretty weak numbers if you took a look at the whole picture, plenty of film on him at that point. I just don't understand what would make him do the deal.

All in all though I'm pretty happy with what Grigson has going on right now, he has a few bad moves but he has more good moves. Could be way worse, could have Jerry Jones as a lifetime GM searching for his glory hole days, as he calls them.

Me too.  I wasn't happy with Grigson's last two drafts and player development.  But last night we saw three 2nd stringers on the Oline and they were solid.  The low yards/rush I thought was due to the Colts getting out of offensive rhythm.  The Oline is not big enough to just line-up and push people around.  Grigson plugged some holes in the defense:  RJF, Toler is solid, Sergio is holding his own still.  Walden is playing well.  Defense is still inconsistent and can be warn down.  But better.  Didn't realize how much we would miss Butler as the Nickel - another good FA signing.

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I don't think it makes any sense at all, to be honest.


Grigson made the move to get Shipley, he drafted Holmes, he spent all offseason talking up Holmes, etc. I think it's a monumental stretch.

I don't know Superman, I think Phil has a lot of credibility on this and if nothing else, it suggests internal dissention and strife behind closed doors and animosity against Grigs.  If Harrison simply has practiced himself into the starting role, then why is everyone silent on the issue?  I think it isn't remotely a stretch.  In fact, I think in many ways it is patently obvious.  We have the tape, Shipley performed at an outstanding level for a guy walking in cold to start game 1.  Grigs may have brought him in, but what choice did he have? He had already tossed him on the garbage bin for a washed up kick returner last year much to everyone's (or at least mine and many others).  We kept that heinously bad "he who I will not even name" center last year based on Grigs desire over Shipley last year which was a terrible terrible decision, and perhaps Grigs doesn't want the reminder of one of his worst decisions in his career.  Maybe he just hates Shipley, who knows.  But the tape doesn't lie.  Harrison is a good find no doubt, but why rush him in when Shipley was really fitting in with the line? Add to that obvious question, these off the record comments which is a REALLY bad sign for team chemistry and I think legit questions need to be answered.  Isn't it about performance and merit and not agendas and politics? Don't the coaches make the calls on who plays, not the GM? It's a bad bad sign.  Perhaps he just has too much power with Irsay out of the picture.  Perhaps it isn't such a stretch at all. 

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I don't know Superman, I think Phil has a lot of credibility on this and if nothing else, it suggests internal dissention and strife behind closed doors and animosity against Grigs.  If Harrison simply has practiced himself into the starting role, then why is everyone silent on the issue?  I think it isn't remotely a stretch.  In fact, I think in many ways it is patently obvious.  We have the tape, Shipley performed at an outstanding level for a guy walking in cold to start game 1.  Grigs may have brought him in, but what choice did he have? He had already tossed him on the garbage bin for a washed up kick returner last year much to everyone's (or at least mine and many others).  We kept that heinously bad "he who I will not even name" center last year based on Grigs desire over Shipley last year which was a terrible terrible decision, and perhaps Grigs doesn't want the reminder of one of his worst decisions in his career.  Maybe he just hates Shipley, who knows.  But the tape doesn't lie.  Harrison is a good find no doubt, but why rush him in when Shipley was really fitting in with the line? Add to that obvious question, these off the record comments which is a REALLY bad sign for team chemistry and I think legit questions need to be answered.  Isn't it about performance and merit and not agendas and politics? Don't the coaches make the calls on who plays, not the GM? It's a bad bad sign.  Perhaps he just has too much power with Irsay out of the picture.  Perhaps it isn't such a stretch at all. 

Without more foundation, way too much is being made of this, and in lieu of the facts, its a bit sensationalistic.  Phil. B may be credible, but he is still paid based on his ability to sell an interesting story and now more than ever.


Even if there is truth to the report of Grigson stepping in to bench Shipley - is it even that much of a stretch of his authority?  He didn't have to tell Pagano who to play, all he really had to tell him is that he is intending to cut Shipley once Nixon comes back off of IR, so he may want to develop his other options at the position.  Grigson does have final say on all personnel decisions - that is the way Irsay set it up - so it would only be fair for him to let the coaching staff know if their starter wasn't going to be on the team in the near future.


Real point here is that there are a lot of possibilities in the way things actually work when you run a football team and none of them are probably as sensationalistic as Phil B. is writing, especially in a locker room that is a healthy as the Colt's seems to be.

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Where there's smoke, sometimes there really is fire. 


Look, I would agree that it may not be what it seems.  If we didn't have the TAPE (so to speak) and evaluations which clearly showed a very solid to excellent performance by a guy who started with basically no prep on the team in a year to do so.  4 Snap problems in two games is simply not acceptable when you had a solid player available.  If it wasn't an agenda at play, why would you pull a guy who had earned the spot out of merit?  And if Harrison DID overtake Shipley in practice (which is possible of course), why is the entire team refusing to publicly discuss ANY answer to that question?  If someone is killing it at practice, and moves past a solid starter quite unexpectedly, why not simply say "yeah, Harrison has really stepped up in practice and earned the start!"  That's an obvious non divisive response unless of course they all know it is NOT TRUE.  What other reasons would they refuse comment? Add to it comments directed to a respected long time Colts beat writer which suggest some pretty damning stuff going on.  


And I don't appreciate your cheap shot of Phil by saying "Phil. B may be credible, but he is still paid based on his ability to sell an interesting story and now more than ever" which is you calling him a sell out hack liar desperate enough to toss all his reputation out the window to generate interest in one single story for what reason?  To get a few subscribers?  Sorry dude, but you don't know what the hell you are talking about.  Phil's a straight shooter and always has been.   Why would he totally alienate the entire team against him, essentially making himself persona non grata with the team top to bottom if he was lying about what he published?  He wouldn't have much to sell subscribers if he was banned from the locker room would he? Stop attempting to trash his reputation.  He reported what he was told "off the record" for obvious reasons.  That alone took more balls than most reporters out there.  If you think he's lying, don't mince words, come out and say it directly and have some balls yourself, include your own name along with your accusation like he puts his name on his own reporting.  Otherwise knock it off.  You're some anonymous poster on a message board who is not entitled to damage someone's reputation without saying it directly and putting some argument beyond -he needs the interest- behind it.  

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I don't know Superman, I think Phil has a lot of credibility on this and if nothing else, it suggests internal dissention and strife behind closed doors and animosity against Grigs.  If Harrison simply has practiced himself into the starting role, then why is everyone silent on the issue?  I think it isn't remotely a stretch.  In fact, I think in many ways it is patently obvious.  We have the tape, Shipley performed at an outstanding level for a guy walking in cold to start game 1.  Grigs may have brought him in, but what choice did he have? He had already tossed him on the garbage bin for a washed up kick returner last year much to everyone's (or at least mine and many others).  We kept that heinously bad "he who I will not even name" center last year based on Grigs desire over Shipley last year which was a terrible terrible decision, and perhaps Grigs doesn't want the reminder of one of his worst decisions in his career.  Maybe he just hates Shipley, who knows.  But the tape doesn't lie.  Harrison is a good find no doubt, but why rush him in when Shipley was really fitting in with the line? Add to that obvious question, these off the record comments which is a REALLY bad sign for team chemistry and I think legit questions need to be answered.  Isn't it about performance and merit and not agendas and politics? Don't the coaches make the calls on who plays, not the GM? It's a bad bad sign.  Perhaps he just has too much power with Irsay out of the picture.  Perhaps it isn't such a stretch at all. 


Why does Phil have a lot of credibility on this? Is there a specific reason? He's certainly not above sensationalism. He was reportedly in a shouting match at the team complex toward the end of 2011, all because he was mad that Polian was giving inside information to national reporters instead of local guys.


And if Grigson did stipulate that Harrison should start -- and I'm not conceding that he did -- how does that suggest dissension, strife and animosity? That's conjecture.


Shipley played okay. He wasn't outstanding. Sorry. Like you say, tape doesn't lie. I wasn't complaining about his performance, given how he was plucked off the street and thrown into the starting lineup a week later. But his legend is much greater than his play was.


It's incredibly laughable to suggest that Grigson doesn't want Shipley on the team because he's a reminder of last year's trade in favor of keeping Satele. Grigson claimed Shipley off of waivers at the beginning of the year. If he was as egotistical as you're suggesting, that never would have happened. 


If -- and again, I'm not sure I believe this -- Grigson forced the coaching staff's hand on this, then I don't like that. The coaching staff should make these decisions. But I don't believe everything I read or hear, just because a lot of people think the person "reporting" it is credible. I especially don't enjoy reading stuff from anonymous sources, because it can pretty much never be verified.

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I can't yet speak to the line play from tonight's game. Have to watch again.


As for our backfield, yes, we need a different kind of back. I'd like a speedster, a guy with extreme acceleration who can get to the second level like he's been shot out of a gun, who can bend the corner like a blur, and who can run away from the entire defense, etc. Bradshaw has more quickness than Richardson, but he doesn't fly like we need, and sometimes the hole closes up on him. A real change of pace back would be incredible.


The draft will have some promising backs with speed and vision.


Gurley will be gone instantly. But I think we'll have a shot at one of these guys below if we were to draft a RB in the first. Maybe trade back if our guy isn't there (whoever they're targeting). Trade back into the early 2nd and pick up some extra picks. I think these backs will be go in the 1-2 rounds:


Duke Johnson (Junior)

Melvin Gordon (Junior)

TJ Yeldon (Junior)

Ameer Abdullah (Senior)

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You also have to remember that there's still a long way to go. A lot of these guys that are playing well like RJF, Redding, Walden, etc...were brought in as stop gap guys and won't be with the team in the future. You have to look at whose going to be on the team long term. It's about long term starters, and defensively we still have to see.


There's already talk of Redding retiring. Mike Adams is 34 and Landry will probably be cut. Toler an Walden aren't certainties down the road either. Give him credit for bringing in some guys who made the team competitive, but I would reserve judgment for another 1-3 years when a lot of those FA signings are gone and we get to see who their replacements are.


We've got a young solid O-Line, save for Cherilus and a young talented receving core. We have to see on the defense though as it's mostly made up of short contract FA's and guys near/in their 30's

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Where there's smoke, sometimes there really is fire. 


Look, I would agree that it may not be what it seems.  If we didn't have the TAPE (so to speak) and evaluations which clearly showed a very solid to excellent performance by a guy who started with basically no prep on the team in a year to do so.  4 Snap problems in two games is simply not acceptable when you had a solid player available.  If it wasn't an agenda at play, why would you pull a guy who had earned the spot out of merit?  And if Harrison DID overtake Shipley in practice (which is possible of course), why is the entire team refusing to publicly discuss ANY answer to that question?  If someone is killing it at practice, and moves past a solid starter quite unexpectedly, why not simply say "yeah, Harrison has really stepped up in practice and earned the start!"  That's an obvious non divisive response unless of course they all know it is NOT TRUE.  What other reasons would they refuse comment? Add to it comments directed to a respected long time Colts beat writer which suggest some pretty damning stuff going on.  


And I don't appreciate your cheap shot of Phil by saying "Phil. B may be credible, but he is still paid based on his ability to sell an interesting story and now more than ever" which is you calling him a sell out hack liar desperate enough to toss all his reputation out the window to generate interest in one single story for what reason?  To get a few subscribers?  Sorry dude, but you don't know what the hell you are talking about.  Phil's a straight shooter and always has been.   Why would he totally alienate the entire team against him, essentially making himself persona non grata with the team top to bottom if he was lying about what he published?  He wouldn't have much to sell subscribers if he was banned from the locker room would he? Stop attempting to trash his reputation.  He reported what he was told "off the record" for obvious reasons.  That alone took more balls than most reporters out there.  If you think he's lying, don't mince words, come out and say it directly and have some balls yourself, include your own name along with your accusation like he puts his name on his own reporting.  Otherwise knock it off.  You're some anonymous poster on a message board who is not entitled to damage someone's reputation without saying it directly and putting some argument beyond -he needs the interest- behind it.  

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I am not a big Landry fan...

However, I dont think Sergio Brown played very well last night, And I wonder if Landry isnt our best option for this year.


Sergio seemed a bit scared to tackle in that Texans game.  Especially on that long run by Foster, he came face to face to meet him as he came out of the hole and barely made an effort to tackle the guy.  I'm not trashing his entire effort, but I did notice a couple shoddy tackling attempts out there.   I've gotten like you though in regards to Landry, not that big of a fan any more although he probably is the best option we have at this time I assume.   However I am still waiting to get an extended look at Dewey Mcdonald back there.

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Where there's smoke, sometimes there really is fire. 


Look, I would agree that it may not be what it seems.  If we didn't have the TAPE (so to speak) and evaluations which clearly showed a very solid to excellent performance by a guy who started with basically no prep on the team in a year to do so.



Solid performance perhaps, but certainly not excellent.  



And I don't appreciate your cheap shot of Phil by saying "Phil. B may be credible, but he is still paid based on his ability to sell an interesting story and now more than ever" 


How is that a cheap shot?  That's basic journalism.  I think someone needs a prozaic colada 

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You also have to remember that there's still a long way to go. A lot of these guys that are playing well like RJF, Redding, Walden, etc...were brought in as stop gap guys and won't be with the team in the future. You have to look at whose going to be on the team long term. It's about long term starters, and defensively we still have to see.


There's already talk of Redding retiring. Mike Adams is 34 and Landry will probably be cut. Toler an Walden aren't certainties down the road either. Give him credit for bringing in some guys who made the team competitive, but I would reserve judgment for another 1-3 years when a lot of those FA signings are gone and we get to see who their replacements are.


We've got a young solid O-Line, save for Cherilus and a young talented receving core. We have to see on the defense though as it's mostly made up of short contract FA's and guys near/in their 30's


The offense is farther along than the defense, but there's already some young guys on defense who look like they could be long-term solutions.  Chapman, Werner, and Freeman in particular.  And some potential in guys like Kerr, Hughes, Muamba, and Purifoy.  Toler, RJF, Jones, and Walden are all under 30, we may keep a couple of them for a fairly long time.


Building the defense has certainly been a slower process, but the process is moving along.

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I don't know Superman, I think Phil has a lot of credibility on this and if nothing else, it suggests internal dissention and strife behind closed doors and animosity against Grigs.  If Harrison simply has practiced himself into the starting role, then why is everyone silent on the issue?  I think it isn't remotely a stretch.  In fact, I think in many ways it is patently obvious.  We have the tape, Shipley performed at an outstanding level for a guy walking in cold to start game 1.  Grigs may have brought him in, but what choice did he have? He had already tossed him on the garbage bin for a washed up kick returner last year much to everyone's (or at least mine and many others).  We kept that heinously bad "he who I will not even name" center last year based on Grigs desire over Shipley last year which was a terrible terrible decision, and perhaps Grigs doesn't want the reminder of one of his worst decisions in his career.  Maybe he just hates Shipley, who knows.  But the tape doesn't lie.  Harrison is a good find no doubt, but why rush him in when Shipley was really fitting in with the line? Add to that obvious question, these off the record comments which is a REALLY bad sign for team chemistry and I think legit questions need to be answered.  Isn't it about performance and merit and not agendas and politics? Don't the coaches make the calls on who plays, not the GM? It's a bad bad sign.  Perhaps he just has too much power with Irsay out of the picture.  Perhaps it isn't such a stretch at all.

Where there's smoke, sometimes there really is fire. 


Look, I would agree that it may not be what it seems.  If we didn't have the TAPE (so to speak) and evaluations which clearly showed a very solid to excellent performance by a guy who started with basically no prep on the team in a year to do so.  4 Snap problems in two games is simply not acceptable when you had a solid player available.  If it wasn't an agenda at play, why would you pull a guy who had earned the spot out of merit?  And if Harrison DID overtake Shipley in practice (which is possible of course), why is the entire team refusing to publicly discuss ANY answer to that question?  If someone is killing it at practice, and moves past a solid starter quite unexpectedly, why not simply say "yeah, Harrison has really stepped up in practice and earned the start!"  That's an obvious non divisive response unless of course they all know it is NOT TRUE.  What other reasons would they refuse comment? Add to it comments directed to a respected long time Colts beat writer which suggest some pretty damning stuff going on.  


And I don't appreciate your cheap shot of Phil by saying "Phil. B may be credible, but he is still paid based on his ability to sell an interesting story and now more than ever" which is you calling him a sell out hack liar desperate enough to toss all his reputation out the window to generate interest in one single story for what reason?  To get a few subscribers?  Sorry dude, but you don't know what the hell you are talking about.  Phil's a straight shooter and always has been.   Why would he totally alienate the entire team against him, essentially making himself persona non grata with the team top to bottom if he was lying about what he published?  He wouldn't have much to sell subscribers if he was banned from the locker room would he? Stop attempting to trash his reputation.  He reported what he was told "off the record" for obvious reasons.  That alone took more balls than most reporters out there.  If you think he's lying, don't mince words, come out and say it directly and have some balls yourself, include your own name along with your accusation like he puts his name on his own reporting.  Otherwise knock it off.  You're some anonymous poster on a message board who is not entitled to damage someone's reputation without saying it directly and putting some argument beyond -he needs the interest- behind it.  

You are really overthinking things

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Take Trent off, he's solid now. Never will be 1st round talent.... But only a handful of RB's are in today's NFL so moot moot

Landry is a bust though and Brown should be the starter if he keeps up this play


 Trent still needs a big hole or he sucks as a runner. Period!

 DQ Jackson is sucking pretty bad as a run stopper. Walden was awful the 1st half of last season, but he is pretty decent with better lineman around him now.

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I heard something disturbing tonight from Philip B Wilson.  He says a player told him that the only reason we're starting our rookie FA center instead of the highly successful Shipley is because Grigs insisted even over coach and player objections.  Basically he forced it.  That's very disturbing if he is overruling coaches and upsetting players based on a political decision as opposed to merit.  I am not against our rookie FA center, he did a decent job both games, but I found Shipley far more successful on nearly no notice or assimilation into the system and why upset the chemistry that was working so well?  Harrison has had 4 bad snaps, one over Lucks head, one from the game tonight and one where he snapped and no one else moved and didn't snap when everyone else moved in the last game.  4 is too many, especially in light of Shipley's solid performance.  And what about our supposed starter who has been a healthy inactive so far? Something is going on. 


I was on the Bradshaw bandwagon since we signed him last year.  So I think the idea that everyone undervalued him is simply your small sample size of awareness. 


I heard that 2 weeks ago, even made a comment about it on here when nobody could figure out why the switch was made.  I'm not sure it's made up to sell a story as some suggest too considering he freely posted the information on a free forum on the scout board. I didn't pay a dime for it.

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I heard that 2 weeks ago, even made a comment about it on here when nobody could figure out why the switch was made.  I'm not sure it's made up to sell a story as some suggest too considering he freely posted the information on a free forum on the scout board. I didn't pay a dime for it.

Thank you for stating the obvious.  So I am wrong for believing Phil is being honest, but everyone else is right for blindly calling him a liar just because they don't like the message.  Superman essentially works (paid or not, I have no idea) for the Colts as an official moderator here on their board, so I would expect him to support management, but the rest of you would rather suggest an attempt at dishonesty to get readers over the possibility that Phil really is being straight forward and doing what a JOURNALIST is supposed to do, report what is actually being said by players and staff behind the scenes.  Of course no one is going to put their name on it and either lose their job or become person non grata because of it.  How many whistle blowers are still warmly welcomed back to their jobs?  And as for Superman's shot about something in 2011 concerning Phil, that rings awfully true as well... the likes of network reporters put a lot of money into the coffers by printing nothing but glowing happy stories in exchange for access to propaganda on all levels of news, not just sports.  Look at politics and entire networks of sycophants doing the bidding of one party or the other.  Sports isn't much different at that level.  Big networks aren't going to bit the hand the hand that feeds, but someone with balls who is actually a journalist might just report the truth now and then even if it makes people on this board uncomfortable.  Knowing Phil, I would believe his credibility as someone with EVERYTHING to lose by reporting such a story and little to gain which is evidenced by the speculative attacks on his credibility.  Look, either he's outright lying, or their is dissension.  Phil hasn't done anything to make me think he's a liar.  Can anyone out there show me some evidence to support  that he IS a liar?  If not, then perhaps at least some folks on the inside are disgruntled and it sounds like earning a spot based on merit isn't all it is cracked up to be.  For those who don't think Shipley played well enough to be starting on this team, then how can you justify that Harrison IS playing better? 


And to Zitboiler, how about some evidence supporting your contention of Phil's dishonesty to pump up viewers rather than deflecting with a video clip? Make a compelling (or even a lame for that matter) supporting argument for why we shouldn't trust Phil B?  


Sorry to Indy 1888, I didn't see your original post.  I was out of the country for 5 weeks with limited Internet access. 

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Thank you for stating the obvious.  So I am wrong for believing Phil is being honest, but everyone else is right for blindly calling him a liar just because they don't like the message.  Superman essentially works (paid or not, I have no idea) for the Colts as an official moderator here on their board, so I would expect him to support management


Oh goodness.


1) No one called Phillip B. Wilson a liar. Speaking for myself, I only suggested that just because he supposedly said something doesn't make it factual, especially when there are no verifiable sources.


2) I'm just a volunteer moderator. No one cares what I think, and I'm not compelled or required to support anyone associated with the Colts. Everyone knows this.

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We have to give the guy some credit here. Players he took a lot of flack for have played very well. Walden was graded as the worst 34 OLB two years running and we signed him to a $4mil per deal, and look how he has played. Remember the fury directed at him for not upgrading the OL enough? They've played well despite being decimated by injuries, and when healthy they're a top group in the league! Bradshaw got a surprising amount of hate this offseason (still kicking myself I never made that post about how he was our most underrated move of the offseason), and has been supremely important. People thought RJF was overpaid and has done great. The list goes on and on.

So here's to you, Grigs. You're a damn good team builder and you've got an eye for talent.


Agree except I don't remember him getting a lot of flack for Bradshaw once everyone saw that it was a vet min deal with no guaranteed money.  


I think there might have been initial flak because everyone thought we would be giving him more.  But after we saw it was a vet min deal, most people where ok with it.  

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I can't yet speak to the line play from tonight's game. Have to watch again.


As for our backfield, yes, we need a different kind of back. I'd like a speedster, a guy with extreme acceleration who can get to the second level like he's been shot out of a gun, who can bend the corner like a blur, and who can run away from the entire defense, etc. Bradshaw has more quickness than Richardson, but he doesn't fly like we need, and sometimes the hole closes up on him. A real change of pace back would be incredible.

Donald Brown? 

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No. Someone suggested that earlier. Donald Brown is not a scatback.


No, but he is a change of pace back, and I thought he provided that change of pace very nicely last year.


As for scatback?     I'm not sure what you have in mind, but the two kids who got drafted this year, Dri Archer from Kent who went to Pittsburgh in the3rd, and D'Anthony Thomas from Oregon who went to KC in the 4th,   they come to mind....


But you may have others in mind.....

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No, but he is a change of pace back, and I thought he provided that change of pace very nicely last year.


As for scatback?     I'm not sure what you have in mind, but the two kids who got drafted this year, Dri Archer from Kent who went to Pittsburgh in the3rd, and D'Anthony Thomas from Oregon who went to KC in the 4th,   they come to mind....


But you may have others in mind.....


Those guys are examples of scatbacks. Darren Sproles is the perfect example, and there are other guys who play that role around the league. 


Brown did a good job as a change of pace back, but he's always had trouble hitting the hole quickly. When he does, he has long speed, but not necessarily the short area quickness or speed around the corner that really threatens a defense whenever he's on the field. I'm talking about someone who everyone on defense is pointing at when you break the huddle because he has to be accounted for. That's not Donald Brown.


We'll see what happens with Archer and Thomas. It's not an easy role to play in the NFL, because those guys are usually a little bit smaller and they're playing a physical position. But if we had a weapon like that, it would add an explosiveness to our backfield, and things would change.

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Those guys are examples of scatbacks. Darren Sproles is the perfect example, and there are other guys who play that role around the league. 


Brown did a good job as a change of pace back, but he's always had trouble hitting the hole quickly. When he does, he has long speed, but not necessarily the short area quickness or speed around the corner that really threatens a defense whenever he's on the field. I'm talking about someone who everyone on defense is pointing at when you break the huddle because he has to be accounted for. That's not Donald Brown.


We'll see what happens with Archer and Thomas. It's not an easy role to play in the NFL, because those guys are usually a little bit smaller and they're playing a physical position. But if we had a weapon like that, it would add an explosiveness to our backfield, and things would change.

I don't know, Donald Brown makes Trent Richardson look extremely slow hitting the hole, but then so does most everybody else. Where is that 4.4-40 speed Trent is listed at? Not sure where we`d find a RB like that, that's more of an "elite" type NFL back. Be nice to have Sproles wearing the horseshoe, don`t care if the Colts ever have to face that guy again    

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I don't know, Donald Brown makes Trent Richardson look extremely slow hitting the hole, but then so does most everybody else. Where is that 4.4-40 speed Trent is listed at? Not sure where we`d find a RB like that, that's more of an "elite" type NFL back. Be nice to have Sproles wearing the horseshoe, don`t care if the Colts ever have to face that guy again    


Darren Sproles went in the 4th. Dri Archer went in the 3rd; DeAnthony Thomas went in the 4th. The young guys haven't quite made their mark yet, but in the little bit of time they've gotten, they've made some big plays. Jerick McKinnon is bigger and more of a Jamaal Charles kind of back, hopefully, and he went in the 3rd to the Vikings. Heck, Sproles was traded to the Eagles for a 5th, and his cap hit is $2m in 2014. They're not unicorns, they do exist, and are available for not too high of a price.


We weren't in the market this season, not in the middle rounds of the draft. Couldn't even afford to give up a 5th for Sproles (and he would have already had more impact than Richardson has had, I think, even if only by virtue of the fact that he wouldn't have taken us apart in Week 2; really highlights how bad that trade was for us).


And yeah, I'm talking about someone with much more playmaking ability than Donald Brown. I'm not someone who talked about how terrible he was the entire time he was here, but if he were that kind of player, he'd have produced more when he was here.

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